Chapter 1140

London, imperial embassy.

A knock at the door in the middle of the night awakens Hu Chuan from his sleep. He immediately comes to the door of Kangming's room to wake him up. At the same time, he wakes up the guards to take the revolver and go downstairs carefully.

After the last port incident, the imperial embassy was attacked repeatedly, and the radical British often threw bricks or torches, which made their nerves become sensitive. However, the embassy would be intruded by thugs at any time.

Although he and Kang Ming could choose to follow Yue Yun back to the Empire at that time, they didn't want to destroy their achievements in the past two years. Just yesterday, they finally reached an agreement with the Scottish Parliament.

As long as Scotland becomes independent, the Empire will immediately announce its support, but Scottish MPs are also very cautious. If the empire can not ensure its military presence in Europe, they will not take risks.

So they're going to send the news back to the Empire to prepare in advance.

When he came downstairs, the guard explored and found that there was no large number of people outside. He immediately asked the guard to open the door.

At this time, an empire man dressed as a businessman swaggered in.

Hu Chuan was stunned. He asked, "who are you?"

The merchant said with a smile, "I'm the Imperial Guard. I've been ordered to inform you to leave Britain in advance. "

" evacuation? Does the Emperor... " Hu Chuanjing said.

The secret guard nodded, "Britain's rude behavior has challenged the bottom line of the Empire. The emperor officially ordered to fight against Britain. In two or three months, the news of the declaration of war will be sent back to Britain."

Hu Chuan and Kang Ming looked at each other, and Kang Ming said, "great, our task here has been basically completed. It's time to teach them a lesson, but why do you come in the middle of the night at three o'clock? It's a surprise to us. "

" I can't help it. As soon as I got off the boat, I came to see you. " The secret guard said that after the armistice was signed, there was some trade between the Empire and Britain.

He disguised himself as a member of this trading company and traveled to Britain all the year round, because their business involved industrial products, which were very popular in Britain.

paused for a moment. Then the secret guard went on to say, "when I came here, I found that there were many Eyeliner around the embassy. Now evacuating will disturb the Englishmen. So when our ship is cleared up tomorrow, you will go on board with the excuse of visiting imperial merchant ships. We will take the opportunity to escape. Anyway, they will not catch up with us. "

Hu Chuan was a little worried." since the emperor has declared war on Britain, don't the British in the Empire know? If they should know, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave. "

" you don't have to worry about that. This time, the emperor can prohibit the British from going to England by imperial ships. That is to say, it will be two or three months later for the British in the Empire to return to England than for us. "

Hu Chuan and others were relieved, and they said, "OK, we'll leave tomorrow. Next time we come back, we'll make the British look disgraced. "

the crowd burst into laughter.

The next day, Hu Chuan ordered all the important documents to be burned, and then led the envoy to the port.

Because the embassy used to patrol imperial merchant ships, the British did not show any unusual reaction.

But when the merchant ships of the Empire started sailing to the sea, the British people who followed Hu's biography responded and immediately reported the news to tulip palace.

"What! Hu Chuan ran away Victoria can't set the channel.

She frowned and immediately ordered the embassy to be searched. The news soon came that all the documents in the embassy had been burned, leaving only some clothes and other things.

On hearing the news, Victoria's heart beat violently. At this time, she suddenly realized that she was overconfident.

She thought that Britain and the Empire were tens of thousands of miles apart, and the seizure and release of ships was just a diplomatic event. She apologized in person, and the Empire would not stir up troops to wage war.

But now Hu Chuan and others suddenly withdraw, which is obviously a precursor.

"It's time to turn all those forty-two warships into British property. "Murmured Victoria.

At this time, Murphy and Brooke got the news that they had arrived. After confirming the news, their faces were very ugly.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, now we must be ready for war. Please issue a national mobilization order to enter a state of war." Said Brooke.

Murphy said: "we must immediately communicate with other European countries and strive for their support. If the Chinese Empire attacks Britain, their security will not be guaranteed. Only by uniting the whole Europe can we tide over this crisis. "

vidomia rubbed her brows in agony and said," France is now too busy for itself. We have to seek support from Prussia, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Czarist Russia and Austria. As long as they are on our side, we can carry on this war. "

Speaking of this, vidomia said to Brooke, "if you send messengers to European countries right now, I'm afraid the war is not far away."

Brooke saluted and acted immediately, and Murphy was ready to go to the house to announce the news.Just as Victoria expected, more than two months later, the embattled British mission returned to Britain from the Chinese Empire, bringing back the war book of the Empire and the news that the Empire had attacked the British colonies in Africa.


In Cape Town, Liu Chen is eyeing the area that has been made a good hope by Europeans.

This is the British colonial government at the southernmost tip of Africa. It was originally a Dutch colony, but it was taken over by Britain after the Anglo Dutch war.

For Africa, the Empire has always been short of interest, and the main reason is the attitude of emperor Xiao Ming.

In the court, Xiao Ming refused the advice of importing slaves from Africa and analyzed the harm it would do to the Empire in the future.

Based on the prohibition of the introduction of slaves from Africa, the interest groups in the Empire naturally lack interest in Africa. After all, what the Empire lacks most is slaves.

"General, the guns are ready to fire at any time!" The captain of the king class armored ship warned in time.

Liu Chen put down his telescope and looked determined. He cherished this opportunity to commit crimes.

Since the beginning of the Empire, he has been fighting all the way along the east coast of Africa, and now the entire port of the east coast of Africa is occupied by Marines.

The following imperial engineering team will quickly rebuild these ports, and then Garrison and supply will be in place one by one, making these ports the supply bases of the Empire.

However, relatively speaking, the European power on the east coast of Africa is relatively weak. In his view, what we really need to deal with is the west coast of Africa.

This is because of the Spanish occupation of the coast of northwest Africa, the Portuguese occupation of both sides of the southern African continent and Madagascar, and the British and French occupation of the golden coast of the Gulf of Guinea, the coast of North Africa and Egypt.

However, at present, the target of his attack is Britain, and other European countries are not in it for the time being. , the fastest update of the webnovel!