They are too old to play with mud. Granny Wang asked them to come down to play. They didn't know what to play for a moment, so they had to stick their hands in their pockets. When they met their neighbors on the road, they had to stop and say hello.

The knitting factory built a basketball court on the side of the family area, and sometimes organized employees to play ball games. Usually, it was occupied by the junior and senior high school sports activists.

When Wen AI and Yue Xiao pass by the basketball court, they look into the barbed wire and see two familiar figures, Luo Dongdong and Chen Feiyang. They are playing one-on-one, and Wen AI can feel the intense atmosphere between them from a long distance.

Luo Dongdong doesn't live in this area. There is only one reason why he can appear here to compete with Chen Feiyang. Wen AI looked around and saw that the little girl in the dress on the stand was Miao Miao?

Yue Xiao asked: "go and say hello?"

Wen AI stares at him: "still use you to say?"

A few people from childhood to big, junior high school is a school, feelings so good, happened to meet unreasonable pretend invisible.

They went around to the entrance of the basketball court. The iron net door opened a little narrow today. It was 78cm or 80cm by visual inspection. It was quite spacious for one person to pass. If they had to pass two people at the same time, they were a little retarded.

Just in time, Wenai leaned over and finally squeezed into the door, almost without a fall.

He turned to Yue Xiao and said angrily, "Why are you robbing me? Can't you come in later? "

"Didn't you just say you wanted to go side by side?" Yue Xiao patted the sleeve ash just stained on the iron door frame, while smiling at Wen AI, "I promised you."

Seeing that he was serious, Wen AI said inexplicably, "you just lack heart."

Yue Xiao didn't retort, he just laughed at him.

"Why are you here? Rare guest Miao Miao was bored in the stands alone. When he saw Wen AI and Yue Xiao, his eyes lit up. "I'm bored. You just talk with me."

Wen AI sat down next to her: "Er Dong and Fei Yang are with you. Are you bored?"

Miao Miao showed a speechless expression: "they have spoken to me no more than ten words since noon. I really don't know what they called me for."

Wen AI said good things for them: "let you be the referee. I'll call you specially."

"Come on." Miao Miao bowed his head and straightened his skirt. "I'm an audience at best."

Wen AI comforted her a few words, turned his head to look at Yue Xiao, pointed to the awkward ball on the field with his chin, and said: "see, I'm just as absent-minded as you."

Yue Xiao nodded along with him: "see."

Luo Dongdong and Chen Feiyang played very hard, sweating all over the stage. They only saw Wen AI and Yue Xiao at half-time.

"Come to see Granny Wang again?" Chen Feiyang said hello to them, bent down, pulled out a box of sandwich biscuits from his backpack on the ground, and gave each of them a piece.

"Well." "Come and give me something," she said

Luo Dongdong didn't want Chen Feiyang's biscuits. He poured two mouthfuls of water and laughed at him with curly hair: "a little fat man is a little fat man. He takes them with him anytime and anywhere."

Luo Dongdong looked at Miao Miao: "Miao Miao, you can't have such a person."

"Don't call me fat all the time. I'm smoking now." Chen Feiyang sent the biscuit to him again, "really don't eat? It's a tonic

"No Luo Dongdong sat next to Yue Xiao and put him on his shoulder. "We are thin and have good physical strength, aren't we, brother ma?"

"Yes, but Feiyang is thin now." Yue Xiao smiles and points to the bicycle parked outside the basketball court. "Er Dong, can I borrow your car for a while?"

"What kind of car do you ride?" Luo Dongdong pinched his shoulder, "I still want to play with you for a while!"

Yue Xiao shook his head: "no fight."

"Don't pester people." Chen Feiyang pulled Luo Dongdong off Yue Xiao's back and pointed to Wen AI with his chin. "Can Ma Ge leave Yun Yun to play with you?"

"Little bamboo, come with me." Luo Dongdong stood up and pointed at Wen AI beside Yue Xiao, "I'll teach you, Bao Jiao, Bao Hui!"

Wen AI looked at Luo Dongdong's sweat and shook his head: "don't play."

Well, Wen AI vetoed this vote. No one wants to move Yue Xiao again.

Luo Dongdong takes out the key of the car lock and throws it into Yue Xiao's arms. Holding the basketball, he goes off with Chen Feiyang.

Miao Miao feels bored and leaves the stadium with Wen AI and Yue Xiao. When he comes out, he says goodbye to them, turns around his skirt and goes home with a light gait.

Yue Xiao pushed his bicycle onto the road, stepped into his seat, turned his head and said to Wen AI, "come on, go for a ride!"

Winnie came up to him, supported him on the shoulder, raised his leg, and sat in the back seat.

At the end of August, the weather is still sultry. Now the wheels of the car turn and the wind blows. The whole person is fresh.

Yue Xiao rode steadily, carrying Wen AI to and fro in the family area, which carries their childhood memories. The exterior walls of many buildings were yellow and covered with a sense of age. Familiar people and things are still here. The cold noodle stand in front of the flower bed, the mahjong hall on the first floor of the third unit, and the biggest Jue tree beside the open space - you see, there are still some hanging trees on the branches I'm a little kid.Wen AI and Yue Xiao are sitting in the same car, looking at the same scenery, thinking that what they recall is the same thing.

"Sit tight." Yue Xiao suddenly said, "it's going downhill."

As soon as Wen AI heard it, he immediately let go of Yue Xiao's clothes and grasped his waist instead.

There is only one slope in the family area, not long, but extremely steep.

"Slow down!" Wen AI didn't even have the courage to look at the steep slope. He only dared to shout at Yue Xiao, "if you fall me, I'll never end with you!"

Yue Xiao firmly grasped the brake handle: "don't be afraid."

As soon as the voice fell, Wen AI felt that the whole person suddenly tilted forward by a large margin, and then went down in such a slanting way. The speed became faster and faster, and the car kept shaking, as if it was going to be a somersault in the next second.

"Yue Xiao --" Wen AI shrank behind Yue Xiao like a baby seeking shelter. His two hands twined around his waist like vines. The more he twined, the more tight he became, "Yue Xiao, Yue Xiao..."

"I'm here." Yue Xiao's voice came from the wind near my ears, "it's almost here."

It took only a few seconds to go downhill, but Winnie felt the sense of weightlessness that made people panic for a century.

After returning to the flat again, Yue Xiao stopped the car, supported the ground with his feet, turned his head and asked, "are you ok?"

"What's good..." Wen AI held Yue Xiao's waist and put his head on his back. He kept breathing deeply and said softly, "you let me slowly..."


Yue Xiao didn't dare to move again. He was busy controlling the front of the car when he was just at the speed of life and death. Now he stopped to be quiet. He realized how ambiguous it was for Wen AI to hold him so dependent.

Yue Xiao's body became more and more stiff. Wen AI felt it. He straightened up and let go of him. He slapped him on the back and said, "how did he become stiff?"

Yue Xiao blushed and did not dare to look back. He coughed awkwardly: "your necklace is blocking me. It hurts a little."

"You deserve it." Wen AI lowered his head and pulled the little horse out of the collar. He had worn the necklace for more than three years, but he didn't know how many red ropes he had changed. "Why didn't you think of that when you carved it? I am often caught off guard by this thing to my chest. It's always painful. I haven't said anything yet

Yue Xiao was silent for a while: "if it hurts, take it down."

"Do you want to command it or not?" Wen AI tucked the horse back into his clothes and patted him on the shoulder. "Go to the stadium and return the car to grandma's home for dinner."

Yue Xiao laughed and his voice rose. He stepped on the pedal and said, "let's go!"

In the third year of junior high school, students are all under the pressure of high school entrance examination. Only those with excellent results can continue to study in high school, otherwise they can only go to technical schools.

Yue Xiao is not the material to study, and his grades are not good. He closes himself up every night and studies hard.

After dinner that day, Wen AI knocked on Yue Xiao's door. Yue Xiao was stunned when he saw that he was holding a pile of review materials.

"What are you doing at the door?" Wen AI has no good way, "these books are not heavy!"

"I'll get it." Yue Xiao quickly took all the books from him, "come in."

Wenai took the door with her, went to the desk and sat down. She took the exercise book which had been opened on the desk to one side and made a space: "here."

Yue Xiao put the book in the past, dragged a bench to sit next to Wen AI: "is this

"Are you so stupid? Can't I help you with the tutorial? " Wenai's expression was a little unnatural. "If it wasn't for my father, I wouldn't bother to teach you."

Yue Xiao suddenly laughed: "thank you."

Wenai all subjects are very good, the only short board is mathematics, but to make up for Yue Xiao is also enough level.

It's just that if you don't open your mouth, you just don't open your mouth. Wen AI has been talking for a long time, but his mouth is dry. Yue Xiao's wrong question is still wrong.

Wen AI disheartened ground threw away pen, Yue Xiao helped him pour a glass of water: "sorry, I am too stupid."

Winnie was drinking water and didn't know what to say.

Yue Xiao laughed: "don't waste time for me, review by yourself."

Wen AI put his glass on the table and said, "don't abandon yourself so much. Even if you want to join the army, you have to finish high school."

In the plot, I clearly asked for it, my man!

Seeing that Wen AI really didn't want to leave, Yue Xiao hesitated for a long time and finally explained: "actually Dad talked to me this afternoon. He told me not to have any pressure. If I couldn't pass the exam, he helped me find a relationship... "

When Wen AI Leng was on the bench, his mind was full of his own "Dad wants me to help you -"

the whole person was not good.

Wen AI picked up the review materials on the desk and left without delay for a second.

"Wait!" Yue Xiao chased out, "don't be angry."

Before he could speak, Wynne's room door hit him in the face.

Wen AI's angry voice came from the door: "explode in place! What a nuisance

Yue Xiao innocently rubs the nose that is hit red, in the heart still quite happy.