Xu Ziyan turned a white eye: "it's because he escaped a life that he felt hurt. If he died, he would not worry."

Xu Zirong is speechless and can only massage his brother's body with care.

"Whoo Although the loss is quite large, but you are right. Somehow we escaped. But What is this place? " Xu Ziyan sighed and looked around but couldn't find any obvious marks.

However, he also knew that after three days of life-threatening dash, they had no sense of direction for a long time. It was better to drill a hole directly up than to search for an exit with great effort.

"By the way, why didn't the big bug suddenly catch up? I thought he would keep chasing us till the end of time. " Xu Ziyan asked casually.

Xu Zirong shook his head. He had never seen such a huge insect before, and had never read or typed relevant information in any of the stamps.

Fortunately, there is a relatively "knowledgeable" person around them who can solve their doubts, so xuetuan is carried out by Xu Ziyan.

"Baa?" Holding a chicken leg in its mouth, xuetuan stared at Xu Ziyan, as if to ask why he called me out again?

Xu Zirong's cold eye knife instantly makes the snow group's hair stand upright. He looks at Xu Ziyan with a serious face: "what's the master's order, please?"

Xu Ziyan:

Motherfucker! Xuetuan, you bully! Why don't you play with Xu Zirong?

Xuetuan: QAQ, I dare not It's really going to die

Xu Ziyan smoothed the sinews on his forehead as much as possible, and described the appearance of the big insect to xuetuan.

"Well Does it sound like a geosaurus? " The snow group pondered and replied.

"Dragon? Is it related to the Dragon nationality? " Asked Xu Ziyan sensitively.

Xuetuan made a disdainful expression: "don't involve all the cats and dogs in our real dragon family. The rock dragon insect is just the name given by the human friar. It has nothing to do with our real dragon family!"

Xu Ziyan couldn't help turning a white eye: "OK, I know your blood is noble. Tell me about the rock dragon insect here!"

Xuetuan rubbed his chin: "in fact, there's nothing to say about this rock dragon insect. It's a bit bigger and stronger. Unfortunately, it's a brainless product. As long as it's not facing him in the front, you can dig a hole anywhere."

He took a sympathetic look at Xu Ziyan: "actually If you don't step into his territory, this insect won't attack you at all. "

"Then why can bloodsuckers carry out mining activities in his territory?" Xu Ziyan asked in bewilderment. He knew that some monsters had a strong sense of territory and could not be approached by other species at all. But why he and Zi Rong are attacked, but those bloodsuckers are OK?

"How do I know." Xuetuan shrugged: "but when I see this ground rock dragon insect, I know how these insects evolved."

"Is it because of this?" Xu Ziyan's eyes brightened, and he took out a piece of insect's skin from the square king.

"That's right." Xuetuan nodded: "it's called Yanbi. It's secreted by yanlongchong. It can make bloodsucker mother evolve rapidly in a very short time."

Xu Ziyan rubs his forehead with headache. Before, their purpose was to find out how the bloodsucker evolved, but now it is clear. The problem is how to solve it?

Xu Ziyan has a headache when he thinks of the big bug with thick skin and thick meat. He just cuts two pieces of skin - ah, no, not the skin, but the air dried secretion, which makes him so laborious. It can be imagined how the big bug should be 'thick skin and thick meat'

"It's too much trouble." Xu Ziyan said with a helpless smile.

This place is not something that the two of them can solve. It seems that they can only go back first and report the matter.

Anxiously grabbing his hair, Xu Ziyan recalled the observation of bloodsuckers in recent days. He had to admit that these bloodsuckers were really terrible.

Compared with them, those bloodsuckers in the original book are just five scum!

sighed with no help. Xu Ziyan knew that this situation may be brought about by his little butterfly's wings, but he didn't think that his wings were awesome enough to make such a big thing happen. (:3」∠)_

They meditated and rested for a while, and then they began to find their way out after their spiritual strength recovered.

At this time, they have gone through a run in which they don't know the direction. They don't know where they are at all. If they choose a channel rashly, it will be great if they enter the insect nest.

Finally, the two decided to cut a passage directly above. When a ray of moonlight fell on Xu Ziyan's face, he took a hard breath: "hoo, it finally came out!"

For several days, Xu Ziyan was trapped in a dark cave and was chased by a big insect like Huashen. This pressure kept Xu Ziyan in a state of mental tension. Now with such a ray of moonlight, he can finally relax."Well? On guard? " Xu Ziyan noticed that not far in front of him, there was a figure leaning on a big tree and whispering something with another person nearby.

When he came out, he deliberately opened the shielding effect of Fang gejun. Therefore, the two watchers did not find them.

Xu Ziyan opened his mind and extended towards the two sentinels. Soon, a huge Buddhist camp appeared in his mind.

"How dare anyone spy on our camp in xuanjiamen!" A sharp drink, the camp in the middle of a tent, a flash of gold, a sword air burst into the air.

Xu Ziyan felt a destructive force in this sword Qi, and was shocked at once. He had no doubt that if he was split by this sword Qi, his divine sense would be destroyed!

It's not a good taste that the divine sense was destroyed, so Xu Ziyan took it back, showed his figure from the hidden place, and greeted the two joking and happy sentinels.

The two Sentinels were startled by the two people who suddenly appeared. They almost had to cast magic. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan didn't show his identity jade card slowly, so they didn't fight.

The two men followed one of the Sentinels towards the camp, while Xu Ziyan was still observing the whole camp.

After watching it for a while, Xu Ziyan could only smile bitterly. It's not that the monks arranged a bad camp, but that they arranged a small area with all schools as the core.

One by one, the connection between the area and the area is relatively close. However, such an arrangement will only let everyone fight for their own when the camp is attacked. If the number of sneaking enemies is small, it will be enough. In case that the enemy is completely overwhelmed, once a certain area collapses, the areas on both sides cannot be assisted in time at all.

Then there is the old-fashioned division and encirclement and suppression, that is to say, at the level of Xu Ziyan, if he is given a team of soldiers with the same level as these friars, he is sure to wipe out the other side completely.

With a silent sigh, Xu Ziyan felt it necessary to discuss the problem with his master.

"Qi Changlao, two disciples of liuguangzong have arrived." The monk who guards the door knows Xu Ziyan. When he sees him, he reports to the elder in the account.

Then, they were welcomed into the big account, which was impressively a rather delicate small building.

"How could Xu Daoyou come here?" That Qi long old general Xu Ziyan lets to the seat, asks softly.

"I'm going to investigate the evolution of bloodsuckers. I just came back and happened to meet them. Qi Changlao, what are you Xu Ziyan and Qi Changlao are not familiar, but they have seen two sides in the meeting hall.

However, due to the xiamawei incident on the first day and the Luo yundaojun standing behind him, most of the elders of xuanjiamen hold a relatively contradictory attitude towards Xu Ziyan. On the one hand, they are dissatisfied with his face of xuanjiamen, and on the other hand, they are more afraid of Luo yundaojun.

Qi Changlao's attitude towards him is not cold, but it is not warm. However, because he belongs to the leader's school, Xu Ziyan has a good impression on him.

Just this time, Qi Changlao's original indifferent attitude turned into a warm spring breeze immediately after he found that Xu Ziyan had advanced to Yuanying.

Qi Chang was happy in his heart, but he didn't miss anything on his face. Before, Xu Ziyan was indifferent just because he was a Jindan friar. He was much older than Xu Ziyan. Of course, he couldn't show too much enthusiasm. But now, Xu Ziyan is a serious Yuanying friar. Only the leader of the whole Xuanjia sect is qualified to call a Taoist friend.

Qi always thought of the mouths of the elders who forced the leader to send troops at once at the meeting, and couldn't help but smile. Now the friars of liuguangzong have advanced to Yuanying. I'm going to see what you old people can do to face a Yuanying friar!

Qi Changlao's attitude was very positive, he said respectfully: "since the elder left, there has been another attack in the door. This time, a large number of evolutionary bloodsuckers attacked the school. Although they did not break the array, they caused great pressure on the disciples in the door. The headmaster and all the elders thought that the destruction of the mineral vein could not be delayed any longer, so they sent out most of the monks in the sect, intending to solve the problem once and for all. "

When he said the last sentence, Mr. Qi emphasized the "elders". It was obvious that the leader didn't approve of sending out troops so early. But now the elders in Xuanjia sect are powerful. Even the leader can't do it alone.

Xu Ziyan's face was a little heavy, and he didn't hide his unhappiness. He just tapped his finger on the table and looked at Qi Changlao calmly.

At the beginning, I have mentioned several doubts and promised to investigate them as soon as possible. However, these elders actually sent troops on their backs. In a big way, they don't trust liuguangzong. In a small way, they just don't pay attention to Xu Ziyan. He thought that the last xiamawei had left enough lessons for people. Do these people think he is a good temper who can't care?

"Elder Qi, the elders of your sect are really fierce. I only went out to investigate before and sent troops after you. Do you think my disciples of Liuguang sect are all rubbish? Can't find out what you need? "