Chapter 113: The Letter

Chapter 113: The Letter

Part 1

It was morning, I opened my eyes.

Sylphy was sleeping using my arm as a pillow.

White hair and a white nape.

If you look closely long eyelashes.

This cute of a girl is sleeping using my arm as a pillow without even a single piece of underwear to be seen.

She's sleeping so peacefully while defenselessly showing me her sleeping face.

It's just that much of a situation, but I already feel a hustle coming on this morning.

I flip up the blanket and glance below it and I can see Sylphy's cherry blossoms.

Just a bit above that, a small bruise is remaining.

It's the so-called kiss mark.

It's something that I put on her last night.

In my previous life, I always wondered what was so fun about adding a kiss mark though.

Just like this, waking up in the morning and seeing the kiss mark you've created yourself is really enjoyable.

I guess it's the DQN sensation of putting a tattoo or piercing on your own girlfriend.

The feeling of conquest comes rising to the surface.

Sylphy is my woman.

I won't hand her over to anyone.

And while I was thinking such things, my son had started morning radio exercises.

Even though he did that much intense exercise yesterday, he sure is energetic.

In my previous life, it was nothing but solo training, even though he was just a hikikomori these past few years, recently when it comes down to the time to act he's been quite energetic.

No good, no good, I can't serve it up in the morning.

Sylphy has work today as well.

I'll work it off on my end with my morning routine.

I removed my arm from under Sylphy's head and placed a pillow there.

"Nnn... Rudi, that isn't something you drink..."

Sylphy stirred, tightly shrinking her body.

Her sleep talk is cute.

I wonder what I'm drinking in the dream.

I have the feeling that I could drink any amount of Sylphy's Mineral Water.

Somehow or other, I touched Sylphy's chest and stroked them a bit.

If I do it too strong in the morning, she'll wake up. So tenderly, gently.

Almost like touching tofu as you filter it.

It's a modest sensation.

To think that I would get to touch something this good in the morning. I might be the happiest person in the world.

This is real sufficiency huh?

"Nn... Rude...?"

Sylphy faintly opened her eyes and looked at me.

And then she grabbed my hand, and with an absent-minded face laughed blankly and said,

"...Have a safe trip."

"I'm heading out and I shall be back."

I left the room.

The next time we'll be able to sleep together is three days later huh?

I'm looking forward to it.

Part 2

Recently here, I've lived truly peacefully.

There's been no incident-like incident.

If you could say there was one, it would just be about the level that Rinia and Pursena introduced me to a first year.

Somehow, this boy is a delinquent of the first years and within two months he had put the squeeze on all of the delinquents in the same year as him.

After that, he was getting full of himself and thought he'd put his hands on the Bancho Group, it seems he was harshly beaten by the first assassin Zanoba.

As a result of that, it seems a variety of things happened and it was decided he would enter under my group.

That's quite the surprising and unexpected story.

According to the story I heard, it seems our school has an existence like the Four Heavenly Kings, called the [Six Demon Group] ruling over it.

The one ruling over the summit of that is me it seems.

It seems if you manage to defeat all of them you can gain the privilege to challenge me, the boss.

It's a composition like a delinquent manga.

I better not have some name like Gakuensai Festival or something with that kind of feel attached.

Incidentally, those six are Zanoba, Cliff, Rinia, Pursena, Fitts, and Badigadi, these six.

If you're speaking of all of them, I wonder if I'll end up having to face an opponent that can defeat a Demon King.

I don't really like that.

In any case this first year student boss was pitiful, since he was defeated by the first man.

By the time he had made it to my place, his tail was curled up, his head was rounded, it was truly a meek attitude.

This first year student head, it seems he was able to give a somewhat decent fight thanks to the fact that he kept his distance and fought Zanoba using magic.

Zanoba somehow endured it, then approached when his opponent had exhausted his magic power and sunk him with one punch supposedly.

Nothing can be done about the fact that long ranged fights end up being close for Zanoba.

Next time I thought about teaching Zanoba the ultimate technique to swing a rock with a golf swing and send the opponent flying to China.

In any case, at some point unknown to me people really started to treat me as the Bancho.

But you know, thanks to that the delinquents all listen to what I tell them, so it's quite helpful.

The other day at the time when I found some guys lurking behind the school it was the same.

If I say one word after readying my stance, their faces suddenly turn pale and they stop.

If I say just a single line to someone bullying, then the bullying stops.

It's not a bad position.

Within my field of vision, I don't forgive guys who harass the weak.

Even if for example, the bullied side was the problem.

Part 3

One such day.

A letter arrived.

It was from Paul.

It seems to be a letter that was sent a year prior finally making its trip here.

[To Rudeus.

I saw the letter. That you're going to attend the Magic University. Congratulations!

Various things happened, but I feel happy that you're walking down your own path.

I'm sure you've heard from Elinalise, but it seems like we can somehow or other manage things with Zenith.

It's thanks to Roxy, Talhand, and Elinalise's help.

Please tell Elinalise thanks in that regard as well.

Well, I'm sure she'll just make an unpleasant face anyway though.

Well then, right now we're in East Port.

We're getting ready to head towards Begaritto Continent after this.

I've never been to Begaritto Continent before, but it's supposedly the next harshest land after Magic Continent.

Crossing over with children makes me a little bit uncomfortable.

Norn and Aisha are still nine years old after all.

So, the idea came up that we would send just the children up to your place.

Even though I say that, I know that letting the children journey on their own is dangerous.

Ginger said she would act as the escort for them, but I don't know what could happen.

It's dangerous, but if we're going to be separated again and worry about it, then it's better to take them along.

Just about the time I thought that, we reunited with a certain individual.

It's a person you know as well.

That person said he would take over escorting the children, so I left it to them.

I think you'll be surprised when you meet as well.

It's a reliable person.

Honestly, it was a mortifying option.

If something happens in the middle of the journey and it becomes something terrible when my eyes are off them.

When I think that, the feeling that I want to take them together with me is large as well.

But, after all I really want the children to stay in a safe place.

Including you as well.

After Norn and Aisha get there, I'd like for you to prepare a place for them to live and to commute to school from, it's fine even if it's small.

I've left money for school fees and life expenses in their possession.

It's a considerably large amount of money.

Don't buy a woman or anything.

...Like that could be the case. Well, I'm sure if it's you then you'll be able to handle it well.

Rather, it's something that I really should be doing myself though... sorry I'm a bad father.

I'm sorry, but I'm depending on you.

Thinking about it, you're already 15 years old, by the time this letter arrives you should be 16 huh.

You're an adult. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

I feel bad that I wasn't ever able to congratulate you on your birthday.

I can't congratulate Aisha and Norn for their 10th birthdays as well.

But well, that's something grand we can do at the time when we reunite.

Together with all of our family.

It's alright for you to leave this side to us.

In reality, the Fedoa Region search group has disbanded, all that's left are Lilia, Talhand, Roxy, Vera, Shera, and I.

We should have enough combat potential to return from Begaritto Continent.

If things proceed favorably, with a one or two year delay we'll be able to head over there I'm sure.

In the beginning, I thought about having Lilia go together with the children on the journey, but it seems that Lilia is more worried about me than the children.

It'll be fine if we give it our best together.

Two years later, Paul and the others will return as well.

Lilia has her own personal views on child raising after all, so there's nothing to worry about I'm sure.

The problem is the mother-in-law though.

I had heard that Zenith and Sylphy got along well together, therefore, I want to think that nothing bad will happen.

In Paul's case... well if you just show him something like his grandchild, I'm sure he would be simple-mindedly happy about it.

Oh, that's no good.

Putting that aside for now.

"I'm sure you understand after reading the letter, but my two little sisters are coming. I'd like to let them live in this house, but is that alright?"

"Of course it is. This house will become busy as well."

While saying that Sylphy laughed shyly.

And there's no problem.

Part 4

After we finished eating dinner we moved to the living room.

It was time to study magic.

As usual I can't use healing magic chantlessly.

However, I've learned the incantations by heart in preparation and stored the theory as knowledge in case it's needed to survive later.

Chantless isn't the only technique.

There's no need be fixated on it, it's better if I don't try to think about getting skilled at it in a hurry.

I think I'm the type who has talent in regards to this world, but I'm sure I can't reach the peak either way.

Since that's the case, I need to make sure I fortify my foundations and be careful so I don't fall down.


Currently, Sylphy is trying to extinguish the Water Ball I've made with her Disturb Magic.

Her fingertips are facing my hand with her face bright red as she groans.

I maintain the Water Ball I created with magic power in order to try and prevent it from being extinguished.

It feels kind of like load training.

If the Water Ball twists and bends then flies off, it's Sylphy's win.

Then she acquires the privilege to do anything she likes with me on top of the bed.

Even without that privilege, if she just says a word about it, then I will go with it.

In reverse, as long as I can maintain it then it's my win.

Then I acquire the privilege to love Sylphy to my heart's content on top of the bed.

Though I possess it even without winning.

Incidentally, I generally win.

Currently, it seems Sylphy can use Advanced level attack magic of everything except fire.

Furthermore her healing is Advanced and Detoxification is Advanced.

It's this sort of feeling.

Fire Magic: Intermediate

Water Magic: Advanced

Earth Magic: Advanced

Wind Magic: Advanced

Healing Magic: Advanced

Detoxification Magic: Advanced

They're exceedingly high spec.

It's something I learned recently, but these six types are called the "Basic Six Types" in the Magic University.

Although they're called basic, they're the types of magic that are used the most frequently.

In regards to the Magic University, in your first two or three years you're supposed to get these six types to Elementary level as your goal.

After you've achieved that, in the remaining few years you decide on your major type, and learn it up to Advanced level.

Or at least that seems to be the standard flow for it.

Even if you devote yourself to a single one of them, without talent you'll reach a dead end at the Intermediate level.

For example not having a high enough aggregate magic power or stumbling on melded magic...

After taking any of the types to Advanced level, there are almost no individuals who make it up to Saint class.

Although, it seems there are outstanding talents like Sylphy and Cliff once every ten years.

Outstanding talents once every ten years.

That means every 10 years there's one guy like that.

If they're a genius then I guess you could call them a genius, but it's a general category.

They'll never reach the level of the monsters known as Gods.

I wonder about myself.

After putting together the stories I heard from Badigadi and Kishirika, it seems my aggregate amount of magic power is in the realm of God class.

However, that absolutely doesn't mean that I myself can be considered God class.

In my case, it's almost like attaching a passenger plane's fuel tank onto an average car.

No matter how long it runs it won't stop, but the speed won't increase.

Along with the fuel tank, if you throw on the jet engine as well, this time the body of the car won't hold together.

From a design standpoint it would be a piece of junk.

Being able to run as much as it wants without stopping is a great advantage though.

"Come to think of it, Sylphy."

"Wh, what? you know I'm concentrating..."

"It's about our child, but I wonder if they would have talent in magic."


Sylphy's concentration power was disturbed.

The unskilled Disturb Magic scattered and the Water Ball was created to its complete orb form.

I froze that and then sunk it into the cup in front of me.

"Th... That is something we won't know until it's born..."

Sylphy's face was bright red, she was restlessly squirming with her thighs together.

"In order for it to be born, that is, it's essential for the Danna-sama to give it his best, you know?"

While laughing and trying to cover that up Sylphy came over and rubbed my thighs.

Sylphy's thin hand tickled.

In exchange, I rubbed the back side of Sylphy's shoulders as well.

These days this kind of contact somehow makes me happy.

In an instant, the mood in the living room became pink colored.

Sylphy buried her face on the top of my shoulder as she embraced me.


Danna-sama wants to give it his best right now.

Le... let alone talking about when it's born, it's too soon to be talking about it when it's not even made yet isn't it.

An un-captured tanuki or something or other.

If I don't capture the tanuki first.

"Yeah. But, since my elf blood is strong, it might be hard to make it... That is, I know that Rudi wants a child, but it seems there are cases where it can take a considerable amount of time to make it. Grandm... Elinalise-san said it as well, but, that is, the probability that we won't be able to make it soon is higher right..."

Sylphy separated her head from my shoulder and cast her eyes down with a somewhat worried face.

Several months since we were married.

Sylphy's and my sexual relationship has been proceeding favorably.

It's just a bit of naked talk, but in the instant I'm about to pull the trigger on my magnum, I use lines often said in ero games.

Not with any particularly deep meaning, simply because I just wanted to try saying the lines, and while I'm aware that they are considerably disgusting, and somehow or other the interest takes a hold and I suddenly end up blurting them out.

Sylphy might be interpreting those seriously.

It seems she's still not to the point of worrying about infertility, but she might be holding worries about it in her own way.

"Th... That is if I'm unable to have a child, it's fine if you accept a mistress okay?"

"For the time being, there's no expectation for that at all."

"But Rudi... you want a child right?"

I'll try thinking about it with the positions reversed.

If it were to come to light that I was infertile and Sylphy felt by all means that she wanted a child.

Sylphy was led away by a different man and made a child.

I might commit suicide.

I can't afford to let Sylphy feel those sorts of things.

"You sure are foolish Sylphy. What I want isn't a child, it's the crystallization of love with the partner that I love."


"I love you Sylphy. My princess."

Even for me, those are some pretty toothy lines.

The back of my neck is itchy.

However Sylphy... Or more like, the people of this world are weak to these kinds of lines.

The other day as well, as a joke I said, "Cheers to your eyes" and Sylphy's face went bright red.

The effect is outstanding.

If I'm too embarrassed to say it then we can't move forward.

"...I love you as well."

Sylphy's eyes were clouded while she was clinging onto my arm.

Her face was bright red, the area around her mouth was linked like she was extremely embarrassed.

Perfect Communication.

Well then, now that we've gotten a rise we should move up to the second floor.

I picked up Sylphy and carried her princess-like.

Sylphy put her hands around my neck.

In those clouded eyes, I could see my reflected figure trying to appear as attractive as possible, my heart was pounding like an alarm bell.

That she's given in to the arousal as well, is the best of all.

In these cases, the most important thing is that both sides' feelings are in it after all.

Now then, tonight it seems that it's going to be a hot night.