Chapter 1184

"Of course."

Felix II quickly led Luffy to the table where the agreement was signed.

The Prussian nobles, the nobles, stood behind him.

Luffy swaggered on the other side of the table. Behind him were the generals of the central army.

Both sides sit down, and Felix II presents the letter of surrender to Luffy.

"This is our surrender," he said

Lu Fei motioned to the translator. The translator took up the letter of surrender and gave Lu Fei the correct translation of the above contents.

In this letter of surrender, Prussia formally surrendered to the Empire, but this letter of surrender is only an agreement between the two sides to suspend the war. The treaty after the surrender still needs to be negotiated between the two sides.

After confirming that there was no problem with the contents of the surrender, Luffy nodded to Felix II.

Felix II then took the pen and signed his name on the letter of surrender.

But at this moment, suddenly there was the roar of planes in the sky, and hundreds of bombers flew over the ruins of the palace.

Felix II and the nobles looked up in amazement. They looked at the huge flying objects in the sky and felt a shiver in their hearts.

Also shaking were the Prussians in Konigsberg. When they saw the bombers, they ran around and thought they were going to be attacked again. But after a long time, they found that the bombers seemed to fly just to fly by.

From Luffy's abusive eyes, he understood that these bombers were just to deter them and show them the powerful military power of the Empire.

"You won!" Ferryii pushed the signed surrender to Luffy.

"Of course, but we have to say goodbye for a while, but I believe we will meet again soon. His Majesty the emperor will go to Europe in person, and then they will discuss the post-war affairs with you defeated countries."

"Will your majesty Xiao Ming come to Europe in person?" Felix II was taken aback.

Luffy had a little bit of peace in the Empire. Now there are only wars in Europe. The future direction of Europe is related to the interests of the Empire. So he got the news that his Majesty would come to Europe in person.

Felix II was a little scared, but also excited. The monarch who built a huge empire by himself was his idol.

Now that he was about to see the emperor, he was inevitably in a mixed mood.

"It's just wonderful." Felix II said, "it will be our honor to see your majesty."

Lu Fei sipped his mouth and said no.

Turning around, he led the army to France. The war in Europe is not over. They need to be busy for a while.


Tsarist Russia.

The winter here has gradually gone away, and the spring breeze gently blows the land with a trace of warmth.

Snow melts in the sun, revealing the road, and the warming weather makes everything seem to be back to life.

Butterflies through the flowers, birds through the jungle, the dead forest began to make noise.

"The damned winter is over at last." Luo Xin and Qi Guangyi walked side by side.

They were carrying shotguns, and the guards behind them were carrying rabbits and pheasants.

They've just come back from hunting. They need some fun in the boring days.

When he was stationed in Siberia, he fell in love with hunting. In his spare time, he always liked to go hunting with his officers in the Siberian jungle.

Now Siberia has become an important fur producing area of the Empire, and the barren snow field is no longer dead because of the gathering of merchants.

There are business stations all over the Empire, and the tsarists who used to be all over Siberia have been driven back to the west of the Ural Mountains.

"Yes, it's time for us to start another game of hunting." Qi Guangyi laughed.

Rosin looked in the direction of Moscow. "Now someone can't sleep."

Qi Guangyi nodded slightly. Before spring, a large number of imperial bombers had arrived at the temporary airport built in czarist Russia, and more than 300 bombers were enough for Czarist Russia to drink.

Besides bombers, the Empire also reinforced many tanks during this period, which made the number of tanks of the two armies reach 1000.

With such a terrible number of tanks, he believed it would take only one day to conquer Moscow.

Unlike the ease of Luo Xin and Qi Guangyi, ekalina is in constant panic.

They thought that they could use the cold winter to make the imperial tanks useless and the soldiers incapacitated.

But they did not think that the imperial army was very smart. They did not launch any attack in the whole winter, but built a strong defense to prevent them from being attacked by the Russian army in the winter.

This situation made them feel restless, because once the winter passed, the imperial army would wake up like a hibernating bear.

Then they will not be able to resist.

For this reason, the Tsarist Russian army launched several winter offensives, but the result was sad. In front of the powerful firepower of the Imperial Army, they had no choice but to leave with pieces of dead soldiers."Your Majesty." Igor looks at ekarina standing at the window.

The snow is melting and the barrier will soon disappear in winter.

Ekarina turned her head and said sadly, "spring is coming. The empire is melting like this snow."

Igor was silent. Before the war, he was full of confidence, but after the fierce war, he finally realized how stupid his original idea was.

"Your Majesty, I will fight for you to the last moment of your life." Igor can only reply to his own monarch like this.

Yekalina helplessly shook her head, and now even his most trusted generals are finally disheartened.

Her thoughts flashed by, and then he saw Ivanov scurrying towards her.

"Your Majesty." Ivanov was a little nervous. When he came to ekarina, he panted and said: "the situation in the European battlefield is very bad. The allies are winning one after another. It is said that a weapon flying in the sky has been put into the battlefield. According to our herdsmen's information, they have seen strange big birds flying through the sky. I believe this big bird is the new style of the Empire Weapons. "

"New weapons, new weapons again. How many new weapons do they have?" Igor is insane, and the scenes of the battlefield flash through his mind, stimulating him.

Yekarina looks ugly. "Does that mean we have no way to deal with this kind of weapon, and they can fly directly to Moscow?"

"I'm afraid so." Ivanov sighed deeply.

The three were silent for a while because of the news. Now they all have the same idea in their hearts, but none of them is willing to say it first. They are waiting for each other to say it first. , the fastest update of the webnovel!