Chapter 72: The Reality of the Calamity

Chapter 72: The Reality of the Calamity

Part 1

Refugee Camp.

It was a quiet place.

In terms of scale, it was the size of a village.

Or on Magic Continent then you could probably just barely call it a town.

However, there was no energy.

There was an overall silent atmosphere floating around.

Even in regards to the scale, there were few people.

I could feel the presence of people inside of the log houses that were under construction.

Though it seems like there are at least a few people who plan to stay, but I couldn't feel their energy.

The atmosphere had stagnated.

In the center of such a refugee camp.

To a place almost like an Adventurer's Guild, we proceeded.

Refugee Camp Headquarters entrance was written there.

We entered inside.

There were a few people, but after all it was melancholic here as well.

I was getting nothing but bad premonitions.

"Rudeus, that..."

Where Eris was pointing her finger, there was a paper with the names of those who were missing.

In small letters, the names were crowded together written there.

Ordered by village and town respectively.

On the very top was, Fedoa region lord.

James Boreas Greyrat's name and written was "Seeking Information on Missing and Dead Individuals".

"Let's look later."


A terrifying number of dead.

And then the fact that the name of the lord wasn't Sauros.

While holding both of those anxieties, we continued further into the building.

Part 2

After informing of Eris' name at the counter, the old lady at the reception quickly went into the back.

And then, with an amazing vigor she returned with a pair of people.

A man and woman I have recollection of.

One of them was a man in his prime, wearing somewhat prosperous merchant-like clothes, with graying hair and a beard growing out into a face that you couldn't imagine anything but a butler.

It was Alphonse.

The other one was a woman with chocolate colored skin and wearing a swordsman like outfit.


Eris ran at her with a full face smile rising to the surface.

She was so happy I was wondering if she had a tail.

I'm happy as well.

We never got any information on Ghyslaine, but she still looks energetic.

The fact that there was no information on Paul's side must mean that we passed by it during this past year.

Ghyslaine as well had a smile on her face after seeing Eris' face.

"Eris, No, Eris-sama, you did well making it here safely..."

"...Really, it's fine just as Eris."

Ghyslaine made a happy face for a short while, but soon that face turned into a frown.

Alphonse as well was looking at her with pity.

It can't be...

The feelings of anxiety attacked my heart.

"Eris... Let's talk inside."

Ghyslaine's voice was stiff.

Her tail was standing as well.

It's the face she makes when she's tense.

It wasn't just the face of her being delighted over Eris' return.

"I understand."

It seems Eris understood something after seeing that face as well.

Following Ghyslaine we walked deep into the building.

I was planning to continue following like that, and

"Rudeus-dono, please wait outside."

"Eh? Ah, yes."

I was stopped.

I nodded to Alphonse's words.

I see, for the most part I was in the position of someone being hired after all, they won't let me listen to the important talk.

"That's no good, Rudeus come as well."

Eris' tone was strong.

With enough presence that it couldn't be overturned.

"If Eris-sama says that it's fine."

The area around Eris' mouth was looking strained more than usual, her hands as well were being gripped enough to make them turn white.

Part 3

We silently followed along through the corridor and entered a room like the officials meeting room.

In the center was a sofa and at the end was a vase with Batirusu flowers in it.

There weren't any unnecessary ornaments in the room, a cheap looking officials desk was there.

Eris went and sat down on the sofa without having to be told by anyone.

And then she took my hand and had me sit beside her.

Ghyslaine was the same as always, standing in the corner of the room.

Alphonse was standing in front of Eris, he was taking on the manner of a butler.

"Welcome home Eris-ojousama. We had already received contact about ojousama's return and we were awaiting you..."

"It's fine without the introductions, just say it. Who died?"

Eris interrupted the butler's words and asked in a stronger tone than anyone here.

Who died?

The words without being oblate were asked.

That stance was no doubt a strong gaze.

However, I knew that her heart was a whirlpool of anxiety.

Because, she was tightly holding onto my hand.

"That is..."

Alphonse hesitated with his words.

If it's this reaction then Sauros, huh.

Eris was a grandfather's child after all.

Even through everything she was imitating Sauros.

If he were to die as expected even Eris would get depressed.

Alphonse informed us as if to squeeze it out.

"Sauros-sama, Philip-sama, Hilda-sama...these three have all passed away."

The instant we heard those words, my hand was crushed.

And a pain intense enough to want to take it away.

However, rather than the pain, the reality that Alphonse informed us about, my brain was in disorder.

Isn't there some kind of mistake?

It's only been a little less than three years.

That's right, not even three years have passed.

No, you could say that soon three years will have passed.

"There's no mistake? Right?"

In response to Eris' trembling voice, Alphonse deeply nodded.

"Philip-sama and Hilda-sama teleported together and passed away in the strife zone. This is something that Ghyslaine confirmed."

Ghyslaine nodded.

"I see... Where was Ghyslaine teleported to?"

"The same place as Philip-sama, the strife zone."

Ghyslaine didn't talk about it in much detail.

On the way while breaking through the strife zone on foot, she discovered the remains of Philip and Hilda.

She just told us of that.

The condition of the corpses or the situation she found them in at the time were things she didn't say.

Just, going off that expression, I understood it was terrible.

I don't know what was terrible about it.

Was the condition of the corpse terrible?

Was the situation the corpse was in terrible?

Or else, did she see something else that would make you want to turn your eyes away even more.

Did she hear something that would make you want to seal your ears?

Eris just took a breath with a single, "Hnn."

The hand that was holding mine was trembling.

"And then, what about Grandfather?"

"...He took responsibility for the Fedoa region teleport incident and was executed."

"No way."

I spontaneously whispered it.

"What need was there for Sauros-sama to be executed?"

Taking responsibility for that natural disaster and executed?

Don't be stupid.

There's nothing he could have done about it.

Or else, are you saying he could have defended against it?

Didn't it just happen suddenly without any signs?

Taking responsibility for that?

"Rudeus, sit down."


My hand was pulled by Eris and I was forced to sit down.

It seems I had stood up at some point unaware.

Inexpressible feelings were turning around inside my head.

Thanks to the intense pain I couldn't settle them well.

My hand hurts.

No, even I understand.

Even without signs.

Even if you couldn't defend against it.

People died, all of the fields in the region and the crops produced there vanished.

The losses were immeasurable.

The displeasure was great and there would be blame.

There was no choice other than to have someone become the lightning rod.

Even in Japan in my previous life, whenever something happened, the prime minister would quickly take responsibility and resign.

At the time, I thought they should continue to look over the situation until it's solved in order to take responsibility, but simultaneously, I thought it might be a good method as well.

Through death, he ends up disappearing carrying with him the complaints of the people.

The next one to take office is usually someone who is expected to fix the situation.

If you do that, to some extent you can cause peoples complaints to fall...

That's not all.

I'm sure, there was some sort of power struggle related among the nobles.

I don't know how much power old man Sauros had.

However, it seems he had enough power that losing his standing meant he had to be killed.

That's right, forcing him to agree to it is possible as well.

It's possible, but...

However, I wonder if that would end in this state.

An inactive refugee camp.

An unpopular headquarters.

I can't think that the country is seriously trying to reconstruct the Fedoa region.

If Sauros was still alive then possibly there would have been more activity and movement.

That old man was the type of person to be useful right at these times.

No. That's all a front.

In my regard that's all just trivial matters.

Eris' feelings.

After thinking about that, my heart can't remain calm no matter what.

Eris has no family left.

Suddenly he raised his voice at our separation with Ruijerd.

"...Did that escort go back?"

"Yes, we depended on him quite a bit."

"Is that so, I thought about proposing an official reward from Eris-sama when she calms down."

"He's not a person who would accept such things."

"Is that so?"

Alphonse nodded and then silently met with my gaze.

They were the fatigued eyes of a man.

"Then, Rudeus-dono... as for the people who were working for Sauros-sama, we are all that is left."

"...What about the other maids?"

"The fact that they haven't returned would mean they either died or returned to their hometown."

"I see."

Those cat ears were annihilated as well, huh.

It could be that a number of them returned to the Great Forest...

"Even after they received such assistance from Sauros-sama, it's sad."

"In the end, it's a relationship made through just money."

After saying that, Alphonse's poker face shifted a bit.

It might be a severe way of putting it, but it's that sort of thing.

"I hesitated over whether to add the still young Rudeus-dono in as well but... if you are able to answer in such a way then there should be no problem. You have protected Eris-sama and returned her home safely. In recognition of that achievement, we will recognize your enrollment as a vassal of the Boreas Greyrat family."

Vassal Group.

It seems that this is that sort of gathering.

"From here on we are going to start a Vassal Group meeting, but do you mind?"

A meeting huh.

I'm sure, even before the teleport incident, they had them when I wasn't around.

Probably, Ghyslaine as well wasn't included in them previously.

Now it's just the three of us, but formerly that is. A lot more vassals would have probably had a discussion.

"Thank you very much. Then what is the agenda?"

I had no intention of pointless talk, so I asked that.

At any rate, Philip and Sauros are already gone.

It's already been decided who the topic would be about.

"It's about Eris-sama."

Just look.

"Concretely, I would like to discuss about Eris-sama from now on."

"From now on?"

Think about it.

Eris returned to her home town.

However, there was nothing there.

Her family is gone and house is gone.

She can't return to how she used to live.

"Yes, Eris-sama from now on."

"Certainly Sauros-sama and Philip-sama have passed away, but it's not like the Boreas family itself has perished, right? Can't a house be prepared for her to live in?"

"James-sama is a person who worries over rumors, so he would most likely reject responsibility for Eris-sama."

James, Eris' uncle, huh.

The current lord.

If I remember right, he's the guy who got into a power struggle with Philip and won.

If he's bothered over rumors then certainly he wouldn't want Eris who isn't like a noble to be added into his family.

Her manners are pretty vague, it's hard to even treat her as a child of nobles.

Also, he should already have Eris' siblings included among his family.

Several other cousins as well.

If Eris were to cause some kind of problem with them, it's not hard to imagine.

Eris isn't so sweet that he would still want to take care of her knowing a problem would occur.

"Even if in case he would have been willing to look after her, whether he would treat her properly as a noble in the first place is suspicious... It's not unthinkable that he would have Eris-sama imitate a maid servant. Since that's the case, this is rejected."

I nodded to those words.

That's right, it's better to stop there.

Even though we could say Eris has become considerably more mature, her rough disposition is the same as always.

She's not enough of an adult that she wouldn't strike back when being looked down on.

"Next, Philemon Notus Greyrat-sama conveyed that if Eris-sama were able to return alive, he would definitely like for her to become his concubine."

Philemon. My uncle, huh. Paul's younger brother.

The current Notus family head was him.

It seems like old man Sauros hated him though...

He's the person who was the source of the quarrel from just before.

After looking at Ghyslaine, she lowered her brow and closed her eyes.

"It's not a bad talk, but there are a number of dark rumors about Philemon-sama."

"Dark rumors?"

"Yes, rumors about how he's been sucking up to High Minister Darius Silver Ganius for the recent assistance being given."

How is that a dark rumor I wonder.

I'm sure there are a variety of nobles, those with power making up to those with more power, isn't that normal.

"Lord Darius has been fixing problems for him these past few years, and he backs the first prince, they ended up having the second princess exiled from the country behind the scenes."


I don't get it. Even if you suddenly start with the first and second, the only thing I know about is radio gymnastics.

"Philemon-sama was affiliated with those backing the second princess faction but..."

"Since she was exiled out of the country, that power has rapidly dropped?"

"That is correct."

That seems to be the case.

In other words, since his own boss was about to lose, he was scheming to change sides to the winning side.

"Isn't that fine just like that. What is the problem?"

"Rudeus-dono, do you remember the kidnapping incident some time ago?"

"Kidnapping incident?"

"The incident when real kidnappers abducted Eris-sama."

Ah, the one I suggested huh.

"The one who was behind that kidnapping, was Lord Darius."


"Lord Darius came to Fedoa region for a visit once, and it seems at that time he was considerably pleased after seeing Eris-sama at a glance."

"That is, in a sexual meaning?"

"Of course."

Then, since he was pleased with her, he asked Sauros to give her to him, but all too quickly he was refused, so he tried to abduct her.

The truth that has finally been revealed several years later.

No, in reality it should have already been confirmed at that time.

They just couldn't make a fuss out of it because the other side is a big shot.

I wonder why Sauros refused him.

...Is it because he hates Darius?

He was that kind of old man that decides everything based on feeling.

Well, in regards to what basis he used to make the decision, this dangerous topic is fine.

"In the case that Philemon-sama were to take Eris-sama as a concubine, with some kind of reason attached he would probably offer her to Lord Darius. Philemon-sama would treat Eris-sama like an item."

Hmmm, so that Darius is a pervert noble guy, huh.

It seems they're common in Asura Kingdom.

If what he's seeking is Eris, then I can't think his tastes are bad.

Though it's just his taste that isn't bad.

"Then, that's rejected isn't it."

"No, in regards to Lord Darius himself, I can only frown from what I know, but Lord Darius is the one who has the most influence with the current king. I'm sure Eris-sama will experience some troubles, but her social status and treatment will be guaranteed."


"If it was a bit of selfishness, then Lord Darius should listen and give in. For example, reconstructing a village for the sake of the Fedoa region's population..."

I see now.

If you become the woman of one possessing power then you can use some of that power and money yourself.

Even though I say that, I really don't want Eris to become that kind of pervert's belonging.

"Any others?"

"On the side of other nobles, most likely Eris-sama is... Now that Sauros-sama and Philip-sama are dead, Eris-sama's worth as the daughter of a noble is almost nothing."

Worth, worth, huh...

Is it that sort of thing I wonder?

If you were to ask me, Eris has quite a bit of worth on her own...

"Rudeus-dono which way do you think would be best?"

"...before you ask my opinion, do you mind if I listen to Ghyslaine's opinion?"

In response to the sudden question I softly responded saying that, running away.

My thoughts still haven't collected yet.

"I think it would be best if Eris-ojousama remains together with Rudeus."

"Together with me?"

"You are Paul's son. Zenith as well is an influential noble from Milishion. Since your lineage and background are both clearly known, then you should be able to become a noble of Asura Kingdom."

No, I wonder about that.

I don't think I can.

While thinking that I look at Alphonse.

"It isn't impossible. Paul-dono has earned some merit from this incident, if we were to make use of that then making Rudeus-dono into a noble is possible. However, in order to become strong enough to manage Fedoa region, it would be difficult. I can't imagine that Philemon-sama would allow Paul-dono's son to hold any power. Also, if you were to marry Eris-sama in order to take on some power, then I can't imagine you would have a good face towards Lord Darius or James-sama."

I thought as much...

Well, but, I somehow or other understood it.

According to Alphonse's thinking, he's only focused on the region's recovery.

"Then it would be fine for Rudeus to take Eris-ojousama and run away."

"What about the Fedoa region?"

"You do something about it."

Ghyslaine's words were forsaking him.

She might fundamentally have a bad relationship with Alphonse.

"Isn't having Eris-sama govern this land that Sauros-sama loved precisely our dearest wish?"

"That's limited to your dearest wish, don't stick us together. I'm fine as long as Eris-ojousama is happy."

"Will she be able to be happy if she runs away with Rudeus-dono?"

"At the very least, more than if she were to marry Philemon."

"What about the people of this region?"

"It's not something we can know. From the start nothing of that sort was ever expected from Eris-ojousama."

The Vassal Group was split in half on difference of opinion.

I'll put it into order.

In other words, Alphonse wants Eris to follow in the footsteps of Sauros and Philip.

And then, he wants her to govern this land.

If it's for that sake, he's saying that she should endure with doing some perverted things with a perverted noble.

Ghyslaine is saying that sort of thing has no relation and wants Eris to be happy.

If it's for that sake, she's saying to throw away power and family name, and elope with me.

If you were to ask me, I side more with Ghyslaine.

It's a sentimental thing.

After all, a girl I protected all the way up to here, I wouldn't want her to become the belonging of a guy like a pig.

No, I don't really know if that Darius guy is a pig or not though.

Even if that's the case, eloping with Eris is still the better option.

I really don't care about power at all either.

However, I understand somewhat what Alphonse wants to say.

He wants Eris to take over what Sauros started.

If I think about the importance of that matter, for the time being I can understand it.

Though I can't agree to it.

Well, it doesn't really matter which.

"We can't come to a conclusion."

I muttered that.

The two disputing looked over at me.

"What do you mean?"

In response to Alphonse's request, I said,

"In any case, the one to decide is Eris. There's no meaning in us talking about it like this. Rather than that, let's search for a more constructive topic. Isn't there anything else?"

Alphonse was looking at me with a dumbfounded face.

Ghyslaine as well, sunk into silence.

"If there isn't, then I'd like to go rest."

The meeting on that day came to a close just like that.