Chapter 16: All According to Plan?

Chapter 16: All According to Plan?

Part 1

When I woke up, I found myself inside a small and dirty warehouse.

The sunlight was pouring in from the window with metal bars installed it.

My entire body hurt, and after I ensured that there weren't any broken bones, I started to chant Healing Magic in a small voice.

My hands were tied behind my back, but this was not really any trouble to me.


I am completely healed, my clothes are not torn.

Very good. The strategy is progressing smoothly.

The plan for convincing Ojou-sama was this.

1) First of all. Going with Ojou-sama to the clothing store.

2) Because Ojou-sama is very mischievous, she will want to run out of the store by herself.

3) Usually Ghyslaine will be beside Ojou-sama as her guard, but she will not notice Ojou-sama by 『coincidence』.

4) Even though I'm following her, to her, I'm just a brat who's weaker than her and submitted into being beaten on the follow after quarreling with her, so Ojou-sama doesn't take notice of me at all.

5) I will be treated as her follower, and move with Ojou-sama around the area. Gradually moving to an isolated place in the city (She seems to admire adventurers).

6) At this point, the bad people that the Greyrat family arranged will appear.

7) Easily knocking Ojou-sama and me out. Then kidnapping and bringing us to the neighboring city, and locking us up.

8) I will use magic and escape from the area.

9) Realize that this is a different city.

10) Using the money hidden in my underwear, and taking a horse carriage back.

11) Teach Ojou-sama when we reach home.

Up until now, it had gone smoothly until step number 7.

The next thing would be me using the Magic, knowledge, wisdom, and courage to escape from here in style.

To keep the realism, I still needed to improvise an act.

I don't know if it will succeed, and feel slightly uneasy...

"... Hm?"

But this place is slightly different from the arrangement.

The entire warehouse is full of dust, and the corner has a broken chair and an armor full of holes.

Didn't they say the place wouldn't be shabby...?

Well, even though it's an act, there's a need to bring out the real stuff. Let's just take it.

"Urgh... hmm...?"

After a while, Ojou-sama also woke up.

Opening her eyes. Realizing she's in a foreign place, and trying to get up, but also realizing that her hands are bound behind her, and in the end, falling to the ground like a worm.

"What is this!?"

Ojou-sama discovered that she couldn't move and started making noise.

"Stop joking with me! Don't you know who I am!? Let go of me!"

What a terrible yell. I had once thought of it back at the mansion, but she has never tried to control her voice at all.

Can it be that she does it so that she can cover the entire house with one yell, in that incredibly big mansion?

No. She probably has never thought about it. The Ojou-sama's grandfather, Fedoa's lord, is the type that also uses a voice to pressure others. The grandfather had used his voice to intimidate both the servants and Philip, and Ojou-sama must have witnessed it countless times.

Kids like to imitate things, especially the bad stuff.

"You're too noisy, you sheetty brat!"

While the Ojou-sama was creating a racket, the door got opened roughly, and a man entered.

He has ugly clothes. His entire body stinks with a face full of stubble, and a bald head.

If he presented a name card with bandit written on it, it would be quite persuasive.

The acting is quite good. Now I don't need to worry about my acting being seen through.

"You stink. Don't come near me. You stink too much! Don't you know who I am? Ghyslaine will immediately come and cut you into half!"


With a noise that sounded like it hurt very much, Ojou-sama got kicked by the man.

She uttered a noise that a lady will never make.

Her entire body flew up and finally knocked against the wall violently.

"Damn you! What are you trying to be arrogant for!? I know you two are the grandchildren of the lord!"

The man mercilessly stepped on the immovable Ojou-sama whose hands were bound behind her back.

Hey. Isn't this a little too much?

"Ow... It hurts a lot... Stop... Ah...... Stop... Ow...... Stop..."


The man kicked Ojou-sama for a while and finally spat at her face. Then he turned around and glared at me. As I avoid his eyes the next instant, I got kicked in the face once, and I flew out.

"... Ouch!"

That really hurt. Even though it's an act, can you please not hit so hard?

Even though I did say that, I can use Healing Magic to heal wounds.

"Hmph! Acting like you're happy...!"

The man walked out of the warehouse.

I heard that as he walked out of the door.

"Quieter now?"


"You didn't kill her right? If you injured her too much, the money will go down too."

What? Their dialogue is really strange.

If it's just great acting......... that is fine, but it doesn't feel like that.

Could it be, you know, that?

"What? Well there's nothing much to it. At most, it's good enough for that boy to be alive."

It's not good at all.


After I couldn't hear their voices anymore, I counted a full 300 seconds, and burned the ropes with Fire Magic, and moved over to Ojou-sama.

Ojou-sama still had blood flowing from her nose. Her eyes were unfocused, and she kept muttering something in her mouth.

When I listened closely, it was something about, absolutely cannot be forgiven something, I'll complain to grandfather something, and afterwards, some dangerous words that weren't really suited for the ears.

In any case, I'll check her injuries and confirm it with my hand.


Ojou-sama met my eyes, and trembled, as if she felt that pain.

I used a finger over my lips, and signaled her to be quiet.

I confirmed the positions of the injuries from her reactions.

Two of her bones are broken.

"Oh merciful mother of Gods, please heal this one's wounds, and let her recover with a healthy body."

I quietly chant the intermediate ranked magic, and heal Ojou-sama's body.

Healing magic isn't effective by pouring more mana into the spell. I don't know if it will completely heal her.

Hopefully the bones are not set wrongly...

"Eh? Ehhh? It doesn't hurt..."

Ojou-sama looks at her body in surprise.

I go closer to her and whispered in her ears.

"Shh. Don't be so loud. Your bones are broken, and I just used healing magic. Ojou-sama, we seem to have been kidnapped by bad people. They are the sworn enemies of the lord. Our next step should be..."

Ojou-sama completely doesn't listen.

"Ghyslaine! Ghyslaine, save me! They are going to kill us! Quickly save me!"

I quickly hide the ropes underneath my shirt, and run to the corner. My back faces the wall, and I hide my hands behind my back, acting as if I'm still tied up.

The man breaks open the door in response to Ojou-sama's full efforts in screaming.

"Shut up!"

And he kicks Ojou-sama even longer than before.

I'm really speechless over her learning capabilities.

"Damn it. If you scream again, I'll kill you!"

I even get kicked twice.

I didn't do anything at all. Please don't kick me. I really feel like crying...

I think of that while I move over to Ojou-sama.

"Urgh... Uuuu..."

This is too much.

I'm not sure what happened to her bones, but judging from her mouthfuls of puked blood, it seems that her organs have ruptured. The bones in her hands and legs have all been broken.

I don't really know too much about medical stuff, but if she's left like that, she will probably die right?

"Let the power of God be converted into a bountiful crop, and bestowed into one's who had lost their strength to stand up once again. 『HEALING』"

In any case, I'll use elementary ranked magic to cure her a little.

Ojou-sama isn't vomiting blood anymore. She probably wouldn't die now... Maybe.

"Uuu... I-it still hurts, h-help me heal... Ah.]

"I'm not doing that. If you're healed, aren't you going to get kicked again? Please use your own magic."

"H-how do I know to use... that?"

"If you learned it from before, you can use it right now."

I throw down a line like that and move towards the door.

I then place my ear against the door, wanting to listen to what they say.

The more I think, the more I find this to be strange. No matter what, hitting Ojou-sama till she's half dead is over doing things.

"Then, are we going to sell to that guy from the last time?"

"No. It's better to ask for ransom."

"Wouldn't we get caught?"

"It doesn't matter. We will go to another country."

Judging from their words, they really plan on selling us.

Requesting someone familiar to pretend to attack the girl, and in the end, we meet the real deal. That sort of development?

Where did it go wrong? Did the ones who were supposed to kidnap us get targeted by them? Did they target us from the start? Or did Philip really intended to sell his daughter?

That last possibility isn't really possible. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

... Whatever. I'm not going to think about this now. No matter what, the things I'm going to do aren't changing.

It only lacks the 『safety』.

"Compared to selling, ransom is higher right?"

"In any case, we better make a decision before tonight."

"No matter which decision, it is right."

They seem to be discussing whether to sell us or seek ransom from the lord. They look like they are planning to leave here tonight.

In that case, I better move while the day is still bright.


But, what should I do?

Break out of the door and subdue the kidnappers? After beating the kidnappers to a pulp, Ojou-sama will respect me...

I don't feel like it will happen that way though–.

I think she will feel that she would've won, if not for the part where she was tied up.

And in the end, she will think that violence is the only way. That will not work.

I must teach her that there's no advantage to using violence, otherwise, I'll get hit in the future.

I need to let her feel helpless.

(... Ah. It's possible that I may not beat the kidnappers anyway.)

I'm pretty sure that I will lose if the kidnappers are as strong as Paul.

In that case, I will be killed. Without a doubt.

Alright. No matter what. Without contact with the kidnappers, we will escape from here.

I look back and check Ojou-sama's condition.

She's glaring at me in anger.


I'll do my assignment in any case.

First, I'll use earth and fire magic and seal the gaps on the door. Then, slowly use fire magic to melt it slowly, making it unable to move.

This door will become a door that does not open, but it won't last if the door is kicked hard. This is only a precaution.

After that, I move towards the window. Even though I consider focusing and melting one of the iron bars with fire magic, I think it will be too hot and give up.

After trying different solutions, I use water magic and change the earth surrounding the window into mud, and successfully take the entire bars down. The hole is large enough to allow a child to slip through.

That way the escape route is ensured.

"Ojou-sama, it seems this time we have been kidnapped by the sworn enemies of the lord, and they are discussing to wait till tonight to bring their companions and torture us to death."

"You are l... lying... right?"

Of course I'm lying.

But Ojou-sama's face turns green immediately.

"I don't want to die yet, so I'm running on my own... Goodbye."

I push myself up where the metal bar was previously on the window.

At this time, there's a sound coming from the direction of the door.

"Hey, why isn't the door opening!? What the hell!?"

Fierce banging comes from the other side of the door.

Turning her head back, Ojou-sama looks at the door in fear-like despair, and looks to me again, repeating this a few times.

"Ah... D, don't leave me behind... Save me..."

Ara. You calmed down so fast. That's a surprise.

Even if it's Ojou-sama, you would still get scared under these circumstances.

I immediately go near Ojou-sama and whisper in her ears.

"... Before we reach home, you must completely listen to me. Can you promise me that?"

"Listen, I'll listen, I'll listen okay...?"

"Oh, it's for money?"

For money.

He's right about the money. I do intend to earn the fees for university.

"I don't deny that."

The violent person's mouth curled at the corners after listening to my reply.

"In that case, come help us. Among our customers, there's a perverted noble who wants to buy girls with high social standing. If we're to get a ransom that's also possible. I heard that she's the very precious daughter of the lord here. They will give whatever we want."


I made a sound of being impressed, and Ojou-sama's face immediately turned green.

Perhaps she knew that I was becoming her home tutor to pay off for the university fees.

"Then, how much can we get?"

"It's not pocket change like 1 or 2 gold per month. It's a lump sum of 100 gold coins."

The violent person said proudly.

Even though I don't know how much that really means, it feels like the person is saying, "Wow 1 million dollars". "That's really amazing right?" He's like a kindergarten kid.

"Hehehe. kid, you might look young, but you're actually of a considerable age right?"

"Hmm? Why would you think that?"

"With that magic and that calm attitude, one look and we know it. The demon races have those kind of people. You must be troubled over your appearance right? Well, you should know the importance of money right?"

"I see."

From a person that doesn't know anything, he would treat it that way. Indeed. My mental age is past 40 years. You're totally right. As expected from Mr bandits.

"Indeed, living to this age, I know the importance of money. I was even thrown into a foreign land without any money."

"Hehehe. You see right?"

Even though, before that, I was living without any worries.

Nearly 20 years of neet life. Full of Eroge and internet games. It was half of my life.

From there I learned something.

I can betray Ojou-sama.

Or my scenario with Ojou-sama can start here from helping her.

"Therefore, I'm very clear, that there are things more important than money."

"Don't talk about these pretty words!"

"They are not pretty words. You can't buy 『Dere』 with money."

Oh sheet. I said the truth in my heart.

"Dere? What is that?"

The violent person seems to be confused, but the reality of the negotiation has broken down. His irritating smile was gone, and he placed the sword at Ojou-sama's neck with a solemn expression.

"The hostage is with me. Throw away the fireball in your hand!"

"...... Can I throw it into the air?"

"Do it. But don't think of throwing it at us. Even if you're fast, you won't be faster than the sword in my hand. I'll cut this b*tch's throat and use her as a shield."

He didn't let me dissipate it. No. Perhaps he didn't know.

From the time to cast the magic out is automatic.

He wouldn't understand this part if he had never learned magic before.

"I got it."

I manipulated the mana of the fireball before shooting.

I created a special type of fire ball, and then fired it with a strange sound accompanying it.

A massive explosion happened in the air.




An ear splitting explosion struck the ears. During the instant when everyone looked up, there was a glaring flash of light, and a temperature that seemed to burn the skin.

I began to run.

Casting magic as I ran, I created two types of magic that I used the most.

On the right hand was the wind magic "True Sonic Boom."

On the left hand was the earth magic "Rock cannon."

I released them at the two of them.


The sonic boom struck the one carrying the Ojou-sama.


Ojou-sama fell from his arms and I caught her safely. Princess-style carrying.

"Tch! Don't look down on me!"

I looked at the other person, and saw him cut the rock in two.


Crap. He actually managed to split the rock. Even though I didn't know his style, it's a terrible thing. If he's as good as Paul, it will be troublesome. I might not be able to win against such an opponent.


I used wind and fire melded magic and created a shock wave near my feet, and flew towards the opposite direction.

This shock wave is strong enough to make me feel like the bones in my legs have snapped.

In the next instant, a sword struck the place where I was just at earlier. The blade slices across the tip of my nose, leaving a wind-splitting sound.

That is too dangerous.

But he's not as fast as Paul. Then I just need to concentrate and handle him. I have already done countless fights against swordsmen in my mind. If I just follow according to what I practiced, I will be able to handle it.

I prepared the next magic spell in the air.

First is a fireball aimed at that guy's face.

The speed is slightly slow.

"Just this alone!"

That guy discerned the fireball clearly and prepared to face it by raising his sword.

At the difference in timing when he strikes it, I use water and earth magic, and create a quicksand at his feet.

Even though he handled the fireball, his feet are completely buried in the extremely viscous mud. Sealing his movements.


Very good. We have won.

I am sure of that.

The enemies are unable to run, and although they managed to deflect the fireballs, I'm already out of their range. Even though I'm carrying Ojou-sama, once I find somewhere with people, it's our victory. Otherwise, I can call for help.

—- Just when I think of that.

"Don't think of running!"

That guy suddenly throws his sword.

With that, Paul's lesson springs to my mind. The technique of throwing the sword in the Northern-God style if their legs are injured.

It's a technique to throw the sword at an opponent far away.

The sword flew straight at me with high speed.

I instinctively felt that I was unable to escape from it.

The sword flies like a slow motion cutscene.

The destination is my head.


The word "dead" flashes across my mind the next instant.

A brown tea colored something flew in front of my eyes.

At the same time, something like a vase crashed onto the floor, and the sword fell onto the floor.


In front of my eyes is someone's back.

A wide back. I raised my head, and saw ears on the head.

She's Ghyslaine Dedorudia.

"Leave the rest to me."

As she said that, the instant her hands moved to the sword on her waist, —– a red flash cut across the air.

"... Ah?"

The head of the guy stuck in the quicksand falls onto the ground.

Even though he was so far away. Even though the sword couldn't possibly reach there.

"W, where did you come from ..."

The instant Ghyslaine's tail moved, the other person's head fell down onto the ground as well.

Smack. A sound like that. I can even hear it from here.

My mind couldn't even catch up with that.


I looked at the two collapsed bodies a few meters away in a daze.

This really doesn't feel like something real. What happened? I really have no idea.

Eh? They died?

These questions floated up my mind.

"Hm, Rudeus. There are only 2 enemies?"

I came back to my sense when I was questioned.

"Ah, yes, thank you, Ghyslaine, nee-chan."

"Nee-chan is not needed, Ghyslaine is enough."

Ghyslaine turned back and nodded to me.

"I suddenly saw an explosion in the air, and I came running to check it out. Looks like my judgment was correct."

"F-fast. You just defeated them so quickly..."

It didn't take more than one minute since the first time I used magic.

That was too fast no matter how you look at it.

'I was nearby, and it wasn't very fast. As long as it's a Dedorudia's warrior, an opponent like that can be killed instantly. But Rudeus, is this your first time fighting the Northern-God style?"

"This is the first time that I experienced in trying to kill each other."

"Is that so? You must take care. These guys won't give up before they die."

Before they die.

Indeed. I was at death's doorsteps.

My legs trembled when I recalled the instant when the sword flew towards me.

A moment where we tried to kill each other.

That was just what happened.

"L, let's go back."

If I had made one wrong move. It would've been death.

I haven't considered before. This is a different world.

A world with sword and magic.

What will happen to me if I die the next time...?

The unknown fear turns my blood cold.

Part 4

When I return to the mansion, Ojou-sama sat on the floor as she just lost all energy.

Her body seemed to be in a heap after the tension had been released.

The maids ran to Ojou-sama in panic.

Looking at the maids intending to help her, Ojou-sama knocked away the outstretched hands and stood up shivering like a newborn deer.

She stood up with her arms beneath her chest like the Deva King.

She seemed to have regained her aura after reaching home.

The maids stopped moving after discovering her strange posture.

Ojou-sama suddenly pointed her finger at me and said loudly.

"It was a promise before we reached home! I can talk now right!"

"Mmm, yes, you can talk now Ojou-sama."

I felt that I failed after hearing her extremely loud voice.

An incident to this extent wouldn't be able to bring a violent and arrogant child back.

Especially after that first brawl to the death. My entire body was trembling. Perhaps Ojou-sama had realized that. Thinking that I'm only good with talking, but actually very weak.

"I'm especially allowing you to call me Eris!"

But Ojou-sama's sentence throws me by surprise.


"I already said I'm especially allowing you to call me that!"

—– That means. Is it, Ok?

I can be a home tutor?

Wo, woah, are you serious!? D, did I succeed? That's amazing!

"Thank you very much, Eris-sama!"

"You don't need to add -sama! Call me Eris!"

Eris imitated Ghyslaine, and maintained that posture while sitting down on the ground with a plop.

With that, I became Eris Boreas Greyrat's home tutor.


Name: Eris Boreas Greyrat

Profession: Granddaughter of the lord of Fedoa

Personality: Violent

Talking to her: It's not completely impossible

Language: Only able to write her name

Math: Only addition

Magic: Is interested in it

Sword: Elementary ranked in the Sword-God style

Etiquette: Boreas's style greeting

People she likes: Grandfather, Ghyslaine