Chapter 34: The First Job: Completed

Chapter 34: The First Job: Completed

Part 1

Well, it's time for the interrogation to begin.

Who should I interrogate first, the man or the woman?

The bug-eyes woman looks quite frightened and she is desperately making muffled cries, wanting to escape from us. Looking at that frightened expression is truly stimulating... but I will leave that aside.

If I remove her gag, she will start screaming and every word that comes out from her is going to be incoherent.

If she is to be interrogated, it is best to calm her down a little before doing so.

The lizard-face man over there has a face that is difficult to analyze, and I am unclear to what his expression means when his face changes.

I only feel that he is somehow turning pale.

He meticulously observes his surroundings and our various expressions in turn. I am certain he is contemplating deeply on how to survive this.

Ruijerd is repenting on how things had transpired where he ended up killing someone. It's easy to speak to a simplistic person.

Preferably, it should be better if I question both the man and woman after removing their gags right?

I'll move one of them to another room and separately cross-examine them, and then compile the information later on.

Alright, I'll do this.

[Eris, please watch over that woman.]

[I got it.]

Eris gives a strong nod.

I bring the man to the corridor, and I get Ruijerd to assist me since I am unable to carry him up by myself. I bring him to a place in the corridor where sound will not be able to transmit over, and I carefully remove the gag in order not to get bitten by him.

[Please answer my questions.]

[I, I'll talk, I'll tell you everything, please don't kill me.]

[Very good, I'll let you off if you tell me.]

[E, eek–!]

I smile in order to assure him but he becomes frightened. I thought that he is a calm person but it seems that it is not the case.

[Where did the animals in this house come from?]

[W, we picked them up.]

[Wo~~ah, that's amazing! Then... where did you pick them up from?]

[No, that's......]

His eyes wander everywhere, looking at me first, then at Ruijerd. Is he still trying to lie?

[I, it's around here...]

His lying skills are terrible. I thought that he looked clever from his expression but it seems that he is not.

[I see! The animals are raining down everywhere in the city! ...... You bastard, are you treating me like an idiot because I look like a child?]

I threaten him a little.

[N, not at all.]

It is still not working. Using this body to threaten someone feels really foolish. I am only ten years old after all. Oh well, I will threaten him a little more.


A snapping sound emits from my finger, and at the same time a mini explosion happens in front of the man's eyes.


The tip of the man's nose burns.

[Wh, what are you doing!?]

I ignore his complaints.

[Hey, think about your answers a little more thoroughly, you don't want to die, right?]

The man trembles all over, perhaps he has recalled the person that just died. I suddenly remembered the exchange between Ruijerd and me was done in the Demon God language. They were able to clearly hear about the Superd race and what not.

Well, that's fine. Since they already know about it, I'll use it as much as possible.

[I must say, you already know this right? That man, even though his hair is dyed blue, he's the real <Dead End>. As for me, my age doesn't match my appearance.]

[The real <Dead End>...?]

[I'm the same type like you, just quickly tell me the truth, and perhaps I will help you out.]

The dialogue progresses into this direction.

[But... Eek!]

The man casts a glance at Ruijerd but immediately moves his eyes away, he probably had been glared at.

[Please tell us. What are you, doing, here?]

[W, we kidnap the animals...]

[Oh, kidnap the animals?]

[We then pretend to search for the animals if the request to search for the pet is up.]

[I see.]

This is probably true although I am unable to verify it. The things that have happened so far seem to fit the circumstances and it is believable. Though this particular request we received belongs to an innocent girl, there is also another request [The search for a rich madam's Christine-chan] that was up.

Even though there is a minimum and maximum reward limit for each request's rank, but it might be possible there is an additional reward from the person who made the request.

If there is enough luck, just searching for pets alone will be able to make someone strike it rich.

[Then, what do you do with the pets if there isn't any request to search for them?]

[We will release it after a while...]

[Hoh, isn't it worth much more to sell it to a pet shop?]

[Hah! If we did that it would be traced back to us.]

Just as the man wanted to scorn me, Ruijerd smashes the butt of his spear onto the ground, making him shake.

As expected of Ruijerd, your timing to threaten him to make him remember his position when he is about to get conceited is completely perfect!

[You've certainly paid a lot of attentions to the details.]

[O, of course.]

[If it's me, I'd sell the animals that have been caught. I'd chop it up into pieces and sell to a butcher. That way things won't get divulged right?]

In this world that deems the Monsters' meat as a delicacy, even if it's not reared it can be sold. Ah, the lizard man is showing me an expression of "I can't believe this".

Why is he doing this?

Is the great king land tortoise meat different from the pet tortoise meat?!

[Rudeus, are you planning to sell these guys to a butcher?]

As I turn my head around, Ruijerd states this dangerous notion out. I see, so this lizard man is also thinking in this direction.

[That might possibly be a great idea...]

I decide to threaten him, and the lizard man's face spasms.

Ahh, I know of this expression.

How nostalgic.

I have seen this expression very clear before in my past life.


Ruijerd-san, please don't glare at my back that way. Your glare is strong enough to burn a hole in me. I am just kidding, I will not do that again.

[Well, we're just looking for a cat and we're not the champions of justice, so we can pretend not to have seen anything and leave.]

[R, really?]

[But since you know Ruijerd is a real Superd, what should we do with you?]

[W, we won't tell anyone! Besides who will believe us if we say that <Dead End> is in this city?]

[No, they will believe it. Because as you know, bad news travel fast.]

Particularly the bad news that are unfavorable to us. If we maintain that mentality to avoid this there can be no harm done.

[To me, killing everyone here and burying you is the most convenient method.]

[P, please let me off... I'll do anything, please let me off...!]

Since I received such a plea, I can stop the threats. But what should I do? They are the culprits behind the pet kidnappings and are bad people. Even though that's the case, they are just small time villains who will not become a big threat. If we leave them alone, there should not be any trouble as well.

But they saw Ruijerd killing someone, and thus may possibly become an obstacle for Ruijerd to become a popular person. I really want to remove them to prevent any impediments in the future.

But killing them is not acceptable, as I just told Ruijerd that we cannot kill them.

Then how about sending them to the city guards? No, no matter how it is, they are simply just kidnapping pets. If we hand them off to the police, they will not receive harsh punishments. If they are just given a fine, they might remember this incident with hatred.

Even though if their attitude now is laudable, they might forget everything once the danger has passed.

If it's possible, I want to observe them from somewhere and threaten them from time to time, but at least they will feel that they are safe. Still, doing something like this has a certain risk to it. They might accumulate resentment to us if we continuously threaten them, and end up as a pure grudge against us.

After all, we were the ones who killed a person on their side.

It can be used as a material for threatening them right now, but sooner or later it will become fodder for resentment.

If they cannot be killed and cannot be handed to the police, then should we win them over? Perhaps we can have them by our side to earn money and raise our levels. We can gather information in the city and assign them to miscellaneous stuff.

If it's necessary we can take over the business of pet abduction.

But if I do this Ruijerd's attitude will probably turn for the worse. In his eyes, the people here are considered as evil, and it will be fine even if they are killed. He will most likely not work with them.

Hmmm—– I'll rearrange these various solutions' risks and return.

1. Kill them.

Risk: Ruijerd becomes confused + we will adopt a bad habit of killing everyone if there are any problems.

Return: There is no need to worry about the future + we are able to steal their money.

2. Sending them to the guards.

Risk: They might bear hatred for us.

Return: We might receive some fame.

3. Leave them alone.

Risk: They might bear hatred for us

Return: None at all.

4. Win them over.

Risk: My companion will be upset and be seen as a handler for doing bad deeds.

Return: Close surveillance of them + we will be able to receive help from them as henchmen.

I feel that "1" is not a good solution to our future plans. Even though I am not a champion of justice, to kill someone will mean that any other considerations have been cut off. I believe that sooner or later there will be retribution to this.

With "2" and "3", there are low risks and low returns. Even if we're hated by them, it's a simple thing for Ruijerd to catch them, but it will ultimately end with their deaths. This will end up as double effort.

A loud voice cuts my hesitation off.

That ear shattering voice and Ruijerd's shaking body.

[Take your hands off Rudeus!]

Eris kicks on Ruijerd's butt, kick after kick.

[What are you unsatisfied with!]

Eris's loud voice is numbing my eardrums, and the surrounding people look over at us wondering if something has happened.

[I don't like to work with bad people.]

[Because you don't like it you're grumbling!? He's doing it because of you and me!]

Ruijerd eyes open wide, and my feet touch the ground with a thump. Eris stops kicking, but her loud voice isn't stopping.

[In the first place it's just catching animals!]

[No, that fellow also kicked a child.]

[So what if he did, I have also kicked before!]

[... But, a bad person is a bad person.]

[Didn't you do something bad in the past too?]


I'm grateful that you helped me out, but cutting deeply into the heart of the matter is not too good, you know that right?

[Rudeus is amazing! If you let him do it, everything can be accomplished! So just be silent and do it!]


[Don't complain because you're a little unhappy over something!]

[I don't mean that.]

[If you want to complain then go back! Rudeus and I can finish things on our own!]

Ruijerd is clearly faltering before Eris's frantic expression.

[... I got it. I'm sorry.]

In the end Ruijerd apologizes to me. It feels that he is forced by Eris's spirit and absolutely not because he has come to an understanding about this.

[N, no, don't do this...]

Even though things ended like this, it feels like the difficulty has gone up by a lot, and this atmosphere makes me hesitate.

It might have been too rash to cooperate with them, but since things have turned out this way, I am unable to change this outcome already. I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach but I can only proceed.

I can only trust in this plan that I considered a good one from the beginning.

Even if it is not because I don't trust myself...

Part 3

After sending the cat back, the owner of the request is ravished with delight. The moment she sees the cat she dashes over and hugs it tightly in tears. Looks like it is greatly cherished.

The cat is certainly docile.

Even though it's really a black panther.

[Thank you! Oh right! Here, have this!]

A card that I'm not sure if it's made of metal, is passed into Ruijerd's hands.





Words are written on it.

[What is this?]

[Adventurers actually don't know about this!?]

The young girl's face is full of disbelief.

I will not object you if you are willing to teach me.

[If it's possible, please tell me.]

[Well, if you bring this to the adventurer's guild, you can exchange it for money.]

Ah. I see. D040023 is the request's number, even though I don't know what rule is used to create this number.

In translation, [Putting a finger onto it and say a word of "Completed", the request's status will change to "Completed".]

Is this a measure for theft prevention?

No, if I do something like this wouldn't it be completed? Stealing this card and exchanging it for money... No, it will definitely get revealed quickly. There should be some form of prevention.

[But isn't this card written as completed from the start?]

Isn't it normal to finish the card's completion only when the request is done?

[Yup! I believe Ruijerd will be able to find it, so I completed it first!]

Oh my, this child is really so adorable. A little girl that trusts someone else is really beautiful!

Ruijerd strokes the girl's head.

[Is that so... Thanks for trusting me.]

[Yeah! I believe that Evil Devil-san can be a good person too!]

Ruijerd's expression seems to freeze upon listening to the words Evil Devil. I understand your feelings, but this is the reality amongst people's opinions.

[Then Ojou-san, please do not forget about <Dead End>'s Ruijerd.]

[Yup! If I lose my pet again, please help me!]

This young girl's words slightly hurt my chest.

Part 4

When we return to the adventurer's guild the sky has already turned dark. We spent quite a bit of time, and we will go broke very soon if this happens every time.

[Woah, they have returned.]

[Oi, oi, did they find the missing pet!?]

Once we entered the guild, the fellow with a horse head starts stirring things up. He's like a minotaur but his head is a horse. I can remember him because his features are distinct. Come to think of it, does this person stay in the guild all the time?

[Oh? You're the person with a horse face from this morning... You don't need to work today?]

I find this type hard to handle. He's similar to the people that bullied me in the past. How should I say this, if I bully him now, everyone will say no.

[W, what's with you? You're suddenly so courteous, it feels kind of strange...]

Oops, damn it, I forgot about my acting skills. I'll manipulate him instead.

[Isn't it Senpai who requested me to be respectful?]

[O, oh, is that right?]

The horse-faced man turns embarrassed.

This person is really simple.

[Thanks to you, the request has been completed.]


I wave the completed card in front of him, and he shows sincere admiration.

[Amazing. It's not easy to find a lost pet in this city you know?]

Isn't that right. The reason for missing pets is due to people.

[Well, to <Dead End>'s Ruijerd it isn't a problem.]

[Are you serious... The fake is actually pretty amazing.]

[I already said it's the real deal!]

In the end after acting it out, I go over to the counter and pass the completed card and our adventurers' identity cards over. After a while, along with our adventurers' identity cards, a coin that is alike to an old 100 yen coin is passed over to us.

Hm, that's certainly cheap looking.

[Hey— How did you find the pet? Let me use it as reference too.]

[I merely used some hunting techniques.]

[Hunting! What's your tribe?]

[... Superd race.]

[What, come on, I know the truth from looking at this necklace.]

The horse-faced man eyes are concentrated onto Ruijerd's chest where Roxy's necklace is hanging from.

[I'm Nokopara, Rank C.]

[I'm Ruijerd, Rank F.]

[I know you're Rank F. Well, if there's anything you don't know go ahead and ask, I'll teach you everything as a Senpai, gahahaha!]

Ruijerd is happily talking to the horse-faced man (Nokopara). It's a good thing for the feared Ruijerd to be talking to someone. But I'm a little worried, if someone says something that he shouldn't say, will Ruijerd suddenly attack him? I hope this doesn't concern things about children.

I'm also worried about Eris who is sitting beside me. I sneak a few glances at her, and at times there seem to be people coming up to talk to her, but since she is unable to understand them she ignores them.

[Hey, your sword is pretty good, where did you get it from?]


[Hey, say something will you!]

I can see a female warrior looking a little agitated after being ignored by her.

[What is it?]

I immediately rush over to stop the fight, but the female warrior throws a [Tch, nothing at all] and leaves. In exchange Nokopara comes along to chat.

[Have you gotten the money?]

[Yes, a single scrap iron coin. It's our first work.]

[Haha, that's really cheap.]

[It's normal that a little girl won't have the money, you shouldn't say that.]

[Cheap is cheap.]

[Only on the money side.]

The young girl breaking her piggy bank to search for her cat. If this image appears in my mind, I can understand that this scrap iron coin is not a cheap thing.

[You won't understand the value of it. Please go away, shoo, shoo.]

[What, you're so cold. Well, work hard!]

Nokopara starts shaking his arms and loiters around in the guild. What does this guy really do here...

In any case we ended our first job here.