Chapter 150: Training with Norn

Chapter 150: Training with Norn

One month has passed. Though it's still cold, the snow is starting to melt, and the ground is beginning to reveal itself.

Part 1


I get out of bed slowly so as not to wake up Sylphy who is sleeping beside me. Because Sylphy likes to use my arm as a pillow, I need to take care when freeing my arm.

In the neighboring room I change into my training wear. I'm wearing something like a jersey that Sylphy picked out. Though it's a little cold to wear in the winter, once I start moving it's perfect.

Once I'm done changing, I pick up the stone sword that was left in the corner of the room. This misshapen stone sword is something I created with magic. It doesn't have a blade, but it's heavy, so it's perfect for my powerful prosthetic hand.

Since it's a practice sword, should I give it a fish name? Tuna or Marlin or something? Come to think of it, I haven't had sashimi since coming to this world, huh. I wonder if they don't have a culture of eating raw fish.

Now that I'm done preparing, I say goodbye to Sylphy. I stroke her head once.


When I do, Sylphy nuzzles her head against my hand with a satisfied smile. She's probably half-asleep. How cute.

I happen to notice that the blanket is overturned. Since her pantied butt is visible, I stroke there once as well. Despite having given birth, it's a small butt. Elinalise's figure is good as well; the Elven race sure is an amazing one.

Whilst thinking about such things, I grab the blanket and put it back in place. Though our 'nightlife' has begun again recently, since it'd be tough if Sylphy suddenly had to bear a second child, we keep things in moderation. Even so, if she gets pregnant then she gets pregnant, and there isn't much we can do. This is also a natural part of life.

"Nn later..."

I hear her voice when I am leaving the room.

Yeah, see you later.


Where I'm headed to is Norn's room. Lately, we've been training together in the morning. When Norn is staying at our house, we train in the garden, and when Norn is staying at the dorms, I go meet her at the school courtyard. Today is one of the days she is staying with us.

"Norn, are you ready?"

I knock the door and open it.

"Ah, Nii-sa――"

"Oops, excuse me."

Since she's in the middle of changing, I close the door.

Norn's body is still young. Though I'm fine with both young and matured bodies, I'm not aroused by my sisters. Though it's a little bit of a shame, I'm relieved. To love someone without lust really is a special feeling.

However, when I consider that this sister of mine will one day become someone's woman, feelings of gloominess start to sprout. Is this what they call the heart of a father?

It's not bad. I'll do this in place of Paul. In place of Paul, I'll take on the duty of saying 『I won't hand Norn over to a no-name, shady bastard like you.』

"Geez, after knocking please wait for my answer."

Whilst I was thinking about such things, Norn comes out with sword in hand, wearing gym clothing. She's wearing a long sleeved top and long pants that aren't erotic at all. It's the gym uniform designated by the Magic University. I bought it at the university and gave it to her as a gift.

When I happen to peer into her room, I notice that Paul's sword is hung up high on the wall. Though in my previous life I would've left a framed photograph of him in the butsudan, there are no photos in this world. If you search earnestly you might find a magic tool that takes pictures, but normally it isn't possible. That's why the articles of the deceased are used in place of a butsudan.

"Norn, do you mind if I enter your room for a little?"

"Eh? It's fine I guess?"

I enter with permission. When I do, I find that Norn's scent fills the room. It's a scent particular to bedrooms in the morning. Nearby is a bed with ruffled sheets. If I dived into it and sniffed it, I'd probably get nothing but Norn. I won't do so though.

I stand in front of Paul's sword and bring my hands together.

"Tou-san. Today I'm going to practice the sword with Norn. Please watch over us so that nothing serious happens to us."

With that, I bow. What would Paul say? That getting wounded has value? Or, would he tell me not to injure Norn?

I happen to look at her and find that she's on her knees with her hands clasped together, in the style of the Milis faith.

"Shall we go, then?"

"Yes, please take care of me today as well."


Stretching exercises. Running. Practice swings. Even if I say 'sword practice', right now we're doing nothing but building up her fundamentals. These past few months, Norn has been strictly building up her foundation.

Though I say 'strictly', the training menu that I use would crush Norn. That's why we're starting with a fifth of the harshness of mine. Since Norn is still 10, it wouldn't be physically possible anyway. If I suddenly force too much on her, all that'll achieve is ruining her body. While I have Norn do practice swings in the garden, I'm finishing off my own weight training.

"Twenty-five...! Twenty-six...!"

It's a monotonous type of training, and because of that it's simple and easy to get tired of, but Norn still hasn't complained to this day. It's something that makes me happy.


"Alright, well done."

"Haa... haa... Thank you for instructing me!"

After the training is done, I get in the bath with Norn and we clean up. Because Norn fell over a lot during the running practice, places like her knees are wounded and bruised. I apply healing magic to those places. It's 'pain, pain, go away' magic for my little sister.

It seems that for some reason Norn doesn't want me to see her naked, so she wears panties and a thin shirt. It's probably puberty. Aisha gets naked at the drop of a hat so I want to have her follow Norn's example.

I take this into account as well and put on pants before washing myself. Still, if I told her that there are guys who get aroused from seeing shirts become transparent from water, what kind of face would she make, I wonder? Though I kind of want to see, I won't say it. It'd be lonely if she stopped bathing with me. It'd be tough if she thought of her Onii-chan as a pervert.

"Today was nothing but practice swings again, huh?"

While I'm thinking about such things, Norn brings her mouth into a pout.

"When will I be allowed to learn swordsmanship?"

"Aren't you already learning it?"

"Not just practice swings, but forms and techniques too."

I've been teaching Norn how to run properly and how to do practice swings. Running and practice swings. They're ways to build up her body and her muscles. Without a strong body and strong muscles there's no point in learning the forms and techniques. That was why I did so.

"...You're right."

I wonder if her body's gotten strong enough these last few months.

Thinking this, I look at Norn. Her small body is in its growth phase. I wonder if her limbs are more muscular than compared to when we first started.

It's still difficult to say that her body is strong enough. But I get the feeling that she's strong enough not to hurt herself. It might be about time to teach her the first form.

"You're right. Then after class today, the real stuff begins."

"...! Yes!"

While having this conversation, we leave the bathroom.

Part 2

It's the evening.

The location is near the Magic University.

'The Third External Training Ground'―――――――― Frankly speaking, it's just a sports ground, and we're standing in one of its corners. We're wearing our usual training wear for ease of movement.

In front of me stands Norn. She's wearing the same gym uniform as I am. With a sword in hand, her mouth is shut tight and she wears a serious expression.

Though they were few, there are people in the surroundings. Robed students engaged in self-practice, and students who were simply taking a stroll. There were also bystanders who were wondering what we were doing wearing our gym uniform at such an hour. It doesn't matter even if we're seen though.

"Norn. Today we'll start real sword training."


Norn replies with energy. Her expression is filled with expectation. She is overflowing with the desire to start learning techniques already. Though it was just for a few months, doing nothing but basics training was probably tough on Norn. However, neither wielding a sword nor battling is a game. Whatever you're doing, the basics are important.

"I'm telling you now, but I intend on being strict."


Norn nods seriously.

"You might come to hate me as things progress. You might think [Onii-chan is being this tough because he hates me]. That's how strict I intend on being."


"To be frank, it'll be tough being hated. However, remember that crude knowledge gives birth to grave injury. If you die because I was half-assed in teaching you, I won't be able to face Tou-san in heaven."

Norn has no talent for the sword. I knew Eris when she was ten, and Norn has no such talent. She probably isn't very far behind the average person. However, strength is something relative. In battle the stronger person will win, and the weaker one will lose. Losing will probably mean losing your life, so it isn't some trifling matter. So that Norn can win against most people, it'll be necessary for her to put in effort, for her to undergo harsh training, and for us to put effort into coming up with some method to help her win.

"At some point, a day may come when, because it's harsh, because you can't do it well, and because some genius surpasses you, you'll want to just give up."


"I can understand this kind of feeling as well. I won't condemn those who give up on their goals because of these kind of feelings."


Norn's mouth purses into a へ. From her perspective, I might seem like a superman overflowing with talent. She might be wondering what business a person like me has spouting out such words. Certainly, this body of mine is filled with talent. However, there are various people I lost to. There have been times when I've almost died as well. As much as possible, I'd like to avoid seeing those eyes on the verge of death.

"But absolutely never give up on the sword. If you ever abandon it, I won't teach you a second time, and I absolutely won't let you use Tou-san's sword."


"As long as you don't give up, I'll absolutely never give up on teaching you, either."

"Ahh-, it's Norn-chan."

"Norn-chan! You're adorable today too!"

"You've worked hard, Norn-chan!"

The moment Norn comes, the members of the fan club suddenly becomes grosser. However, it's not like I can't understand their feelings. The appearance of Norn with a poncho over her blazer is adorable. There's no doubt about this. It's a cuteness that makes you want to have her hold a leaf umbrella.

"Ah, senpai... Hello."

Norn trembles with a start and bows her head. However, she doesn't come too close. As expected, she can sense this weird atmosphere.

"N-, Nii-san. I've forgotten something in my room, so I'm going to go head it. Please wait for me at the school gate."

As though she suddenly remembers something, Norn says this and heads towards the dorms. On the way, she trips and falls with a thump.


Norn slowly gets up. She then sneaks a glance our way. For an instant, a light could be seen in her eyes.

Seriously... There's no helping her. It's because she ran after taking that much damage to her body. When we get home, I'll give her a massage so that her muscle ache doesn't get too bad. She should take a long soak in the bath and get rid of her fatigue, too.

"...Ahh, Norn-chan is so cute..."

"If she gives her all in running, we'll see up her skirt."

"Though I thought that it had to be the school uniform, that outfit is nice too, huh..."

"But her running is slow, huh."

"That's right, huh. If she gets targeted by kidnappers or something, she mightn't be able to outrun them."

"If Norn-chan becomes a slave, I'll buy her."

"A lifestyle with just Norn-chan and I... Haa... Haa..."

Mn. If Norn becomes a slave, you'd definitely buy her, huh. Then you'd let her eat as much as she wanted. Her face, after eating her fill but forcing herself not to waste the remainders, would...

Ha-! Not good, not good. That's not it! Norn is my little sister. As if I'd let her become a slave. If someone abducts Norn, even if I have to tear the grass out of the ground, I'll find the guy who did it and beat the sheet out of him. If Norn becomes a slave, I'll track down the guy who bought her and fuck him up.



When I clear my throat, the fan club whose delusions are running wild, come back to their senses.

"I'd like it if you didn't look at my sister with such strange eyes."

"S-, sorry."

"Well, Norn is cute though, so I won't mind if you keep it to watching her from afar, immersing yourself in delusions or whatever."

"I-, is that so?"

A relaxed atmosphere spreads through the place.

"But don't think I'll leave you alone if you lay your hands on her for real."


Just to make sure, I give them a warning. For now, it doesn't seem like there are any guys who plan on doing anything cheeky, and after all, these kind of organizations won't allow their members to get ahead of each other. But you never know what obsessed people are capable of, after all. Someone might even suddenly snap, and attack Norn.

"Speaking of which, what are the rules of your club?"

"Eh? Club? Rules?"

"Right. According to the rules of your club, how much contact with Norn is okay?"

This is something important. For example, with idol fan clubs, essentially contact with them is forbidden, but cases like handshakes are okay. At those times, there are also guys who stick weird things to their palms. Gum for example, or sea urchin for example. You'd want to make everyone promise to wash their hands properly before a handshake event.

Or so I was thinking, but...

"Fan club?"


I sense a discrepancy in our conversation. The reaction towards words like 'fan club' and 'rules' is wrong. Proper fan clubs usually have clearly defined rules. Could it be that though they're club members, they don't know about them?

"Please wait a moment. Who's the one in charge of this group?"

"In charge...? No, there's no one like that..."

"...What do you mean? Please explain."

I try asking for the details. When I do, I realize a strange truth. It seems that this group wasn't something that someone came up with. They saw Norn's cuteness and naturally grouped together. In other words, they didn't even know each other's names.

"I see."

It's an extremely dangerous situation. At any rate, a group of unknown size that thinks of Norn as cute has emerged. When people group together, they become capable of things that they wouldn't be on their own. For example, abducting the cute Norn and taking her back to their rooms. While making excuses like [It's your fault for being so cute, Norn-chan], they'd...


"At this rate, a crime is going to happen."

"A crime? That's... We just..."

"There's no mistaking it. Someone will run wild and lay their hands on Norn."

When I said this, they all made a fuss.

"That's ridiculous!"

"We have no intention of doing something like laying a hand on Norn-chan!"

"That's, we like Norn-chan, but we like her as a something like a little sister..."

What'd you say, bastard? Norn is my little sister. ...No, that's not the problem right now.

"I think we need to create some rules."

In order to prevent crimes sprouting from the group, regulations are necessary. They need to decide on the rules, and watch each other to protect them. As long as people have rules, they'll abide by them. Wearing the same clothes and mufflers, and waiting together for the idol to leave, you know?

Rules are something that emerge because of history. During a group's long history, rules will be created in response to necessity. It might be because the history of this fan club is short that they haven't finished creating their rules yet.

However, it's dangerous to leave them without rules. It's a danger to Norn. I have to use this chance to make sure rules are created. It'll be too late once something happens.

At the very least, someone has to decide on them from the start. The problem is just who will be deciding. As I thought, the person who creates the group would be most suitable as a leader. However, these guys don't have such a person. The guy who came and talked to me first is surely the strongest amongst this lot. In that case, should I leave the position of leader to him and have him decide on the rules?


It's not suitable to leave the position of leader to a guy with no self-awareness.

Amongst those standing here, who is it that has the most self-awareness here?

Amongst those standing here, who is it that is most aware of how much they should value Norn?


It's me.

Norn is my younger sister.

In other words...

――――I AM the rules.

Year 425 of the Armored Dragon calendar.

At the Ranoa Magic University, a certain society was established: the Norn Greyrat Official Fan Club.

Numbering 30 members total, this group would go on to become an organization that had a great impact on the Magic University.

The name of their First Generation Chairman was undisclosed.

According to one theory, the First Generation Chairman violated the rules that he himself had set; he had gotten in the bath with Norn, and was subsequently driven from his position before the third day had passed.

His name became the shame of the organization, and was erased for eternity from the register of members.

However, the existence of the First Generation Chairman was by no means an evil one.

According to that anecdote, he had brought 『Ironbound Law』 to the fan club.

Severe and strict ironbound law.

The number of those who hated these rules and left the fan club became large.

However, the result was that the fan club's sense of unity became stronger.

Their ironbound unity was of such strength, that rumors of it spread even to the Knight Orders of the Kingdom of Ranoa.

Rumors gave birth to rumors.

At some point, the leaders of the fan club became known as proper and courteous people who maintained order.

When they graduated, they were met with favorable treatment from the knight orders and magic guilds of the surrounding countries.

9 Rumors of the School – Number 3

"At the Banchou's single shout, a group of 30 people will assemble."