Chapter 77: Letter of Recommendation

Chapter 77: Letter of Recommendation

Part 1

One week has passed since I heard that Zenith has been found.

I still remained at an inn in the Basherant Kingdom.

I want to head to the Begaritto Continent, but winter quickly approached.

So, I decided I would stay in this country for a little while longer.

The winters in the Northern Lands of the Central Continent are severe.

Snow continually falls and can get as deep as 5 meters.

The highway and some important country roads are passable, but that changes when heading to foreign lands.

I could use my magic to stop a snow storm, melt the snow and travel onwards...

However I don't know a magic to clear all the roads, so there's no way to make it to the next country without having to camp outside.

I would likely meet with a disaster.

Anyway, Zenith is alive, and the word was that the labyrinth is being sought.

Though there were a couple of problems, Paul and Roxy were heading there.

And Elinalise said that there was no need to rush there.

It was better to head there after the winter when the danger was minimal.

So, with plans to eventually go there, I continued with my daily training regimen.

I wake up in the morning and do training.

During my lifetime, I trained to keep my body healthy as long as I can, that's why right now my body moves well.

After all, a healthy body is a healthy mind.

In the afternoon I didn't head towards the Adventurer's Guild.

It is a one-week holiday right now.

I'll do training until midday, then I'll look around the market.

If winter is coming, I need to get appropriate clothes now.

While thinking about various things, I began training.

It's a bit difficult because it's a holiday.

Running through the snow, I reached the outer wall of the town and assisted by my magic, I climbed the hill.

[Whoa~!? Say, Quagmire, You shouldn't go out! How about you take a break today?]

[Can't, I've got to do my daily training.]

[You're a hard worker aren't ya? Ah, that's right, can you help me with repairing a wall next time? I'll reward you with some rice!]

[If you let me rub your daughter's tits, I'll rebuild your whole house!]

[Now listen here you...]

[Just kidding!]

After greeting with the soldier on top of the outer wall, I jumped down to the city outskirts.

Then I proceeded to run one lap around the city.

Unlike the freshly snow-shoveled streets in the city interior, snow is piled high outside the wall.

I run while making my own road through the snow I melted with fire magic.

After my lap, I proceeded to do sword-swinging exercises.

I learned how to do image training from Ghyslaine and Paul, so the shadow of the person I'm chasing today was Ruijerd.

I can move neither hand nor my foot against him.

I have to train harder.

Afterwards, I took the same route home.

When I was returning to the hotel, I saw Elinalise appear in the window of the room on the second floor.

[Ah... Isn't it, Rudei, err, -us, welcome home.]

Though she has seen and spoken to my face, the circumstances are strange.

Her hand grabs the window edge, she is making unsightly faces, and her head moves in a rhythmic fashion.

She was trying to keep her voice low but the volume of her groans of [Nnh, Nnh] was rising.

A bare-skinned shoulder.

Yep. Busted.

[I'm back Elinalise-san, You are 'energetic' as well again today it seems.]

[Eh? 'Energetic?' Wh-whatever do you mean by thaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH~t!]

Surely, on the other side of the window there, there is a man who is taking care of Elinalise from behind.

Even though it was cold outside, she engages in the advanced art of open-window play.

She is an 'energetic' thing.

I took my eyes off her and entered the hotel, returning to my room.

I've come to understand in this one week, that Elinalise is one hell of a b*tch in heat.

The existence of such a woman is surely some kind of criminal sex offense.

Although I wouldn't mind being caught up in that kind of crime scene.

But to tell the truth, for the last 2 years, I've been suffering from a certain disease.

It's a sickness of the Heart and Body.

It's difficult to speak about it in detail.

Well, let me use an example of a plant bulb to try and explain.

If a bulb sees some mountains or a valley, it will sprout out the bud.

And as it grows towards the heavens, it becomes swollen, a splendid stalk that cannot be knocked down by heavy winds or fierce rains.

Then it will release a splendid flower which will bloom.

But, right now my bulb does not grow, and the flower does not bloom.

...In short, It's ED.

And no, it's not a cassette tape.

That's right.

Since that separation experience from Eris, it won't stand.

Of course, I made an effort to overcome it.

I headed in the direction of a strange place called the Red-Light District.

In my previous life, I would never ever have gone there.

However, the result was complete defeat.

The stem that would come from my beloved bud was instead peacefully at rest.

Afterwards, when I sold my name as an adventurer, I was able to court a lady adventurer.

Even though I surely had a lewd face, I managed to coerce her into my room.

Or, it might have been that because I considered that she may have been a professional.

It'll stand ready.

However, with it in this worthless state, it was over, and when she was finished being angry with me, she left.

So I gave up.

If I see a naked woman, I do get excited.

But, there is no signal from the spinal cord to that place on the body.

Afterwards, a sense of helplessness and loneliness descended upon me.

My heart broke.

I also don't think that anymore, there isn't someone else who can make it grow.

There is no beloved partner.

After that kind of betrayal, only someone who I could see, and feel, and love from the start would be good.

I don't desire anything more than that.

Hasn't it been that way since the olden days?

I managed it once, and I desire more.

There is no good advancement from before.

If I choose solo-play that might be good.

I don't need a partner.

I hate being crowded anyway.

No, recently, even solo-play has to be rather...

I can't even cry about it!


I came back to my room.

With magic I warmed the room, then I produced some warm water, and proceeded to wipe my body down.

After changing clothes, I left the room to go eat.



And just then, I bumped into Elinalise and the company who had just finished shouldering her burden.

Coming out of the room holding the shoulder was Soldat, who had recently been the one accepting her job requests.

After seeing my face, his own face turned pale.

[Ah, it's not like that Quagmire... I didn't intend to make a move on your woman.]

[Ah, it's not like that Soldat, Elinalise-san was never my woman. Besides you know how it is.]

[Y-yeah, it's like that isn't it, S-sorry. I didn't mean to dredge up that emotional scar. I didn't have any intention to go against you, especially after what we accomplished the other day.]

[Don't worry about it... By the way, was she good?]

[Yeah, she was the the absolute best.]

When Soldat said that, his face went hot.


After asking him myself, a tongue clicking sound came out.

[About that, Elinalise-san. Does it make you feel good?]

[But of course, it's only natural that I try to bring every man closer to happiness.]

[...Ah, so that's how it is.]

I know about it.

Soldat's male party members and many others have already been gobbled up by Elinalise.

Each and every one of them offered me an apology as they spoke fondly of her.

I don't really need any apologies.

However, are the other men aware of what happened?

If it comes out, will it become a scene of carnage?

Well, it's not my concern.

I'm not a participant.

It's too troublesome to deal with the awkwardness of those situations.

In the last two years, I have done my best to avoid getting involved in troublesome situations like this.

I don't cause grudges, and I don't start fights.

In other words, I should offer her a word of advice here.


[What is it?]

[It's okay if you make a mess eating whatever you like, but please clean up after yourself, alright?]

Personal maintenance.

She nodded in assent as if it was a natural conclusion.

[Of course.]

[Oi, Oi, what's the story?]

I cannot say what kind of face Soldat was making.

Elinalise gave him a kiss on the cheek and ushered him downstairs.

[It's nothing at all, now then, shall we eat the meal?]

She is a cruel woman.

Part 2

Elinalise Dragonroad.

Paul's former party member.

It seems that along with Roxy, she was also looking for Paul's family that were involved with the Mana Calamity.

Together with Roxy, they traveled across the Magic Continent, happened upon Kishirika, then came back towards the Central Continent.

I was grateful hearing the story.

Roxy rushed back from the edge of the Magic Continent.

She was going to inform Paul about Zenith's discovered whereabouts.

In other words, this selfish woman is saying that Roxy is not otherwise coming here.


No, hearing the situation, originally everyone was going to return to Milishion.

It couldn't be helped if I was left out of the plans.

I should probably be grateful.

It's fine how it is.

If I head to Begaritto Continent, I can meet Roxy.

I don't have to rush it.

Elinalise's adventurer rank is S-class.

Her class is a [Warrior.]

Only once did I do a subjugation request with her. Truthfully speaking, she is not weak.

Her offensive ability is a bit low, but her aggro control is extremely good.

As far as warriors go, she is first-class.

However, she isn't the strongest.

The strongest [Warrior] to me is without a doubt Ruijerd.

Though, I feel bad having that as a basis for comparison.

Her luxurious blonde hair rolls extravagantly; this elf has an Ojou-sama like beauty.

Though her demeanor is gentle, her conduct is different towards men.

She is always gazing into men's eyes, casually touching their bodies, and, one by one, seducing them.

I wonder, if it was me at that time, maybe even I could have been charmed?

Naturally, I've managed to avoid a misunderstanding.

Moreover, she has the skill to make the men in this world MeroMero.

And apparently, her fighting power on the bed is rather high.

Having said that, there is no reason to look down on or despise her.

At any rate, it doesn't seem to be a complete scam at all.

[What goes on in a Magic Guild?]

[They assist with production of things like [Magic Items] and [Scrolls].

I'm not enlightened on more than that. For the moment I belong to an F-class guild.]

[Ah, is it true if I just graduate from the Academy that I am qualified to join a D-class guild?]

[Graduate huh...]

The Magic Guild seems to carry out support for all areas related to magic.

As the rank rises, authority increases, and various aids can be received.

Even if at best all someone could only use was a Beginner grade magic, they can also join.

Normal graduates of the Magic Academies may usually find themselves in an E-class guild.

The top of the magic academy is also an executive member of the magic guild, since it's the magic academy that keeps the magic guild running. If I graduated, I can surely become a member of a D-class guild.

If a [Special Student] submits a thesis, C-class.

Of course, even those who are not [Special Students] who are also excellent magicians may actually be rewarded with C-class.

Incidentally, F-class seems to get next to no support at all.

As for Magic Guild Ranks, You can rank-up if you complete certain requests from the guild, or if you contribute certain services to the guild.

Unlike the Adventurer's Guild, there isn't a clear path in how you get to the top.

Even a skillful ass-kisser with an executive connection can manage to rank up.

Truth be told, entrance even up to B-class can be bought with money.

[Quagmire, haven't you already gone to school?]

[I had a private tutor.]

[Hmm~ Weren't you quite rich though?]

[Just in name, as part of the upper aristocracy of Asura]

[...Sorry Quagmire, what was your family name again?]

[Greyrat. I am Rudeus Greyrat.]

Even though the name [Rudeus of the Quagmire] is famous, it seems the name of Greyrat is not spread with it.

It doesn't matter to me.

Even I don't know Conrad's family name.

Though I heard it when we introduced ourselves, I've already forgotten it.

[Greyrat, wasn't that the name of some regional lord in Asura Kingdom? That's amazing, but if that's the case, why are you a solo adventurer out here?]

[That is because...]

As I started to speak, everything about Eris flooded my mind.

Her face, her warmth that night, and the painful loss of her the next day.

...and then my worthless little man after that...

Tears were noticeably flowing.

[Huh, W-what...? Sorry, I guess you have your own difficulties as to why.]

I still care about her it seems.

Isn't it about time I forgot about her already?

I'm sure she's changed a lot already, She's probably already forgotten all about me.

There's really no point in me carrying a torch for her anymore.

Don't Think.

Don't Feel.

[But still, if you are being given preferential treatment from them, do you have any good reason not to go?]

Conrad said it, and I suddenly recalled it.

The reason I bothered tutoring Eris in the first place, is because it was necessary to earn tuition for the Magic Academy.

I was going to take Sylphy with me.

That was my first goal.

However, I don't feel the need to go there right now.

The circumstances now are different from back then.

Although, good things might happen if I join the Magic Guild.

It's not something that I particularly need to do right now.

I'd probably be better off joining Paul.

[That's right. I'm with Paul on this matter, even he wanted you to attend that school. You are already at a good age, why don't you learn to become independent?]

When I noticed it, Elinalise was suddenly next to me.

She seems to dislike Paul a great deal.

[It might not be too late to meet with my whole family once again.]

[I'm told Zenith was safe. Just live your life. You'll surely meet her again.]

[No, the first meeting will likely be a family dissolution.]

[Paul and everyone, wouldn't they come back to Asura?]

[Isn't it more likely they will go to live in Milishion?]

[Milishion is not the place where a man with two wives can live comfortably.]

In the Milis religion, the premise of 1 husband 1 wife is common sense.

Certainly, a guy like Paul would find it a little bit difficult.

[I mean, does Elinalise-san really not want to see father that badly?]

[That's right!]

Elinalise said so unconcernedly while shrugging her shoulders.

But even if she doesn't want to meet Paul, she's not going to give up on her plans to get me safely to him.

There are times when I just don't know what she's thinking.

[By the way, Quagmire]

[What is it?]

[Isn't it about time you introduced me to that Onee-chan of yours?]

Conrad followed Elinalise with a lewd pair of eyes.

This woman, how is she so popular?


Nothing is lost.

Though it's a very tempting offer, I think I'll pass on the Magic Academy right now.

Part 5

That night.

I was in a white place.

There is a guy.

It's that guy.

The mosaic.

It's been two years.

[Un, It's been a while.]

Ah, without a doubt, it's Hitogami.

[What's with that expression?]

It's nothing, don't worry about it.

[I don't mind it. I'm just used to the weird way you say things.]

Is that so?

Even though it's been a long time since this dream came, the feeling isn't as unpleasant as before.

Have I gotten used to it?

[Have you adapted?]

I wonder.

For these kind of things, in the middle of searching for Zenith, how many times did I call out for you?

Couldn't you have appeared once then?

[There are certain reasons for that.]

Is that the reason?

Well, since the result was that she was found, it's fine for now.

I feel like I lost two years worth of feelings.

[Aren't you glad? Your mother has been found.]

Ah, I never thought that Roxy would be taking the trouble to search.

[That girl is a hard worker, isn't she?]

I'm truly proud of my shishou.

I want to meet her quickly on the way to the Begaritto continent.

[Are you sure about that? That you want to show your current and pitiable self to your proud shishou right now?]

Pitiable self?


[Isn't it the case? Eris ran away after all, that thing is useless too, and even though your magic skill has improved, it's barely better than back then.

Even your swordsmanship hasn't improved. You just go through the motions of swinging your sword.

Though your body has became somewhat stronger, can you really say that with conviction?

To say to her "Your Student has grown up splendidly," do you really have the confidence?]


Have you said all that you are going to say?

What is it that you really want to say to me?

[Shouldn't you be training yourself now? If you go to the Magic Academy, you'll be incomparable to various adventurers, you should be able to learn all kinds of important things.]

What is this, where are you hiding the cram teacher at?


Although that's rather straightforward, is that the advice this time?

[Yes, did that give you a good feeling?]

In front of me is still a shady-looking guy.

[Oh still that kind of feeling? But, you should listen to what I say this time. If you go to the Begaritto continent, you will REGRET it.]


Why is that?

[I cannot tell you that.]

Is that it?

Anyways, it's not like you haven't been hiding all sorts of things from me since the start.

But, you should know that kind of reasoning is weak.

Even I want to settle down now that I've found everyone again.

[Yes, so then, the real advice begins now]

Alright, I'm listening.

[*Ahem.* Rudeus, Enter the Ranoa Magic University. Then investigate the "Mana Calamity" cases of the Fedoa territory. You may regain your confidence and ability as a man once more.]



Hitogami-sama! Does my Erectile Dysfunction get healed at Magic Academy?

I wonder...wonder...wonder...?

The echo trails, and my consciousness fades.

Part 6

I woke up, and there was Elinalise's face really close to me.

I was startled when I gazed at her.

I try and remember last night.

It was an unusual failure in her boys hunt.

At night, she slipped into my bed with the excuse [I can't sleep when I'm cold].

Certainly, the winter nights of the northern lands are cold.

There is a fireplace in the hotel. Though it's warmer than the outside, this world doesn't have air conditioning or gas stoves.

At a high-class hotel, each room is furnished with a fireplace, and magical heat warms the whole building that way.

However, the reality is that this is a cheap hotel for C-class adventurers.

The only provision against the cold is a thick comforter.

Because I can warm the whole room by magic, I don't have any problems in particular.

However, Elinalise is rather low on body fat, and that seems to contribute to her being cold.

Well, I'll just have to consider this a side benefit.

It doesn't mean that last night wasn't fun.

No, actually last night was not enjoyable at all.

Sleeping next to this Onee-chan with no sense of virtue, my fur seal lays limp, and we only exchange an empty silence.

Even if I experimentally grope the sleeping body of this woman, my fur seal remains silent.

Even with the so called "unauthorized usage" of the female body that I yearned to do in my previous life.

Despite how excited the reaction in my head is, no reaction came from the spinal cord to that place.


When I moved my hand, I was latched onto, much in the way an octopus does.

Though the degree of her fleshiness was rather thin, she had the soft build particular to a woman, and I was wrapped up in her.

She makes incredibly lascivious movements and coils up around me. Though as usual, there is no reaction.

However, my brain is surely excited...

After not too long, the movements of Elinalise stopped, and she resumes the quiet breathing of a sleeping person once again.

The excitement instantly fades.

Only the miserable feelings of loneliness and nothingness remain.

I shed tears.

[Is that so? This really gets healed...?]

I made up my mind right then to go to the Ranoa Magic Academy.

3 months later.

At the end of winter.

I started on a journey to Ranoa Kingdom.