Chapter 1174

Hadrian Great Wall.

This is the Great Wall built by Hadrian in ancient Rome to resist foreign invasion. After years, the Great Wall with only mounds left has become the boundary between Scotland and England.

"Another charge! The Scots won't be able to resist for long.

In the trench to the south of Hadrian's great wall, butrin ordered another charge.

After Scotland declared its independence, he went north, and an army of 300000 Englishmen met resistance from Scotland on the Hadrian wall.

These days, in order to defeat each other, both sides fight fiercely. However, compared with the Scottish militia, many of the English soldiers are veterans on the battlefield. Coupled with the advantage in number, Butlin took the initiative in the war in just two months.

In the face of an increasingly small number of Scottish troops, he constantly launched a charge, hoping to break through this line of defense and enter Scotland in three days.

But his expectations soon fell through. When the army's green coated steel monster swooped down from the highlands of Scotland, all the English soldiers were shocked by the scene.

"The imperial army has landed."

Butling said that although the coast was blocked by the Empire, it did not mean that Britain was completely cut off from the outside world.

It's not impossible to cross the English Channel in seclusion and alone, and because of this, they still maintain intermittent contact with the European continent.

Through intelligence, he determined that the monster in front of him was the imperial tank, and Scotland had no ability to make such a machine.

"Whoosh, whoosh "

when the English soldiers were in a panic, a formation of 42 tanks stopped at the front of the Scottish position.

Then one shell roared from behind the Scottish position, and when the shells fell on the English position, a huge explosion occurred.

All the impact points of the shells were blasted out with huge craters. The soldiers who were hit by the shells were directly lifted into the air by the air waves, and their bodies were even torn.

But what scares them even more is that they can't find the position of enemy artillery in their visible range.

Scottish position.

Lu Jun and henason are observing the English position on the south side of the Great Wall. After preparing the army, he immediately leads the army into the battlefield.

After all, Falkland is only two hours' drive from the battlefield.

"Ha ha ha, these damned Englishmen should be bombed enough." Henderson had a good laugh.

Because of the range of the howitzers, their artillery was set on a high ground, five kilometers away from the front line, which also prevented the artillery position from being attacked by the enemy.

In Lu Jun's eyes, howitzer shells are like raindrops in a rainstorm, falling on Pinghu Lake, raising water waves one after another.

Every explosion, smoke and dust were flying in the air, taking the lives of the English soldiers.

Looking at this scene, Lu Jun tightly pursed his lips. Under such a significant situation, England's defeat is doomed.

He didn't want to waste too much time in the war, so he ordered tanks and infantry to move forward after the carpet bombardment.

Like the Austrian war, after entering the battlefield, he got the command of the Scottish army, so now the imperial army is only responsible for firepower coverage, and the hand to hand combat and fighting on the battlefield are carried out by the Scots themselves.

This determination has not been rejected by Henderson. It will be more meaningful for him to let the Scot beat the Englander and win again.

"Boom boom..."


The vanguard, composed of 42 tanks, slowly advanced to the English position. In the process, the tanks kept firing at important targets, while the machine gunners poured bullets.

The Scots followed the tanks, and now their position in the trench was occupied by the imperial gunners and mortars.

The soldiers of the Empire will clear the way for them.


The English front.

Butling shook off the dust and got up from the ditch. Then he saw the advancing tank and the Scottish soldiers behind it.

He pulled up the adjutant lying in the ditch and asked him to lead the English soldiers to fight back, but found that the bullet hole in the adjutant's eyebrow was bleeding.

This scene suddenly reminds him of the picture of the war in India. At that time, he was faced with such a desperate situation, but this time, they had no way back.

Shuttling through the trench, Butlin searched for living soldiers to join the counterattack, but what surprised him was the casualties caused by the shelling.

The tank was moving very fast. Before the English soldiers could organize an effective counterattack, the Scots behind the tank rushed into the ditch.

They took out the grenades of imperial support and threw them into the trenches of the English people. With bayonet guns, they jumped into the trenches to fight with the English soldiers.

The imperial tanks provided firepower support for the Scots in front of the English positions, and the machine guns constantly swept away the areas where the English resisted fiercely.But the Englishmen have a strong will to fight. Although many Englishmen died under the shelling, they are still fighting with the Scots.

The first Scottish soldiers to attack were soon driven back by the still dominant number of English soldiers.

In the face of this situation, Lu Jun is indifferent. The number of English soldiers is almost three times that of Scottish soldiers. Even if the Empire's firepower is fierce, it can't kill so many enemies in one time.

Therefore, such a counter charge can not be successful at one time, it needs repeated consumption.

Henderson had been informed of Lu Jun's plan in advance, so he was not furious about the failure of the first charge.

According to Lu Jun, the more impatient England is now, the less anxious they are, because England's fragile economy may be dragged down by this war of attrition at any time.

On the contrary, with the support of the Empire, Scotland would receive a large number of food commodities from Africa, not afraid to be consumed by England at all.

At the same time, in order to force England to surrender, xie Yuan is leading the Marines to attack London, which is his plan to attack the West with the East.

Lu Jun is responsible for keeping Butlin in the front line, so that he can catch all the English nobles.

"Shelling! "

after looking at the pocket watch, the imperial warships outside London suddenly launched an attack on the port of London, and one shell fell on the London wharf, turning it into a fiery hell again.

Only when the citizens of London thought that the Empire was just a routine bombing, they were surprised to find landing boats carrying soldiers coming to the port of London.

The London Garrison who discovered this immediately concentrated on the harbor, but the imperial soldiers quickly occupied the dock and built a defense system.

Machine guns spewed fire and bullets flew to the British soldiers who were constantly reinforcement. , the fastest update of the webnovel!