Chapter 1092

"Bang Bang..."

A burst of dense bullets hit the sand in front of Chang Yuzhu, which represented the answer of the Allied officers.

"It's a toast, no penalty." Chang Yuzhu spat out the sand in his mouth and yelled, "kill them for me!"

As his voice fell, the machine guns on the sand pond spewed fire again, and the rain of bullets instantly covered the trench. At the same time, the mortar unit no longer had any scruples, and fired one shell at the trench not far away.

Thunder frowned on the warship. He asked Chang Yuzhu to do the trick of persuading him to surrender. For him, if he could win Calcutta without a single soldier, it would be the best result, but now it seems impossible.

"Attack the whole army!" Thunder coldly gave the order, since the coalition is stubborn, he is increasing the attack chips.

Get his order, a group of soldiers from the warship down, dense troop carriers rushed to the coast.

Put down the landing soldiers, and the warships will go to the port of Calcutta. After landing, these soldiers will cooperate with them to seize the port, so that they can unload their field guns.

Moreover, there are a large number of supplies on the warship this time. Occupying the dock means that they have a supply base.

At the same time, the Allied soldiers were overwhelmed by the fierce firepower of the Empire.

Butlin shrank in the earth cave and looked pale. The shooting just now was his order. He was afraid that the propaganda of the Empire would make the already disordered army collapse completely.

But the result of his order made him not happy at all.

In Europe, he had experienced wars of all sizes, but he had never encountered such fierce gunfire.

The shells used by the Empire were all powerful flowering shells, and the shells would explode as long as they touched the ground, and they were also very accurate.

The soldiers of the Allied forces are all from Europe, and they still stay in the previous stage of array shooting and solid ammunition, which is difficult for them to adapt to.

Without trench protection, I'm afraid the coalition soldiers would have been scattered.

Just as he was thinking about it, a commotion was heard, and an officer rushed into the cave and called out, "the vines have surrendered!"

when he heard the words, Butlin felt cold from head to toe. Although he was the commander of the United forces, he could only command the British red shirts. He had no way to command the troops of other countries directly, and his obedience depended on their commanders 。

In panic, butellin risked being hit by a shell and peeped out of the trench to see the Portuguese garrison. Sure enough, the officers of the Portuguese army were walking out of the trench with their soldiers under the white flag.

In this coalition, Portugal has the least soldiers and the least interests in Asia, so the morale of Portuguese soldiers is also the lowest.

There was a glimmer of despair in his eyes, and he murmured, "the coalition is over." Because once someone surrenders, the morale of the coalition will be shaken as a whole.

As he thought, as the Portuguese soldiers came out of the trench, there were soldiers climbing out of the trench to join them.

These soldiers are French, Dutch, Spanish and British.

On the sea, the coalition soldiers who dropped their weapons, raised their hands and carried white flags were seen by thunder. He suddenly laughed, "Hey, hey, from these surrendering soldiers, we can see that the coalition forces are just strong support. As long as we give them a little pressure, it will be very easy to win Calcutta."

Liu Chen stood beside Lei Ming. This time, he cooperated with Lei Ming. He said: "it seems that as long as they charge, they will be finished. Now the soldiers of the coalition are still like this. The mercenaries recruited by Britain must have no intention of fighting. Moreover, the fact that the coalition scrambles for food and grass must make these mercenaries discontented. They all come from the local states near Calcutta."

"I think so too. Now it's time to end this farce." The thunder firmed up, and then asked the herald to convey his instructions.

On the beach, Chang Yuzhu first got the news. He said to the trumpeter, "blow the bugle!"

”Drop by drop "

the melodious sound of bugles resounded through the battlefield in an instant.

At the sound of the bugle, the imperial soldiers got up from the ground and rushed to the coalition trench.

The cry of killing came from the battlefield, which meant that the Empire launched the final attack.

Like the bayonet fight after the array shooting each other, this will determine the outcome of the battlefield.

"Brothers, fight with them!"

As the imperial soldiers charged, the artillery stopped, and butling yelled and led the British soldiers from the burrow into the trench.

Now his only hope is to inspire the courage of the Allied soldiers through the heroic fighting of the British army.

It's just that he underestimated the fighting power of the imperial soldiers.

Just as he rushed out of the cave, suddenly sticks fell from the sky and exploded one after another.

The British soldiers who entered the trench were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when they were in a daze, the imperial soldiers suddenly appeared at the edge of the trench, took their guns and fired at the rest of the soldiers.Facing the tide of imperial soldiers, the soldiers in the trench finally despair.

The mercenaries collapsed first, and Indian soldiers left their guns and fled to Calcutta behind the trench.

They don't want to die for these ferocious Englishmen.

Mercenaries account for the majority of the seemingly huge coalition forces. So many mercenaries rush to flee, which has a great impact on the morale of the coalition soldiers.

"I can't fight this battle. I'll die if I fight. I'm going home! I'm going home! "

A soldier's cry of despair suddenly rang out in the Spanish position.

With this voice, more and more Spanish soldiers are agitated. It is not that they are not brave enough, but that they can not see the hope of victory in this war.

Even if they beat back the imperial soldiers, what can they do? The imperial warships are on the sea, and their navy can't break through the blockade.

In the hysterical atmosphere, the Spanish soldiers finally couldn't bear it. When a soldier dropped his rifle and raised his hands, the rest of the Spanish soldiers climbed up the trench and surrendered, followed by the Dutch and the French.

"Fifty thousand European allied forces, a total of thirty thousand people from the four countries, and we have twenty thousand people. After deducting the casualties, now we have only ten thousand people. There is no hope. General, surrender."

A British officer pleaded with Butlin that the Empire had thrown 30000 soldiers into the battlefield this time.

With the Empire's much more advanced weapons, they have no chance of winning.

As the imperial soldiers continued to seize their trenches with absolute superiority, Butlin closed his eyes in despair.

For a long time, he said slowly, "surrender. If I can return to Europe occasionally, I'm willing to bear the responsibility. You can't blame us for this failure, but our weapons and equipment are seriously behind the enemy!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!