Chapter 1003

In the twinkling of an eye, the court was filled with whispers.

Xiao Ming carefully observed the faces of the generals. When everyone stopped talking, he said in a loud voice: "since you think Zhu Sansi can't be the commander of the East, who is willing to take the post?"

the court fell into a dead silence. After a moment of silence, Ma Xudong said: "when you return to the emperor, Zhu Sansi is young and promising, and his expedition to yakesha must have accumulated rich experience The commander of the eastern military region is really suitable for him. "

" so you have no objection? "

"No, No." Ma Xudong's forehead is sweating.

"What about the others?" Xiao Ming looked around, his eyes swept over the generals one by one, and every general who was seen lowered his head.

With a sneer, he continued: "since there is no objection, the position of commander in the East has been decided. This matter is over. If anyone dares to chew the tongue afterwards, don't blame me for being impolite. "

Xiao Ming's tone revealed his anger, which was heard by the generals. They knew that this was the emperor's dissatisfaction with them.

Luo Hong's look has returned to normal. He doesn't want to be sent to North America.

No one objected. Xiao Ming asked Qian Dafu to read out the imperial edict and formally appointed the commander of six military regions. Then Xiao Ming made a long history of each military region.

Although the army has changed many times, the position of Changshi has always been the same. It is precisely because of these Changshi that the army has not become a private soldier of generals and has always been loyal to the emperor.

Therefore, after the military reform, he paid more and more attention to the position of Chang Shi, and in order to prevent Chang Shi from colluding with the military chief officer, Chang Shi had to change every two years.

When the appointment of the general came to an end, Xiao Ming continued to talk about the construction of the army, which was the top priority of the military reform.

According to his plan, the six military regions should all become independent armies, have all arms, and be able to take charge of war independently. Even when necessary, the state of Dayu can fight a six line war at the same time.

"After this military reform, all commanders should reasonably build up their respective military services, cavalry, infantry mainly composed of Han style rifles, machine gun squad mainly composed of Changping machine guns, scouts in charge of investigation, logistics troops in charge of food and transportation, artillery, mine laying troops in charge of mine burying, and engineering troops. Only when all these are completed can this military reform be regarded as a success It's a great achievement. " Xiao Ming read every word.

At the same time, he asked the eunuch to hand over the new "military construction regulations" to Lu Fei's six generals. There are clear details in these regulations, which are enough according to the above.

The reason for this is that he does not want to let the generals take a detour. Instead, he should go straight on the right road.

This is the same as the development of science and technology and industry and Commerce in today's empire. Now he starts to make plans. Whether it's a five-year plan or a ten-year plan, everyone and every part will carry out according to his plans.

In this way, the empire he ruled really achieved overtaking on the curve.

A meeting about the military reform lasted for one morning. The generals had no idea about the position of commander and began to focus on the details of the military reform.

The rest of the time he answered questions from the generals.

At the end of the court meeting, at noon, he set a banquet in the palace to entertain the generals.

When he had enough wine and food, the generals went back one after another. At this time, he asked Qian Dafu to call Zhu Sansi to the imperial library.

"The emperor. "

ZHU Sansi looked a little uneasy, and he was uncomfortable at today's court meeting.

Xiao Ming laughed and said directly, "I want you to be a bare commander. Don't you blame me. "

" how dare you. " Zhu Sansi said that Xiao Ming has always held a high position in his heart, because like the people in Qingzhou, he really felt the change from poverty to wealth.

They can only be grateful to Xiao Ming who brought them out of their misery.

Xiao Ming nodded gently, "I can't help it. If it doesn't, you can't keep your position as commander. Although I'm the emperor, I can't be absolutely dictatorial. I always have to consider most of my ideas. Otherwise, if they're not satisfied, they won't start to work for me. "

" the last general understands the emperor's troubles, and sometimes he will encounter this situation when he appoints a general in the army. "Xiao Ming is so approachable that Zhu's spirit is relaxed.

”Well, just understand. Now they have plenty of reasons against you. Therefore, after the establishment of the eastern military region, you have to work hard. When you are full-fledged, you will not question your ability any more. "

while speaking, Xiao Ming took Zhu Sansi to the map of North America, and he continued:" would you like to go to North America? What I said in court was no joke. "

" what the emperor's sword points to is what he wants. If the emperor wants North America, he will win it for the emperor. "Zhu Sansi said in a loud voice.

Xiao Ming looked at Zhu 34 and said, "in fact, I have investigated you for a long time. The battle of yakesha is just a little trial. It turns out that my vision is right. This North America is the land of choice. I am not at ease to give it to those impure generals. That's why I finally decided to let you serve as commander of the eastern military region.""The chosen place?" Zhu Sansi didn't understand.

Xiao Ming explained: "compared with the numerous countries around the Empire, North America has a superior geographical position and almost no natural enemies. Once there is a stable country here, within a hundred years, this country will benefit from its geographical advantages and become a powerful country. Now, such a country has been established, but fortunately, this country is only ten years old The three colonies are linked together. Most of the areas are still ownerless. I need you to seize these areas in advance. "

ZHU Sansi looked at the standard colonial location on the map and nodded.

After a pause, he continued: "after you have established your foothold in North America, I will encourage immigrants to go there. You will be responsible for building our colony, gradually eating North America, and finally driving the Europeans back to their hometown. "

for Zhu Sansi, this is a difficult task. He knows nothing about it, but there is a country with the same level of civilization as Europe.

Seeing Zhu's worries, Xiao Ming said, "don't worry too much. We have left behind European firearms. I will equip you with machine guns this time. The first place you want to go is Alaska. After you arrive here, you need to build a stronghold. Let's call it snow city."

The word "machine gun" made Zhu Sansi look relaxed. At least his equipment in the eastern military region would not be bad.

But at the same time, he realized that it was impossible to have a large number of troops going so far, because supply was a big problem. He could only continue to build colonies and expand troops from immigrants. , the fastest update of the webnovel!