Chapter 121: A Brother’s Feelings

Chapter 121: A Brother's Feelings

Part 1

When I went to school with Sylphy,

I learned that Norn became a shut-in.

The ones who told me were Rinia and Pursena.

They waited at the school's front gate first thing in the morning.

They told me that ever since yesterday, Norn secluded herself in her own dorm room and wouldn't come out.

"...I'll go see her!"

When she heard that, Sylphy quickly headed towards the female dormitory.

When I heard that, I stopped moving.

Even though I could've gone with Sylphy.

The fact that 'Norn became a shut-in' made me lose my wits.

To me, becoming a shut-in has a heavy meaning.

"Boss...shouldn't you go nya?"

"Are you going to leave her alone nano?"

I was overcome by this turn of events.

What is there to do? What is there that I could do?

I don't know.

During my life, I never came out when I was a shut-in.


Because outside was full of enemies.

If I went to school, I would be bullied again.


It must be bullying.

Even if a shut-in was to go outside, she'll just suffer.

In that case, I need to get rid of the source.

Instead of meeting up with Norn, I need to get rid of the reason why Norn became a shut-in.

I instantly started thinking.


The first and foremost was that she's being bullied.

My memories of that time were clear as day.

The cafeteria at high school.

Waiting in line for 5 minutes and then, when I thought it was finally my turn, some scary looking delinquents cut in front of me.

I told them off with my stupid sense of justice.

The delinquents acted dumb, saying [Huh? Like I care.]

Then I raised my voice, so that other people around could hear me, as I spread word of what they did.

People then started looking our way.

I became proud that my sense of justice was asserted.

Then, I got beaten to a pulp.

I was beaten to the point where I couldn't stand up again.

After that incident everyday life was hell.

If Norn is experiencing that same kind of hell, I wish to rescue her from there.

I'll beat those misfits down and give her a place to belong.

I'll fight those who would protect the delinquents.

I don't care if they are nobles or royalty.

I'll fight them with all my strength.

I'll make them regret making me fight seriously.

Even if Norn's actions or words started it.

In this world there are those who do good and those who do bad.

Norn is my sister.

Even though she hates me, even though she hates Aisha, and even though she can't stomach our present situation...

She's my sister.

An elder brother is someone that must protect his younger brothers and sisters.

An elder brother must not abandon them.

Part 2

I took along Rinia and Pursena, and headed towards the freshman classrooms.

Though it would have sufficed to go alone, I do not have any confidence in my own appearance.

If I am with Rinia and Pursena, no one will make light of me.


"Rinia, stop, he's really angry, it's scary."

The two had some doubts towards my course of action.

It's not like I don't know.

Even I am aware these actions are unbecoming of me.

It's not like I don't understand the feelings of concern from those around me.

But, right now, I am an overprotective parent.

I will throw away my shame.

In the first-year classrooms, I arrived at the room that Norn attends.

It seems homeroom has already begun.

"Excuse me."

I opened the door, and boldly went inside.

"Ru, Rudeus... We're in the middle of class."

"I wish to borrow a bit of your time. Is that fine?"


"I said, is that fine?"

I brushed aside the teacher, and stood in front of the podium.

I surveyed the classroom.

Everybody had puzzled expressions.

Surely among them were those that bullied Norn.

Did they punch her, did they kick her?

They might also have verbally abused her.

I came here to tear the person who hurt Norn limb from limb.

"Everybody, you may know this already, but there was a person who didn't attend yesterday's class."


"Everybody, whether or not you are aware of it, she is my sister."

The classroom was murmuring.

"While I have not heard the circumstances from her, there are not many reasons for her to skip school. Like a reason where she doesn't want to come to school. A person here has given her such a reason. That's what I believe."

I looked around the classroom as I said that.

Upon meeting my eyes, many of them turned away.

Even though we're wearing the same uniforms, I'm rather intimidating.

Suspicious. It must be her.

She's the first suspect.

Though I can't remember her name.

Could it be...?

No, it's still too early to tell.

"To those responsible, I am not asking for much. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding. Or perhaps my sister was in the wrong."

I kept a watchful eye on the classroom.

Who was it, who was it that did something so cruel?

Is it her? That noble that looks like bonbon?

Or is it her? That Magic Race fellow with an evil face?

No, those normal looking groups of girls are suspicious.

Those who bully look like normal children at a glance after all.

"If possible, please name yourself. I will not be angry. I only want to know why my sister was hurt, and for you to apologize."

Once they name themselves, I'll tear them apart.

There are a few the same age as Norn here.

However most of the class is older.

Some of them are over 15.

Did they pretend they didn't see anything? Or did they participate in the bullying?

Against a ten year old child?


Nobody said anything.

They were taken aback in astonishment and just looked at me.

"Uh, um..."

A girl nervously raised her hand.

I reflexively wanted to hit her with a rock bullet, but I restrained myself.

It was a very timid looking girl.

She seems to be about 13. A raccoon-type from the Beast Race.

She had a short bob, looked somewhat slow-headed, and chubby.

In fact, she seems like a person that would be bullied.

"D, during that time, I talked with Norn-chan..."

"Did you say something bad by mistake?"

If it was just a quarrel, then it can't be helped.

"N, no, um, I, I know about Rudeus-san. But, Norn-chan is a normal girl. That's why, when I said she's totally different from her brother, she got really angry..."


When Norn was told she was different from me?

What's up with this?


Suddenly, the teacher next to me spoke up.

I looked at her.

She was a middle-aged teacher.

Don't tell me, did she say something?

Bullying does not only occur between children.

It's possible that the teacher may have been leading it.

"Do you remember anything, teacher?"

"The other day, Norn-san turned in some homework..."

"You gave out a lot of homework, and since she wasn't able to finish it in time you made her stand in the staff room naked?"

"N, no way! Just that, her grades were somewhat bad, so I told her to be more diligent like her brother."


"Then, with a face that's about to cry, she said [I'll do my best.]"


She wanted to cry?

"Come to think of it. I too..."

After the teacher finished, other people in the classroom also spoke up.

Part 3

We left the classroom and went to the cafeteria.

Since classes are in session the cafeteria is deserted.

I sat somewhere and buried my face on the table.

I was slightly overwhelmed.

It was all my fault.

Norn was being compared to me and wanted to cry.

The students in that classroom realized that Norn and I were brother and sister.

Of course.

Part 5

Night time.

I headed over to the girls' dorm during dinnertime.

Currently, a majority of the female students are at the cafeteria.

Ariel is making a speech there.

In order to hear her, people have gathered there to listen.

However, it wasn't everybody.

The cafeteria can't hold that many people after all.

Even so, as a plan to draw out the vigilante patrols as much as possible, it was successful.

I moved as close as I can to the entry point that we established.

The window frame is decorated with one flower.

I moved towards that window, then threw a small pebble from below.

When the pebble hit the window frame, the window quickly opened.

I used my Earth Magic {Earth Spear}, lifted myself with it, and quickly went in.

At the same time, I released the earth spear, and it returned to the ground.

The moment I entered the room my nose was filled with the smell of an animal.

Though it smells, it's not a smell that I am revolted by.

That is to say, it's the smell of beast girl going through puberty.

As living beings, it's a smell that males are tolerant with.

"Good work."

"Welcome nya."

Rinia welcomed me.

Her eyes were glittering in the darkness.

Those were cat eyes.

I surveyed my surroundings.

Fundamentally, it's the same as any other room.

A double-bunk bed, a desk and chair, a closet.

Although it was dark, I can see things are scattered around.

"Please don't stare at me like that nya, it's embarassing."

"Pardon me."

In the darkness, I fumbled around for the exit.

My hand felt something.

The material felt quite soft.

"Ah, that's Pursena's bra."


Pursena wears this size?

It's big.

"Hmm, it's ok if you bring that along, you know?"

"No it isn't."

I threw Pursena's brassiere away.

Normally I would take this chance to sniff it, but I don't have time for that right now.

Rinia knocked on her door from the inside.

A knock was returned.

"It's okay now."

At the same time she said that, she opened the door and I dove into the cart that was prepared for me.

It was a cart used to carry laundry.

I slipped into the sheets covering it.

I understood from the smell.

These are sheets that Sylphy uses.

In order to hide me completely, it was packed with blankets, shirts, and underwear.

All of them belonged to Sylphy.

However, for some mysterious reason, I wasn't excited at all.

It's about Norn right now.

Currently, Norn must be feeling quite bitter.

Being a shut in, secluding herself, being alone.

I must save her.

As her elder brother I must save her.

"Alright, let's go nya."

The cart began to move.

In the meantime, I thought about Norn.

It's fine if it's just a child's temper tantrum.

However, if it was something far more deeply rooted...

I wonder if I can do anything.

At the least, before my brothers drove me out, I never left the house.

Now, in a position of an elder brother or parent, I could not think of a way to make her come out.

"We've arrived nya."

Before I could collect my thoughts,

the cart already arrived at its destination.

It's Norn's room.

Part 6

I went inside.

It's dark.

The lights weren't on.

I lit up a candle that was in the corner of the room.

The light dimly illuminated the place, and I saw a girl sitting on the bed hugging her legs.

Within the darkness, a pair of eyes were seen.

Norn just sat there, and stared at me.


I walked cautiously, and sat on a chair.

In times like this, what should I say?

What can I say that would make her listen?

I do not know.

The things I thought I wanted to say were all blown away.

The only thing I remember was that she'll hate it if I said those words.

It was not something that I could easily say.

At the very least, it's forbidden to talk without first listening to her.

{Go to school.}

{Who do you think is paying for you?}

{Don't cause trouble for others.}

Those words would have an opposite effect.

Like Rinia and Pursena said, it might be good to hit her once.

Norn is still ten, and she might even listen to me.

However, that won't solve anything.

Perhaps, in the near future, something like this will happen again.

And at that time Norn will become even more stubborn.

In the first place, the cause of her becoming a shut-in was me.

What kind of face should I make when saying that?

Should I hit my arrogant face when I say that?

Then, should I apologize first after all?

But if I apologize, would that solve anything?

Rumors of me won't go away, and Norn will still be compared to me.



Our voices were strained.

I wanted to listen to Norn's words, and kept my mouth shut and stayed silent.

Norn too, also kept her mouth shut.

It felt like a once in a lifetime chance went away.

I decided to speak up first.

"Norn. I'm sorry. It's been painful ever since you came here, right?"

Norn didn't say anything.

"Even though you just entered into a new school, but because of me, all of this happened. I don't know what to say..."

Norn didn't say anything.

"I, didn't know what you were going through..."

Norn didn't say anything.

I didn't know what else to say.

Even though I was thinking of various things to say before I came here.

In the first place, I didn't know a single thing about Norn.

Being distant, being unfeeling, I did not even try to learn about her.

"...Even though things became like this, I don't know what to do."

Norn kept silent.

I don't know what she was thinking.

Nor do I know whether or not she was listening to me.

So it's no good after all?

Should I leave her as is until Paul returns?


That's right.

I should withdraw for now and consult with various people.

If I ask Nanahoshi for her opinion, since she's similar to Norn, I might learn something.

If it's Elinalise, then she might be able to draw Norn out.

It's not like I have to take it upon myself to solve this.


Suddenly, I remembered my past.

When I was a shut-in, I remembered when my older brother came to my room.

During that time, he faced me and made logical arguments that hit close to home.

I had spit on that from the depths of my heart.

Even so my older brother stayed with me for a while.

Looking at me, with his eyes that wanted to convey something.

Thinking that he didn't understand my feelings I rejected him to the very end.

...So this is how my elder brother felt.

Me, who didn't react to anything, and my elder brother who was silent.

I don't know how many hours my brother was there until he left.

From then on my elder brother never contacted me again.

After that, I didn't know what my elder brother thought.

However even though he no longer came, many others did.

Perhaps that was his way of trying to help me out.

In the end, I didn't even lend an ear to what the others have said.


If I leave here, I won't be able to come back.

Norn will also remain a shut-in.

I must not leave here.

Within this dimly lit room, I continued to wait for her.