Chapter 1025

In the forest, Feng Dongjin is observing carefully with his telescope.

It wasn't long before he found a figure in the middle of the Cossack army who looked like a general directing the army to adjust its formation, but the soldiers around him didn't dare to disobey the orders at all. What's more, his uniform was different from that of other Czarist officers, which showed that he had a high prestige in the army.

So he turned his head and said to one of the commanders around him, "order your men to aim at the one with the golden stripes on his shoulder and kill him."

Feng Dongjin pointed to kesrov. In the chaos, he was protected in the middle by his soldiers, so that he could avoid the shooting on both sides and the fighting at both ends.

After the basic guarantee of security, he immediately began to organize a counterattack. In any case, he could not imagine that the Cossack army, which had always been invincible, would be ambushed here, beaten, and had no fighting power.

When he was hysterically giving orders, suddenly a neat gunshot rang out, and the soldiers around him screamed and fell.

There was a cold sweat behind kasrov's back. What he had just planned was to attack the mountain forests on both sides, focusing on breaking through the barbarian cavalry of cubate.

This scene made him dare not delay any longer. He yelled: "rush to the woods and kill the people of Dayu in them!"

At his command, the cavalry trapped in the middle suddenly split into two parts, one to the East and the other to the West. It's crazy to rush into the woods.

The distance of 100 meters was enough for the cavalry to accelerate, and the Cossack cavalry stormed into the forest like lightning with sabers.

Feng Dongjin was surprised. He underestimated the ferocity of these Cossack cavalry. Fortunately, they were hiding in the woods. If they were attacked on the plain, they would suffer heavy casualties.

Now at least trees can be a barrier to their cavalry charge.


The moment they entered the woods, the Cossack cavalry yelled in unison. They swept past with their sabres in their hands.

The imperial soldiers immediately fled. They were both cavalry. Of course, they knew what was the consequence of being hit by a galloping horse.

But the Cossack cavalry came very quickly, and there were still some imperial soldiers who didn't have time to dodge being hit by the galloping horses or being slashed by the wielding sabres.

After a short time of contact, the Lancers began to lose their lives.

"Kill them!" Feng Dongjin pulled out his short gun and fired at the Cossack cavalry.

The hit Cossack cavalry fell from his horse with a scream and rolled several times on the ground without a sound.

At the same time, the impact of the incoming Cossack cavalry was blocked by the trees, and the horses stopped before they hit the trees.

The cavalry who lost the advantage of impact was no longer terrible. The imperial soldiers calmly loaded and fired, and the Cossack cavalry on the horses fell off one after another.

But the Cossack cavalry also showed extraordinary toughness. Some cavalry directly turned over and got off the horse, or drew out short barrel muskets to shoot at each other, or directly rushed to the imperial soldiers for hand-to-hand combat with sabres.

For a moment, the whole forest "Wula" and shouts of killing resounded through the sky.

At the same time, kasrov is anxiously directing the army to attack Cuba, trying to open the gap.

Because the cavalry of the state of Dayu blocking their way back is more terrible. Now some of these trained cavalry are killing his soldiers furiously. Once they are stuck, they will never leave.

"Attack forward!" Kasrov yelled again. At the same time, there was a continuous loud noise. Kasrov turned to look in the direction of the sound, and saw countless black sticks coming directly towards him.

At this moment, kasrov's heart almost stopped beating, because the dense explosives did not leave him any space to escape, and the falling speed also made him unable to dodge.

At the last moment, kasrov only saw his body soar up, and the soldiers on his side flew up like him, and the blood turned into a shower of blood all over the ground.

Seeing the death of the Czarist general, Feng Dongjin was greatly relieved. Although the Cossack cavalry charged them into chaos, he never forgot the Czarist officer.

The thief captured the king first, and he led a thousand soldiers to break through the layers of Cossack resistance, and finally solved him with intensive grenade throwing.

After the death of the Tsarist Russian officer, he continued to observe the situation on the battlefield. Sure enough, after the death of the general, the chaos of the Cossack army increased.

Although there are still tsarist Russian officers in control of their troops, there is no unified command.

Seeing this opportunity, Feng Dongjin immediately cried out: "your Lord general is dead, so don't surrender soon."

Hearing Feng Dongjin's shouts, the cavalry soldiers followed and said, "your general is dead, don't you surrender soon..."

"The general is dead, surrender quickly." More people followed, and their voices rang through the valley.

At the southern end of the valley, Qi Guangyi was watching the whole battlefield from a high place. Hearing this sound, he gave a smile.In the military academy, it is compulsory to learn some simple words from other countries, especially the spoken language such as surrender immediately, disarm not to kill, your general is dead and so on.

These colloquial expressions include many countries, including tsarist Russia. In the army, their soldiers are also ordered to learn this, all for the purpose of fighting on the battlefield.

"Attack with all your strength!"

The voice echoing in the valley told him that the chief General of tsarist Russia was dead, and the Tsarist cavalry without unified command would inevitably be in chaos.

As he thought, at this time, some Cossack cavalry dropped their weapons and did not fight any more, and those stubborn Cossack cavalry could not resist the attack of Lancers and coulters, and soon the war in the valley became one-sided.

From ten o'clock in the morning to two o'clock in the afternoon, the gunfire on the battlefield finally stopped.

The battle lasted four hours. Most of the Cossacks were annihilated, and only a few chose to surrender.

As he rode to the center of the battlefield, Qi Guangyi saw cubate coming. Cubate came down from the horse with a machete, and his body was red with blood.

Standing on caslov's corpse, coulter cut off his head with a knife and raised it high. He said in a hateful voice: "it's a pity that he didn't have a hand to cut this thief!"

Qi Guangyi's eyes looked to the west, he said faintly: "but you still have a chance to kill dorgo."

Cubate's eyes lit up, he said: "yes, there are dorgo, general Qi, now dorgo must be waiting for kasrov to go back."

"That's right, so we're going to launch a surprise attack at dusk when we can't see the faces clearly. Now let's put on the Cossack cavalry's clothes and add dinner to his dinner." , the fastest update of the webnovel!