Chapter 95: Princess, Knight, and Magician

Chapter 95: Princess, Knight, and Magician

Part 1

Sylphy's life suddenly changed.

She went from living life as an ordinary village girl, to living life as a Royal Guard.

The first order of business was a complete overhaul of her wardrobe.

Received from the Guardian Magician who died, were a cloak, boots and gloves.

[Gale Boots] which allowed the wearer to run several times faster than normal.

[Cloak of Perpetual Warmth] that regulated the body temperature, preventing sudden illness.

[Overwhelming Gloves] halving all impact damage received near the palm.

All of these articles were [Magic Items].

A special undergarment was newly ordered for Sylphy.

[Bustier of the Steel-threaded Silkworm].

It is made with fibers that resist most blades, however it cannot withstand an attack by someone using skills of the Sword God style, rather it's more for preventing wounds from the level of a thrown dagger.

In addition, a Magic Tool that changes color and orients in the direction of a certain person when an impending crisis to them approaches.

[Sunglasses of the Rescuer].

While allowing the face to remain hidden, it allows perception of the crisis state of the princess instantaneously.

This is a full set of the rarest of equipments.

If an adventurer saw it, they might become stricken with jealousy and try to take it for themselves.

There was also the opinion of giving Sylphy a certain wand, but Sylphy refused it.

The wand she was using presently, was the beginner's wand she had received from Rudeus.

It was her sole property.

And so she desperately did not want to part with it.

It was after all the wand that felled the Terminate Boar in one shot.

No one was going to force the issue.

Even her eating habits had changed drastically.

In Buina village, the staple food was something akin to a crusty brown bread and vegetable soup.

And the main dish would be the rabbit or bird her father had fetched.

These were the kinds of meals that Sylphy knew.

But even though Sylphy was from a poor family in Buina Village, because it was part of the bountiful Asura Kingdom, there were no cases of hunger or starvation to worry about.

But now the meals had changed to that of the grand feasts of the Imperial Court of Asura Kingdom!

A thick, rich and hearty soup served with tender white bread.

Meat and fish covered in abundant spices and slow-cooked for a long time.

Salad made with fresh raw vegetables, and then followed up with a dessert.

It was all far too luxurious for Sylphy.

Although even if it was such a luxurious dish, her job as a guard made it required for her to eat until the very end, she had to retire after seeing exactly how much those of the upper level nobility could eat.

The similar yet lower ranking guard, was Luke.

However, the difference in the quality of meals here compared to those of Buina village was like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

For Sylphy, living everyday in the palace was like living in a dream.

Her only dissatisfaction was the lack of freedom and personal time.

Still, she kept strengthening her body, and managed to find the time to keep practicing magic.

Of course, she was concerned with what happened to Rudeus and Buina Village.

Although information was being collected, the feudal lord James Boreas Greyrat had fled in an effort to save his own neck, so the search hardly advanced at all.

The Minister Darius, however, made a move by helping a person named Alphonse, who at one point was a butler of Sauros', to establish a refugee camp. The outlook there, however, was grim.

Sylphy insisted that she would go to take a look, even travelling by her own feet if necessary, but that was rejected.

She was told she just had to wait, while properly doing her job as a guard.

Sylphy continued to perform the guard work, as she was told.

At first, it was a string of continual failures.

Especially when making public appearances.

No matter how much etiquette she absorbed, not everything was perfectly understood. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

She failed her table manners, she failed in greeting others in the hallways, and she failed in the various ceremonies she was required to attend.

Her failures became the targets of scorn and antagonism towards the second princess.

[Even if they are said to be the genius boy, apparently that genius doesn't extend into using manners properly.]

Even if it wasn't the full truth, the malice could be heard.

Sylphy recalled the time she had been bullied.

It almost made her legs lock up in fear.

However, she didn't cower away.

Because despite everything being said, none of the scorn was directed at Sylphy herself.

No, it was being directed towards Rudeus.

For Sylphy, that wasn't something she could possibly endure.

If it was Rudeus, if Rudeus was in this situation, he would probably endure it though.

If Rudeus could do it, it was imperative that she was also able to do it if she ever wanted to stand equal to him.

And while thinking that, a passionate feeling gushed out from inside Sylphy's chest.

Afterwards, she took care to ensure that similar mistakes never occurred again, and had moved about with meticulous care.

For the things she had not already learned, immediately after learning it, she practiced it over and over.

The first thing was changing the way she referred to herself as, to 'Boku', then she did her best imitation of Rudeus, and came to behave in the ways of a man.

Luke had reacted to such an action favorably though.

He is a ladies' man, as admitted pridefully by himself and others.

Sylphy had observed how good he was at making women fall for him, "analyze their preferences" being his motto.

Because she had observed him properly, she had found that he did have some good parts to him.

Particularly, it's his special ability.

And it is entirely limited to conversing with women.

Luke had seen the desperation that plagued Sylphy.

Watching the earnestness of effort, something that was rarely, if ever, seen in noble women.

To keep her sights on nothing but one point, and to eagerly overtake the point that she continually aimed for.

For Luke, watching Sylphy make such an effort day after day, naturally had come around to supporting her.

Secretly supplementing the parts he knew that she was lacking, and stealthily teaching her the parts that she did not know at all, he had become a shadow of support for her.

A shadow only.

Because around here, there was a reason he was popular.

And Sylphy had noticed it.

However, Sylphy did not fall in love with Luke.

In her heart there was no crevice filled with anything other than thoughts of Rudeus.

And Luke also seemed to have no interest in the 'chopping board' characteristics particular to the Long Ear Tribe (Elves).

Instead, a strange friendship began to bud between these two people.

Luke himself had few friends.

He was born into the house of Notus, and was quickly entered into the Second Princess Faction. Being close in age, and partly being forced into it, he was appointed as her Guardian Knight, and had spent every day training for the duties that accompanied it.

There was nobody who he could call his equal, just a person to look up at or down upon.

This was even the case with former Guardian Magician Derrick. When after considering the age difference and experiences, it was not easy at all to say they were even close to being equal.

Only Sylphy was an understanding existence that could finally be called equal to Luke.

Perhaps to him, she could have been the only one worthy enough to be called his friend.

Part 2

While getting along well with Luke behind the scenes, Sylphy and Ariel also continued to deepen their bonds of friendship.

However, the opening act never ends smoothly.

At that time in her life, Ariel was an extreme sadist.

She was a girl who felt a particular excitement tormenting others.

The likely cause of this was something that lingered behind after all the times she had nearly been assassinated.

At first, Ariel did small things, like ordering the maid of one of her guards to perform cleaning duties while stark naked, while others included Ariel herself severely beating an errand boy with a horse crop.

Perhaps you could call it a "love of bullying the weak".

Of course while her proclivities were concealed as much as possible, they were already established as a well known fact in the imperial court.

At first, Ariel only targeted those who were weak, but gradually over time she lost interest in weak people, and instead came to be attracted to those she considered to be [Strong People].

By accomplishing the task of making a [Strong Person] prostrate and submit to her authority and position.

It came to be that doing such things stimulated the princess.

Luke was no good as a target.

He never tried to show Ariel any of his strong parts.

Omitting of course, the origin of Luke's feelings towards Ariel.

Also, there was Sylphy's predecessor, the Guardian Magician Derrick.

That one never showed strength towards their Master, Ariel.

Nothing but obedience was shown.

Mental Strength and a Rebellious Spirit, men who didn't try and show these things were not at all of Ariel's 'taste.'

Most likely they were able to accomplish their job as Ariel's guard because none of them had anything that matched her 'taste.'

And then what about Sylphy?

She felled the Terminate Boar with one shot using chantless magic, and while in a strange place, surrounded with strange company, she remained determined to do her best to learn strange manners?


Even if she was skilled in magic,

Even if she was of a younger age,

Even if she had white hair,

Even if she had long ears,

Even if she was diligent,

And even if it seemed like there was a man she desired.

All of it was to Ariel's 'taste'.

At first, Ariel endured the nagging 'desire.'

It was because Sylphy saved her.

Ariel owed Sylphy her life.

She still remembered the fear the Terminate Boar instilled when it appeared before her.

If Derrick hadn't pushed her away, Ariel's head most likely would have exploded and her brains splattered everywhere.

If Luke hadn't protected her, Ariel's stomach and chest would likely have been torn apart.

Neither Luke nor Herself would be alive if not for Sylphy.

The Terminate Boar is different from a Goblin.

It doesn't lay it eyes on a woman and consider violating her.

It only rips the body apart as it feeds on it.

Ariel's life had been saved, and as a respectful member of the Imperial Royal Family of Asura, repaying such a favor was surely necessary.

However, such thoughts, began to gradually fade away.

The Sylphy who eats delicious meals everyday.

The Sylphy who lives and works hard every day.

Towards that Sylphy, Ariel speaks words of gratitude to the first time before preparing to eat such a 'tasty' meal.

Such a wicked happiness could be seen in the eyes of the princess.

Of course, Sylphy being Sylphy, naturally she worried over her parents and Rudeus.

But, at the same time, she knew Sylphy also recognized that she was now under the [Patronage of Ariel].

So a bit of that attitude had emerged in her daily life.

Seeing such an attitude, Ariel considered what to do.

(It's a good thing, right?)

(I don't need to endure it anymore, right?)

However, in this one year, Sylphy had come to think of them as friends.

Friends with some peculiarities that tended to stand out, and whose relations with her were a bit different than that of Rudeus'.

Sylphy felt strongly that 'A friend is a friend.'

And for Sylphy, the number of friends she had was easily counted on one hand.

[I understand. I will continue to protect Ariel-sama.]

Sylphy, at that moment, may have possibly become the princess' Guardian Magician in the truest literal sense.

Part 4

They had left the Asura Kingdom under the guise of studying abroad.

Their current state, out of fear of assassination, appeared to be nothing more than throwing aside everything and fleeing from the country immediately.

Though that was but half the truth.

Inevitably, the first prince had sent a pursuit party after them.

He was aware of the risk a still-living Ariel possessed.

Her charisma might allow her to captivate the Magic Guild.

Furthermore, there were also the children of other Asura Nobles attending the Academy.

She might give them, the seconds who couldn't carry the next generation, or the thirds whose heart could be swayed, the way to become the head of their houses, since there were many ways it could be done by assisting Ariel.

In addition, there were many various nobles and royalty to be found in other countries and tribes.

If Ariel, who has extremely high charisma, were to return after attaining strong ties with foreign countries...

The first prince faction thought that it would be best to make this attack somewhat excessive.

The pursuit of the princess' party continued even after they left the borders of the Asura Kindgom.

There were 15 nobles which comprised this party. And whenever one was alone, they always lost their lives in their surprise attack.

In particular, the surprise attack at the [Red Dragon's Upper Jaw] was thoroughly severe.

About ten swordsmen, a Magician for support, and a Healer that laid in wait.

All of the previous surprise attacks were in preparation for this ambush.

This sure-kill formation, however, was crushed entirely by the hand of Sylphy.

The chantless magic combat techniques that Rudeus had thought up were highly effective here.

Though Sylphy was in the ceremonial position of Guardian Magician, she had never neglected strengthening her body.

And she had even learned how to swing a sword from Luke, when he could spare the time to teach.

And though it was just a thin layer, her body had recently begun to wear Fighting Spirit.

All of the attacks had stopped when Ariel's party had crossed over the [Red Dragon's Upper Jaw].

Excluding Sylphy and Luke, the number of Ariel's noble servants had been reduced to merely two others.

The first prince faction didn't have the nerve to send an assassin into a country where they couldn't keep a close eye on things.

The sure-kill formation had been destroyed, and for an opponent they couldn't kill within their own borders, there was little confidence in finishing the job in another country's.

This was a mistake on the part of the first prince faction.

If the attack was repeated two or three more times, the probability of Ariel dying would likely be very high.

If her servants hadn't been risking their lives to protect the princess, it could not be expected that Sylphy alone would be able to manage that duty.

However, the first call of the prince's lack of judgement on this matter, was no doubt owing to the combat prowess of Sylphy.

After the ordeal they made it to Ranoa Kingdom.

Five people unaccustomed to traveling to a foreign country.

Only two servants remained.

Elmore Bluewolf.

Kleene Elrond.

Both of them were young ladies.

The middle-aged servants who knew the fundamentals of the journey had already died.

There was bad planning, delayed traveling time, and the matter of it becoming winter en-route.

The dangerous pursuit party, and the villager's complacency began to wear thin the patience of the group, and almost led to disaster.

They probably were seen as a delicious morsel to a monster or bandit.

Along the way they were attacked many more times.

However every attack was repelled.

Many more difficulties as well waited for them.

When they got to Magic City Sharia, and were met with many further complications, they felt the bonds between themselves had strengthened.

They were comrades.

Part 5

Sylphy had entered the Magic Academy.

Both the Magic Academy and the Magic Guild welcomed the Asura Royal Family, and promised to handle them as [Special Students].

However, Ariel refused.

She wished to be treated as and mixed in with the general students until the very end, so in this way she arranged to be able to acquire a sufficient amount of interaction with other students.

Ariel's calculations were elaborate.

How should she gain power while in these lands?

If she were to just be satisfied using the name of Asura Royalty, she would not be able to accomplish such a great feat.

Like a game of chess, she must use her pieces effectively.

First of all, as Ariel's [Might], Sylphy was best shown off in the position of guard.

Luke, also a guard, though without any real power, was better placed in the position to show generosity and gentleness, kept closely on hand.

Ariel herself would take the position as a [Symbol of Admiration.]

And she decided that her two Servants, Kleene and Elmore would devote themselves to the work that could only be done in the shadows.

Sylphy was able to continue with her disguise unchanged.

When guarding Ariel, she would conveniently dress in clothes suitable for a woman.

However, the best way to show [Might] would be to emphasize it by [Mystery].

An unseen face, and an unspoken opinion, was it a boy? Was it a girl? Who knows?

An extremely strong guard who used chantless magic.

The fact alone that this person was guarding the princess, was all that was important.

It made the existence of the princess even more grand.

Also, if you don't understand your opponent's true nature, then there will be hesitation when it came to starting trouble with them.

The main duty of the two servants was information gathering.

Mixing with the general students, detailed rumor collection, and manipulating information.

The job was really that of a covert operative.

Those girls, who would casually contact Luke at times while pretending to be his groupies, would then relay information.

Regular information included various things about the Fedoa search party, personal information about enrolled students of the Academy, the Asura Kingdom situation reports, and information about nearby influential adventurers.

Luke's job was to act the part of the fool, and receive the information naturally.

As a familiar face, continually posing as a sociable person.

Although since Luke was originally a "ladies' man", his posturing would be less of an act.

In an unknown land, unacquainted with people of differing cultures, suddenly rising to power through associations.

Failure cannot be allowed to happen here.

Part 6

Ariel gradually wasted away.

In the situation in which failure must not be allowed to happen, without any kind of relaxation, continuously playing the part of a symbol.

With no relaxation time, her great spirit had been whittled away.

Still, she did somehow manage it for the first several months.

Sylphy had become Ariel's confidante because it would help alleviate the stress her body had accumulated.

However, certain information had arrived.

The updated death roster of Fedoa Territory...

In other words, it was information on the death of Sylphy's parents.

From this, even Sylphy was closed off and in low spirits as could be expected.

Sylphy, having desperately made it this far, hearing about her parent's deaths took a heavy toll.

Her one hope had been destroyed in an instant.

Brooding, seclusion, the situation did not allow for it.

Ariel wasted away.

Syphy was worn out.

And the two servants who couldn't become used to their new way of life, it was hardly a situation where there could be worry about another person.

Only Luke seemed to be fine.

Because he had the optimistic and undaunted characteristic unique to the Greyrat house, he always seemed to be in the same state no matter where he was.

The stability of his mind was likely helped by his so-called Upper Asura Nobles "lady-fishing" circumstances.

Luke wondered if there wasn't some way he couldn't be helping with the current situation.

However, in his knowledge, if a woman was depressed, the only solution was to comfort her in his arms.

Apart from the two servants, he had no intention of 'holding' Ariel nor Sylphy.

For Luke, these two people had leapt over the category of love interest into that of a special existence.

He was troubled.

He wondered if there was anything he could do.

Then he suddenly remembered.

At one time, there was the example of the genius boy who gave lessons to the brutal monkey of the Boreas house, [being the seventh or tenth day of every month, he created a thing called a holiday, and quieted the anger of the monkey.]

Even to a certain man with habits of debauchery, it was especially important to have a little bit of something like a breather.

Once every ten days they would be allowed to cut loose and go wild.

Because of that, he proposed venting stress in such a way.

Ariel, though she was worried about it's effectiveness, agreed to it.

Sylphy, also desiring some alone time, also agreed to it.

However there was one concern.

Ariel's existence must become that of a symbol.

And such an existence, if she were to be found cutting loose in the town once every several days, what would other people think of that?

Ariel must be a symbol.

She must not be allowed to appear the same as any girl around here.

Everything that took great pains to begin building up absolutely must not be destroyed now.

But such anxiety was easily solved by the existence of a certain magic tool.

A magic tool that allows the user to take the shape of another.

This magic tool took the form of two rings: a green ring, and a red ring.

The person wearing the green ring would become identical in facial features and hair color to the person wearing the red ring.

This magic tool was a secret treasure passed down in the Asura Kingdom family from generation to generation.

This magic tool was meant to be worn by the body-double of the Asura Kingdom.

For Ariel and Sylphy, at times when they would go on holiday, this tool was used to disguise Ariel, so any assailant's eyes would be deceived.

Using this magic tool, height and build, voice, even the eye color was unchanged.

If observed well, or if one was heard conversing in it's form, they can easily become exposed.

However it was satisfactory enough.

Using this, Ariel changed herself into Sylphy.

Sylphy always had a reason to wear sunglasses, and furthermore lived a life where she hardly spoke.

And also, since all of her magic was done chantless, it was convenient.

There was no real height difference between Ariel and Sylphy.

It was really quite convenient.

Using this, Ariel became [Fitts].

And as [Fitts], it became possible for Ariel to move about the whole town.

During this time, it was necessary that Sylphy be in a rather deserted place.

As for the location, she chose the quiet library.

She planned to examine the event that had killed her parents.

And so, this was the way in which Sylphy and company led their lives at the Magic Academy.