Chapter 103: Extra Chapter: The Mad Dog Rages

Chapter 103: Extra Chapter: The Mad Dog Rages

Part 1

The Holy Land of Swords. It had no other name. A harsh land that was covered in snow all year round.

In his final years, the first generation Sword God built a school here to teach his disciples the sword. To swordsmen it was a place they would go, and then eventually leave. As long as you were a swordsman, no matter who you were, it was somewhere you should visit at least once. This was the Holy Land of Swords.

Gathered at this Holy Land of Swords were young swordsmen in the making, all with promising futures. Though they were teens, they had talent in the sword that you could see at a glance. They were young geniuses.

At the Holy Land of Swords, there were three swordsmen who had outstanding talent.

The first was the eldest daughter of the Sword God. Nina Farion. Though she was now 18 years old, by the time she had reached 16 she had already been regarded as a Sword Saint with talent. People would say that she'd be a Sword King around the time she turned 20, and by 25, she would undoubtedly be a Sword Emperor. The people around her felt that she was the most promising one.

Next was Nina's cousin. Jino Britts. He was the second son of the Britts family; a branch family to the Sword God Style's main house, the Farion family. He was now 14. As someone who received the title Sword Saint at 12 years of age, he was the youngest Sword Saint. He was such a genius that though he was now a step behind Nina, people didn't know if this would stay the same in the future.

Finally, Eris Greyrat. She was now 17 years old. She was a mad dog who frightened everyone who saw her, and those who bit her would be mercilessly beaten down. She who had come along two years ago as Sword King Ghyslaine's disciple would never compromise when it came to her actions. Each day she would tackle her training with a do-or-die attitude, and she'd abuse her body until it surpassed that abuse.

Her debut at the Holy Land of Sword was striking. It was vivid enough that even now, several years later, it was still a topic of conversation.

— Approximately 2 years ago —

The location was the Holy Land of Swords. Brought here by Ghyslaine, Eris showed herself before the Sword God. The ones encircling them were the best pupils of the Sword God Style, not one of them below Sword Saint. Among them were Nina and Jino.

Though Eris was before the Sword God, she neither got down on one knee, nor lowered her head.

"I have no use for a small fry like you!"

Of all things, she declared this to the one who was presently the strongest swordsman, Sword God Gull Farion. The Sword Saints around her became riled up.

"Wha-! YOU, to Shishou-!"

"Kneel down! Do you know nothing of the Sword God Style's manners!?"

"What have you been teaching her, Ghyslaine-dono!?"


With just one word, the Sword God silenced the Sword Saints.

That this young and arrogant dog would be cut down by the Sword God's hands; everyone there thought that. No one who had said such arrogant words to the Sword God had left here alive. They were reckless enough words that even the arrogant Ghyslaine's tails and ears were standing straight up.

However, the Sword God merely grinned. While smiling, he asked,

"You have good eyes, huh. Just who is it that you want to cut down?"

Who was it that she wanted to cut down? Having been asked that, Eris replied frankly.

"The Dragon God! The Dragon God Orsted!"

Everyone here had heard the name 'Dragon God'. However, they didn't know the name 'Orsted'. The people there that knew the name were limited to Eris and one other.

"Haahhahaaa! I see, if you compare me to Orsted then I'm certainly a small fry! I see, I see, so it's him that you want to cut down! So there was someone besides me who wanted to cut him down!"

The Sword God energetically slapped his knee while cheerfully laughing. Everyone there gulped at the strange scene. That Sword God was laughing. Arrogant words were thrown at him, he was called a small fry, but he was laughing. It was something impossible.

However, only the Sword God knew. To plan on killing Dragon God Orsted. It meant, in other words, to aim to become the strongest.

"But you know,"

The laughter suddenly stopped. A complete silence returned to the area.

"It's easy just to say it. Can you do it?"

"I will."

Eris declared it as if it was natural. There was neither fighting spirit, nor hesitation. She had eyes with not a single hesitation. The Sword God raised the edges of his mouth.

"Alright. Let's see your sword. Jino, be her opponent."

"Eh!? Y-, yes!"

Called by his uncle, Jino Brits stood up. Of about the same age as him, a girl. Making his uncle laugh with empty words; a disagreeable girl. He wanted to give her a scare.

"He's our youngest one. Though he's younger than you and still naive, he's pretty good, you know."

Eris and Jino received the wooden swords tossed over by the other Sword Saints. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Then in the center."


The moment she received the wooden sword, Eris struck Jino. Jino couldn't even respond. With a single strike to the wrist, he dropped the sword, and before he could even surrender, no, without even realizing what had happened, he was cut down by the sword. A perfect killing intent. Jino saw an illusion of being cut down with a real sword, and fainted.


Everyone there was dumbfounded. As if they'd accept something so ridiculous. At the very least they should've faced each other in the middle, right? To start with, Jino wasn't even facing Eris at the time. She was a coward. So thought the Sword Saints. Since the boy that she saw as her younger brother was taken down by a sneak attack, of course Nina was the same.

The ones who didn't think so were four people; the two Sword Emperors, the Sword King, and finally the Sword God.

"See? Naive, right?"

"He really was, huh."

Eris' short hair swayed and she was already taking note of the movements of everyone there. So that it would be fine even if anyone attacked, at any time. Without any useless movements, she looked over her surroundings in contempt.

The Sword God didn't criticize Eris. He merely judged that the beaten and unconscious Jino was naive. It was his fault for letting down his guard when the two of them were holding swords; he was stupid for not considering the possibility of being suddenly attacked. This was what the Sword God had implied.

"Alright, next is Nina. You're up. This time start after you face each other in the center. Though surprise attacks are good too, this time show me your sword after I give you the signal."

At those words, one of the Sword Saints turned to Nina and tossed her a wooden sword. The instant she caught it, Nina did a double take at the Sword Saint. It was a little heavy. It was a wooden sword with metal inside.


The one who had thrown it nodded. Seeing that, Nina trembled once and then returned the nod. She would kill this insolent girl. Even Nina was a Sword Saint. It wasn't as though she hadn't killed someone with her sword before. Though it was a little cowardly... Eris was the one who was rude just now. Considering Jino's humiliation, she deserved to be paid back with certain death.

The two lined up in the center and took their stances.


At the Sword Saint's signal, Nina swung her sword. It was one of the forms in the Sword God Style that she had practiced countless times, and with this she would knock down the red-haired girl. That single swing of hers was filled with fighting spirit.

The swords collided. In that instant, with a dry sound, Eris' sword was smashed to pieces.

Nina was convinced of her victory. Now she would just swing into Eris' temple without mercy. So she thought.

That moment, Nina's face was hit. Next her chin was hit. While she was stumbling, she was sent flying with a kick, and then mounted. Before she realized, her two arms were checked by Eris' legs.

When she looked up, she saw a bloodthirsty devil with its fist raised.

"S-, stop! St-, stop it!"

When these words were spoken, Nina had already been hit several times. Blood ran from her nose, her teeth were broken, and she had fainted. A pool of steaming liquid that was streaming from her crotch now spread across the ground.

Eris slowly stood up, and then she picked up the iron-cored wooden sword that Nina had been using. She then snorted. She kicked Nina over to where Jino was laying unconscious.

"Does this place have nothing but naive people?"

"Y-... You bastard!"

The swordsmen flew into a rage. Shouts of 'coward' and other abuse could be heard. However, those who were Sword King and above, on the contrary, overlooked those swordsmen indifferently. They understood who was in the right.

"My bad, my bad. I misread you a little, huh. I'll be your opponent."

Contrary to her wishes, she immediately managed to find some.

Rudeus Greyrat. Born in Buina village of the Fedoa region of the Kingdom of Asura. At 3, he became the pupil of the (Water Saint Ranked at the time) Water King Ranked magician, Roxy Migurdia. At 5 he became a Water Saint Ranked magician. At 7 he became the home tutor of the Stronghold City Roa's mayor's daughter, Eris Boreas Greyrat. After that, his location became unknown due to the Teleportation Incident. However, lately he was in the northern parts of the Central Continent and made a name as the adventurer 『Rudeus of the Quagmire』. He was now a Special Student at the Magic University and staying at Sharia, the capital city of the Kingdom of Ranoa. He was admired by certain types of adventurers, and there was also a rumor about him single-handedly slaying a stray dragon.

He was real. He wasn't just some prince from Eris' delusions.

While yielding to this, Nina thought to herself that he wasn't a big deal. Though everything up until age 7 was amazing, in the end he was just an adventurer. He hadn't even become Water King Ranked, he had a lame name like Quagmire, and he was talented as a child, that's all. There was no mistaking it. So thought Nina.

Then she thought of something bad.

'If I defeated this Rudeus, made him into a slave and brought him here, what kind of face would Eris make, I wonder?' she thought.

No time like the present. Nina prepared for a journey that very same day, and demonstrating the impatience inherited from her father, she jumped on a horse. Like that, she began her trip to the Kingdom of Ranoa. Though it was still winter, Ranoa was very close by. With one of the fine horses raised in the Holy Land of Swords, you wouldn't even need 2 months to get there. She was impatient.

After easily finishing her journey in a month, she arrived at the Magic University. There she was shocked.

Nina had honestly made light of magicians.

'Without any decent training, they were a bunch that did nothing but mumble some vague chants or something, thinking they could get stronger that way.' she thought.

However, walking down the road were muscular men. For some reason there were a lot of Beast People, and people dressed like warriors. Though there were also those in robes, and those in cute uniforms, the overwhelming majority had robust bodies. Nina was ashamed of her ignorance of the world; her view of magicians had been narrow until she was as old as 18.

At any rate, Nina called out to a nearby young man. He was well-built and was a Beast Race who definitely appeared to be a warrior. She tried asking him about Rudeus' whereabouts. When she did, he replied that he was heading to Rudeus as well. Thinking 'this is perfect', Nina followed him.

They arrived at a uniformed youth. He was said to be Rudeus.

He was just as Nina had imagined. Though he had trained his body, she couldn't feel any ambition from him. Though his face wasn't bad, he had an unconfident expression, and he had no appeal as a man. He was perfect for Eris.

'Right, time to beat him down...' but the instant she thought this, the young Beast Man raised his voice.

"I assume that you are the lone horseman who defeated a stray dragon, A-Ranked adventurer Rudeus of the 『Quagmire』! I challenge you to a customary courtship duel!"

Nina was shocked. The man had suddenly challenged Rudeus to a duel.

"No, I have piano lessons so..."

Though it was unmanly, Rudeus immediately rejected him. However, with this or that reason, the man ended up in front of Rudeus and because there was no use talking, he attacked.

Nina thought that in the next instant, Rudeus would be cut to pieces. Though he wasn't as skilled as she was, Nina could still see that the young Beast Man was quite strong. And Rudeus was a magician. The common sense of a swordsman dictated that as long as you closed the distance, a magician was weak. At this distance there was nothing a magician could do.

However, the result was the opposite. In the blink of an eye, Rudeus had defeated the young man. It might have been within three seconds. It was truly an instant.

Then without paying another glance at the dumbfounded Nina, he quickly went away.

Part 4

And then, after Nina somehow managed to compose herself again, once again she asked about for Rudeus' whereabouts. She then found out that he was at the library. When she headed towards it, she found a huge line of Beast People lined up in front of the building. Thinking that it had nothing to do with her, she made to enter the library when,

"Are you here to duel Rudeus?"

She was asked this by a young Beast Man.

"Y-, yeah. That's right."

She replied as such without thinking.

"Then get to the back of the line! Don't cut in!"

He became angry. According to what she had heard, the people in this line were all here to duel Rudeus. There were 30 people. While trembling in trepidation at the reality of this, she quietly waited in line. When she did, the Beast Man who was in front said "It's a pity, huh?". She had no idea what was going on. She just waited like that, and it became afternoon.

Then 'he' appeared.

A demon with pitch black skin, like a lump of muscle. With a very self-important attitude, he overlooked the surroundings.

"Hohh, is this a line for an attraction or something!?"

"It's the queue for dueling Rudeus Greyrat!"

"What! There are this many of you!? Fuhahahaha! Rudeus is a pretty popular guy, isn't he!? I don't mind waiting, but isn't there any way I can get further ahead!?"

The people around became angry at the man who boldly declared this. They had lined up and waited for their turn. Nina was indignant as well. Even she who had come here after a long journey was waiting for her turn.

'Stop acting so conceited and get in line!' she thought.

Then, a certain idiot said it. He said what he shouldn't have said.

"If you wanna get ahead no matter what, then how about you do so after beating down everyone in front of you!?"

"Fuhahahaha! That's fine! I'm good with it! Well then, all of you come at once! In deference to the guts you have for challenging me, I'll let you attack first!"

At that excessive haughtiness, everyone there became mad with rage.

"What did you say!?"

"Don't get too carried away!"

Then thinking to let this guy know his place, they attacked. Before she knew what was going on, Nina was participating in the attack as well.

Then, she lost.

Though Nina was attacking as well, the demon stayed composed. Their swords couldn't pierce that black skin. After letting loose her blood-lust she finally wounded him with her Longsword of Light, but he healed in an instant.

"I am the Demon King Badigadi! Fuhahahaha! If you can defeat me I'll grant you a hero's title!"

Nina ought to have been putting up a good fight. However, her attack power was too low, and after her tactics failed to strike home multiple times, she was caught, defeated, and her beloved sword was bent.

Then came the terror, and the chaos.

'Why am I doing something like fighting a Demon King here?'

'To begin with, why is a Demon King of the Magic Continent at a place like this?'

That was what everyone there was wondering.

A little while after Nina was beaten, everyone else was as well. Miraculously, though there were injured people, no one had died. He had held back. When she realized this, tears fell onto Nina's fists. However, though it was mortifying, she had already lost her sword and there was nothing left that she could do.

"...The heck is this?"

Around the time everyone had been defeated, Rudeus appeared from inside the library. After saying this and that, he moved locations.

While frowning due to the pain in her body, Nina followed them.

They arrived at a large field. Rudeus and the Demon King continued to glare at each other. Seemingly having some sort of conversation, sometimes the Demon King's loud laughter could be heard. However, Nina couldn't tell what they were talking about. The duel began when a terrifyingly fast youth brought a staff to Rudeus.

The duel between Rudeus and the Demon King.

Nina watched the duel from beginning to end. Rudeus received the staff, and unsealed it. After some brief words, he pointed his staff at the Demon King, and in that moment,

The Demon King's torso was shot off.

An opponent that she was helpless against was defeated in one blow. In the face of that reality, Nina was purely dumbfounded. She couldn't remember what happened afterwards very well.


Nina returned to the Holy Land of Swords. Now that she knew the level of strength that Eris wanted to reach, Nina was shocked. While shocked, the gaze that she turned on the endeavoring Eris had somewhat softened.

Then, since that time, Nina turned over a new leaf. She renewed the effort she had put in up until now, and to deal with cases where her sword broke again, she now carried two swords. She stopped looking down on attacks from Eris' fists, and distanced herself from the trivial acquaintances from her age group.

After that, she became a true rival to Eris but... That's another story.


Incidentally, upon hearing about the news of the Demon King's attack, the Sword God had grabbed his sword with great enthusiasm written on his face, but hearing Nina's story, he looked disappointed and returned his sword to its sheath.