Chapter 1063

"Welfare policy."

Pang Yukun is dumb. He still has some problems with these strange policies. But there is no doubt that the people like these welfare decrees very much. The previous birth decrees are still well-known. After all, there are no people in all dynasties who have given birth to children, and the imperial court has paid them back.

"The old nobles are unreliable, but the common people are reliable. Therefore, we should rely on the support of the common people. This is the purpose of these welfare policies. Their eyes are clear. Even if our enemies are eloquent, as long as our benefits come, the common people will always know who is really good to them. "Said Xiao Ming.

Pang Yukun looks appreciative, which is why he follows Xiao Ming with all his heart.

"With the development of industry and Commerce and the war dividends obtained in the foreign war, the empire is indeed very rich in financial resources. The lower officials must support such things as serving the country and the people."

Xiao Ming nodded with satisfaction. It was after looking at the financial situation of the empire that he made this decision.

After all, they discussed the welfare policy. However, although the financial situation of the Empire improved, the wealth was limited, because he could only formulate some appropriate welfare policies according to the situation of the imperial treasury, and could not launch the welfare system in front of him as in modern times.

According to Xiao Ming, the most important welfare policy to be implemented this time is education. It's just the so-called education and science and technology.

In this regard, on the basis of nine years of free education, Xiao Ming proposed a subsidy policy for senior schools and poor college students, requiring schools to set up special funds to help poor students. At the same time, preferential windows for poor students should be opened in the school canteen, so that poor students do not have to worry about their lives.

After education, there was the medical treatment of the Empire. With the spread of medical schools, hospitals are now blooming everywhere in all levels of the Empire.

Going to the hospital for medical treatment has become the most popular trend of the common people, but for some poor people, the cost of medical treatment is still very high. In view of this situation, Xiao Ming and Pang Yukun discussed that for the people who have no ability to pay, according to their specific conditions, the imperial court can bear 50% to 100% free medical treatment.

”Emperor, this is afraid of being exploited, so that the real poor people can not get benefits, but let the people in charge of power fish in troubled waters. "

Xiao Ming understands Pang Yukun's meaning. In modern times, many preferential policies for the people have been played bad by people and become tools for some people to seek personal interests.

In view of this situation, he also has his own countermeasures.

"In order to prevent these policies concerning people's livelihood from being used, I have decided to establish a harsh criminal law. Those who use welfare policies to seek personal interests will be exiled for three thousand li and reduced to hard labor." Xiao Ming said harshly.

"Heavy allusions should be used to deal with chaos. If so, as long as supervision is strengthened, the problem will not be too big. "Pang Yu Kun smiles.

After finishing education and medical treatment, they set up special welfare institutions for orphans and beggars to provide them with the most basic needs and services. After these policies, there will be no frozen bones on the road after the Empire.

Xiao Ming was satisfied with the three major policies. He was not prepared to make more policies, because although the Empire was rich, it was far from enough to specify luxury welfare policies.

Therefore, both education and medical care can be realized by the Empire at present. He does not have the brain to be crazy, so he has to be free of charge, so that the Empire's financial support can not be achieved.

After this policy was formulated, Pang Yukun got the cabinet to discuss it again. For the cabinet ministers, there was no reason to oppose this welfare policy benefiting the Empire, otherwise they would be scolded to death by the people.

After the cabinet passed smoothly, Pang Yukun formally drafted the welfare decree, which was transmitted to all provinces by telegram, and then to prefectures and counties.

In addition, he took over the news department. He said, "at the end of the day, the emperor is still good to our people. "Li Laosi took the newspaper and looked up and down. He didn't want to let go.

On his side, Li CHENGWAN, Li Laosi's son, who was going to Qingzhou University, said, "Dad, don't read. You can't read. What are you doing with the newspaper? "

Li Laosi was discontented and said," what's wrong with not recognizing words? After reading for several years, you look down on your father. "

"Dad, look at what you said. I mean, you should keep the newspaper well. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't find it when I look for the corresponding welfare policies. After all, some officials in the government are bold and dare to violate the emperor's orders."

"That's true. The emperor has also put forward many beneficial policies for the common people, but they have changed their taste in the hands of these officials. Dalao, you are going to graduate this year. Then you will take the official selection examination, and be a good official in the future. Listen to the Emperor's words. "Li Laosi has great expectations for his son.

Li CHENGWAN said, "Dad, I want to go to Australia with you and run the farm with you."

When Li Laosi heard this, he was very anxious. He scolded: "son of a bitch, I'm not saving for you to go to school in order to go home and farm. Even if you don't take the official exam, how can you get into the factory and become an official? Otherwise, what's the use of making more money in Australian farms. ""The emperor encouraged the people to immigrate to Australia, which is also a contribution to the Empire." Li CHENGWAN muttered.

Li Laosi took a picture in the newspaper and said, "when you go to Australia, can you one day participate in the formulation of these welfare policies that benefit the people? Can you help the emperor run the country? It's not like you haven't heard of the common saying that some evil hearted thieves can't harm our emperor. “ , the fastest update of the webnovel!