Chapter 123: Life with the Greyrat Sisters

Chapter 123: Life with the Greyrat Sisters

Part 1

One year has passed.

The seasons are changing, it's become a warm season.

It's the second summer since I came to this city.

It's not hot enough to call it summer, but the people have started to wear much lighter clothes.

The outfits of the female students at school and Aisha's maid outfit have become short sleeved as well, it's a treat for the eyes.

Sylphy is often wearing sleeveless shirts around the house as well.

She didn't have such plain clothes before, but recently it seems she's been buying them for my sake.

A Sylphy with lots of exposure. It's truly fresh.

After looking at Sylphy's short build and white shoulders, I start to feel like spontaneously embracing her from behind.

It's a good season.

This country doesn't have any black insects that come home and stay without notice after all.

Speaking of black, recently I haven't seen Badigadi.

I wonder where that guy went.

Part 2

Well then, in one month there have been a variety of changes going on.

First, Norn has made some friends.

It's not just a man, she's been involved with girls from a different class as well, I've caught sight of her moving around in a group of about two guys and three girls. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

A girl about 10 years old is speaking girlishly with giggles.

Regarding Norn, they are her first friends.

As her older brother, I'd like to at least greet them once.

Which is why, I told her to at least bring them to see me once, but Norn refused.

It seems it's a bit embarrassing to let her friends meet her family.

In any case, it seems that nothing has become strange because I marched into her classroom.

I'm a bit relieved.

The relationship between Norn and I is going favorably.

The most conspicuous point in that regard, the other day, she asked me to help with her studies.

I was enthusiastic over that proposal.

I thought that I would instruct her on all of my secret techniques.

But, I considered that if I'm too enthusiastic, Aisha will most likely get angry.

We made it so that after school, I would teach her in the library.

In terms of time, it's for about one hour.

She reviews the things that she learned throughout the day and prepares for tomorrow's lessons.

Just with that, there should be a large difference.

Norn was working very hard, but it can't be helped that a lot of it was fruitless effort.

I guess she doesn't know how to apply it.

Even though I say that, it's not as bad as Eris and Ghyslaine.

If she gives it her best she'll soon be at the average level.

"Come to think of it, Ruijerd-san said his hometown was in the Babinosu Region, but Nii-san you traveled in the Magic Continent right, do you know where it is?"

"Hn? No clue. I had heard that it was close to the Biegoya Region though. I've never gone there."

Through studying Norn has become capable of idle talk.

Even though I say that, what Norn talks about is almost always on the topic of Ruijerd.

Speaking of a common topic between Norn and I, it would be Ruijerd.

After all, it seems that having a topic you can understand is important.

I feel happy as well, having a partner to share stories about him with.

"I see... what kind of a place is the Magic Continent?"

"All of the monsters are huge. The culture is considerably different as well, but I guess it's not all that different from around here. It's a normal place where people live."

Norn often talks to me with good manners.

I guess she would be the respectful younger sister.

Since we don't use honorifics when I talk together with Aisha, she might be adjusting the distance she feels towards me.

"Ah, nii-san, did you hear the story about the spear from Ruijerd-san?"

"That huh. It was a story filled with tears right?"

"That's right... I wonder if there isn't something we can do."


It's about time I advance one step forward with that plan.

Part 3

Creating dolls of the Superd race and selling it together as a set with a book.

This plan still exists.

Although it's still impossible to mass produce dolls with Julie's aggregate amount of magic power.

However, it might be a good time to make some prototype goods.

In regards to creating a book about the Superd Race, the problem is the time it takes to write.

The other day, I mastered Advanced healing magic and Intermediate detoxification magic.

Even though it can be said that I'm skilled at memorization, it took a considerable amount of time.

I wonder what I should learn next.

If I'm going to take on classes for Advanced level detoxification magic, it would only be if there's nothing else I want to learn.

Might as well just try finding someone to teach me Fire or Wind Saint class magic.

No, the Saint class fundamentally deals with manipulating weather, they're never thoughtlessly used.

It's fine to learn them, but I want to learn something with a bit more practical use.

Like horse riding...

Just around the time I was thinking that, it was just right.

I decided to allocate the time that opened up to writing.

In addition, I started writing during the time I would teach Norn as well.

A book that frankly tells of the Superd race's past.

I'm not really all that skilled at putting order into writing, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it somehow.

...Is what I was thinking, but now that it's come down to write about the past, I don't know how it would be good to write about it.

I wonder if it would be good to gather it all together, documentary style.

Maybe it would be good to write about it diary style.

First, it's often said that it's better to not write and write an epic from the start.

I guess around 10 pages would be good.

Then we'll copy those like a magazine, attach them to the figures, and distribute them.

Then, I'm sure a light literary style would be good.

I guess going with the feel of a good vs evil theme and Laplace as the evil guy...

No, wasn't Laplace made out to be the hero of the Magic Continent.

If I make him out to be too evil, I might buy into some animosity.

"Nii-san, what are you doing?"

While brooding over this and that, Norn came out asking.

"Yeah, I thought of writing a book about the praiseworthy exploits of Ruijerd. But, I don't know where it would be good to start writing."

"Fuu... nn..."

While saying that, Norn looked at my handiwork.

The manuscript I was writing had the title, "History of the Great Warrior Ruijerd's Conflict and Persecution" on the paper.

I had still only written just about one page of the manuscript, and it was just an outline of the person known as Ruijerd written there.

Since it was passing through my own bias, he was considerably close to a saint.

"Is it just this much?"

"Hmm, not yet, there's more after this."

I don't know where it would be good to write about from the start.

The story about his manner of fighting during the Laplace Campaign still remains in my memory, after that I know about his history of persecution as well.

However, since it was something I had heard several years prior, it's somehow become hazy.

I thought it would be a good idea to leave something like memos.

"Wo... would it be alright for me to help out as well?"

Norn started talking about that with a nervous feeling.

After listening to her story, it seems every night Ruijerd would put my little sister on top of his lap and talk about stories from the past while caressing her head.

How could this be.

Even though I was never able to sit on top of Ruijerd's lap, just Norn-imouto, how unfair.

No-no, that's not it.

"Oh, that would be a big help. But, make sure you don't neglect your studies."


Just like this, it became that Norn and I would make a book together.

Since that day, in the interval between Norn's studying, we started to write stories about Ruijerd.

The literary style was clumsy and full of rough places.

However, mysteriously while I was reading it, I would remember things about Ruijerd and tears would come out.

It was such a composition.

It might be the case that Norn has literary talent.

No, that might be the bias of an idiot older brother.

However, like itself will make one skilled.

Such words exist as well.

Just like this, if she continues on with it, it could become the case that she grows up into a great writer.

For the time being, I just continue revising the parts where the literary style is incorrect and decided to watch over her writing activity.

Rather than writing it by myself, it seems that with Norn we could create something several times more interesting.

Part 4

Well, now that I've started to get along with Norn, there was a bit of a change with Aisha as well.

Though I say that, it's not like she's started to come along in regards to Norn.

Same as always, their relationship isn't very good; but, maybe because I said it, things like looking down on her or fighting with her have lessened.

Since it's come down to this, I'm a bit worried.

She might just be holding back what she really wants to say after all.

"Aisha. If there's anything you want to say, please tell me?"

For the time being, I'll just say that.

Even if my relationship with Norn has gotten better, I don't have any intention to slight my relationship with Aisha.

"Things I want to say, you say?"

"Yeah, for example if I'm minding Norn too much, you want me to look after you more as well. Or if you want to take a rest because your job is painful. Or if you want to sleep throughout the day..."

"Does that mean something I want?"

Aisha put her finger against her chin, tilted her head and listened.

It's a sweet behavior.

"That's right. It's fine if you ask for more selfish things after all. Don't restrain yourself?"

"Selfishness... Then, just one thing."

Aisha laughed in a teasing manner.

I wonder what she intends to request.

I wonder if she's aiming for my body.

I did say I would listen to it, but I didn't say I would grant it, if I said such things as expected she might get angry.

"Please pay me wages!"

After hearing those words from Aisha, I felt somewhat confused.


Thinking about it, she's been working promptly as a maid.

Almost to the point that it's strange I haven't paid her money up until now.

No, since she's family after all, there's nothing strange with that.

In other words, this is that isn't it.

An allowance right.

Since I help out around the house, please give me an allowance.

It's that sort of flow.

"Alright, I get it."

I pleasantly accept it.

Just, in regards to the amount, together with Sylphy, the three of us discussed and decided it.

We considered giving Aisha a somewhat large amount, but she refused it.

Rejecting it because it's too much, is this fellow really 10 years old I wonder?

In the end, we went with not too much, not too little.

It seems it's close to programming.

"But, it's better if you don't reveal very much of this."


"In society, it's said that spirits are in the world of the void and they're being called from there."

In other words, it seems they're treated the same as Magic Beast summoning.

On the magic beast side, control is difficult, but they move according to your thoughts, and application is effective.

On the spirit side, controlling them itself is simple, but they can't do anything but the programmed actions.

However, if you actually produce a spirit with a complex program, it seems they'll move almost as if they're people.

It seems she has actually seen spirits such as that in reality.

By the side of that [That person] it seems.

"I see now."

"And this is changing the conversation a bit though. This, is the magic circle you asked about last time."

While saying that, what Nanahoshi gave to me was a single scroll.

On the single piece of writing paper, a subtle magic circle was drawn.

"This is?"

"It's a magic circle to summon a spirit of light."

Speaking of a spirit of light, it's a spirit that floats behind the user and continues to release bright light.

It can follow simple orders like "shine over there", but after time passes the magic power will dry up and it disappears.

It seems it's such a frail existence.

It seems the more magic power you pour into it the longer it will last.

However, it sure is plain.

I do feel that it's a bit of a stingy reward for the experiment's first phase...

"That magic circle is something that no one at the magic guild can use, it's an original of the person I was talking about before."

"Oh, is that how it is?"

Zapanizu whose heart dances when told it's a limited item.

"If the next experiments succeeds, the next one I give you will be more amazing. Therefore, I'm depending on you."

While saying that, Nanahoshi clasped her hands together.

What a nostalgic pose.

Naturally, I have no intention of abandoning Nanahoshi on the way.

"You can probably use your earth magic to create something like a potato stamp and mass produce those. If you were to take that sheet to the magic guild, you should be able to sell it for a considerable price."

"Sell you say? Wouldn't the person who made the original get angry?"

"It's alright since they're not a narrow-minded person who would get angry over that."

However, a potato stamp huh.

I wonder if it's fine if magic circles aren't hand-written.

"If you're going to sell it to the magic guild, then please use my name. If you do that, then you won't get involved in any kind of weird fraud."

"I understand."

Just like this, I gained one means of a source of income.

In any case, to think that all spirits were artificial spirits.

I have the feeling that it might be somewhat related to Zanoba's research as well.

If we were to combine them, it might be possible to give birth to a robot that can crawl or something.

The dream is spreading.

"Ah, that's right. If we were to summon some kind of random inorganic substance from our world, couldn't some kind of useful thing come out?"

I suddenly thought of it, so I proposed it.

And then, Nanahoshi shook her head.

"Though I say it's inorganic substance, making use of the foundations from the current phase, we can only summon things composed of a single material. Since we managed to summon a PET bottle, I think there's a pretty wide range of things we can summon."

A single type of material.

The PET Bottle didn't have a cap or label attached did it.

But, if the research on attached conditions proceeds, I have the feeling we'd be able to summon just components and assemble something.

"Also, I said it once before, but bringing things from our world into this one isn't something all that desirable."

That thing about history changing or something huh.

"Though I think you're just overthinking that."

"If you think that, then feel free to test it after I return. I don't want any part in it."

How distant.

Well, I guess it can't be helped.

Part 6

Speaking of Zanoba.

The other day, he finally managed to complete the Red Dragon figure.

There's differences from the Red Dragon I saw, but since the angle it's framed at is cool, I decided it was a good gift.

The amount of time it took was considerable, but Julie was delighted.

She's a child that doesn't laugh all that much, but after holding her up and showing her it from below she let out, "oh...!" a voice of admiration.

"Master! Grand Master! Thank you very much!"

Julie said that somewhat awkwardly, but she lowered her head in a graceful gesture.

"Humu, from here on out work hard okay."

Zanoba nodded exaggeratedly.

Truly greatly.

Julie as well nodded happily again.


In any case, Julie's human language has improved considerably.

Rather than saying my method of teaching is good, it might be because Ginger is correcting her way of speaking at every point.

After all, it seems if you quickly revise the words at every time you make a mistake, you'll quickly learn it.

"That's great isn't it, Julie. Make sure you treat it preciously."

"Ginger-sama as well, thank you very much."

Ginger is always on standby at the edge of the room, she brings out drinks for Zanoba and corresponds with visitors.

If I remember correctly, she's renting an apartment room nearby the school.

There's a single room next door to Zanoba's that is intended for escorts, but she refused it saying it was too awe-inspiring to stay in a room next to Zanoba-sama.

Rather than a knight, it's more like a commuting wife.

Otherwise, maybe the feeling of a fanatic worshiper.

It kind of feels like if she was told to die she'd gladly cut open her stomach.

"What is it?"

"I was just wondering why Ginger-san swore loyalty to Zanoba."

I just suddenly decided to ask and Ginger nodded like, great of you to ask.

"I was asked personally by Zanoba-sama's mother to look after Zanoba-sama. Since that time, I made an oath. That I would serve Zanoba-sama with all of my effort."

"Oh, that sure is a beautiful story isn't it...and then?"

"That's all there is to it though?"

With just that, you continue to follow through on that oath even when you're looked at with terrible eyes huh.

No, I guess that itself could be what it means to remain loyal to an oath.

I guess that means if it's a loyalty that will waver even a bit, you're better off just throwing it away from the start.

No, wait.

Come to think of it, I think I read about something like that in an old manga.

Something like feudalistic society is composed of a portion of sadistic people and countless masochistic people.

I wonder if Ginger is a maso.

After thinking about it like that, I think I understood it a bit.

Although, I guess it's not that juicy of a story.

Part 7

Some progress can be seen in Cliff's research as well.

It seems, of all things, he's managed to complete prototype number one of the magic tool that can suppress the symptoms of the curse.

Cliff had become quite the braggart when he came to report that to me.

"It sends magic power from outside counterbalances the magic power inside the body. It's not quite to the point where it can completely suppress it, but it's become possible to lengthen the curse's limit by several times."

It seems to align the magic power outside with the magic power on the inside and then the magic power of the curse inside of Elinalize's womb it does something or other with.

And it was explained to me in a difficult way.

In regards to the theory, since I'm not a theoretical person like Cliff, I'll leave it out.

In any case, it seems it's not yet possible to negate the symptoms of the curse.

"But, there are two problems."

While saying that, Cliff showed me the actual thing.

It was a rustic mawashi almost like the one a yokozuna would have attached.

In regards to looking at it, it looks like a diaper.

"I see, one of the problematic points would be...that it's unfashionable right."

"That's right. I can't let Lize put something like this on."

It seems that Cliff and Elinalize uncharacteristically got into a fight over that.

Elinalize said she wasn't bothered over things like that, but Cliff wasn't willing to yield.

It seems he was bothered over letting his girlfriend wear a terrible looking outfit.

I'm relieved since its reason is just like Cliff.

Incidentally, it seems they reconciled after a single night.


"For the time being, thanks to receiving collaboration from Zanoba and Silent I've managed to make a small type as well. The effectiveness still has a ways to go though, but if you leave it to a genius like me, then it's a piece of cake."

It seems the aim is the size of panties.

I don't know how far they'll actually be able to shrink it, but if they were able to gather it together into something the size of a glove, I'm sure Zanoba would be delighted over it as well.

If his own hand was made so he can work on the dolls.

No, since that guy was probably clumsy in the first place, even if the curse disappears it might be impossible.

"What's the other problem?"

After asking that, Cliff made a bitter face.

"This time that's the reason why I called for you. Rudeus."


"As a matter of fact, this magic tool, the amount of magic power it consumes is too large."

Magic power consumption.

Magic tools activate as the user sends magic power into them.

If that is too large, it seems they'll have no practical use.

The ideal is having the consumed magic power enough that Elinalize can always have it on.

However, currently putting aside Elinalize, it seems not even Cliff's magic power lasts more than an hour.

"After this, since I'm going to improve it a bit at a time, each time I'd like to perform some tests. If it's just us, then there's a limit to the number of times we can do the experiment each day."

"I see now, leave it to me."

Cliff doesn't just call himself a genius, he should have a reasonable amount of aggregate magic power.

And yet, even then it's nowhere near enough.

I guess that would mean it's my turn.

For that reason, since this day on it became that I would be participating in Cliff's experiments.

Incidentally this magic tool.

It seems it doesn't have the effect of suppressing sexual excitement.

Part 8

Recently, I feel like I've been living a good life.

Wake up in the morning for training.

Eat breakfast.

Go to school, meet Zanoba, meet Cliff,

Listen to progress with the research, occasionally offering something like advice.

After eating lunch, meet with Nanahoshi and help with experiments,

After school I help Norn with her studies for about an hour.

On the way home I go shopping together with Sylphy,

After returning home, we greet Aisha,

I enter the bath together with Sylphy, the three of us eat dinner together.

And then, we all start training our magic together while chatting.

After putting Aisha to sleep, I work together with Sylphy at making a child.

And then, I fall into a deep sleep while using Sylphy as a hugging pillow.

Each and every day is just a bit different, but while taking one step forward at a time we proceed living our lives.

I guess this sort of lifestyle would be what they call "happiness."

It was something I never obtained in my previous life.

After another year or so when Paul returns, I'm sure we'll be even happier.