Chapter 126: To Begaritt

Chapter 126: To Begaritt

Part 1

We changed the plans for the journey.

First we buy a horse.

Then we both ride it heading towards the forest with the teleport magic circle.

We make use of the teleport magic circle and then we'll arrive in Begaritto Continent.

According to the story from Nanahoshi, if we travel one week North from there we'll arrive at an Oasis and Bazaar supposedly.

Just, it seems to be a considerably severe desert.

Nanahoshi was in a completely groggy condition and supposedly she had to be moved while carried on Orsted's back.

Since that's the case, it just means we need to firmly take care of preparations.

Well, I have magic as well.

It's possible to create a giant block of ice in the dead center of the desert as well.

I'm sure the flexibility will be effective.

There's no map up until the Bazaar.

However it seems Elinalise has confidence in regards to her sense of direction, she said it was fine to leave that part to her.

It seems the elves don't lose their sense of direction even in deep forests.

When I pointed out that deserts and forests are different she got angry and said, "Exactly how many years do you think I've traveled?"

If she has that much confidence, then I'm sure it'll be fine.

After we arrive at the Bazaar, from there we'll hire a guide.

Lapan is roughly one month north from there.

According to Elinalise, if we only know the direction, then the method of hiring someone is probably faster.

We'll move until we get to Lapan, rapidly assist Paul and the others, then return using the same route.

I'm a bit afraid of letting them know about the teleport magic circles, but it can't be helped.

It would be a strange talk to try and force just Paul and the others to return on the normal route after all.

On the other side, if I remember correctly, there were six people.

If we include Gisu, then it would be seven people.

It won't be good if I don't at least be careful to make sure they keep silent.

Incidentally, I've already finished forbidding Sylphy and my little sisters from speaking about it.

I told them if they spread it around a person who can instakill Ruijerd might show up, so they should sincerely keep it secret.

Part 2

Preparations for the plan were progressing.

We already gathered all the fundamental types of equipment.

My partner [staff] Aqua Hartia and the robe Sylphy picked out for me.

After that, it's only stuff at the level of the summoning magic scroll I received from Nanahoshi that I'm carrying.

I don't know what I'm going to use it for, but for the time being I'm carrying about ten of them along.

If I have the negative, then I can make more in about a day.

I'm bringing along the drawing material as well, if it's not enough then I can use a mold. If I were to sell them it would be good money as well after all.

Speaking of money, there's no currency exchanges on the other side.

What kind of currency they even use on the other side is unknown.

For the sake of making money, we need to make sure to prepare something that can be turned into money.

After that it's just to the degree of preparing preserved food.

Since it's the first time we're traveling to Begaritto Continent, we don't know if there's some other special thing necessary.

I'm sure it would be better to get our hands on supplies on the other side as well.

Begaritto Continent is said to be a desert.

In order to prevent direct sunlight, I'm sure it's better to carry a coat.

No, there's the robe, I'm sure it will be fine if I just wear a hood.

After that I can deal with things using magic.

If it's a journey of only about one and a half months, then we have considerable leisure with our baggage as well.

We can manage to bring along several unnecessary things as well.

Even though I say that, it's not like we can just bring along anything and everything.

It's better not to take along anything unnecessary.

It's said we'll arrive in the Bazaar one week from the location of the teleport after all, it's not like it's a completely uninhabited place.

There we'll investigate the things we need and gather them.

However for the time being as insurance, we decided to take along a book that has details written down about teleport magic circles.

No matter how much it's said that Orsted makes use of them, that we're using them makes us a bit uneasy after all.

After proceeding to the staff member room once more and lowering my head to Jinas, I received permission to borrow a book for a long period.

In addition, I borrowed one volume of the books on the Fighting God language from the library.

It's insurance for the worst case scenario if I can't communicate any words.

"Exploration Record of the Teleport Labyrinth" and "Begaritto Continent and Fighting God Language".

It should be fine with just these two books.

Part 3

It seems Ginger was knowledgeable in regards to horses.

Since that's the case, we requested her to accompany us to the stable.

In addition I said greetings to Zanoba as well.

"Is that so, you'll be able to return in just half a year or so."

"Yeah. Well, I can't explain the circumstances though."

"Is that so... since that's the case would you like to bring along Ginger?"

"Don't say foolish things."

I don't want Ginger holding some kind of grudge against me.

"Humu. Is that so."

"More than me, please take care of Sylphy and my little sisters."

"It doesn't even need to be said. Since that's the case, how about I place Ginger as their escort."

Unintentionally I let out a strained laugh.

"You, why do you keep trying to keep that person at a distance like that?"

After asking that and after Zanoba took a glance as Ginger, he secretly said it into my ear.

"She nags a bit too much. Since the time when I was small, she would always be grumbling about trivial things. Even about Julie, recently it's always been about this and that, it's so annoying I can't stand it."

Since she nags too much he doesn't want her nearby.

It's almost like a statement a college student would make towards his mother.

Zanoba is still in the middle of his twenties.

It's not as if I don't understand it.

However, Ginger sure is pitiful as well.

She's still young as well.

Spending her precious twenties looking after this kind of large friend.

"Julie what do you think about her?"

For the time being, I'll try asking Julie as well and see.

I need to tell her to properly keep up her everyday training during the time I'm not around as well.

It would be fine to start working on the Ruijerd dolls after I return.

"Ginger-sama. She taught me about all the bad places of Master."

"Is that what she says. It won't be good if Zanoba fixes his bad places right. He should learn from Julie's example."


It's like a mother that has plunged into the life of some siblings living an enjoyable life on their own.

There's that sort of atmosphere here.

It's truly pleasant.

"Ah that's right, Julie. Even when I'm not around as well, make sure you properly do what you were told."

"Yes, Grand Master, I'll give it my best."

Julie's human language has improved considerably as well.

This is the result of Ginger's education as well I'm sure.

And, that moment, Ginger returned from searching for a horse.

Holding onto the reins of a single horse.

"Rudeus-dono. Please judge whether this horse will be good."


It's a huge horse.

The horses around this area are all generally massive for the sake of crunching along even in the snow.

It feels like they're an even larger size than even the horses of the Ban'ei horse racing.

It seems their speed isn't all that great, but they have physical strength and they're fine running for a full day as well.

It seems like there are many horses that are like monsters in this world.

For the time being, I'll give it the name Matsukaze I guess.

"Thank you, Ginger-san."

"No. Thanks are unnecessary."

"As a reward, is there anything you'd like from Zanoba? Like a shoulder massage?"

"...Rudeus-dono. No matter how much you are Rudeus-dono, don't very much on the side of royalty..."

"Ah, no excuse me, it was a joke."

She seriously started to glare at me.

In any case, we've purchased the horse, we've already said all our farewells properly with those related to the school.


I feel like we're forgetting someone.

No, I'm pretty sure we've said farewells to all our acquaintances.

Badigadi isn't around so he's fine though...

Yeah, it's alright.

I properly forbid everyone I told about it from speaking of the teleport magic circles.

Yeah, there's no problems.

Part 4

Day of departure.

Saying the final farewells to my family.

In front of the entrance way, my wife and two little sisters are seeing me off.

"Sylphy, I'll return soon."


With tears building up in the edges of her eyes Sylphy embraced me.

It's the sensation I've grown used to embracing this past half a year.

Small, but it firmly has warmth, almost like a small animal.

Such shoulders trembling.


Sylphy wasn't making any noise, just sniffling with her nose.

When faced with this sort of response, it makes me not want to go.

...As I thought should I just stay home.

...Couldn't Paul get by somehow or other until the delivery.

...That's right, after giving it some thought, normally then it would take close to a year for the one way trip.

...Even if I just stay at home for another seven months or so, wouldn't it be fine to depart after watching over to make sure the delivery goes safely?

...Since it takes one and a half months to get there, even so isn't it like meeting within 10 minutes.

I placed my hand on top of the stone monuments and looked at the memo.

It's the notes Nanahoshi blessed us with.

What was written there were the words for an incantation.

"That dragon lived solely while following its faith. Nothing is able to escape from the grasp of those grand arms. The second dragon that died. He who possessed the most ephemeral eyes Dragon General of Lustrous Green Scales. Borrowing the name of the Holy Dragon Emperor Shilard, I now pierce that barrier."

Just then, the stone monument started sucking magic power out of my arm.

Simultaneously the space in front of my eyes around the stone monument started to distort.

We could see ahead of the stretched distortion.

With trees overgrown in the place where there was the wall like thing, a building made of stone appeared.

"Oh, amazing."

"I've never seen magic like this before..."

Seeing that spectacle the two of us just let out voices of wonder.

However, I have a recollection of this sensation of magic power being sucked out.

It's the same sensation as the time when you make use of a magic tool.

Most likely, this stone monument itself is a variety of magic tool.

I wonder if the Seven World Powers stone monument is a magic tool as well.

If you were to split it open, you might find a magic circle inserted inside it.

However, this incantation.

I can't shake the feeling that it's an original of the Dragon God.

Holy Dragon Emperor Shilard, or something like that comes out after all.

This is, that right.

One of those guys that comes out in the legends, the "Five Dragon Generals" right?

This incantation, since it has no magic name most likely you can't figure out what it is from just the middle of it, but if I could understand it through the end, it may or may not be able to achieve the same effect as this stone monument.

For example, cancelling out all barriers.

I'm troubled since it seems possible.

"Let's get going."


If I could I'd like to extract this stone monument and take it home with me.

But if Orsted were to find out about it, he might come to kill me.

I'll stop there.

"Nevertheless, they certainly do give off the feeling of ruins."

"Occasionally, the entrances of labyrinths are this sort of feeling."

What appeared was just a single floor made of stone.

The walls had ivy crawling all along them, several places were worn down and crumbling.

"Rudeus it's your first time in a labyrinth right."


"Be careful not to step outside of my footsteps."

"Understood... or rather, this place, isn't a labyrinth is it?"

"It's just in case."

Traps are scary after all.

However, I'm sure Elinalise isn't particularly a master or anything.

I wonder if it's alright.

Even if we get caught in a trap, I wonder if we would be able to stand it.

For the time being, I'll keep my Demon Eye open.

If anything happens, I should be able to deal with it on the spot.

"Then, let's go, if anything happens cover me."


Together with Elinalise we walked into the ruins.


Inside was made of stone as well and from in there ivy and roots were coming out.

It's exactly the feeling of ruins deep in a forest.

Even though I say that, it doesn't seem to be all that large of a building.

There were only four rooms.

We decided to take a look at them in order.

There was nothing in the two rooms near the entrance.

They were just a space of about 4.5 tatami mats filled with clatter.

In the third room there was something like a closet.

After opening it to look inside, winter clothes for a man were placed inside for storage.

There are traces of it being used.

I wonder if someone would get changed here.

Someone, though I can't think of anyone other than Orsted.

According to the story, on the other side of the teleport it's a desert. I guess in the winter around here it ends up a snow-fallen area

You can't get your hands on winter clothes in the desert.

Therefore, that would be why they were left here beforehand.

Humu, if there was this sort of room, then it might have been fine to bring even more luggage.

Well, it's too late now.

"What's the matter? Staring at those clothes, is there something that's bothering you?"

"No, if we were to leave behind some luggage here, I was just thinking we could have made use of something."

"...Here, then it would be like throwing things away as you go."

Well, as expected you wouldn't be able to leave behind food goods or that type of thing in storage.

Even if there's a barrier, it seems like bugs or such things could get in after all.

"Let's go."


There were stairs in the final room.

Stairs going underground.

"Oh my, how suspicious..."

Elinalise was carefully investigating the surroundings of the stairway.

It was a movement kind of like clearing in an FPS.

It seems there are many cases of traps in the vicinity of stairways.

"It's alright."

However, it seems she wasn't able to find anything.

In the first place, if there was a trap set, then I'm sure there would be more placed in other locations.

For example, the entrance of the ruins.

"We're going to descend. Follow me."


Elinalise was carefully proceeding down.

I was following behind in Elinalise's footprints as well.

I would look at the same place as her footsteps and step on the same spot.

Even though we're going underground, our surroundings are mysteriously bright.

The reason for that became clear at the time when we descended into the underground.

"...It's there, isn't it?"

Ahead of where we descended from the stairs there was a large magic circle.

The size would be about 4.5 tatami mats, I guess.

It's about the same size as the one I saw in the cellar of the Shirone Royal Palace.

That was releasing a bluish-white light.

"This is a teleport magic circle?"

"Most likely, I'd say it is."

For the time being, I took the book out of my luggage and looked at it while making a comparison.

It had a resemblance to the type of magic circles which are capable of two-way teleportation.

The details are different, but there's no mistake on the characteristics.

If the story I heard from Nanahoshi is true, then if you place your foot here, just like that, you'll be in Begaritto Continent.

Elinalise just kept staring at the teleport magic circle while standing still.

"What's wrong? Let's go."

"No, I have somewhat bad memories from teleportation."

Bad memories of teleportation, huh.

There must have been something that happened during her adventurer days.

"If it's just at the level of bad memories, then I have some as well."

"That's right, isn't it?"

Elinalise shook her head and looked at the magic circle with an "alright."

"If we end up being dropped into some weird place, let's punish Nanahoshi."

"...Yeah. I'll capture her with both of my arms, and during that time you can thrust into her."

"No, in a sexual way is just a bit."

"I didn't particularly say what you would be thrusting into her and where. For example sticking your fingers into her nose, easily coming to those sorts of ideas, you sure are lewd!"

"Thrust my fingers into a girl's nose or something like that, wouldn't that be something to get excited about."

"Oh my, is that so? Next time I'll have Cliff give it a try."

"I won't take any responsibility for that."

While we were making immodest jokes, my hand was grabbed by Elinalise.

It was a slender but sinewy hand.

It's the hand of an adventurer.

Warm and a bit sweaty.

My heart's beating a bit.

Even though I have Sylphy.

Even though Elinalise has Cliff.

If I take her hand, I wonder what would happen.

Rather than an affair, it's more like adultery.

It's not like we particularly like each other.

"It seems like you're making some kind of misunderstanding, but if you aren't in contact with some part of their body then you won't be teleported together you know?"

"Ah, that's right isn't it? Excuse me."

No good, no good.

It's not like I'm a virgin. These sorts of misunderstandings are no good.

"Ah~, to be seducing my granddaughter's husband. How sinful of a woman I am!"

"In order to atone for the sin, you should do it for once."

"Ah, wait, don't say those sorts of things."


If we can poke fun at it with this kind of feeling, then it doesn't seem like we'll cross over the line.

As expected of Elinalise's ability to read the mood.

"Now then, shall we go?"


We stepped foot on the teleport magic circle.