Chapter 181: Eris Greyrat (Part 1)

Chapter 181: Eris Greyrat (Part 1)

Part 1

After waking up in the morning, I run and train with Norn.

When I return home, I give Sylphy, who is busy taking care of Lucy, a tight hug.

I drop by the living room to greet Aisha and Lilia good morning.

I help the still sleepy Roxy braid her hair.

I call Zenith, in the midst of a staring contest with Beet, in to eat.

All of the family eats breakfast together.

As if nothing actually happened, life returns to normal.

But the truth is, something did happen.

I did indeed have a duel to the death with Orsted.

I got my ass whupped... yet I'm alive.

The proof of that is — I look at my hands.

If I curl them up into a fist, I can feel my fingertips in both hands.

After that.

After I prostrated myself before Orsted and swore loyalty to him...

As promised, Orsted cast healing magic on me.

Both of my hands grew back, and I finally regained all my limbs.

After casting another magic on me, he handed me a bracelet he was wearing.

Then, he said, [After your magic has replenished, contact me again] and left.

I'm wearing that bracelet right now on my left hand.

I don't know what effect this bracelet has.

Maybe it helps to replenish magic power?

Or perhaps it helps to prevent Hitogami from spying on me?

It's been 10 days since then, but Hitogami has yet to reappear in my dreams.

Orsted said that under the protection of the Dragon God, Hitogami's interference could be prevented, so maybe the latter.

Then again, it could be meaningless, just a symbol of being a subordinate of the Dragon God or something like that.

Regardless, I lost to Orsted and joined his camp.

I betrayed Hitogami and joined the other side.

I won't take off this bracelet.

I don't regret betraying Hitogami.

Honestly, I feel great.

Rather than [What have I done?], I feel more like [I did it!]

There's no going back.

In the future, no matter how annoying Orsted is, I can't betray him.

We're on the same boat.

Even if this was within Hitogami's expectations, what's done is done. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Still, in my personal opinion, Orsted seems to be more trustworthy than Hitogami.

Somehow, he somewhat reminds me of Ruijerd.

He doesn't have Ruijerd's high pride, neither does he seem to care for children like Ruijerd.

Still, compared to the Hitogami that just stares down from above doing nothing, he feels more like someone who puts his all into what he does.

In any case, a load was taken off of my shoulders.

The pressure in my chest has been relieved.

Maybe it really hasn't been relieved, but it feels like having climbed a mountain and seeing beyond.


I talked with Sylphy and Roxy, who were at the place.

Sylphy cried, and Roxy reprimanded me.

They regretted not knowing how dangerous an opponent I was facing and felt anxious that I became Orsted's subordinate.

I told them it couldn't be helped, that there was no other way, and they consented for the time being.

I returned to Sharia.

After safely returning to my family, I reported to those that helped how I lost to Orsted and joined his camp.

By the way, Perugius looked the most relieved out of everyone.

Well, I guess nobody really wants to make an enemy out of someone like Orsted.

Everyone I met on the way seemed startled.

When I asked what happened, it looks like my hair has turned white.

I don't really get it, but maybe it's a similar phenomenon to what happened to Sylphy.

If my hair keeps growing with its original brown color, maybe it's a transient thing.

Even if it's permanent, since Sylphy and I match now, I don't really mind...

It's been ten days since I returned to my original lifestyle.

Though I'm vigilant of Hitogami's next move, for now, he's done nothing.

My body condition has gotten better.

I think that my dried up magic has been replenished.

Speaking of which, it seems that Orsted knows some secret about my body's magic power.

Laplace Factor or something like that...

Well, if there's a need, I'll ask Orsted to tell me.

For now, I'll wait.

By the way, speaking of good things,

There was one change to my comfortable everyday life.

Part 2

"Another bowl!"

"Eris-sama, we're out of soup already."

"Eh, it wasn't enough!"

There's a new addition to the dining table, a tall woman with red hair. That tall woman is Eris.

As a matter of course she came home; as a matter of course she took the guest room; and as a matter of course she began to live here.

By the way, Ghyslaine booked a room at a nearby inn instead. Maybe she was shocked at how Eris was acting, or maybe she's trying to be considerate for us.

In any case, Eris stayed.

She would go out sometimes, but basically, she's always home. She'll watch Sylphy make the meals, or watch Roxy prepare for classes, or watch Aisha and Lilia take care of the house, or spy on Lucy and Sylphy when they're together.

In any case, when she's not doing anything, she would just watch. Especially when Sylphy or Roxy are busy with one thing or another, she would look with a troubled expression and へ.

Eris has changed since when we last met. What I mean is, she's prettier now. She's tall for a girl, her body is well-proportioned, and appropriately dressed with a leather jacket like Ghyslaine's, and a light black undershirt and trousers that are easy to move in.

Anyone can see, at a glance, the muscles chiseled on her well toned body. They're not at all budging, but layered tightly. It's hard to look away.

Particular to note are her chest, thigh, and waist. Explosive, tight, explosive. The childish face from five years ago has disappeared, and what's left is a cool beauty.

No longer a girl, Eris has now transformed into a mature female.

For some reason or another, I could never find a chance to talk to her. While rushing back and forth to report about my battle, I lost all opportunity. Even with an excuse, for whatever reason, just seeing her from behind makes my heart race.

On more than one occasion, I tried to make conversation with her, but my timings were always off... As soon as I try to come up with a topic for conversation, her piercing stare would make my chest pound. By the time I recovered, she would have already looked away. For awhile after, I couldn't stay calm, and only with time would my heartbeat return to normal.

Is this... fear? Nah, a joke, it's a joke.

This must be, yes, a crush. Looks like I fell for Eris. Once again I have fallen for her. Maybe I'm that simple, but at death's door, to suddenly see her valiantly arrive to my rescue, push back Orsted, and even bet her own life to protect me, with her outline still carved vividly in my memory, it would be odd if I didn't fall for her.

Right now, I'm but a maiden in love, Maiden Rudi, who has transformed into an angelic high school sophomore.

So I backed up and walked away. Talking over difficult stuff with her holding something so dangerous... Seriously?

... Two hours later.

With the training period over, I tried to find Eris once again. She has left the yard. Where did she go? Maybe she changed and left the house? Maybe I should wait for her. No, no reason that we have to be home to talk. If she leaves, then I need to go after her. With that in mind, I head to the restroom and swing the door open wide.



It's Eris, a perfectly proportioned beauty, standing in shock before my eyes. Her wavy, red hair drapes over her shoulders, wet, like a river flowing towards her chest.

Her shirt is soaked in sweat, and through it, I can see a ravine, and from that deep ravine, two mountains peaks. The deeper the ravine, the greater the heights, and there rests two majestic mountains.

Sweat contours her shirt tightly around those mountains, and at their peaks arise prominent protrusions. In other words, those are what dreams are made of.

"W-wwwhat are you doing..."

Eris looks completely lost for words. Red-faced and adorably cute. Unconsciously, I held out a hand and touched those meaty mounts. In particular, I pressed against that slightly harder portion. Ah, but it's soft.

–In the next moment, a flash came from Eris's shoulder, and I lost consciousness.

Part 4

Coming to my senses, the back of my head was wrapped by something firm yet soft.

Harder than my usual pillows, but warmer and full of bounce along with a gentle rustle over my head.

Ah, a lap pillow.

I see, I'm still in bed.

"Mmm, I can't eat anymore."

Pretending that I'm still asleep, I turn around and bury myself in the Bermuda Triangle between those thighs.

I take a deep breath of that crevasse, and at the same time, rub that behind.



The shape of these buttocks... not Sylphy's.

Sylphy's are small and slender, with so little fat that you can't grip them in your hand.

That smell isn't Roxy's either.

A whiff of Roxy would calm me, yet this smells a bit of sweat.

Alarms ring danger from the back of my head as soon as the smell reached.

It's not bad at all, actually rather nostalgic.

Slowly, I turned around and open my eyes toward the owner of these lap pillows.

Two mountains tower above, and above that, a pair of sharp eyes glare.


Eris grabs my cranium.

It's going to break–

Sylphy, Roxy.

Please forgive me, for this is goodbye.

Yet, suddenly, my head was rubbed by a strong but gentle hand.

I curl up into a ball looking at Eris.

She's pouting, her face red, but she isn't angry.

"Excuse me, Eris... sama?"

"Just Eris."

"Eris... Em, I'm sorry."

For that apology, my head was grasped forcefully.

Ahh, please forgive me, for this is goodbye.

"...To be honest... I was also in the wrong."

"Oh, well... yeah."

"The letter, I read it. Rudeus must have had it hard too."

With my brain firmly locked in place, I nod lightly at Eris.

I'm not mature enough to say that Eris did nothing wrong.

Back then, we misunderstood each other.

I was hurt, and now Eris is hurting.

"Hey, Rudeus."

"What is it?"


Her mouth shut. Eris looks uncertain about what she should say.

Things that must be said, but are so difficult to put into words.

For me, for Eris, these five years have been too long.

"Rudeus, those two, do you love them?"

"Yes, I love them."

With those words, Eris's grip grows stronger.

"Even more than me?"


Hearing that from me, sorrow overwhelms her features.

It's over; I should have picked my words more carefully.

They can't be compared.

I like Eris. I have fallen for her all over again.

"Do you... hate me?"

"Of course not, it's just... we've been separated for too long. So maybe, I don't know how I can face you."

"Even now, I still like Rudeus. I want Rudeus to love me."

Eris, red faced, was that a...?

No, of course that was a confession.

How should I respond?

The answer has already been decided. But before that, I should make sure.

"But, I already... have two wives."


With a face of fury, Eris stands up suddenly.

From the lap pillow, I fell over onto the floor.

Looks like I'm in the living room, but there's not a person in sight.

Even though Norn and Aisha should both be home, they're nowhere to be seen.

Those clever girls must want to give us two some personal space.

Towering over me, Eris crosses her arms, staring me down. Her feet are shoulder-wide, and her chin is raised in the exact posture when we first met.

"Rudeus, outside, duel!"

"Eh! Duel?"

Nervously, as I stand back up and dust myself, I asked.

"That's right! Duel; you win, I leave! So, if I win..."

Eris points at me and declares:

"If I win, you have to love me too!"

Feeling something wonderful, I could only nod.