The internship is arranged in the summer vacation. Another intern who was selected was an active practitioner. He found Wenai the day after the final exam and asked him to sign up for the company the next day. In fact, Wen AI wanted to delay for a while, but she felt that if she went with her classmates, she would feel more secure, so she nodded and agreed.

The Stuart building has 100 floors, which is comparable to the Empire State building. After explaining their intention at the front desk, Wenai and his friends were led into the elevator by a man and a woman. When the elevator stopped on the 30th floor, the male assistant went out with Wen AI's little partner. Just as Wen AI was about to raise her foot to keep up, she was stopped by the female elder next to her: "Mr. Zhao, you have been assigned to other positions, not on this floor."

Wenai "Oh", staring at the floor buttons in front of him, did not speak.

"I haven't introduced myself to you. My name is Kelly," she said with a smile. "I'm the first assistant to the president."

Wen AI felt the hairs on her body stand up slowly Which President? "

Kelly picked an eyebrow: "Mr. Xu, of course. You should know him, right?"

"I haven't heard of it. I don't pay much attention to it."

Kelly gave him a meaningful look: "well..."

"So we're going to go?" asked winay

"You'll find out later," Kelly said with a smile

Winnie looked at the lighted button on the floor panel. The number on it was 100.

I hope the top floor of this company is the staff restaurant, Amitabha, Amitabha

"On this floor, in addition to the president's office, the rest are the working rooms of our assistants." Dressed in valuable professional clothes, Kelly swaggered ahead and said, "if you want to be the Secretary of president Xu, the work is very complicated. You just need to remember to" obey orders. "

Wenai lingered behind, eager to break into three steps.

What is a secretary? Isn't it the modern nickname of the valet? The assistant can manage the manager at the bottom. His secretary can only deliver tea and water and toilet paper when he goes to the toilet!

The most important thing is that the person he wants to serve is Xu Changzhou.

Kelly takes Wenai all the way to the president's office. She knocks on the door to report the situation. Then she invites Wenai who is waiting outside to help them close the door and leave.

Big to some open office, Xu Changzhou sat alone at his desk, looking down at the documents. The light in the office and the dark suit on his body set him off very well. He's a domineering president.

Wen AI took a deep breath: "Mr. Xu, I'm your internship secretary. Now I'll report to you."

Xu Changzhou didn't lift his head, only a faint "um" sound, no following.

For a moment, only the sound of turning the paper could be heard in the quiet room. She didn't know where to put it. She stood for a long time and asked, "do you have any assignment for me?"

Xu Changzhou moved his eyes to Wen AI and looked at him quietly for a moment: "come here."

Gentle AI obediently walked past, nervous to shun turn do not know.

Xu Changzhou's mouth quietly went up, threw him a box of clay and a seal, and then pointed out his finger on the document in front of him: "after I read one, you can seal it here, just on the date. Do you understand?"

Winnie nodded and stood there with the seal.

Xu Changzhou's reading speed was very fast. After a while, he knocked on the table to indicate that Wen AI could seal.

Wen AI did not dare to drag the document in front of him. He had to tilt his body to cover it. Xu Changzhou did not say to lean back to make room for him, so he sat upright in his seat. Their bodies inevitably touched.

Wen AI's waist is close to Xu Changzhou's shoulder, and her arm rubs against Xu Changzhou's face. Her shirt is thin in summer. Wen AI is very uncomfortable with such intimate contact, and she hastily returns to her original position after leaving a chapter on the document.

Xu Changzhou went on to examine the documents and asked Wen AI to cover them after each examination. Every time, he would not let them go, forcing Wen AI to stick them on him.

After five or six times of repetition, Wen AI finally couldn't help it and said cautiously, "Mr. Xu, if you want to see it first, I'll cover it once more."

Xu Changzhou looked up at him: "tired?"

Ivan shook his head: "I I just think... "

Xu Changzhou looked at him with a smile: "what do you think?"

I think we are a little ambiguous.

But Wen AI didn't dare to say that, because from the moment he came in, Xu Changzhou had always been serious and didn't seem to be playing a trick on him.

Wen AI couldn't answer, so Xu Changzhou closed the document and handed it to him: "OK, it's over. You can put it in the filing cabinet over there."

Wen AI depressed to "Oh" a, early know just again endure.

All the documents have numbers. When sorting out, they must be put into the corresponding number area. After reading in front of the filing cabinet for a long time, Wen AI finally found the number area of the document in his hand, which is the top of the cabinet.He stood on tiptoe and stretched his arm. Every time, it was a little short. He tossed for a long time, but he couldn't put it on.

Xu Changzhou came this way: "can't you reach it?"

Wen AI didn't look back, but he was still trying to rub the document into the grid: "well, it's a little high..."

After a sudden heat, Wen AI felt Xu Changzhou's chest close to his back, suddenly the whole person was stiff.

Xu Changzhou didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this. He naturally took the document in his hand, raised his hand, and easily put it into the cabinet.

Wenai was trapped between Xu Changzhou and the cupboard. She did not dare to move. She trembled pitifully, like a captured animal.

Xu Changzhou lowered his head to smell the aroma of his neck, his lips vaguely close to his red ears, and his voice was deep and sexy: "remember to ask me for help next time."

His voice poured into Wenai's ear canal. It was so crisp that Wenai was numb and soft. He couldn't say a word.

Xu Changzhou gently pinched Wen AI's waist: "do you hear me?"

"Well..." Wen AI was so excited that she buttoned her hand on the cupboard and said, "I know..."

Xu Changzhou's eyes were so deep that he couldn't see the bottom. Something was waking up quickly. Before Wen AI found out, he backed away and turned to the bathroom.

When he left, Wen AI dared to relax. Xu Changzhou felt so suffocated that he could hardly breathe. Now he took a long breath before he felt relieved.

What kind of boss is hard to serve!