Chapter 161: An Audience with Perugius

Chapter 161: An Audience with Perugius

Part 1

Seated on his throne, the man with an overwhelming oppressive presence.

Gleaming white hair.

Sanpaku eyes with golden pupils.

Nobility radiates from his entire body.

A king.

He is Armored Dragon King Perugius.

With a single glance my legs tremble.

I know the reason.

Because, Orsted looks like that man.

Never forget.

The white haired man that killed me.

No matter their hair or facial features or style of dress, Perugius and him differ.

But they feel the same.

Just like Orsted.

"Come forward."

Urged by Sylvaril, Nanahoshi steps forth.

Matching her, Ariel follows close behind.

I follow like I'm trying to hide behind them.

This is an enormous hall.

Tall ceilings, supported by tree-like pillars.

Looking up, light radiates down from above.

Luxurious, brilliant.

Plus, hanging from the walls are curtains of complex patterns.

Products from Asura to Holy Milis, from the common to the never before seen, a little bit of everything.

On each side of the red carpet under our feet, 11 men and women stand in attention.


They're all clad in white.

Each a different design, but all the same color.

All white.

Then there are the masks.

Everyone's wearing masks.

None of their masks are the same.

Some in form of animals.

One seems to be missing an eye, so the mask covers only the eye.

Another looks like the helmet from Robocop, like it was made out of the same mold.

They must be the famed 12 Familiars of Perugius.

Despite being Familiars, they all look humanoid.

Long ago, Arumanfi and Ghyslaine fought in a stalemate.

In other words, the twelve of them including Sylvaril have strength equal to that of a Sword King.

I really don't want to make enemies out of these people.

I really need to be careful with what I say from now on.

"Stop here."

Hearing Sylvaril say so, Nanahoshi stops.


A mere ten steps from the throne two levels above us.

Perugius observes us without saying a word.

Rather, observing me.

I can feel his line of sight.


Sylvaril walks slowly next to Perugius, standing in attention to his right.

Sylvaril on the right, Arumanfi on his left.

Then, as if to surround us, 5 on each side.

Slowly, Perugius speaks.

"I am Armored Dragon King Perugius Dola."

Captain Dola!

No, no.

Nothing to do with Castle in the Sky.

"Long time no see, Perugius-sama. As promised, I have returned."

Nanahoshi bows.

How unusual to speak in honorifics.

Suddenly I realize that Ariel is also in a bow.

Luke and Sylphy both kneeling with one knee.

Hesitating briefly, I bow as I usually do.

A Japanese ojigi.


Perugius's voice sends a chill down my spine.

That voice is full of majesty and oppression.

I feel like a prey animal, frozen in terror, my heart still and my breath difficult.

Cold sweat starts streaming down.


Truly the feeling of a king.

"You have returned. In other words, you found a clue on how to conduct summoning from another world?"

"Yes. However, I don't know if the results match your expectations."

"Results... Searching for knowledge is the fate of the Dragon Race."

Dragon Race, so he's from the Dragon Race.

I haven't noticed until now, but that makes sense.

Dragon God and the Armored Dragon King.

Neither of them are human, but rather Dragon Race.

They look similar because they're from the same race.

Nanahoshi responds to Perugius without hesitation.

Perugius doesn't seem to hold any animosity against Nanahoshi.

A courteous friendship.

He may live secluded in a castle like this, but I guess he isn't paranoid.

"I hope as promised, you'll teach me your knowledge of this world's summoning magic."

"Em, that's fine."

Looks like Nanahoshi and Perugius have an understanding.

Nanahoshi will research summoning from another world, and share the results with Perugius.

And in return, Perugius will teach her the essence behind this world's summoning magic.

Something like that.

"Speaking of which, you brought quite a group here. Why are they here?"

"Yes. They assist in my research. As reward, they wished to meet Perugius-sama."


Perugius sighs out of boredom.

Calling it a reward felt a little inappropriate, but it wasn't a lie.

"Pleased to meet you."

Ariel steps forward.

"I am Ariel Anemoi Asura, Second Princess of Asura Kingdom. It's an honor to finally meet you in person, your majesty."

"Ariel Anemoi Asura, huh?"

"Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Perugius sighs loudly.

"I'm aware. Refusing to admit defeat after losing an ugly fight for the Asura throne, going as far as trying to get everyone around you involved in the mud flinging, that stupid princess."

Luke raises his head.

But, Ariel looks unshaken.

"That's a bit harsh."

As expected of Ariel.

With a gentle smile, she maintains eye contact with Perugius.

"Coming here, you want to find out whether I'll lend you a hand?"

"No, I just want to witness the world famous hero in person."

"Your scheme is obvious, Ariel Anemoi Asura."

As always, Ariel's voice is full of charisma.

But looking closely, she doesn't look so good. Cold sweat beaded down her face. Having her plan exposed, leaving a bad impression, her rhythm

has been upset.

Seeing Ariel like this, Perugius smiles a little.

A smile for a scolded child.

"However, since you're here, that too is fate. Take the opportunity. I shall allow you to remain in my castle."

"T-thank you very much."

Ariel takes a bow and steps back.

Her anxiety eased, but did not completely disappear.

Part 2

"Next, and you?"

Perugius turns his attention to me after Ariel steps back.

As if my status was second only to Ariel.

Thinking of this, I sneaked a peek behind me.

Zanoba, Cliff, and Elinalise.

All kneeling on the floor.

Only Nanahoshi, Ariel, and I were left standing.

No wonder he has been staring at me.

I placed a hand on my chest, once more taking a bow.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rudeus Greyrat."

"Rudeus Greyrat."

Perugius recites my name, chewing over it.

"Transporting you over here took quite a bit of effort."


"To begin with, that teleportation magic isn't supposed to work on anyone with more magic."

Perugius explains unhappily.

"Your magic matches that of Laplace. If you seriously resist, even I can't teleport you."

"Is that so, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."


Sealed by Perugius 400 years ago, name of the Demon God.

Everyone mentions that name when evaluating my magic power.

I guess it's true.

"No matter. However, with that much power in your command, don't even think about using it inside this castle."

"Of course."

That feels like a warning shot.

No, he ought to give me a warning, just in case I go berserk.

Say, but why?

Why so vigilant towards me?

I have never been the kind to turn violent for no reason. I wouldn't go berserk if I have.

... Ah, is that still on his mind?

That during the Metastasis Event, Arumanfi suddenly tried to kill me.

Is he worried that I still hold a grudge over that?

So that's why. In other words, he wants me to let that pass.

"If it's about the Metastasis Event, that doesn't really bother me. So-"

"Metastasis Event? What do you mean?"

Perugius tilts his hand in confusion. Arumanfi suddenly teleports next to him.

Then, he whispered something in his ear.

"Ah, now that you mention it, I did hear that during the Metastasis Event, some Sword King was protecting a youth that was casting magic

towards the sky. Are you him?"

"So he's gone..."

Instantly, Zanoba looks 5 years older.

Well, he always did look rather old.

"Say, how did you find this crest?"

Seeing Zanoba like this, Perugius asks considerately.

Zanoba answers, still downcast.

"At my Shisho's house. Drawn on an autonomous doll in an abandoned house at Magic City Sharia."

"I see. An autonomous doll."

Zanoba nods; Perugius continues.

"That doll, is it something wonderful?"

"Of course it is! Such intricate craftsmanship, utterly mesmerizing, it fully conveys the maker's love for dolls. As a fellow doll

enthusiast, I truly admire his philosophy!"

Hearing those words, Perugius squints his eyes, laughing happily.

"You look like someone who appreciates art. Good. In this castle's treasure room I also have plenty of Chaos's fine work. We shall check

them out later."

Unbelievably gentle words coming from the same person that was talking to me earlier.

Why? What's up with the difference in treatment here.

Well, it can't be helped.

"It will be a great honor."

Hearing Perugius's answer, Zanoba smiles brilliantly.

The other side looks happy as well.

I guess Perugius really took a liking to Zanoba.

How nice.

I want to be liked too.

Part 5

"Anyone else?"

"Em, I... No, I do. I have one thing to ask."

Sylphy raises her hand after Perugius asked.

Slightly stiff as she bows at Perugius.

"And you are?"

"Escort for the Second Princess of Asura Kingdom Ariel-sama, wife of Rudeus Greyrat, Sylphiette Greyrat."

Just now, Sylvaril whispers something in Perugius' ear.

Perugius grunts unhappily.

"Husband and wife..."

Quiet whispers.

Husband and wife, why would he be unhappy with that?

Sylphy has strong magic as well, but definitely not comparable to Laplace.

Ah, don't tell me, he noticed that she has Magic Race ancestry?

"Before you ask, answer me this. Do you two have a son?"

Perugius asks abruptly.

Sylphy looks troubled.

"Eh? No, only a daughter..."

"Is that so. If you have a son, bring him to me. I shall grant him a name."

"O-oh... okay."

Perugius smiles slightly.

Super scary.

What does he plan to do with Sylphy and my son?

Going as far as giving a brilliant name.

Coming from a guy that lives in a place called Chaos Breaker...

"Now, what do you wish to ask?"

"Well, about the Metastasis event. Who is really behind it?"

Sylphy asks a question I haven't spent much time thinking about.

The Metastasis Event was caused by summoning Nanahoshi from Japan.

The side effects of summoning someone from another world.

I was also accidentally transported as well. But hers was a direct teleportation, so that's probably what caused it.

It could be an accident too.

Someone did something, and as a result summoned Nanahoshi to this world.

An accident.

"This much is certain. Originally I suspected Laplace or someone associated with him, however..."

Perugius looks at Nanahoshi before continuing.

"Summoning her over is impossible even for me. In that case, it shouldn't be possible for anyone of this world."

"In other words?"

"I suspect it's not man-made. It just happened by chance."

Indeed an accident.

No, perhaps someone even better than Perugius in summoning magic exists.

Someone like Orsted.

But I don't know if such a person exists. If I mention it he might get angry.

I'll just keep my mouth shut.

I don't want to make him angry anymore.

"Ah, I see. Thank you very much."

While I'm hesitating, the conversation with Sylphy is over.

Perugius nods his head.

"Anything else?"

No one responds.

Elinalise lowers her head; Cliff too stiff to move.

Ariel stands on her side, and Luke kneeling still on the ground.

"Then take your time and enjoy my pride and joy, the Sky Castle."

With those words, the audience with Perugius ended.

Part 6

Afterwards Sylvaril led us to the guest rooms.

In the guest area there are almost 20 rooms with the exact same layout.

The same dark wood furniture, feather beds.

A large and clear full length mirror.

Some type of beer on the shelf.

The only difference between the rooms are the art hanging in them.

Almost like a hotel.

But, even more luxurious than those business hotels everywhere.

In my past life, this would probably be something akin to imperial suites.

No, forget a suite, I have never even been to an Imperial Hotel before.

"Such a large place with only 12 caretakers..."

Ariel saying that left quite an impression on me.

The entire place is spotless, but also so sterile.

Not so much creepy as lonely.

The kind of loneliness you feel when buying a second controller without a friend to play with.

But from the way Perugius talks, he should have guests once in a while.

It's free time after picking our rooms.

Zanoba and Ariel decide to go sightseeing and left in a hurry.

Of course, Sylphy and Luke went along too.

I decide to stay in.



It only took a hour, but it felt like we had been talking all day.

Not in the mood to go sightseeing, a break would be nice though.

With that in mind, I fell on the bed.

"Oh, how soft."

So soft, I feel like I would sink to the bottom of the feather bed.

Can I bring one home with me...

Putting the bed aside.

I should really think about what happened today.

First, that thing with Elinalise...

She should still be in.

Maybe I should go ask.

... Nah, she has her reasons. It wouldn't be good to pry.

She needs some time to prepare too.

One day I'll definitely go get all the details about these curses. That settles it.

That crest issue was certainly a surprise.

Dark Dragon King, Mad Dragon King, a bunch of names showed up.

I remember they're called the "5 Dragon Warriors."

Legend says the 5 of them once fought the Dragon God to a stalemate.

They can't really be the same 5 people as back then, right?

There must be quite a few generations already.

Armored Dragon King Perugius, Dark Dragon King Maxwell, Mad Dragon King Chaos.

Also from the incantation in the teleport ruin, Holy Dragon Emperor Shilard.

That's 4.

I remember there was a Dragon Emperor and 4 Dragon Kings.

So there's one more Dragon King.

Speaking of which, of the crests on the wall, I only saw 4 crests like the Dragon God's.

Does Perugius not have a good relationship with the last Dragon King?

Still, that doll turned out to be even more surprising.

I was wondering where I saw that crest before, turns out it's something related with those dragon people.

I still don't know what language it's written in...

Ah, right, if Perugius helps translate it, it would be a huge break for our research.

I should ask him to check it out.

But he doesn't seem to like me very much, or rather is quite vigilant towards me, maybe it's better for Zanoba to request it instead.

Zanoba and Perugius seem to click over their mutual interest in art.

Say, that Mad Dragon King crest was found in my basement.

In other words, the Mad Dragon King used to live there once.

That means, at home, that Mad Dragon King would lock himself in the basement and play with dolls.

Even though he's the Mad Dragon King.

Where does his madness lie?

Although playing with dolls is a little silly.

But, if he's someone like Zanoba, then in some ways they're both a little mad.

So Mad Dragon King Chaos also likes stuff like dolls.

Anyways, even though I came here to learn summoning magic, at this point it might be impossible.

Perugius seems really antagonistic towards me.

In that case, if I asked, he probably would say something like [Do you plan to use that magic to summon Laplace?]

... Is that even possible?

Perugius said summoning magic cannot bring forth anyone with great magic power.

My power apparently matches Laplace, so it might be possible?

Resurrecting the Demon God in a creepy underground altar.

No, I won't do something like that.

But if that's possible, then he's right in staying vigilant.

"In any case, it's good enough."

Although he hates me, he didn't kick me out, nor did he yell at me.

For now, some peace of mind.

Although not perfect, it's good enough.

Talk things out.

That's all I can do.

Thinking about various things, a day has passed at the castle in the sky.