Chapter 178: Readying for Battle

Chapter 178: Readying for Battle

Part 1

Another month passed.

The magic armor is complete.

In only 3 months.

Halfway through, I began to throw around large amounts of money, employing workers to complete menial tasks to finish it in time.

It came out roughly as planned, about 3 meters tall.

Since the fight will be inside a forest, it was painted black and tea-colored, a dark green shade.

From top to bottom it is colored in my specialty made rugged plate armor, fat and round, not an ounce of sportiness.

Suit up from behind.

A man sized hole opens up in the back of the suit. It fits like a glove.

Once activated with magic, it moves like part of the body.

There's also a separate armor plate on the back.

A magic circle is inserted on the back plate. In case of emergency, I can quickly activate it with a simple chant to escape.

The magic gatling cannon is installed on the right hand.

Made to fire Stone Cannon.

When I use my full power, it can fire up to 10 rounds a second of my highest level Stone Cannon.

It can turn typical Magic Beasts into minced meat instantly.

Designed specifically to counter Orsted's [Magic Disruption].

On the left hand I installed the magic absorbing stone.

I don't know whether Orsted will use magic or not, but in case [Magic Disruption] fails, it should come in handy.

Since it can counter already completed magic, better if I have it installed.

For hand to hand combat, I have a weaponized shield.

Although I have some sword skills, but they're probably useless against Orsted.

Thus I decide to focus on defense.

Compared to a dull sword, brute force and blunt trauma should be much more effective.

Defense is the best offense, in other words the law of the tank.

While I was at it, I installed Paul's sword on the shield's peak.

Not the one he always had, but the Tantou that can ignore armor.

Although I have my doubts against Orsted...

As a result, it ended up rather pretty majestic, but that might be the wrong word for it.

Gatling cannon and a rough shield with sword attached, a complete mismatch with this world.

This monstrosity currently rests on the outskirts of Magic City Sharia.

Lying flat.

Too heavy to stand.

"Oh! Cool!"

"Not bad, a bit heavy, but quite nice."

"Really? I thought Rudeus would want something a bit more limber."

"Honestly, it looks like crap."

"... It looks like a monster, can't you have it in a different color?"

Zanoba and Cliff look satisfied, but the girls have their doubts.

I'll chalk that up to the difference between men and women.

But Julie has a face of satisfaction, so I guess I can't write off all women like that.

If I can return safely, I want to get Aisha's and Norn's opinion on this too.

Well, style points don't matter.

"... Next, I want to do a final test run."

I review my surroundings.

Sylphy, Roxy, Zanoba, Cliff, and Elinalise.

Julie and Ginger also came.

Nanahoshi isn't here.

She'll help lure Orsted for me.

But her primary goal is to return home.

Since the plan is [I coerced her to help me], it's better if we don't stay together when unnecessary.

Right now, she's studying Summoning Magic with Perugius at the Sky Castle.

There's still a chance that Orsted might come after her afterward, but with a pale face Nanahoshi accepts the unavoidable.

In the end, I never got to learn Summoning Magic...

Oh well. After this is done, I'll try asking Perugius again.

"Well then, show us what you got."

After saying that, Roxy sat down with Julie at a distance, on chairs prepared for the occasion.

Roxy's tummy isn't prominent yet, but it's obviously growing.

She won't be able to conceal it much longer. I hope she will announce it soon.

But this is a bad time for me.

After the battle is over, the kid will be born...

No no no.

Now is not the time for this.

I need to focus.

I will win, the child will be born, and I will name the child, and work hard on the third one.

The future awaits me, good.

"Alright, I'll suit up. Sylphy, Zanoba, and Elinalise, you three come at once. Cliff, please activate your Identification Eye. If you notice something, I'm counting on you."

"Got it."


Nods two of them, Elinalise lifts up her hands and retreats.

"Sorry. I'm just watching today. I'm feeling a little under the weather."

Now I remember, didn't the diary mention something about Elinalise being pregnant?

Looking carefully, I do see a bump around her tummy.

I'm a dummy.

"Ah, it'd be awful if I hurt the baby. Please enjoy yourself with Roxy."

"Eh! Baby?"

Cliff shouts in shock and turns around, staring intensely at Elinalise.

"Baby... Y-you got?"

"The curse has stopped, so nine out of ten."

"The curse stopped. Eh? But, how, up till now, we, we never stopped doing it!"

"Never did."

"Whose... Unless, don't tell me, Rudeus?"

"I'm going to get angry, Cliff. Yours truly, since coming back from Begaritto, has been yours and yours alone."

"But but..."

"If you don't believe me, then why don't you find out yourself? See if the Identification Eye can tell."

"Oh, okay."

Thus Cliff removes his eye patch and moves closer to Elinalise.

Almost kissing her, his face lowers near her lower abdomen.

Feels like he's seeing through her uterus.

Still unsure, Cliff slowly raises Elinalise's skirt.

"Kya, Cliff, honestly, not in public..."

"Shh, be quiet."

"Alright alright."

Seeing Cliff so diligent, Elinalise can only shrug.

Honestly though, sticking his head up her skirt... is a little obscene.

Next time, I should try this with Roxy or Sylphy...

Sylphy in a dress.

A perfect fit.

... Wait, I can't be distracted by those thoughts right now.

"... It's true."

Cliff pulls his pale face back out.

Identification Eye can even do that.

Or as the saying goes, [From the skirt comes a pregnant woman.]

"W-What? What do we do?"

"Don't do anything."

"B-but, you'll have headaches, right? Ah, for a woman pregnancy and birthing is..."

"Cliff, I been around the block a few times already. Don't worry. Let me handle it. I'll definitely give you a lively child."


Cliff looks blue, stunned by this news out of the blue.

"Rudeus, seriously... Did Roxy give it away?"

"... Ah, no, I just thought it might be like that."

"Oh, really? Now that it's done, it can't be helped."


Elinalise leaves with a wave. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Then she sits herself next to Roxy, busy discussing something.

Seeing that Roxy is rubbing her own tummy, they're probably talking about that.

Roxy and Elinalise must have gotten pregnant around the same time.

Oh well, I can't worry about that now.

"Well, let's begin."

Hearing that, Sylphy and Zanoba refocus.

A hour later, the test is over.

Performance wise, the magic armor is capable of maintaining 200 KM/hr.

It can leap a few hundred meters in the air, and even makes impact craters on landing.

Sylphy's magic can't even touch it. Even if it lands it would just bounce back.

Even Zanoba's punches are completely ineffective.

Not just that, he broke his fist and started crying.


If it can even damage the miko Zanoba, then even Orsted won't go unscathed.

It's unbelievable that I made this without any setback.

No, it would be odd to claim this.

It was all thanks to Zanoba and Cliff.

Still, I wonder if this is how wearing touki feels like in this world. Overwhelming power.

I can understand why Perugius and Atofe are so full of themselves.

With this magic armor, can I do it?



Let's go with that.

Preparations complete.

Part 2

The night of the preparations completion.

Roxy finally made the announcement.

"I think it's about time to say this. I'm pregnant."

Tonight Norn is home too.

Before dinner starts.

While the whole family's here.


The first person to answer is Lilia.

Even though normally she's expressionless, but right now she's wearing a smile.

The first congratulations.

For a moment, I thought she was being considerate for Aisha, but then I have my doubts.

Roxy must have already discussed this with her.

It's easy to guess looking at the better than usual cuisine on the dinner table.

"Congratulations, Roxy."

Sylphy probably has a clue as well.

She accepts this reality with a smile.

Seeing at that smile, I feel something indescribable.

The current scene is different from when Lilia was pregnant.

Obviously, very different.

Zenith and Lilia are both present. Nor was I cheating with Roxy.

Sylphy has accepted Roxy.

Not like when Paul got slapped, nor when Zenith raised hell, nor Lilia in tears.

Pure happiness.


Roxy becomes uneasy with me so silent, with a delicate voice she turns to me.

My answer is the same.

"From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Roxy."

"Eh? Thank me for what?"

Roxy tilts her head and forces a smile.

But, that expression isn't one of unhappiness.

"Rudi please. You said the same thing when Lucy came, [Thank you.]"

Sylphy says giggling.

That's the case, eh?

But they might be right, why did I thank them?


"How do I explain this? Telling me when you're pregnant, I feel like that's proof that I have been accepted."

"I have always accepted Rudi... Wah!"

I pick up Roxy and put her on my lap.

Showing affection in front of Sylphy isn't a good idea, but please forgive today as Roxy's Day.

"Sensei taught me many things, helped me many times, and not just now, now has my child... Just thank you alone won't show you my gratitude."

"I hope you won't get angry for what I'm about to say."


"If I come back, seven times in a night."

Sylphy's head drops.

Did I say something wrong?

"Seriously? Rudeus is such a pervert!"

Sylphy punches me on the shoulder.

I grab that hand and drag Sylphy over.


Somewhat forcefully I kiss her.

Sylphy freezes up, but accepted me anyhow.

Cute as usual.

No matter when she's always so cute.

As expected of Sylphy.

When I am with Sylphy, I feel at home.

"Alright already, Rudi. Everyone's watching... Eek."

Since I'm here, I licked her ear.

Licking that pointy faerie ear, and delicately bit to leave a mark.

"I'll come back, wait for me."

"Okay, please take care."

Sylphy, face red, can only nod.

Finally, I turn back to Roxy.



"Tonight... let's sleep together."

"But, the baby in here... that's fine, okay."

Even though a little hesitant, Roxy nods to accept me.

Part 4

That night, after a bath with everyone, Roxy and I head to bed.

Hand in hand, walking intimately to bed.

Last year, every time was full speed ahead, but not today.

"Em, be gentle..."

"No, today's fine."

I put up a hand to stop Roxy from stripping her nightgown.

Roxy grabs the hem of her shirt and tilts her head.

"Anyways, please sit down."

I have Roxy sit on her bed.

I sit on a chair rather than beside her.

"The basic situation, in case that I lose, I want to discuss it with Roxy."

"... Just me? What about Sylphy?"


"You would tell me and Nanahoshi, but won't tell Sylphy?"

"How did you know that I talked with Nanahoshi about this?"

"Because Sylphy asked me to. She said you probably talked to Nanahoshi... Rudi, why won't you tell Sylphy?"

"Why is that?"


I don't know.

But, for some reason, I don't want to tell Sylphy.

It's not because... I don't want her to worry.


I don't know.

Maybe this too is fate.

"From my point of view, I'm happy that you come to me for help, but I feel bad for Sylphy."

"You're right, then, I'll go call her."


Roxy is so reliable as usual.

Thinking that, I left the room and head to Sylphy's.

I freeze just as I reach for the doorknob.

Say, while I was busy with Roxy, I haven't been watching Sylphy.

Maybe she's crying right now.

She said I can like other girls, and she even forgave me for Roxy.

But looking at Nanahoshi, her jealousy runs deep.

Maybe she's crying.

Maybe she's pricking a voodoo doll with pins.

Maybe she's biting the edge of a handkerchief and crying about that slut.

No, it's fine.

My lovely Sylphy would never do something like that.


"Hey, Sylphy, I have something I want to–"

"Rudeus bit my ear. My ear! And said seven times a night... Eek... What's going to happen to me? Will I be messed up like our first time... What do I do Lucy, you might have a new sibling soon...!"

Squeaking, the door opens, and before my eyes is Sylphy rolling on her bed, hugging a pillow.

Her legs flopping about, rolling back and forth like an adolescent girl.

Although faint, but with the door open, I heard everything.

She doesn't look like the mother of a child.

But super cute.

So much so that I want to dive right in.

By the way, Lucy isn't here. She's in Lilia's room.

But the room isn't sound proof, so it might get noisy.

No no, Roxy is waiting.


Our sights met.

Sylphy facing up and suddenly froze.

Like up painting on a wall, in a similar pose, a happy self-satisfied smile.


I quietly close the door.

No one wants to be seen in their private moments.

"Ah, wait. No, Rudi, wait up, don't leave!"

Rapidly Sylphy got up and sticks her hand between the door.

"No. I'm not leaving. I just thought it might be better if I open the door again."

"Again? Why? What's the matter? Isn't today Roxy's day? Oh, is she feeling sick? Am I at bat?"

Sylphy looks flustered.

There's no reason for Roxy to feel sick today...

How unusual.

No, how usual.

Well, let me settle her down.

"About my opponent this time, and what happens afterwards, I have some things to say. Please come over."

Hearing that, Sylphy stayed silent for a few seconds, and nodded with a serious face.

And perhaps a hint of happiness too?

Somehow I feel a little relaxed as well.

Part 5

The explanation didn't take long.

Those two listen quietly the entire time.

The enemy is Dragon God Orsted.

I talked about the existence of Hitogami, his revelations, and that I have to fight Orsted.

Then, that if I were to die.

That Orsted is the enemy, but never confront him.

Never believe in revelations from the one who calls himself Hitogami.

These two points are to become our family motto.

If I were to die, tell the rest of the family the truth, and protect each other.

Basically in those words.

We start talking sitting up, but somewhere along the way, we end up lying down together.

"And... if I lose. Disaster might await Roxy's child and Lucy."

"Disaster... in other words, the one called Hitogami will do something?"


"I see... So that's why Rudi has been constantly telling us to protect the family..."

Sylphy nods like she understood something.

Maybe she got lost along the way.

She might just be patronizing me and telling me not to worry.

"I know. But Rudi, I can protect myself, and even if you don't tell me to, I will protect Lucy with my life."

"Me too. I can protect myself. Just like I always had. That won't change in the future. I might be weaker than Rudi, but don't underestimate me."

What? Not even a little discouraged?

Roxy and Sylphy are really great.

"Still, Orsted is one of the Seven Major Powers... A big deal. Do you have a chance?"

"That I don't know. I only fought him once."

"Back then, what happened?"

"I could do nothing."

Just remembering my initial meeting with Orsted makes my knees weak.

Ruijerd was dropped to the ground; Eris was sent flying.

He even shoved his hand straight through my body.

... Terrifying.

"... Rudi. Wouldn't it be better if we all go together?"

"No. I must go alone. Only with that do I have a chance. Hit him with my strongest magic. It will work out somehow."

"Hey... but Rudi, you're shaking?"


"Hey, wait, Rudi quit touching weird places."

I wasn't touching to distract her.

I touched because I want to.

If I die, then I can't touch here anymore.

So I can't touch here, then how about there?

No good. How about here?

No good. How about there?

"... Stop. Really, we're talking about serious stuff right now."


"Hey, recently Lucy started to crawl everywhere. We can never find her."


"Lilia said that reminds her of when Rudeus-sama was born."

"... Soon, she will start talking, and in a year, she'll start to walk."

I haven't taken care of Lucy too much.

I left her all to Lilia and Sylphy.

But, Sylphy.

You really are so cute.

"I can't wait."


"If you're about to lose, please run?"

"Oh, even though I don't know if I can escape, I will do that."

Lucy, you probably don't understand yet.

But if I die, then she won't even remember how her father looks like.

What is she thinking?

If I ask Lucy, will she tell me...

"... Rudi."

From my left a voice.

It's Roxy.

My hand reach for her breasts.

She caught me.

Ow, she's really strong.

Sorry, I'm sorry. Serious topic.

"Well. I thought after meeting Rudi, marrying Rudi, now having Rudi's child, how I'm the happiest girl in the world."


"But, because of that... if you die, then I will become the most unfortunate girl."

"... Right."

"Well, this is a little embarrassing to say, but..."

Roxy takes a breath, and finally says.

"Please let me be happy."

Indeed, I'm doing nothing wrong.

Roxy and Sylphy, I fight for them.

Nothing wrong with that.

Fight for the sake of them, come home. That is my decision.

That night, I slept soundly, more than I have for a long time.

A few days passed.

All set to go, I left Magic City Sharia.
