Chapter 1082

"You're not going to lose a penny."

Xiao Ming stares at Cui Shangan. If he had, he would not have boasted that Haikou would be expanded to 600000 troops.

After all, the modern army is not the feudal cold weapon army that used to feed. The training of soldiers, the purchase of equipment, the daily diet and the pay of soldiers are all huge expenses.

In addition, the Imperial Army's generation gap in weapons is much higher than that of other countries, so the 300000 or 400000 people in the six major military regions are more than enough.

However, the war in Nanyang made him decide to expand, because the Imperial Army seemed to have a lot of troops, but apart from those stationed and defending the border, those who were free to go out to fight were very tight.

After all, according to the information he got, Europe is also making great efforts in science and technology. As long as it lasts for a few years, I'm afraid the weapons will be upgraded and the war will be even more fierce then.

Although Xiao Ming wanted to strangle Europe, it was still unrealistic for him to fight in Europe. For one thing, the Empire did not have such a strong ability to transport troops, and it took at least four or five hundred thousand troops to attack Europe.

Adding supplies to an army of this size is an epic mission.

Therefore, in order to prevent the European countries from fighting back in the future, it is necessary to expand the military ahead of time. He does not want to worry about problems in the future.

Moreover, the most important point is that the steady growth of imperial tax revenue also gave him the capital to maintain the scale of a huge army. The bullets and shells are now shot with real money, but they can't do without money.

"If so, it's not a problem. There are still many young people in the Empire who want to join the army." Cui Shangan said.

After a pause, Cui Shangan remembered one thing and said, "does the emperor remember the Foreign Legion he ordered? "

" are you talking about the Foreign Legions of Korea and Japan? "

"Exactly. Now this foreign legion has been set up and trained, and the number is about 20000. Ye Qingyun calls to ask if he can put it into the Siberian battlefield now?" Cui Shangan asked, "if the emperor is not in a hurry to take Siberia, this foreign legion can be put into the Indian battlefield."

"Let them go to Siberia. Now the only land threat of the empire is tsarist Russia. We can't give him the chance to grow up. We should rush them to the west of Ural Mountain as soon as possible." Xiao Ming said.

Cui Shangan answered that although the main character of this year's war is the southeast army, the actions of other military regions have not stopped. Ye Qingyun has been planning the war to capture Siberia, while Qi Guangyi has focused on Central Asia.

Luo Xin has been preparing for going south. Now he has made a complete attack plan and submitted it to the general staff.

The only thing the general staff has not heard from is Zhu's eastern military region. After recruiting and training the first 8000 soldiers, Zhu left for Alaska in the second half of last year, but there is no feedback yet.

However, he also understood this situation. After all, Alaska is a snowy plain. It's not easy to land in this place to build the first city of the Empire. Even it takes a long time to go back and forth.

Talking about the foreign legion, Xiao Ming suddenly remembers the internal strife in Japan. Last year, he focused on the war in Nanyang, and did not know what Wang Xuan had done in Japan?

But this idea just flashed through his mind, because now he has a more important thing, which is oil.

It doesn't matter if India doesn't fight for the time being, but it must be put on the agenda to buy oil from the Middle East. Now that the internal combustion engine technology has achieved a breakthrough, the only thing that is lacking is oil.

Just buying oil from the Middle East is not a matter that can be done by saying. Although it is said that the oil fields in the Middle East can produce oil with a shovel, there is no concept of oil in that region at present.

If you want to get oil smoothly, you must first send an exploration team to find the corresponding oil field location. Secondly, you must ensure the safety of the exploration team. This requires a good relationship with the omans empire or Persia.

Therefore, he is going to send two waves of envoys to the Ottoman Empire and Persia today. It is his usual style to bet on both sides, so that at least one side can be used when the other side has problems.



This is the capital of the Ottoman Empire, where Sariman III lived.

Like every idle morning, Sariman III, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, wakes up as the sun shines through his bedroom window.

Only when he finished washing and was ready for breakfast, Vickie of the Ottoman Empire came to him.

"Celite, why do you come to my palace at this time?" Sariman asked strangely.

Bowing his head respectfully, sailite said, "great Sultan, a group of messengers from France have just arrived here. They ask to go to the palace to meet them. They say that there is something extremely important."

"France!" Sariman frowned. "Don't the franceans know they're not welcome here? Unless they give us back the Peloponnesian peninsula. "At this time, sailite said with a smile: "great Sultan, the French envoys said that they are here to discuss this issue, and they said that they have the support of Britain, representing the attitude of Britain."

Sariman was stunned for a moment. He hesitated: "is this a trap? These damned Europeans have taken too much land from us."

Thinking of this, Sariman is itching with hatred. Hundreds of years ago, the Ottoman Empire was once a huge empire across Asia, Africa and Europe.

However, with the rise of science and technology in Europe, the Ottoman empire lost territory in Africa and Europe.

This made the Ottoman Empire, once a hegemonic country, feel very humiliated. Because of the repeated losses in wars, there are already voices against him in the Empire.

It is claimed that he made the Ottoman Empire remain at the level of science and technology hundreds of years ago. However, for Sariman, he was very aggrieved because he only took over the Empire for more than 20 years, but not hundreds of years.

"I believe he came here with sincerity this time. Now both the British and the French are said to be defeated by the former state of Dayu in Asia. Now they are asking for help from us."

"Great Chongqing? The kingdom that was almost destroyed by the Golden Horde? " Sariman asked.

"Yes, that's it." Said sailett.

Sariman was more and more surprised. In fact, because of the closed geographical environment and the stability of the status quo, he seldom cared about countries outside Europe.

Celite's words really surprised him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!