Majestic Feathers- So I’ve realized I suck at keeping track of names and geography. When I have time I’m going to edit previous chapters to adjust some consistent errors. I’ve also been learning a fuck ton and while I am improving, MTL can be a sneaky bitch with word choices and subtle name changes. Special thanks to Editor Tippy for working so hard and noticing my mistakes.

Yu Ren Shu’s face turned green, his fists clenched and made a cracking sound. Even though he tried his best to control himself, fearing to reveal his identity in front of Sisi, the moment he learned of the emperor’s death, his sadness, remorse, regret, and shame as a prince were difficult to conceal and burst out uncontrollably.

Sisi had a wild and straightforward personality, but he was not stupid. Seeing Yu Ren Shu’s unusual reaction, he immediately became suspicious. Yu Ren Shu had been wrapping his hair with a cloth for a long time. If it weren’t for that, with his royal silver hair, he would have been recognized countless times.

Jiang Chao Ge went up and held Yu Ren Shu’s shoulder, pulling him into his tent, then turned to Sisi and said, “Go to sleep early, we have to hit the road tomorrow.”

Sisi looked at them in confusion and was about to ask when Jiang Chao Ge had already brought Yu Ren Shu into his tent. Tian Rong also followed silently.

Jiang Chao Ge sat Yu Ren Shu down, handed him Zhi Xuan’s wine jug, and cautiously asked, “Shu?”

Yu Ren Shu lowered his head and was silent. He grabbed the wine jug and gulped down. The wine flowed down his mouth, and along with it, tears.

Jiang Chao Ge sighed, unsure of how to console him.

Tian Rong stared at Yu Ren Shu in a daze, unable to resist reaching out and touching his wet tear stained face with his long fingers. He frowned at the shiny liquid on his finger, gently put it in his mouth, and then remained motionless, as if petrified.

Yu Ren Shu threw the wine jug to the ground, covering his eyes with one hand while his shoulders trembled slightly.

Tian Rong looked at Jiang Chao Ge, his eyes confused and helpless. It was the first time Jiang Chao Ge had seen Tian Rong looking at him with such a pleading look, and he also didn’t know what to do. He thought that Tian Rong was probably seeing Yu Ren Shu crying for the first time. This man had a heroic spirit and was righteous and strong. He had been in life-threatening situations and suffered many serious injuries, but he had never shed a tear. Now he looked so sad, making them feel at a loss. Jiang Chao Ge reached out to pat Yu Ren Shu on the shoulder but ultimately hesitated halfway.

Zhi Xuan seemed not to be accustomed to such a scene. He sneered and said, “Wasn’t that emperor disrespectful to you? Why are you so sad?”

Jiang Chao Ge wanted to silence Zhi Xuan but it was too late. He could only make him shut up after the fact.

Yu Ren Shu trembled slightly and said in a low voice, “Yes…but as a prince, I didn’t fulfill my duties as a son or a subject. Instead, I fled in fear and let him be ashamed. Now that my second brother is missing, I don’t know if my eldest brother can support our family and continue the reign of Yu Ren Shi.”

Jiang Chao Ge gave a  serious look, “Shu, you are not guilty. I believe the Emperor also knows your innocence and will understand your actions. You took a risk for the people of Tianlang mainland. You did not bring shame to anyone, and instead, the Yu Ren family should be proud to have a brave and selfless prince like you.”

Yu Ren Shu lowered his head, his eyes were red, and his handsome face was full of grief, “But now I can’t even attend my father’s funeral.”

Jiang Chao Ge grabbed Yu Ren Shu’s hand and squeezed it tightly. “Shu, your elder brother is wise and reliable. He will take good care of the emperor’s funeral and will be qualified to take his place. As for you, your task is to prevent the ancient beasts from harming the world. When you meet the Emperor someday, you can explain everything you have done for the countless creatures of Tianlang country.”

Yu Ren Shu nodded, but still looked heartbroken and full of regret.

Tian Rong reached out his hand and wiped away the tears from Yu Ren Shu’s face, awkwardly saying, “I have never seen you cry before. Don’t cry, I’m not used to it.”

Yu Ren Shu looked at Tian Rong and seemed a little uneasy. He wiped his face, “I want to go and ask Sisi if he knows anything.”

“Don’t go, he’s already suspicious,” Jiang Chao Ge said. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Yu Ren Shu stood up and said in a low voice, “You guys rest.”

After the two left, Jiang Chao Ge and Zhi Xuan looked at each other in the tent. Jiang Chao Ge sighed and shook his head.

Zhi Xuan said, “Human life is so short. Is it not painful to experience such sadness every few decades?”

“Yeah, it’s normal for humans to experience birth, aging, illness, and death,” Jiang Chao Ge said.

Zhi Xuan sighed, “For me, decades are just a snap of the fingers.”

Jiang Chao Ge said, with a hint of sadness, “But for me, it’s a lifetime.”

“I don’t know why, but when I’m with you, time seems to pass very slowly,” Zhi Xuan said. He had never tried to feel the passing of time in seconds or minutes. While others measure their lives in days, he measures his in years. Time holds no special meaning for him; it is just a repetition of things he has done before. No person or thing can leave a deep impression on him, which means ten or a hundred years are almost the same, nothing worth remembering, just a passing of mediocrity. But now, things are different. Every minute and every second spent with Jiang Chao Ge is worthwhile, and time seems to have become so long that every moment is vibrant. If humans lived like this, even with a hundred years of lifespan, it might be more interesting than his own ten thousand years of life.

Jiang Chao Ge laughed, “It’s because you’re following me through human time, year after year, which feels quite long to humans.”

Zhi Xuan looked serious, “I like that it feels long because that means we have more time together.”

Jiang Chao Ge tousled his hair, “We have a lifetime together.”

“That’s just your lifetime, which isn’t enough,” Zhi Xuan said, locking eyes with him. “I’m going to ask Yin Chuan to tell me a way to make sure you don’t die. Otherwise, I’ll turn you into a spirit tool.”

Jiang Chao Ge was shocked, “I don’t want to become a spirit tool.”

“Why not?” Zhi Xuan asked.

He ran his fingers through his hair and couldn’t quite explain why, he just had a feeling that he didn’t want to become one. “When a person dies, they’re done for good.”

Zhi Xuan glared at him, “Then what am I supposed to do? I don’t care. You have to keep being with me, no matter what happens.”

Jiang Chao Ge forced a smile, “If we both become spirit tools, who will be the one to wield us?”

Zhi Xuan furrowed his brow and was stumped by the question.

Jiang Chao Ge pinched his cheek and said, “Forget about those far-off thoughts. Maybe after just a few decades, you’ll get sick of me, and I’ll become an old man.”

Zhi Xuan paused and said, “Yes.”

“Right? If I became an old man, you’d be even less willing to look at me,” Jiang Chao Ge said.

“In that case, maybe I should kill you now and turn you into a spirit tool so that you can keep your young appearance forever,” Zhi Xuan said seriously.

Jiang Chao Ge exclaimed, “No no no! Even if you killed me, we wouldn’t be able to be in the mortal realm together.”

Zhi Xuan nodded, “That’s true. But it wouldn’t matter to me if you became an old man. After all, under the skin, we’re all just bones. I don’t care what you look like.” He paused for a moment and then added, “But you look better young. Your skin feels so smooth to the touch.”

Jiang Chao Ge gave a thumbs up, “You’re so enlightened.” He quickly crawled under the covers, “I’m going to sleep now,” closed his eyes and didn’t say another word.

Zhi Xuan climbed in front of him, pulled open his arm, and snuggled into his embrace. Jiang Chao Ge involuntarily tightened his arm, holding close this natural little heater. He always preferred Zhi Xuan’s bean sprout appearance – adorable and not likely to force kisses or touch him randomly.

Zhi Xuan raised his head, kissed his chin, and blinked at Jiang Chao Ge. Seeing him not responding for a while, he kicked him hard, and Jiang Chao Ge helplessly kissed him on the forehead. He then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, before dawn, they heard Sisi shouting outside the tent, “Wake up, eat, hit the road!”

Yun Xi crawled out of the tent, pointing to the sky, and said in a daze, “It’s not even bright yet.”

Sisi dashed to him and yelled, “I said get up, so you get up! Get up and cook!”

Yun Xi crawled out of the tent with a mournful expression and began to live like a little housewife by cooking food.

Everyone got up, packed up the tent, and had breakfast. Sisi pointed to the distance and said vigorously, “That road ahead is the way to Xuan Yuan Hill that I traveled through when I was fifteen. I am the only one who has made their way through the countless groups of beasts alive.”

“How did you do it?” Ruan Qiansu asked curiously.

Sisi wrinkled his nose and said proudly, “One word, ‘sneak’.”


“Yes, I sneak and no one can find me. The beasts can’t see me, so they naturally couldn’t eat me, hahaha,” Sisi laughed heartily with his hands on his hips.

Jiang Chao Ge asked, “Then how do we ‘sneak’ with so many of us?”

Sisi glared at him and said, “With so many people, there’s no use. We can only fight it out. But don’t worry, if you die, I’ll sneak away.”

Jiang Chao Ge’s mouth twitched, “Oh, great.”

Sisi stretched and exclaimed, “Let’s go!”

They set off on their journey. The route Sisi chose had little fog, which made everyone feel relieved. They would rather face the beasts in the mountains and valleys than be trapped in the fog and bullied by a group of monkeys that they could have otherwise easily beat. It was more satisfying to fight it out with them than to feel frustrated and angry.

Sisi excitedly jumped on Tian Rong briefly, then bounced onto Zui Yu, leaped onto a tree branch and swung back and forth, occasionally letting out cheerful crys.

Jiang Chao Ge looked at Sisi, who couldn’t sit still like a monkey, and shook his head. “Does this kid have ADHD?”

“What’s ADHD?” Yun Xi asked.

“It’s a condition, and the symptoms…are just like him.”

He looked at Sisi, who was hanging upside down on a tree branch, waving his hands vigorously and laughing with his teeth showing. Yun Xi suddenly understood, and nodded vigorously.

As they passed under Sisi, he swung his body and happily said, “You guys look so funny like this, hahaha.”

No one paid attention to him.

When Yu Ren Shu passed by, Sisi suddenly pulled off his headscarf with lightning speed.

This sudden change stunned everyone present. By the time they reacted, Yu Ren Shu’s silver hair had already fallen, and Sisi flipped over with the headscarf and climbed to the top of the tree as fast as a monkey.

Tian Rong roared angrily at Sisi, leaped up, and was about to climb up the tree. Yu Ren Shu said softly, “Tian Rong.”

Tian Rong grimaced at Sisi, then put his front paws on the ground.

Jiang Chao Ge asked coldly, “What are you doing?”

Sisi snorted, “And you dare to ask me what am I doing, you bunch of cheats!” He pointed at Yu Ren Shu. “You are Prince Shu. You guys are the ones being hunted by the outside world!”

Yu Ren Shu calmly said, “Yes, I am. Have you heard any news outside, about my father or my brother?”

Sisi looked at them in disgust, “I hate liars the most. I won’t tell you anything. You dare to deceive me and the Tuozu tribe’s great shaman and my little brother. I won’t take you to Xuan Yuan Hill. Get out of Kunlun Immortal Boundary!”

Jiang Chao Ge said calmly, “You only know that we are wanted, do you know why?”

Sisi gave him a disdainful look. “What do I have to do with the affairs of the outside world?”

“Do you mean that the awakening of ancient beasts has nothing to do with you?”

Sisi widened his eyes. “What did you say?”

Jiang Chao Ge could tell from his reaction that many people still didn’t know about Xiao Xue’s appearance. In this era of information scarcity and backward communication methods, if the authorities deliberately concealed information, it could be sealed within a city. When Xiao Xue was chasing them, many people in Yingcheng must have seen the true face of this ancient beast. Yet, Sisi came down from the mountain and still knew nothing. This was enough for Jiang Chao Ge to infer many things.

Sisi climbed down, keeping a safe distance from them. He asked urgently, “Hey, what do you mean?”

“There is an Di Jiang statue outside Kunlun Immortal Boundary. How much do you know about it?”

“I only know that the statue has been standing there for thousands of years. No one knows who made it or when it was built.”

“Do you know why there is a Di Jiang statue there?”

“Everyone knows that Di Jiang killed the monster Bai Ze that had been causing trouble on Kunlun Mountain, and the statue was built to commemorate him…”

“Nonsense!” Zhi Xuan’s eyes seemed to be on fire, and he glared at Sisi fiercely as if he wanted to pounce on him and bite him to death. “Bai Ze… Yin Chuan… You’re talking nonsense!” Zhi Xuan was so angry that he couldn’t speak properly.

Jiang Chao Ge hugged Zhi Xuan and stroked his back, soothing him softly. “Good boy, don’t be angry. Don’t stoop to the level of humans.”

Yu Ren Shu took over, “We came to the mountain this time to find Bai Ze.”

Now it was Sisi’s turn to go crazy. “What are you guys talking about? Are you saying that the legendary spirit weapons transformed from ancient beasts will return to the world for real?”

“Of course, it’s true. We’re trying to find them early to prevent ancient beasts from endangering humans again.”

Sisi glared at them for a long time, “I almost fell for your tricks again. You guys are a bunch of cheats. I won’t believe you!”

“Although our identities are fake, the treasure is real,” Jiang Chao Ge took out a whale-shaped storage bag and threw it on the ground. A huge storage bag appeared on the ground. He pointed to it and said, “As long as you take us to Xuan Yuan Hill, you can take whatever you want from here except for a sword left by my old friend. These things are enough to justify to your clan.”

Yu Ren Shu stared at him. “But those are all things from my palace.”

Jiang Chao Ge smiled. “Material possessions, material possessions.”

Sisi was skeptical but jumped down from the tree and peered into the storage bag, stunned by the shining and colorful treasures. Jiang Chao Ge smirked to himself, even a mountain bumpkin would be tempted by these imperial treasures.

Sisi swallowed and glanced at Jiang Chao Ge. “I can really take them as I please?”

“Take whatever you want, as long as you can carry it.”

Sisi stepped back, seeming to be struggling inwardly.

“If you’re not at ease, you can take them now.”

Sisi didn’t move, but instead asked, “If you are going to find Bai Ze, what are you going to do after you find it?”

“Prevent the weapon from falling into the wrong hands.”

“And then?”

“Then we will go find the other divine-level spirit weapons. The more we have in our hands, the more we can ensure that they are not used by bad people.” Yu Ren Shu said, “I am the prince of Tianlang Kingdom. I want to protect this continent more than anyone else. You can believe me on this.”

Sisi turned his eyes. “Do you know how the Holy Emperor died?”

Yu Ren Shu was surprised and secretly clenched his fist. “Tell me.”

“On the surface, it was said that the Holy Emperor passed away due to old age. But there are rumors that your brother forced him to abdicate and killed him, or that the Holy Emperor died of anger.”

Yu Ren Shu widened his eyes and gritted his teeth. “You, you said my elder brother… forced him to abdicate?!”

“Not the Crown Prince, it’s the Second Prince, Kui. It was said that he disappeared for a while before suddenly returning and gaining immense power, becoming unstoppable.”

Yu Ren Shu was furious and shocked. “Yu, Ren, Kui!” He asked tremblingly, “What else have you heard? Tell me everything.”

Sisi shrugged. “Some say the Crown Prince was killed, others say he was under house arrest. We’re so far from Tianao City that no one knows which rumor is true. But the Holy Emperor did die. I saw the royal obituary. I think your brother will ascend the throne. What I’m saying is, Tianlang Kingdom will soon be no longer yours. Are you going to continue wasting time here in the mountains?”

Yu Ren Shu closed his eyes. The continous blows made it almost unbearable for him. If the death of the Holy Emperor was not enough to shake his determination to find divine-level spirit weapons, then the news that Yu Ren Kui had possibly usurped the throne by killing his father and brother made him want to return to Tianao City as soon as possible and find out the truth. Perhaps now was the time when his elder brother and the people of Tianao City needed him the most, and he…

Jiang Chao Ge saw Yu Ren Shu wavering and immediately said, “Shu, even if you go back now, you won’t be able to change anything. Yu Ren Kui disappeared and then suddenly gained ‘unstoppable power’, which is very consistent with Zhi Xuan’s speculation. He is very likely to have awakened an ancient beast!”

Yu Ren Shu was shocked. “Could it be, could it be Su Han…”

Jiang Chao Ge nodded solemnly. “Even if we guessed wrong, we are thousands of miles away from Tianao City. Even if you rush back, it will take you two months. A lot can happen in two months. By the time you get back to Tianao City, things will have already become a foregone conclusion. What can you do then? If we guessed right, how could we fight against Su Han and Xiao Xue?”

Sweat seeped out of Yu Ren Shu’s forehead, and his expression seemed to be in great pain.

Jiang Chao Ge secretly sighed in his heart. Although they all had heavy burdens and were in danger of losing their lives at any time, the heaviest psychological burden was definitely on Yu Ren Shu. He was born noble and had a straightforward and upright nature. He was someone who would rather die than compromise his principles. The fact that he fled from guilt was a lifelong scar in his heart. To save the good of the Tianlang continent was what made him swallow his pride. This deep contradiction had been tormenting him, making him suffer greatly, and now that Tianao City had changed, it was even worse for him.

Jiang Chao Ge looked at the despair and struggle in Yu Ren Shu’s eyes, feeling heavy-hearted as well. But he absolutely couldn’t let him return to Tianao City. This was not just for himself, but also for Yu Ren Shu’s safety. He truly respected and appreciated Yu Ren Shu, and he would never let him walk toward his doom.

Ruan Qiansu said, “Jiang-ge is right. If Yu Ren Kui dares to return to Tianao City and force the palace, he must have absolute strength. Otherwise, with the number of soldiers and defenses in Tianao City, plus the Prince has been ruling for so long, holding real power, how could he be forced into this situation? Unless he has a true weapon that can threaten everyone, that is, a divine-level spirit weapon.”

“Qiong Qi…” Yu Ren Shu murmured, “Could Yu Ren Kui really…”

Jiang Chao Ge thought of Yu Ren Kui’s beautiful androgynous face. If a lustful beast had been hungry for ten thousand years and woken up to see it, it would be strange if it didn’t go crazy.

Yu Ren Shu clenched his fists. “If I find Yin Chuan and leave Kunlun Mountain, I will return to Tianao City. Maybe my elder brother is waiting for me to save him.”

Jiang Chao Ge breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, no matter how much danger there is, we’ll accompany you back.”

Yu Ren Shu looked at everyone with gratitude.

Yun Xi weakly said, “I don’t want to go.”

Jiang Chao Ge glared at him and he immediately shut up.

Yu Ren Shu looked at Sisi, “Will you take us to Xuan Yuan Hill now?”

Sisi said coldly, “I can take you, but you have to agree to three conditions.”

“Tell us.”

“Firstly, take Bai Ze away from Kunlun Mountain and never come back.”

“We cannot promise you that. If the origin of heaven and earth is in Kunlun Mountain, not only Bai Ze, but all ancient beasts will come here. However, we can promise you that we will do our best to protect your homeland and your people.”

Sisi gritted his teeth. “Fine! Secondly, you must not mention our conversation today to my tribe.”


“Thirdly…” Sisi scratched his head. “I haven’t thought of one yet, I’ll let you know if I do.”

Jiang Chao Ge smiled. “Then, Guide, please lead the way.”

Sisi climbed back up the tree and growled menacingly, “Just so you know, if I catch you lying to me again from now on, I’ll throw you into the depths of Kunlun Mountain where you’ll never escape for the rest of your life.”

Jiang Chao Ge said, “We wouldn’t dare.”

Sisi returned Yu Ren Shu’s headscarf, “Don’t be too upset, I heard that many people are waiting for you to return. Maybe they have started to believe that you didn’t kill your Great Shaman.”

Yu Ren Shu bowed his head, his lips trembling slightly.

Jiang Chao Ge patted his shoulder heavily and said seriously, “Shu, I was the one who took you away. I promised you that one day, I will safely escort you back to Tianao City.”

Yu Ren Shu grabbed his hand and said in a low voice, “Thank you.”