Chapter 30: Infiltration and Impersonation

Chapter 30: Infiltration and Impersonation

Part 1

The Town of Rikaris.

One of the Magic Continents Three Great Towns.

The town that the Great Demon Emperor Kishirika Kishirisu used as a headquarters during the Great Human-Demon war.

Another name is Old Kishirisu Castle.

The first thing that those who see this town are surprised by is the location of it.

Of all things, it was built right in the center of a giant crater.

The crater acts a natural wall, no matter how many times enemies attack it will never fall.

Even now this naturally occurring barrier is still preventing monsters from invading.

In the center of the town is the partially destroyed Kishirisu Castle.

This castle was destroyed during the Laplace Campaign era.

It still proudly shows traces of the battle between the Kishirika Faction Demon King of that era and the Demon God Laplace.

Truly reliable outer walls, and a black gold castle with the shadow of its glorious past.

Those two icons tell tales of the past Great Demon Emperors' authority, and of the struggles of the Demon Races people.

The town of Rikaris is an honest town filled with history.

And finally, travelers should wait until night to behold the true beauty of this town.

– Excerpt from the book [Walking the World] by Adventurer Bloody Count

Part 2

That is my knowledge of the place known as the Town of Rikarisu.

There are three entrances to the town.

A tear straight down the crater is one of them.

The crater is very high, unless you can fly through the sky it seems all other entrances are difficult to get in through.

Then, the second entrance has two guards.

In other words this town's security is strict.

I look at Ruijerd.

"What do we do?"

I remember the conversation from the Migurd race's village.

"Ruijerd-san. This town? They will let us in right?"

"I've never entered it. They always chase me away."

Leaving the human race aside, the Superd race is hated quite a bit.

That hatred is already at the genetic level at this point.

After seeing Eris' reaction I understood.

I thought things might be okay on the Magic Continent, but it seems that is not the case.

"Incidentally, with what kind of feeling do they usually chase you away?"

"First, when I approach the town the guards start yelling, a little while after a large number of Adventurers come running out."

The flow of events was playing out in my head following his words, starting with the guards yelling out "Stop!" and then a large number of muscular men running out in succession to attack.

"Then, it seems like using a disguise would be a good idea."

After saying that Ruijerd showed a sullen face and was glaring at me.

"A disguise you say?"

It seems there's something about that idea he doesn't like.

"Please calm down. First we need to enter the town."

"No, what is a disguise?"


It seems he didn't know what a disguise was.

A difference in culture I wonder?

No, in the first place if he had known, they would have let him into the town.

"A disguise is where you change your outer appearance in order to hide your identity."

"Ho? How do you go about doing that?"

"Let's see? For now, let's hide your face."

For now I sat down placed my hand on the ground and started gathering magic power.

Part 3


There were soldiers positioned at the entrance of the town.

A shameless looking man with the face of a pig and a stern looking man with the head of a snake.

"Who are you! What did you come here for!"

The snake man was asking us our identity while holding the ken at his waist.

The pig man was looking at Eris with an indecent expression.

This pig is a lolicon bastard? Seems like we would get along.

"We are travelers."

Just as planned, I was standing in the front.

"Are you adventurers?"

"Huh? No, that's not the case. We're just travelers."

I almost immediately responded with a Yes, but we have nothing to prove it.

It wouldn't be strange to say we wish to join the Adventurers guild with Eris and my age.

"That man over there is? He appears suspicious."

Ruijerd was hiding his face with the full coverage helmet I just made from rock.

We wrapped his spear with cloth, so it looks quite similar to a staff.


However, it's still better than the appearance of a Supard race.

"He's my older brother. He tried putting on the helmet of a strange adventurer, and he was unable to remove it again."

I think in the town there would be people who try to remove it for him, but?

"Hahha! That's the story of an idiot! If that's the case then it can't be helped. Try asking the old lady from the tool shop and I'm sure she'll lend you something to get it off."

The snake headed man took a step backwards while laughing.

They're not really all that cautious.

In Japan if a man wearing a full face helmet appeared, they would be pretty suspicious.

I wonder if it's because he's leading children.

Or else, the guy with a helmet on his head would be suspicious in his mind.

"By the way, is there a place to work in this town?"

"A place to work? What are you going to do after hearing about something like that?"

"It would be horrible if we couldn't get the helmet off my older brother and they demand money in return, we would have to work to pay for it."

The snake man then whispered to himself, "I see, that old lady might actually do that."

The tool shop must be quite the profitable business.

Well, not that it matters to us.

"Then, try the adventurers guild. If it's that place, even with no funds outsiders can earn daily wages."

"I understand."

"The adventurers guild is straight ahead in this town. It's a large building, so you'll quickly notice it."

"Thank you very much."

"If you register for the Adventurer's Guild, the inn cost will be a little bit cheaper. It would be a good idea just to register either way."

I made a suitable nod and pass through the gate.

Then, I come to a stop.

"Come to think of it, is this town always that strict with guarding?"

"No, recently, it seems [Dead End] has been spotted nearby. We've got to be cautious."

"What was that! That sounds frightening?!"

"Yeah, that's right, I'm praying it'll quickly go off somewhere."

"If you meet it you will certainly die, Dead End."

It's a scary name.

It must be quite the frightening monster without a doubt.

Part 4

After entering the town.

A town with a bit less activity than Roa was spread out before our eyes.

However, I got the feeling that I had seen a similar organization to this town somewhere.

Near the entrance to the town were the merchant related inns, related stables, and stores all connected.

"Now then, adventurers huh?"

If I put together all the things I've heard about them so far, adventurers are similar to dispatched company employees.

A wide variety of people seeking jobs go to the Adventurers Guild and take on jobs to increase their status.

People call jobs given by the Adventurers Guild commissions.

Adventurers with confidence in their abilities are dispatched to take care of the job.

"I don't know if we'll be able to earn money, but would it be a good idea to register for now? It seems like they would ask for something to prove our identity, what do you think Eris?"

"Adventurers! I want to! I will!"

I noticed Eris' eyes sparkling.

Come to think of it, Eris has heard of countless stories from Ghyslaine's adventuring days.

Unexpectedly, it seems she longed to be one.

"Ruijerd-san, are you already an adventurer?"

"No, I've never been allowed in a town big enough to have an Adventurer's Guild."

I see.

I understand now, Adventurer's Guilds are only in larger towns.

"Well, if that's the case then it's better I guess?"

Plans are steadily being worked out in my head.

He can't be expected to always wear that heavy looking helmet after all.

If he always has to hide his face, then he'll never clear up the Superd races reputation.

If only we could do something great and then all of a sudden say it was a Superd all along!

It would be good if there was that sort of flow, but supposedly all the lowest rank adventurer jobs are in the town.

Rather, instead of trying to do something big, going around and doing a large number of these small tasks could be a better way to change the opinion of people.

If you do it well enough, his trust all around the town will go up.

There are no problems with Ruijerd's character.

They adored the Roisu who saved them.

"Do you adore me?"

"I don't particularly."

"I see."

These two were fairly strong.

Then watching them Roisu thought of something.

In the Migurd race I'm quite tall.

If I call myself Ruijerd the [Dead End], it would be easier to make everyone fear me.

Now feel free to go out and fight, the two of you go out and incite others well.

These two were children, but they were quite useful.

Using the two of them, he could quickly become quite famous.

"He's pretending to be me and using my name, an unforgivable man."

"That is true, certainly he cannot be forgiven. However, if the false Ruijerd does good things. What would people think about it?"

"What would they think about it?"

"He's very obviously a fake, but he's quite the good guy even so, is what they would think."

What is necessary is comedy and mismatch.

He's the type of that would deceive others, but he's actually a pretty good guy.

It's important to make others think that.


"The fake Ruijerd is a good guy. If those sorts of rumors float around then it's in the bag. Eventually the rumors will become vague and turn into a "Ruijerd is a good guy" sort of shape."

"That is certainly amazing, but will it really become the case?"

"It will."

I can assert that it will.

At the very least, the current Ruijerd here can't lower his current reputation any lower.

The current point is the lowest possible reputation after all.

"I see, is it alright if it's something as simple as that?"

"It's not simple at all. I'm not sure if we can make it succeed or not."

Plans are things that are always certain to fall apart at some point.

The more detailed and thorough you are, the easier it is to come up with further plans in the following half.

However, if all goes well, rumors will become rumors, gathering up, and Ruijerd's true nature will become clear to everyone.

"However, what if the lie gets out?"

"How could you say that? Ruijerd-san there's no lies at all about it."

"What do you mean?"

A Superd race calling himself as such while pretending to be a Migurd race.

If everything goes as planned, doing things that everyone likes is a good thing.

Even the name isn't false.

Roisu doesn't want it known that he's a real Superd race, so he calls himself Ruijerd in front of others.

Ruijerd of the Superd race.

The people looking at it from the outside will at their own convenience be mistaken that it's the Roisu of the Migurd race pretending to be Ruijerd.

That's why there's no lies about it.

The only one lying is me.

However, Ruijerd seems like he'll resist standing behind lies, so I'll stay quiet about that part.

"The other side will come to the mistaken conclusion that you're of the Migurd race at their own convenience."

"Hm? Ah, I see. I'm pretending to be myself, while Roisu is the fake? My head is getting all mixed up. What do I need to do?"

"Just continue as you do normally."

Ruijerd made a complicated face.

This guy certainly couldn't make it as an actor with his acting skill.

"However, please don't snap and kill anyone who comes at you with cheap provocations."

"Hmm? That is, are you telling me not to get into any fights?"

"It's fine if you do, but please act as if you are struggling. Let a few hits get in, slump your shoulders and make it appear like in the end you somehow or other won."

Even if I say that, I'm not sure if he could manage that sort of acting.

Is what I thought, but,

"Do you mean to go easy on them?"

It seems that will be alright.

"There's no way the real Ruijerd could be this weak, while at the same time, if it's the real thing he's pretty amazing, right? Is what we want to make them think."

"I don't really get it."

"It will make them think that this side is a fake and at the same time make the enemy feel better about themselves."

"After making them feel better about themselves then what."

"Rumors that the Superd race is weak will start to flow out."

Then, Ruijerd made a very grim face.

"The Superd race is not weak."

"I am aware of that. However, you are feared, because you are strong. If people feel you are a bit weaker, they could feel a bit more relieved like right now."

Even if I say that, we can't really let them think we're all that weak.

If there are still Superd race living in some unknown place.

They could start being persecuted again.

Balance is important.

"Is it that sort of thing?"

Well then, it's this sort of thing.

If we just keep wandering around aimlessly, we'll eventually give ourselves away.

"I'll be doing my best to support, so where we fall will depend on how much effort Ruijerd puts into it."

"Ah, I understand. I'm counting on you."

I used the fruit juice received from the lemon-like fruit to bleach Ruijerd's hair.

The original emerald green color was successfully bleached.

Then the dyes were applied for the coloring.


It's not really very pretty.

Rather, it's pretty dirty looking.

But, at the very least it's not a greenish color.

It doesn't really look like a Migurd race though? The difference in height is too big.

However, he doesn't really look like a Superd race either I guess.

Well, disguises are just right when they are pretty vague I guess.

A Migurd race like person naming themselves as a Superd race, but something that feels like neither or so.

"Also, I'll let you hold onto this."

I removed the necklace and put it around Ruijerd's neck.

"This is from the Migurd village, huh."

"Yes. It's something I received from my shishou as a graduation gift. Since then, I've always had it on me."

If he wears it then at the very least he will seem a bit more like someone with a relation to the Migurd race is what I think.

For those who are aware at least.

"It's a precious item. Make sure to return it. Absolutely, return it."


"If you lose it I'll seriously try to beat you up."

"I understand."

"In regards to what I will do specifically, I'll use earth magic to completely seal up the entrances to the town, then make magma flow into the town until the crater is completely full."

"Even if it involves other people? There's children among them as well."

"If you want to save the lives of the children, make sure you absolutely don't lose it."

"Hmm? If you're that worried about it, shouldn't you just keep holding onto it in the first place?"

"No, it was a joke of course."


Now then, I'll have Eris wear the hood.

Her red hair stands out quite a bit.

We need to try and focus the gazes on a single point.

"Eris, it's about this hood, but?"

After saying that and spreading the hood out, I noticed there were holes for ears.

How could this be.

It's like the kind of hood monks in Final Fantasy III would be wearing.

The color is not quite white, but it has a mantle like part flowing out the back.

It seems to be something for the Beast race.

This could have been a mistake to buy.

Eris isn't normally bothered by clothes very much.

However, if you see that Boreas style greeting you would understand.

She probably doesn't want to wear anything that associate her with the beast race.

"Um... Eris, it's about this, but..."

"Th! That! Wh, what are you going to do about it!"

"'s for Eris, could you somehow... wear it?"


Is what I thought, but it seems she was really happy about it.

That pose doesn't seem to be one of dislike.

"I'll treat it carefully."

After quickly putting on the hood, Eris had on a full face smile.

Well, it's that, right.

I don't really get it, but anyways, alright!

Now then, first off is the Adventurer's Guild.

What is necessary is comedy.

We can't go forgetting that.

I'll be praying it goes well.