Chapter 26: The Superd

Chapter 26: The Superd

Part 1

When I woke up it's already evening.

What comes into my view is a star-filled sky.

There are wooden branches burning and crackling.

The shadows made from the flames dance from side to side.

I seem to be sleeping beside a bonfire.

Of course, I do not have the memories of making a bonfire, and also do not have the memories of making a camp.

The last memory that I have... Ah.

The sky's colors suddenly changed, and we were surrounded by a white light.

And then, it was that dream.

Damn it.

I saw an irritating dream.


I look down at my body in a panic.

It is not that slow and fat body that was unable to do anything. The young and strong Rudeus has returned.

As I confirm that fact, the earlier memory that was like a dream starts to fade.

I exhale in relief.


This damnable Human God really makes me feel unpleasant all over.

But this is really good. It seems that I'm still alive in this world.

There are many things that I have not done... At least let me throw away the proof of being a Magician.

I try to get up.

My back really hurts. Is it because I had been lying on the ground since the landing?

Underneath the evening sky, the cracked land stretched out.

There seems to be hardly any plants growing here. There is not even an insect here. Other than the bonfire's crackling I can't hear anything.

Where is this?

At least in my memories I didn't see a place like this.

The Asura Kingdom is full of forests and grasslands.

Did the white light change things to this scenery...?

Aah, no.

That's not it. It's not like that.

Hitogami said it before, I have been teleported.

To the Magic continent.

Then, this place should be the Magic continent.

It must certainly be due to that light... Oh.

Ghyslaine and Eris...!

After I stand up I turn and look behind me. Eris is sleeping while grabbing onto my cuffs.

Why is there a mantle covering her body?

I didn't wear something like that...

Well, ladies first, I guess.

Behind her is the "The Arrogant Water Dragon King" Magic staff.

In any case, she doesn't look like she's hurt, and I feel relieved once again.

Perhaps Ghyslaine did something for her.

Even though I want to wake Eris up, I feel that she will find me annoying so I leave her alone.

Where's Ghyslaine?

I look around my surroundings once more, and there is someone at the bonfire that I didn't notice earlier.


I realize in an instant that this person is not Ghyslaine.

He's a male.

He sits there without moving a muscle, observing and staring at me.

But I don't feel he's being cautious of us.

Rather, hmmm, ah that's right.

Like an Onee-chan walking to a shy cat.

Because we are children, he must be worried that we are afraid of him.

So there are no signs of hostility.

The moment I relax, I notice his appearance.

Emerald green hair.

Porcelain-like white skin.

A ruby-like stone on his forehead that's like an eye.

Under his arm is a trident.

The Superd race.

His face is full of scars.

His eyes are sharp, his expression solemn, and there's a look of danger about him.

I think back to what Roxy taught me.

[Don't get close to the Superd race and do not talk to them.]

In a second I prepare to grab Eris and escape with everything I have, but I remember Hitogami's words, and stop.

[Rely on the man beside you, and help him.]

That self-termed God's words cannot be trusted.

After saying what he wanted to say, a strange man immediately appeared before us, so why should I trust him?

Also, it is the Superd race.

I heard from Roxy all sorts of frightening things about this race.

Even if that God said something about "Relying on him then help him out", why should I believe him?

Who should I trust?

A Human God whom I don't even know, or Roxy.

It goes without saying, the one that I will believe in is Roxy.

So I should run away right now.

No. It's precisely because of how this situation turned out, that it could be [Advice]. If I had no other information on this situation, I would definitely run away.

With that result, if I run away successfully... What will happen after that?

I take a look at the surroundings. This place is dark and it is somewhere that I have never seen before. The ground is full of cracks and covered with rocks.

[Teleported to Magic Continent.]

If I believe that line, then this is the Magic Continent.

Come to think of it, I forgot about the fact that I saw a strange dream because of that Human God's impact.

The dream where I flew everywhere around the world.

Mountains, seas, forests, valleys... Places where we would immediately die.

If that dream is related to the current situation, then it might be possible that we have been teleported.

Right now I'm not even sure where we are in the Magic Continent. If we run away, it could mean that we are stranded in this vast place.

In the end, there is really no other choice to speak of.

Escaping from this man or winning against him, the end result is Eris and I roaming the Magic Continent alone, which is a bad one.

Or, should I bet on it? When the day breaks, I'll bet on the fact that there's a village nearby?

Stop joking.

Don't I clearly understand how difficult it would be when I don't know the way?

Calm down. Breathe in deeply.

I will not trust the Human God. But, how about this guy?

Look closely at him. Observe his face. What's that expression he has right now?

That's uneasiness. An expression that's mixed with uneasiness and resignation.

At the very least, he's not a monster without emotions.

Roxy says not to approach the Superd Race. But in truth she also said that she has never met with them.

I know the concepts of <Discrimination>, <Persecution> and <Witch hunt>. There's the possibility that the Superd Race has been misunderstood. Roxy shouldn't have the intention to tell me something false, but it's a possibility that they are misunderstood.

From my intuition, he's not dangerous. At least I don't feel any questionable vibes like that Human God from him. Even though, based on his appearance, one will still feel guarded towards him.

Then, I'll talk to him.

[It's a pride that has been scarred.]

With this joke, I laughed with a haha.

Ruijerd also curls the corners of his lips and laugh.

It's different from the suspicious smile from the Human God, it's a warm smile.

[In any case, we should first go to a village that I am familiar with.]


Even though I don't really trust the Human God, perhaps this man can be trusted.

At least until we reached the village, I'll trust him.

Part 2

After a while, Eris's eyes snap open. She sits up in an instant and looks around everywhere. She soon begins to feel uneasy, but shows obvious relief after meeting with my eyes. And then she meets the gaze from Ruijerd's eyes.


A scream that is from the depths of her soul. She retreats backwards while lying down, and then she tries to stand up to flee, but falls down flat onto the ground.

She's frightened to the point of freezing altogether.


Eris falls into panic.

But even if she doesn't struggle about, she is unable to crawl away.

She crouches there, trembling and shivering, and raises her voice to scream.

[No! Noooo! Scary! Soscaryscaryscary! Help me, Ghyslaine! Ghyslaine! Ghyslaineuu! Why aren't you coming! No, no! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry Rudeus! Kicking you or something I'm so sorry! Because I'm such a coward I'm so sorry! I can't keep my promise So shorrrryyyyyy, wahhhh, wahhhhhhhhhh!]

Finally she curls up like a turtle hiding in its shell and cries.

I shudder after witnessing that scene.

(That, Eris, is so frightened...)

Eris is a strong willed girl. Her motto is most likely [I'm the queen of the entire world].

She's really violent and selfish, and in any case she will hit you before thinking it through. She's pretty much that sort of child.

Is it possible that I made a seriously huge mistake?

Is it possible that the Superd Race is someone who absolutely cannot be approached?

I look at Ruijerd. He's still calm.

[That's the normal reaction.]

How's that possible?

[Is it because I'm abnormal?]

[You're abnormal. But...]


[You're not bad.]

Ruijerd's face seen from the side looks terribly lonely.

I reflect on that for a moment while I stand up and walk towards Eris. Hearing the footsteps, Eris quivers in fright.

I slowly stroke her back. Thinking back, every time I cried whenever I was afraid of something, Grandmother would stroke me on the back just like this.

[Al—right, don't be afraid, don't be afraid.]

[Hicc, what do you mean don't be afraid! Th-that's a Superd!]

I don't know why she's so frightened. Because, it's that Eris. She's the Eris that will bare her fangs when she faces Ghyslaine. There should be nothing that will make her afraid.

[Is it so frightening?]

[B, because, the Su, Superd race will! E, eat children! They will eat children right? Hiccc...]

[He won't eat you.]

He won't eat us right? I look at Ruijerd, and he shakes his head.

[I don't eat children.]


[Here now, he says he won't eat children!]

[B, b, because! Because he's a Superd! He's from a Magic Race!]

[Even though he's from a Magic Race, he knows how to speak the Human Race language.]

[It's not the language problem!]

Eris raises her head up and growled at me. She's back to normal. As expected, this expression belongs to the real Eris.

[Oh, are you fine with that? If you don't curl yourself up, you will get eaten right?]

[Don't treat me like an idiot!]

Eris glares at me after I speak to her with the tone of treating her like an idiot.

And then she maintains her expression and stares at Ruijerd sharply.

She shakes violently. Her eyes are also wet. If she stands up like her usual self, she will shake her knees, probably.

[P, p, p, pleased. To meee-et you. I-I'm, Eris, Bo, Bo, Boreas... Greyrat!]

Eris half cries while introducing herself.

Introducing herself while acting haughty is a little funny.

Ahh, no, if you put it that way I possibly taught her something like that. When meeting someone else, just introduce yourself to launch a preemptive strike.

[Eris Boboboreas Greyrat? The human race has started to use funny names that I don't know of.]

[No! It's Eris Boreas Greyrat! I just stuttered slightly! Compared to that, introduce yourself too!]

After shouting, Eris goes [Ah!] and shows an uneasy expression. She finally realizes who she is yelling at.

[Is that so? My apologies. I am Ruijerd Superdia.]

Eris relaxes her tense expression, and shows off triumphantly.

A "How about that, I'm not scared of him." expression.

[So, I said it will be okay right? As long as we can communicate, everyone can become friends.]

[Yeah! It's just like what Rudeus said! Okaa-sama lied to me!]

So it's Hilda who taught her? It's just a folklore to express how scary it is. Oh, wait, even if it's me, if I see a spirit without legs or some namahage, I'll be frightened too.

[What did Hilda say?]

[If I don't quickly go to sleep the Superd race will come and eat me.]

I see, to get a child to sleep she used superstition. Something like Shimacchau Ojisan.

[But he won't eat children. Why not become friends with the Superd race, so you can brag to everyone.]

[I can brag e-even to Oji-sama and Ghyslaine...?]

[Of course.]

I look at Ruijerd, and he's showing signs of surprise. Good.

[Ruijerd-san seems to have very few friends, I think if Eris requests to be friends with him, he will be on good terms with you.]

[B, but...]

Did I say something too much like a child...

As I think back on what I said, Eris hesitates.

Contemplating further, Eris doesn't have any friends, and... I'm a little different.

Perhaps she's a little scared of the vocabulary word "Friend". Looks like she still needs a push.

[Hey, Ruijerd-san too!]

As I urge him, Ruijerd finally seems to understand the current situation.

[Eh? Ahh. Eris... Please treat me favorably.]

[W, well it can't be helped! I, I'll become your friend!]

Seeing Ruijerd lower his head, something in Eris crumbles apart.

That's great.

But seeing this, Eris is really simple. I feel stupid for thinking about this and that.

But, if I don't mind the naive part about Eris, hmmm...

[Phew, in any case, let's rest for a little while today.]

[What, you're sleeping already?]

[Yes Eris, I'm very tired right now. I really feel sleepy.]

[Is that so? Then it can't be helped. Good night.]

I lie down and Eris stays beside me, laying a mantle-like thing (I believe it's probably Ruijerd's) over my body.

I'm really exhausted.

Before I lose my consciousness,

[Are you not scared anymore?]

[I'm fine if I'm with Rudeus.]

I hear some lines.

Hah, even if it's only Eris, I must send her back safely.

As I consider that, I fall asleep.