Chapter 1012

Lin'an, once the capital of Chu state.

Since the fall of the Chu state and the collapse of the merchant Council, it has been a different style under the rule of the imperial court for several years.

Different from the past prosperity, the prosperity of Lin'an now reveals the breath of industry everywhere.

In recent years, local businessmen in Lin'an have been going to Qingzhou to purchase machinery, equipment and technology. In a short period of time, most of Qingzhou's products have been able to be produced independently, and then there are more industrial products on the market.

"Riesling, the third division has been assembled and ready to go."

On the Lin'an wharf, Shi liuhongzhi, the commander of the southeast military region, saluted Lei Ming and reported the situation of the army assembly.

Five days ago, they received an order from the general staff asking them to go south to attack Australia, followed by other maritime island countries in the Southern Ocean.

After receiving this order, the whole army of the southeast military region was in high spirits. This was the first time that the Empire used troops abroad after the military reform, and the generals wanted to show themselves in this war.

In addition, the equipment of machine guns also made the generals confident.

"Get on the boat!"

Lei Ming looked at the warships in Lin'an port and said loudly that the general counsellor had given Nanyang full power. He did not dare to be careless. He planned to go to Australia with the soldiers this time to supervise the war personally.

After all, the chaos has long been settled, and the southeast military region he is in charge of is even more leisurely. He is fighting on the battlefield, and he is most impatient with this kind of leisure. So he decided to let Liu Hongzhi, Changshi, stay behind to deal with the debris and lead the troops to the south.

"All aboard!"

As soon as the thunder broke out, the generals quickly conveyed it. Soldiers with helmets, Chinese rifles and machine guns boarded the ship.

Before the soldiers boarded the ship, 120 guard guns had been hoisted onto the ship.

Thunder's eyes swept over the soldiers on board, with strong pride in their eyes. The third division was the elite of the southeast military region, and had made great achievements in the Kanto war.

Because of this, he assigned most of the Han style rifles, machine guns and guard guns allocated to the southeast military region to this division.

Moreover, in order to go south this time, he specially strengthened the third division. The original 10000 soldiers were expanded to 12000. These soldiers used the latest equipment, which can be said to be the best of his elite.

After stopping to wait and see for a while, Lei Ming and the officers who were going to Australia boarded the warship. After six days' voyage, the fleet including eight warships and 20 troop carriers arrived off Wales, Australia, amid the roaring sirens of steam warships.

On the warship, thunder is looking at the beach in front through binoculars. The appearance of the imperial fleet has attracted the attention of the British people. There are British troops in red uniforms running back and forth on the beach, obviously preparing to deal with them.

"According to the information we have, Australia used to be just a place for British people to release prisoners. Most of the people living here are the descendants of criminals and some free people. Moreover, Britain has always paid little attention to Australia because there are few indigenous people here and they can not provide them with enough economic profits."

Shi Yanjun, commander of the third division, is reading information about Australia.

Lei Ming has already known about Australia. There are about 100000 British people living here. There is only one garrison with 3000 people.

The third division is overqualified to deal with such an enemy. However, their purpose is not only to destroy the British army, but also to escort the personnel of the Department of minerals to look for minerals here. They will not put too much effort into a war without interests.


After a little thought, thunder gave an order. After sailing on the sea for so many days, the supply on the ship consumed a lot, and the conditions did not allow him to wait on the sea.

What's more, fear of head and tail has never been his thunderous style. In the battle of Kanto, his command has always been known for its ferocity.

"Boom boom..."

The order was given that eight warships would immediately fire on the beach. Before landing, they would try their best to destroy the British fort on the beach.

At the same time, the British Fort began to fight back. Black shells flew to their warships. The black shells fell into the sea and exploded, splashing several meters high.

"Flower bomb!"

Seeing the way the shells exploded, the thunder frowned deeply. It was obvious that the battle of Dengzhou made the British quickly equipped with shells that could quickly sink the warships.

Shi Yanjun's face was also a little ugly, he said to the captain, "now withdraw immediately, the safety of Riesling is the most important! "

" fart! I haven't withdrawn thunder on the battlefield. Keep fighting for me Thunder angrily denounced, eyes sharp, in front of the scene once again ignited his passion in the battlefield.

Shi Yanjun was scolded disheartened, thunder fanatical eyes let him a burst of helpless, once on the battlefield, his boss seems to have changed a person.

On the coast, the British are secretly complaining. After the Dengzhou naval battle, the British troops stationed in Australia have been worried about the attack of Dayu Parliament.And after Britain sent a special batch of ammunition from home, their worry became even stronger. The whole Welsh people were living in a kind of fear, and what worried them today finally happened.

"Lieutenant Alden, I've got all the best boys in Wales for you. Anyway, we must keep our city. "Kenneth, in his black suit and top hat, yelled to a blonde officer with a pipe in his mouth.

"Governor, I will surround Wales with my life. This is our home. "Alden pulled out his sword," I will let these yellow pigs in Dayu understand that we white people are noble race, they only deserve to be defeated by us. "

"Good! "Kenneth laughed out loud." although there are only 100000 people in Wales, everyone's blood is full of brave blood. Politicians in London say that we are the offspring of crime, but only brave people will despise the law, right? Boys, today there will be no law. You can kill these yellow pigs in Chongqing! "

" put them on the guillotine. "

" cut off their heads! "

" hang them, hang their bodies on a tree and feed them to crows! "


The Welshmen behind Kenneth were noisy. They were dressed in ordinary English blouses, armed with five colored doors, but their faces were fierce.

During this period of time, they have been rehearsing the attack of the state of Dayu. When the warships of Dayu appeared, more than 8000 young men immediately assembled, and 3000 regular troops constituted the whole force of Wales. , the fastest update of the webnovel!