Chapter 42: Missed Connections, the Sequel

Chapter 42: Missed Connections, the Sequel

Part 1

Demon eyes.

Normally you'd be pretty surprised if you suddenly received something like this.

Why was the Demon Emperor in that sort of place and why was I given something like this?

It was such an opportunistic development that my mind didn't have time to catch up.

However, I was moving according to a vision from God.

It should mean that this sort of development went just as he planned.

When I think that, I want to gouge it out right now and crush it.

It seems like it would hurt and I'm scared so I won't do it.

For the time being on my way back I cursed my own naivety.

I see all the people in the town, walking down the road in doubles.

I've bumped into a number of people after making mistakes of not being able to tell which one was real.

Seeing doubles both when being blamed and when earnestly apologizing.

As well as seeing doubles in fights.

I won the fights, but they are meaningless conflict.

I want to avoid as many such fights to the best of my ability.

I have no option but to urgently try and master the use of this as soon as possible.

In other words, if I don't learn to use it, we can't continue with our journey.

Part 2

I returned to the inn.

I met the Great Demon Emperor!

After talking about that to the other two they were quite surprised.

"The Great Demon Emperor, huh, to think she had revived."

I think the point that Ruijerd was surprised about was a bit unusual.

"I can't imagine that I was suddenly given demon eyes."

"Granting demon eyes is the Great Demon Emperor's ability."

Great Demon Emperor, Kishirika Kishirisu.

The Demon Emperor of Resurrection.

Another name is Demon Emperor of Demon Eyes.

Her combat capability isn't all that great, but she carries 12 types of demon eyes within her body, and can see through all manners of things.

Among them, the most frightening part, is that she has the ability to change other people's eyes into demon eyes.

Thanks to that, all of Kishirika's subordinates possessed demon eyes, and she had the power to control the demon races.

There were a number of demon races who became followers of Kishirika just to become stronger.

"I wonder why she was in this town."

"Well then. I wouldn't be able to understand how a demon king or demon emperor thinks.

Ruijerd shrugged while saying that.

That's right isn't it, you didn't even understand the true intentions of the Demon God you worked for a long time either.

If I were to say that he would probably get seriously depressed, so I didn't say it out loud.

Eris' eyes were sparkling after hearing the words Great Demon Emperor.

"That's amazing. I want to meet her too!"

"Do you want to meet her?"

Eris and Kishirika.

I wonder what kind of conversation they would have together.

I'm a bit interested.

Unexpectedly they might get along well together.

"I wonder if she's still in the town?"

"I wonder?"

Unexpectedly, she might be in another back alley, starving again.

There was that sort of tempura joke atmosphere at the time.

No, that most likely shouldn't be the case.

It felt kind of like she was searching for someone.

Surely, she has already left on a journey.

Being guided by the mechanism of some sort of bracelet or something.

"As expected, she shouldn't be in this town anymore."

"I see, that's too bad."

While saying that Eris will still probably go wander down some back alleyway tomorrow.

"Since it's that sort of feeling, I'm going to seclude myself. The two of you can feel free to act as you please for the time being."

The two of them nodded respectively.

Part 3

Learning to control the demon eyes took a week.

Starting from the conclusion, it really wasn't all that difficult.

Controlling the demon eyes using magic power.

It's really similar to using magic with voiceless incantations.

It's something I've practiced and refined a number of times until now.

Creating a path for the magic power.

I was a bit perplexed at first, but after I realized that there were two main points it became easier.

First is the strength.

It has a feeling similar to an ero game window.

In the start the strength was at MAX and all manners of things could be seen in doubles.

I thinned this out as much as I possibly could.

If I narrow down the amount of magic power in my eye the future becomes thinner and I can see the now.

Since it seems more convenient if it doesn't appear that I have it, I thinned it as much as I could so it doesn't bother me, then stopped it there.

Then I just have to maintain this condition.

If I let my focus go even just a bit the strength starts to change.

It took three days until it was stable.

The other one was length or otherwise distance.

The distance into the future that I could see.

After packing magic power into my eye I could adjust it.

The result was the farthest I could see was roughly one second.

Of course, if I pack more magic power into it I can see the future beyond two seconds as well.

I can see it, but it blurs.

I can see two or three blurs.

It means that the future is always undergoing changes.

Three seconds, four seconds, I can see that far into the future, but when you get to five seconds there are several tens of future possibilities blurring together.

It just means that there's that many future possibilities.

And then if I try to focus on a point too far into the future, the burden on my brain increases it seems.

Kishirika did say that if you had two demon eyes you would become an invalid after all.

It could be that the reason why she gives off that sort of feeling, is also an effect of the demon eyes.

In any case, if I want to use them safely it's just one second.

It took me another three days to understand that.

Then it took me one more day in order to adjust both strength and distance at the same time.

In other words one week total.

I succeeded in mastering the foresight eye.

Part 4

Now then, while I was spending my time putting power into my eye and yelling "Subside, my Divination Eye!".

Eris and Ruijerd were going out somewhere together every day.

Eris was dripping with sweat and Ruijerd was always refreshed but just a little bit sweaty as they returned every day.

The two of them are doing something together that makes them sweat.

As well as it being every day!

"Umm, I'd like to ask for reference, but what have you two been up to recently?"

Then Eris said while wiping her sweat with a towel,

"Hn, hnn, it's a secret!"

That's how she responded.

With a truly happy face.

I wonder if they're doing something secret in secret.

I wonder if it's a nice shot, hole in one.

I wonder if I have no choice but to sniff Eris' sweat stained cloth.

No, it's not like I'm really worried or anything.

In any case, I'm sure the two of them are just off training somewhere.

Yeah, I see it, Eris is a child that puts in effort in the shadows.

Even when we were in the Fedoa region, on her days off she would frequently just end up training with Ghyslaine.

When I would ask her what she was doing back then, just like this time she would respond with a "Secret!"

In that case, this time as well should be the same.

That night, a 34 year old NEET looking guy was slapping my cheeks while whispering in my ear, "From today onward your second name is [Defeated Dog]" in my dreams.

I think it's probably that Hitogami's doing.

Nothing good comes from that guy.

Part 5

One week later, I reported that I had finished controlling the demon eyes.

Then Ruijerd suggested, "In that case, have a spar with Eris and let's see."

I guess we'll be confirming exactly how useful it is in close combat.

Or else we're going to see the results of her special training.

Seeing both at once is twice as good.

I accepted immediately.

We moved to the beach.

In front of Ruijerd we faced each other with wooden sticks we picked up around here. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"I wonder if you'll be able to beat me even if you've gotten your hands on something like demon eyes!"

Today's Eris is brimming with confidence as always.

Surely, she's grasped something during this past week.

I want to protect that winning face.

"I'm fine with losing. I just want to try and find out how well I can see in close combat."

We'll go without magic for today.

I'll try fighting with just the demon eyes, seeing one second into the future setting.

"Hmmmn, they're Rudeus-like words, but?"

In the middle of Eris's lines I could see a vision.

<Suddenly Eris comes to strike me from the left side>

If I hadn't had the foresight, I most likely wouldn't have been able to react in time.

She has a natural disposition when it comes to talent with preemptive attacks.



I can clearly see through it, so I landed a counter strike on the side of Eris' face.

The next vision.

<Without flinching, Eris came in to attack consecutively with the stick in her right hand>

This is where Eris's strength lies.

It doesn't matter what kind of attack she takes, she doesn't flinch at all and prepares to go in for the next attack.

Since her legs are very steady, most attacks won't even shake her, rather the more damage you do, her voltmeter of anger increases and the attack strength goes up.



I hit her forearm with a strong attack.

Eris dropped her wooden stick.

If it was the usual me then I think this would be around where the match is decided.

At the very least, when we trained together with Ghyslaine, it would be at the point where you lost if you dropped your sword.

However, that's not what happened in the visions.

<Eris is already preparing for her next action>

In other words, this is a kind of feint.

Dropping her sword and luring me into lowering my guard.

<She goes in for a punch at the tip of my jaw on the left side.>

Eris specialty, Boreas Punch.

Intentionally dropping her sword, waiting for an opening, it's the usual human bullet combination.

"??? !!"

"Your feet are unguarded."

I swiped at her legs and caused her to fall.

The fist cut the sky and Eris started to fall to the ground.

However, it doesn't seem she has given up yet.

<While falling to the ground she pushed off with her hands and uses the centrifugal force to turn around and come at my right leg for a bite>


I moved my leg back and at the same time fell to my knees, then moved on top of Eris and sealed off her movements.

Since she came to bite at me from an impossible posture, Eris' body was twisted.

One of her arms was underneath her and one of her legs was folded up against her butt.

What else can she do from this position?

Just as I was thinking that she started moving about just trying to struggle.

However, remain patient. Like a gentleman here...

"Rudeus is unfair. Getting your hands on demon eyes yourself, even though I gave it my best..."

I stiffened up.

In an instant my head cooled down.

The wolf inside me ran away with its tail rolled up.

I couldn't think of anything to respond with.


What was I so happy about I wonder.

That's right.


It's unfair.

Demon eyes are by no means a power I worked hard to get my hands on.

It's something that just happened to fall into my hands.

All I did was just buy some food and start wandering around some back alleyways.

Certainly, after that, it took a week of adjustment.

However, that's it, it wasn't any sort of trouble at all.

Then like that, with that sort of power, in a single week, I won against Eris who put in effort until she was covered in sweat, what was I getting so happy about.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize..."


After that Eris just stayed quiet.

Although she never tried to separate from me.

The normal me would usually have my heart beating over Eris' smell and body temperature.

However, it didn't become those sorts of feelings.

I just continued to feel the punishment for my crime.

I felt that Eris' high body temperature and the smell of her sweat continued to blame me.

Inside of that heavy mood, it's better not to use the demon eyes outside of times it's needed.

I decided that.

These sort of convenient tools will hinder my growth.

That's right.

Didn't I understand it from the fight with Ruijerd.

What's important isn't to think of methods to make use of the demon eyes.

It's to raise my own personal combat power.

If I use the demon eyes, I will certainly be strong.

However, one day I will certainly reach my limit.

If you go with the method of depending on tools, one day you will have to return the favor.


I almost fell into the trap of that evil Human God, that Hitogami.

Without a doubt that guy wants me to live a life of depravity.

Demon eyes, these are a trump card.

Yes, I'll start thinking of them like that.

Part 7

That night I thought to myself.

In the end I never got my hands on a method to cross the ocean.

I wonder if I made some sort of mistake somewhere.

I thought this time it would go smoothly though.

The only thing I got my hands on was just the demon eyes.

I wonder if I'm supposed to do something with this.

For example, gambling.

Even though I say that, no such amusement as gambling exists on the Magic Continent.

At best it's betting on who would win in a fight between two people.

Earning money like this isn't very good.

We could have Ruijerd participate as a champion fighter and charge an attempt fee of 1 iron coin, then the reward for winning would be 5 small green coins.

Doing that might be good but either way he'll run out of opponents sooner or later.

Humu. I don't know even after thinking about it.

All that I know is that I've returned to the situation before I received the human gods advice.

In some ways you could say we wasted a week pointlessly.

We've already pointlessly wasted one week.

"Alright! I'll sell it."

After saying it with my mouth, I easily made my decision.

Just at a good time, Ruijerd is not around tonight.

Eris is sleeping on the edge of the bed with her bellybutton showing.

Since it would be troubling if she caught a cold I'll cover her with a blanket.

There's nothing to stop me.

There's most likely a pawnshop down some back alley that's open even at this time.

Shops that deal with suspicious items are ones that open at night.

I left the inn with my staff in one hand.

Three steps after I left the inn.

"Where are you going this late at night?"

Ruijerd stood in my way.

I was wondering where he was since he wasn't in the inn, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

This is bad, this guy was planning to peep.

I need to quickly make something up?

"Umm, I'm going to go play with fire for a bit at an ecchi store."

"Is your staff necessary in order to hold a woman?"

"Ummm? It's going to be used for magician play."


I guess that was overdoing it after all.

"Do you intend to sell it?"


He perfectly managed to guess it so I quickly confessed.

"I'll ask one more time. Do you plan to sell your staff?"

"Yes. The materials in this staff are good, so I could sell it for a high price."

"I'm not asking about something like that. Isn't that staff something important to you? Similar to this pendant."

Ruijerd took out Roxy's pendant from his chest.

"Yes, it's just as important."

"In that case, if the same thing happens again, would you sell this pendant as well?"

"If it's necessary."

Ruijerd took a deep breath.

I wonder if he's going to yell.

I didn't think he was the type of man to raise his voice over anything other than children but.

"Even if for example I was forced into a corner, I wouldn't let go of my spear."

The yell didn't come.

He just let out something like a sigh.

"That is because it's a memento of your son, right?"

"You're wrong. It's because it's my warrior's soul."

Warrior's soul, huh.

What he says is splendid, but you can't cross the ocean with it.

There was sadness in Ruijerd's eyes.

"Before, you mentioned there were three options."

"I did mention that."

"There shouldn't have been an option to sell your staff among them."

"It wasn't, was it."

I wonder if he's trying to figure out if I'm lying.

No, I didn't intend to lie.

Selling my staff is one of the legitimate methods.

"Do I still have yet to obtain your trust?"

"Trust? You have it."

"In that case, why didn't you discuss it with me?"

I turned my eyes away in response to that question.

It's because I knew he would be against it.

Therefore, I didn't discuss it.

In other words you could say that is proof that I didn't trust him.

"In my opinion, I've understood from seeing the current world this past year. Taking on jobs, even diving into labyrinths, a huge amount of money like 200 small green coins isn't an amount you can save up."

Ruijerd is speaking in an unusually realistic manner today.

I wonder if he ate anything weird.

"You should know that. Which is why you thought of the option of finding a smuggler. I would have never considered it. However, there are no other options in order for me to travel to Milis than that. That is the correct answer. Why are you going to sell your staff?"

The thing I'm always thinking of is just the better option.

The best option is too difficult and will fail if you try to do everything perfectly.

Therefore, I never know what the correct answer is.

I don't think that smuggling is the correct answer.

"Even if it's the correct answer, if it puts a crack in the party then there's no meaning in it."

"In other words you think a crack will appear in the party if we rely on the smugglers, right?"

"Yeah. Smugglers are what Ruijerd-san would consider villains with his sense of values after all."


On the list of things they transport, slaves are included as well.

And then, if you were to ask what the most popular crime in this world is, it would be kidnapping.

Children are easy to abduct.

In other words, it means becoming an accomplice with smugglers who abduct and sell children.



"This time it became like this because of me. If it was just you two, you wouldn't need to be worried over the absurd amount of 200 small green coins."

In exchange, there might have been some kind of happening on the way here though.

There was a lot of times where we were saved by Ruijerd after all.

"My pride won't forgive me for allowing you to sell your staff in order to solve the issue."

Even if you say your pride won't allow you to forgive it.

"Sell my staff and means will enter our hands. Pay the regulated fee and cross the ocean. No one will regret it. No one will have to endure anything, it's the number one smart method, isn't it?"

"My feelings of worthlessness will remain if you sell your staff. Eris will be bothered by it as well. Isn't that what you mean by putting a crack in the party?"

I kept silent.

Ruijerd met eyes with me.

They were eyes looking straight forward.

"Look for a smuggler. I'll close my eyes to all their crimes."

It was a serious face.

Most likely he's deciding on the resolve to overlook children who are captured on the way right now.

In order for me to not have to sell my staff.

For my sake.

He's bending his own principles for my sake.

I can't say anything if he has that strong of a resolve.

"If it happens that you come across a disgusting bastard on the way and you can't endure it, just say it. We have enough leeway to save children."

If Ruijerd has that sort of resolution then we'll have to stop them intelligently.

We'll rely on smugglers and cross the ocean.

However, we can't go along with what happens.

If Ruijerd can't endure it, we'll mercilessly betray them and save him.

Villains exist only to be made use of.

"Then, let's go in the direction of looking for smugglers."

"Yeah, that is fine."

"I think you'll experience a number of unpleasant things throughout it, but please take good care of me."

"That goes for both of us."

I exchanged a strong handshake with Ruijerd.

Just like this, I stole the first move and won the war of love.

No, I'm just joking.

Part 8

Of course, I explained it to Eris the next day.

She was quite surprised.

"Eh? But, didn't you go into the back alleyways in order to find a person to talk to for that sort of reason?"

It seems she already thought the option was to look for a smuggler.

Or rather, in regards to that, it seems she was trying to convince Ruijerd during the special training.

I can't win against her.

Now then, since that's the case.

Now that the party has become one, we'll look for some smugglers.