Chapter 199: Tristina

Chapter 199: Tristina

Part 1

The next day.

We entered the territory of the band of thieves.

There's no one tailing us.

There is also no sign of Auber, or any soldiers.

Regardless, it looks like the enemy hasn't considered the possibility of us taking an alternative route and just waited on the road ahead.

Usually, Hitogami would have foreseen such an outcome.

However, I'm wearing a crested armlet.

The crested armlet engraved by the Dragon God.

Thanks to it, the future is altered in a way that Hitogami couldn't see.

In other words, by taking a different route we will be outside of Hitogami's prediction.


It may be possible to predict Hitogami's moves by memorizing the contents of the diary.

But from Orsted's tone, that's probably not a good idea.

I might inaccurately recall the diary's content as well.

While I'm in deep thought, the wind suddenly changed.

"... Stop!"

Ghyslaine who was walking slightly behind me grabbed my shoulder at the same time.

"I'll go first."

With Ghyslaine's short words, Eris appears before me.

I stopped her.

If Eris participates, any negotiation will end up with her fist on the other party's face.

Eris falls back quietly.

However, she was looking at me instead of forward.

"They are surrounding us ... We can still break through."

"Didn't you hear? I plan to negotiate."

"... I see, I'll protect the Princess."

With that, Ghyslaine moves back.

When I look behind me, Ghyslaine is speaking to Sylphy about something.

I catch Ariel's gaze.

Ariel gives me a [Take care] signal.

She's acting as if nothing happened yesterday.

She said to leave the matters regarding Luke and the other nobles to her.

Along the way, it appears that she was speaking to Luke, but the result is still unknown ...

Regardless, Orsted allowed Ariel to handle Luke's matter.

I just need to follow his word.


Putting that behind me, I thought about how to approach the thieves.

Taking the initiative to achieve victory.

Starting with a self-introduction.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to let the other side show tthemselves.

"... Hmpf."

Right behind me, Eris is looking around.

Tracing her line of sight into the forest, a black shadow occasionally appears.

All day like this.

No, ever since yesterday.

Since Auber caught us by surprise yesterday, Eris is properly prepared now.

After a little while.

Eris stopped scanning the surroundings.

Apparently, we've been completely surrounded.

"There's about five people, at least. Be careful."

Eris tells us in a low voice.

When did you learn searching skills like that.

As I was thinking that, pushing his way through the bushes, a man showed up.

At the same time, from the shadow of the surroundings, from the top of the trees, figures appeared one after another.

One ... Five ... Ten ...

Hey, Eris-san, there are Twenty people.

Five people? That is bit too sloppy, you know?

The man in the front.

A bearded man wearing the best fur. Armed with machetes on the waist, holding an unlit torch in one hand. He appears to be the leader.

He looks like a bandit from every angle.

To be heard in this place, that person raised his voice.

"What's returned by the echo?"

Orsted informed me of the password.

"The rabbit's cellar, and a thrush bird's call. "

The bandit's phrase means, [State your business?]

[Smuggling, we also have some business with a member in the band of thieves.]

That was our reply.

For slave trades the answer would be, [Fox raises a child].

If you're searching for someone, [Cat's attendant.]

If you wanted to assassinate someone crossing the Red Dragon's Beard, [Waking up the bear.]

A heavy division of labor.

But if you wander in to their territory without knowing the code, they simply change jobs to highwaymen.


In response to my reply, Mr. Bandit made a quizzical look.

"Tina Thrush?"

"Striped Pattern Acorn "

The code for Tris.

Hearing that, the bandit makes a quizzical expression.

Then shrugged as if to say [Oh well], then raised one hand.

The shadows of the people surrounding us suddenly disappeared.

"Follow me."

The bandit told us that and ignited the torch.

When I gave the [Okay] signal to the back, I could see Ariel relax.

Before I turned around and continued, Eris was looking at me with wide eyes.

Somehow, she looked excited.

"As expected of Rudeus."

I'm wondering if that exchange just now is really that amazing.


"Let's go"


We followed the bandit into the forest.

Part 2

We were brought before a single hut built within the forest.

There was a stable outside, a storehouse and bedrooms inside.

Three bunk beds were lined up in the bedroom.

The damp sheets and blankets are likely infested with insects, but a bed is a bed.

Could this be the feeling of a lumberjack's hut?

Mr. Bandit.

I don't know his name since I didn't ask, but I gave him some money.

"I will bring Thrush here before dawn tomorrow. In the meantime, you can stay here..."

He reported that and left.

He'll head back to headquarters, and bring Tris for us.

No questions asked.

In this place, he doesn't pry into a customer's business.

Only if you pay a premium, though.


I set down our luggage for the time being, and explained in detail our plan for the future.

Such as crossing the border at dawn.

And asking for assistance from the woman who's coming here.

Tonight, we'll stay here.

"We can only pray that Darius doesn't catch wind of this before dawn."

Said Luke with a hint of sarcasm.

About that, I also want to pray.

It's only a gut feeling since everything is going too well, but I have a feeling that everything is going to turn bad at any moment.

Regardless, it's just a gut feeling after all.

"Having our dreams collapse and becoming playthings for the thieves, is it? Rudeus-sama. If that happens, please spare Kleene and Elmore okay? "

Ariel said jokingly.

Since she knew what's going to happen from now on, I guess...

Oh, hey, Kleene and Elmore are glaring at me.

Please stop it, it was just a joke.

"Rudeus...where have I heard that...Oh."

In the middle of her thought, it seems she remembered something.

Both eyebrows went up, her look changed to one of surprise.

" 『Quagmire』."

Muu, I'm more famous using that name?

"The worst and the cruelest magician in Sharia, why are you in a place like this......?"

The worst and cruelest?

What kind of rumor has been spreading about me?

And, when I thought of that.


A sound rang.

When she heard the sound, Tris tightened her mouth.

I feel something itching around my back.


A [Click, Click] rhythmic sound is heard.

Looking at my field of view, Eris is the one that is making that sound. She is hitting her sword handle with her finger.

To issue a warning by the sound.

To show her irritation by the sound.

Like a rattlesnake, whose territory has been invaded.

When I hear that sound, chills run down my body for some reason.

From head to toe, I tremble in fear.

"Ah, my bad."

And, the one that's shivering is not just me.

Tris's small shoulders are also shaking.

"I didn't mean to pry into your business."

Rather than a word with me, it was more like an excuse to Eris.

With one snort, Eris stopped tapping her sword handle.

What was that about?

"When you're in this business, information is everything. Especially the name and appearance of a dangerous person."

"I'm not as dangerous as it sounds."

"Oh, is that so? Sure, sure. Though the name Rudeus isn't that famous, 『Quagmire』 on the other hand is well known on the street. The woman over there is also known as 『Mad Sword King』. The Beast woman over there, isn't she 『Black Wolf』. Isn't that right?"

"...Well, that's right."

Using my real name was a mistake.

She even knew about Eris.

Don't tell me that you're also Hitogami's Apostle?

... No, that's unlikely.

While she knows the information about 『Quagmire』, she didn't know about my name Rudeus.

The information about 『Mad Sword King (Eris)』, 『Black Wolf (Ghyslaine)』, and 『Quagmire (Rudeus)』 is already widespread.

If I tried to tie everything to Hitogami, it's likely that I will make errors in my judgment.

"So, what does the infamous Rudeus want from Tris, a countryside bandit?"

Now, talking about the matter of her imprisonment.

Finally getting her help to [Overthrow the seed of evil, Darius.]

Though, if I suddenly open with such a topic, she will reject it immediately.

So, it is not like I can say [You're Tristina Purplehorse, a true Asura Noble.] and go straight to the point from there.

My opponent is one of the most powerful nobles in Asura.

If I talked about straight facts, I won't have a chance for victory.

Because of that, we have to take things one step at a time.

First of all, we have to get along first.

Then, during our travels, I will drop hints regarding the path to victory.

Then, when the time is right, I'll say something like [... I wish to put an end to the noble that enslaved you ...I want to overthrow Darius.]

That will be my plan.

If she refuses after such a thought out plan, then I will have to employ more forceful methods.

All right.

"You, you're Lady Tristina Purplehorse, right?"

A voice was heard from behind me.

My plan was crushed.

Looking back slowly, a beautiful blonde stood there.


She just got up, so her hair is more frayed than usual.

But, her voice is as charismatic as always.

Looking at her, Tris's eyes was wide open.

"W, Why do you know that name...... "

"Well, it's Tristina after all... Hey, have you forgotten? Didn't we meet at my five-year-old birthday?"

While I wondering about what I should do, Ariel took the initiative from me.

I sent her a wink.

And entrust it to her.

"Oh... Ariel-sama...!?"

Facing her, Tris is looking at Ariel with a look of surprise.

Perhaps she was checking her memory, looking at Ariel intently,

Thinking if she looked familiar, her surprised expression remained.

"W, why is Ariel-sama ... At a place like this...?"

While her legs are trembling, Tris immediately kneels down in place.

I move away and Ariel stood in front of her.

"I came back in response to the information that father was sick, but ... apparently my brother didn't welcome my return very much."

While smiling in self-ridicule, Ariel replied.

I wonder if it's alright to say things like that.

Well, I have my doubts ... but.

It's easier to gain another's trust by being truthful.

"Oh, I see. ... So in an attempt to cross the border safely, you're making contact with us."

Tris nodded as she felt convinced.

Maybe she heard about the information about our ambush in the forest.

"Why is Tristina in a place like this ...I had heard that you were missing? "

"That was ..."

At that question, Tris was troubled.

But she resolved herself, and opened her mouth.

"To tell you the truth ――"

Part 4

Everything proceeded smoothly thereafter.

I am not needed after all.

As if making confession, Tris revealed most of her life up to that point to Ariel.

Kidnapped at an early age,

she lived as Darius's sex slave,

then sold to bandits,

and then lived as the thieves boss's woman for a while.

She began training as a thief at the whim of the boss.

Became a free woman when the boss changed, and that leads to now.

There were some colorful passages in her story, but Tris said her story indifferently without laughing or crying.

Ariel shed her tears at the tragedy of Tris's life.

They were sincere tears from her heart.

Ariel promised in tears, [Although I may not understand your suffering, I will bestow upon the one that made your life hell a befitting punishment.]

And she then asks Tris, [I want you to testify against Darius about being his sex slave.]

What a convincing performance.

Tris did not understand immediately.

The Asura Kingdom is powerful, and Darius is a cunning man, which is why Ariel's victory is not guaranteed.

In contrast, Ariel thought otherwise.

She is convinced that by using Perugius's name, Sylphy, Eris, Ghyslaine, and I, she would be able to topple Darius, and take the throne.

Tris was at a loss.

She needed time to think.

One hour.

After a long silence, in the end, she nodded her head.

Then she swore to God that she will send Ariel to the capital safely, and help us get revenge against Darius.

Tris became Ariel's companion.

I did nothing.

Skilfully weaving her words, Ariel made Tris into her companion gracefully.

Of course, it was Orsted who during our meeting suggested bringing Tris to our side.

But in that retrospect, it wasn't discussed in detail.

My roundabout plan turned out to be completely unnecessary.

Should I say as expected of Ariel?

True to her word, she dealt with the noble on her own.

Well then, I should also concentrate on my work.

From tomorrow, the journey begins.