Chapter 111: End of the Wedding Reception

Chapter 111: End of the Wedding Reception

Part 1

The banquet proceeded without delay.

We didn't do anything in particular like a kiss of oath in public or exchanging of the rings.

From start to end eat, drink, talk, make some noise and then returning in groups of twos and threes that is a wedding reception around here.

It's not bad to do it without formalities.

Part 2

The first ones to return home were Rinia and Pursena.

Making sure not to stay too long as well, seems to be manners for the Beast Race.

"Nnya. Boss, be happy."

"With this boss is the boss of school in name and in reality-nano. I'm looking forward to the new school term-nano."

While saying something like that the two left in the snow.

Nanahoshi was randomly called out to by Luke.

It was mostly hitting on her, but it seems Luke didn't openly try to lure in her as well, he started to progressively bring out topics Nanahoshi might have interest in like cooking and clothes.

Talking about topics the partner likes with a tone of voice they like.

Well, there was a bit of slippage though.

However I can learn from this.

I don't have any intention of using the things I learn though.

In contrast Nanahoshi was openly fed up with it.

She looked at Luke like he was extremely annoying and let out an extremely annoyed sigh.

In the end she stood up to go to the toilet like she was escaping.

And then soon after she came back from the toilet she came up to me.

With just a bit of an agitated expression.

"It's about time I take my leave. That guy is annoying as well."

"I see. Good work. Thank you very much for today."

"Again, I'll be depending on you starting tomorrow...and then."

"And then?"

"Next time, the bath here, is it fine if I come to use it?"

Somehow, it seems while she was in the toilet, she took a look at our bath.

If it's a Japanese, then they'll yearn for the bath as well.

Her name is Shizuka-chan as well after all.

"That's fine, just, Nobita-kun might peek in on yo..."

"As I thought it's fine."

"No, it's a joke you know, a joke. Please come whenever you want."

Nanahoshi nodded and was going to return.

The sun still hasn't set, but I wonder if a single woman will be alright.

I guess since she came this far alone, she also has magic items for self-defense purposes so it should be fine.

"Kurine. Please see Silent-sama back."

"Yes, hime-sama."

And just as I was hesitating, Ariel called out to one of her attendants.

As expected of charisma. Her attention to detail is well made.

Just, Nanahoshi stubbornly refused that proposal and returned alone.

Badigadi, Zanoba, and Ariel were mixing alcohol in as they had a fun conversation.

Just in case, for the sake of the drinker Badi, I had intended to prepare a considerable amount of alcohol.

I had bought three barrels of it and placed it in the basement.

Those barrels ended up being barrels in the sky in no time at all.

I thought there would be a necessity to buy more, but before that Zanoba passed out drunk.

"Fuhahahaha! How weak for one known as a miko!"

" have no excuses. I seem to have taken the entertainment a bit too far."

"Master, are you alright?"

Julie supported the staggering Zanoba with her small body.

"Fufufufu...wouldn't it be better for you to take a rest in one of the rooms?"

It seems Ariel hasn't had all that much to drink.

I wonder if it's a lady's prudence in order to not become too intoxicated as well.

Nevertheless, all of Ariel's actions sure are refined.

From the way she tilts her cup all the way to her laughing manner, it just looks like she's managing her nerves.

I guess this is the complete form of Asura Kingdoms manners etiquette.

"No, passing time in Shisho's house drunken sick would be a shame as both a disciple and also as Shirone royalty. It's regretful, but I'll take my leave here while I can still walk."

While saying that Zanoba gave me the last of his salutations.

Though I think it would be fine for him to stay over.

Well, it's fine if he does as he pleases.

"Then, I will return as well. Princess of Asura, stay in good health."

"Yes. Your highness as well stay in good health."

"Fuhahahaha! I cannot be stopped by injury or illness!"

It seems Badigadi is returning as well.

I thought he would stay until the end of the banquet though, it's unexpected.

While I was thanking the two I saw them off to the entrance.

The wedding reception is already nearing its finish.

Ariel and the others as well started preparations to return.

During those preparations, I decided to go check in on the situation with Elinalise.

After going up to the second floor and peeking into the guest room.

There Cliff was giving Elinalise a lap pillow.

It seems consolation time has already ended and they've started flirting time.

Somehow that's nice.

Later I'll do a lap pillow with Sylphy as well.

"Umm, Cliff-san. I'd like to talk with Obaa-chan...Elinalise-san but, is that okay?"

I heard Sylphy ask that with a timid feeling from behind me.

Cliff sent me a look with his face like he was seeking help.

He raised up Elinalise's body and then made a small nod facing me.

I nodded as well.

After Cliff saw that he stood up and left the room.

"Thank you, Rudi."

Sylphy made a soft smile and entered inside the room.

Together with Cliff, I proceeded downstairs.

Cliff was making an uneasy face.

"Those two...I wonder if it'll be alright?"

"...If it's no good, then it's fine for us to follow through later." Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

And while saying that we arrived downstairs.

Part 3

Ariel and the others' preparations for leaving were just ending as we got downstairs.

The two attendants were putting a coat on Ariel.

When Ariel realized I was there she drew back her chin a bit.

"Rudeus-sama. Thank you very much for today."

After hearing their masters words, the three subordinates deeply bowed.

Just like a Japanese I was about to lower my head as well.

But, in this case wouldn't it be better not to lower my head.

"What is going on with Sylphy?"

"Now she's talking with Elinalise."

"Is that so...Nevertheless, for the Sylphy who was thought to have no more relatives to still have one sure is a surprise."

"Right. Really, the world is small."

It's Elinalise and Sylphy after all.

It's like the distance between heaven and earth.

Primarily concerning ideas of chastity.

"Then, it's just right. Rudeus-sama, could I take up a bit of your time?"

Ariel's words were ones with a hidden meaning.

For the time being I nodded.

"Then, over here."

While saying that Ariel crossed the room into the corridor.

And then moved from the corridor to the entrance way and just like that opened the door and went outside.

Naturally as it is, the other three went along with her as well.

Cliff and I followed along with that.

Outside the sun was setting and it was starting to get dark.

Ahead of the entrance way, on a road with snow piling up and few people, Ariel came to a stop.

And then turned around and said it.

"Rudeus-sama. I know this is rude, but...could I request a duel with Luke? Without magic, a match between swords."


That's a sudden suggestion.

Without replying I kept silent.

After looking at Luke, he was putting his hand on the sword at his waist with a composed face.

Somehow, it seems it's not something Ariel decided suddenly.

"For the time being, would it be alright for me to ask the reason?"

After asking, Ariel tenderly smiled.

"Just, a bit of playing around."

"Playing around is it."

However, what Luke took out was a real sword.

It was a double-edged sword, since it's playing around he's going to strike with the back of the sword, such reasons really can't pass.

"At least, can't I prepare some wooden swords? I don't hold a real sword."

"I don't mind if you prepare a weapon with magic."

"Without magic?"

"Something to that degree I don't mind."

For the time being, I create a stone sword with earth magic.

I created it somewhat sturdy, but that part makes it a bit heavy.

Just in case, I swing the sword every day so it's not as if I can't swing it.

However, even with this if it hits the wrong place you can die.

At least, it's not something good for hitting your opponent with for play.

"Please feel relieved. This is something Luke proposed. I don't mind if Rudeus-sama beats Luke down with all of his power."

Without magic, I'm at an ordinary person's level.

It isn't limited to just beating down Luke.

"Just for reference. Luke has learned up to Intermediate level with the Sword God style and Elementary level with the Water God style. The sword is a magic item endowed with magic power that will lightly cut through an iron shield. The shoes are the same as the ones Sylphy wears, they increase the users speed. This mantle maintains the temperature within, the gloves boost strength, underneath his uniform a specific type of clothing that is strong against blades is being worn."

"...That is amazing."

Isn't it great he's in full sturdy ikemen equipment...

In order to assemble all of the parts, even if I sold my reformed house it probably wouldn't be enough.

"Since it comes down to that, I wonder if there's the possibility that I'll be beaten down by Luke..."

"I can't say that possibility doesn't exist but... if you feel the danger of death, at that point it's fine if you use magic."

"I'll be praying that using it just before I don't get cut in half though."

No well, let's say that's fine.

After hearing that Sylphy lowered her eyebrows.

"Rudi, did you get into a fight with Luke?"

"No, rather than a fight, it was more like being challenged to a duel in the presence of princess Ariel."

"...I see. I'm sure Luke wanted to ascertain it as well."


"Rudi's strength. Until now, the one who has put their body forth protecting Ariel-sama and I was Luke after all."

If it's being said then it's not like I don't understand.

However, I really wonder if Luke was thinking such things like a hot-blooded man.

I guess I shouldn't really arbitrarily decide something about a person based on preconceived notions.

I guess it would mean that guy is a man as well.

They have backbone after all, boys do.

Rather, even though my wife just heard that her husband was challenged to a duel, I wonder if she won't worry about me or something.

For the time being, the opponent was using a real sword though.

"But, thank you Rudi."

"For what?"

"Going easy on Luke as an opponent. Since Luke is weak, if Rudi got serious against him he'd die right?"

Somehow it seems like she can't imagine me losing from the start.

I'm not injured either, with Cliff's explanation it seems she has no reason to worry.

With this fixed, Luke is pitiable as well.

To think Sylphy would assert him being weak.

"Well, this side went with that sort of feeling, did you finish talking on your side?"


Sylphy nodded happily.

Part 5

Well then, it seems that after all Elinalise was Sylphy's grandmother.

In other words, Rawls's mother.

For she who was producing half-elves all over the place, with the combination of the curse and her original personality, the trouble never stopped.

Elinalise's method of conducting herself seem to have only gotten skillful in these past few decades.

She's passed time without getting into any great trouble after that.

However, before that, the source of evil still remains now, it's firmly rooted.

Particularly, it seems that her time with the elves was terrible.

Elinalise's children, just by learning that they're her children, it's only natural to avoid them.

They've been persecuted, without being treated like people.

In the end they were finally chased out of the village.

It seems that happened numerous times.

It seems that Elinalise being abused by her children or grandchildren in passing has already happened more than a few times.

Therefore, when Elinalise gives birth to children she never reveals her own name, she looks after them until they grow into adults that can look after themselves and then cuts off all ties, it seems such things have continued like that.

It seems she realized at a glance that Sylphy was her own grandchild or great-grandchild.

But it seems making contact as little as possible was what she was thinking.

In the end, after seeing Sylphy so happy getting married, she ended up being overcome with emotion and crying though.

It's a heavy story.

It feels like tears will start flowing reflexively.

However, since it was concluded in a way that she can be satisfied with, she finds it unnecessary to accept any lousy attempts to be consoled.

After hearing that story, I was called over to the corner of the room by Cliff.


"What is it, Cliff-senpai?"

"Senpai is already fine, honorifics are fine as well. Starting today please call me without honorifics as Cliff. No, do it."

A senpai order huh.

No, I'll stop with poking fun.

"It's about Lize though..."


"Honestly, Lize is different from the kind of person I was thinking."

"...Oh, and?"

As expected he's been disillusioned huh.

It's not as if I don't understand.

The partner who you've always liked and thought about, putting aside children, they even had grandchildren after all.

Furthermore, according to the story we've heard, it seems there's a possibility she has great-grandchildren.

If it were me then I'd receive some amount of shock.

Even though I say that, after hearing that story just now, if he says, "help me separate from her", as expected even I will get angry.

It's not like Elinalise has deceived Cliff.

Cliff misunderstood at his own convenience and started to like her.

Feeling disillusioned after knowing the truth, it's a common story, but I would be disgusted.

Although, I won't try to stop him.

I would completely cut off ties with such trash and tell Elinalise it's fine for her to start living in this house today.

In that case, depending on Sylphy's approval it might end up with a pseudo parent and child bowl...No, I won't be with anyone except Sylphy...

No but, indirectly you could say it's for Sylphy's sake after all...

"Lize is a more pitiful person than I imagined. I absolutely want to fix the curse for her. Since I'm a genius I think I'll eventually fix it but... In order to raise the certainty as well, will you please lend me your help?"


Who is the trashy sleazebag.

It's me.

I'm sorry.

"After hearing that story, you won't be disillusioned or anything will you."

"Disillusioned? There's no way I could think that. What are you saying?"

It was a single line without hesitation.

"Bu...but the person you like has slept around with a variety of partners and putting aside children, she even has grandchildren you know?"

"What about that. I'm a Milis believer. Regardless of my partners circumstances and how different it is from my ideal, I have a responsibility to make the lone woman who said she loved me happy."

He said it.

My body is trembling.


I might have been looking down on Cliff a bit.

After this, I wonder if it would be better to call him Cliff-san.

"...I understand. If it's something that I can do, I'll help with anything."

"Yeah, it's reliable knowing that I can borrow your power."

I did a handshake with Cliff.

Cliff's small hand shook it with a powerful grip.

"Rather, stop it with the honorifics. You and I are friends right?"

"No way."

What was sprouting within my chest was respect towards Cliff.

Even if it may be my poor ability, I'll become his power.

Part 6

Finally, Elinalise and Cliff left.

It became just Sylphy and I alone.

The two of us were putting in order the room left untidy by our guests.

Even though I say it was left untidy, they are a group that fundamentally knows manners, it's at most to the degree of wiping something that spilled on the floor up.

There was a bit of food left over, but it's better than not having enough right.

Well, it's today's dinner.

Around the time cleaning ended, the sun was setting and the surroundings became dark.

I turned on the lights and returned to the living room.

After sitting on the three person sofa, Sylphy quietly sat down next to me.

"Various things happened, but isn't it great that it went well."

While placing her head on my shoulder, Sylphy said that and laughed.

With this single day today, I'm suddenly worn out.

"That's right."

After putting my arm around her shoulder, Sylphy was completely entrusting her body weight to me.

After burying my face in her hair and smelling it.

Hnn, it's a sweet scent.

"Rudi, it tickles."

While saying that Sylphy didn't seem to dislike it.

Which is why, just like that, I continued to smell it.

"Rudi...I you know. I think I'm going to grow out my hair."

Suddenly, Sylphy said such things.

Growing out her hair.

In the past, it was something I suggested to her a number of times but she always rejected it.

In the past I always though a twin tail or ponytail would suit Sylphy, but I never thought it would be realized.

"...Is that fine I wonder."

"Why does that become honorifics?"

"Because it's a serious discussion."

"Umm, it's not all that serious of a talk you know. I as well, look, my hair's color, it's not green anymore right? Ariel-sama told me to become feminine as well. But I still plan to wear pants at school, at least I thought it might be better to just grow out my hair."

I see now.

It means she's already not feeling a complex about it anymore I guess.

"You won't wear a uniform for girls?"

"Yeah, it won't suit me."

I don't think that's the case though.

Alright, next time I'll buy one...

And that's fine just with that.

"But well, I want to see a Sylphy with long hair as well. There's no doubt it's certainly cute. Though you're already cute now."

"Eh~, thank you... Yeah. Then, I'll let it grow out."

Now that it's come down to it, it will soon be time to say farewell to this short hair Sylphy as well huh.

It won't be good if I don't firmly ingrain it in my memory while I can now.

No, but if you cut the hair it can be seen again soon though.

"In order to always be loved by Rudi, it won't be good if I don't give it my best."

What's with that line.

It will make me cry though.

Why am I loved this much.

...It won't be good if I don't put in the effort to not be hated by her as well.

Ore-sama type... that's slightly different it seems so I'll forget it.

I'll stop with the dense type and aim for being a sensitive man.

I don't know if I can do it or not but...

No, I'll give it my best.

"Sylphy, thank you for today."

"Yeah, Rudi as well thank you."

But, as expected I'm tired for today, let's get into the bath and pass time comfortably.

Just like this, Sylphy and I got married.