Chapter 997

The cool evening wind blows, the grass makes a rustling sound, and the strong smell of blood comes to my face.

When the remnants of the barbarian cavalry knelt down and surrendered, the gunfire on the battlefield gradually subsided.

At this moment, the battlefield was surprisingly quiet, and the soldiers breathed carefully. They couldn't believe that they had created the hellish scene in front of them.

In the encirclement, the ground was covered with the corpses of the barbarian cavalry, and the ownerless horses wandered in horror in the sunset. The grass was stained red with blood, and the stream of blood flowed from high to low.

160000 barbarian cavalry in addition to the surrender of 20000, 140000 cavalry fell under the gun, this war they won, and won very thoroughly.

In the face of this picture, the soldiers are not ashamed. Every barbarian soldier who died here is not innocent, and the tens of millions of wronged souls who died in their hands are proof.

This is the price they should pay.

"The barbarian cavalry who clean up the battlefield and surrender will be killed if they dare to resist. "Cow's voice is cold.

Luo Quan then said with a smile, "I thought you were going to kill everything!"

"If you keep them, at least they can build a railway for Kanto. These surrendering barbarians are no longer barbarians. They are just slaves."

Luo Quan nodded, "yes, the barbarian soldiers in the past never surrender. It can be seen that they are really scared. "

after a pause, he looked at the barbarian camp, where there were hundreds of thousands of barbarian herdsmen, who watched the cavalry being slaughtered.

Niu Zhen narrowed his eyes. "These are the herdsmen of the three tribes. The cavalry of the three tribes are all dead. They will hate us. They can't stay!"

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment. At this time, he suddenly remembered what Niu Zhen said that day. As he said, he was really cruel this time.

As soon as Niu Zhen's voice fell, Qi Guangyi's words suddenly came. He said, "general, it's not a pity that these people have been killed. It's better to act as slaves. "

looking at the dark sky, Niu Zhen laughed strangely and said," well, tomorrow we will go to the camp together, and then you can make a conclusion. "

Qi Guangyi looks at Luo Quan with a strange look, while Luo Quan shakes his head helplessly.

However, after a day of fierce fighting, he was also very tired, so instead of asking, he went back to his camp to have a rest.

The next day, when the sun rose, he walked out of the camp, Niu Zhen and Luo Quan were already waiting for him.

Niu said, "come on, let's meet these herdsmen."

Having said that, the three people went to the barbarian camp together. At this time, the barbarian herdsmen had gathered in the camp. When they arrived, they fixed their eyes on them with terror.

Qi Guangyi stops in front of the herdsmen. From the eyes of the herdsmen, he sees the deep hatred, which makes him very uncomfortable.

But even so, he still felt that he should not kill these herdsmen. Looking at a six-year-old barbarian boy at the front, Qi Guangyi asked, "what do you want to do when you grow up?"

The little boy said without hesitation, "when I grow up, I will go herding sheep and marry many wives."

"Oh, why so many wives." Qi Guangyi doubts.

"In this way, we can have many children and be cavalry to kill all the people in Dayu." Children's innocent language reveals a chilling chill.

Qi Guangyi's eyes suddenly changed, he slowly stood up, cold eyes directly at these barbarians, without a trace of emotion.

Niu Zhen then said: "Qi Guangyi, now you understand that people don't hurt tigers. Tigers eat people's hearts. For thousands of years, the Central Plains Dynasty always wishfully believed that the surrounding barbarians would treat us as we treat them with benevolence, but what is the truth? They regard our benevolence and moralization as weakness, and they will bite us if they have the chance, and this is the reality. "

Qi Guangyi closed his eyes and nodded his head slowly. In dealing with these problems, he was not as old as Niu Zhen.

Luo Quan patted Qi Guangyi on the shoulder and said, "you are already excellent, but you are merciless for the generals. You only consider the victory or defeat of the war. The emperor appreciates you very much and clearly sees your shortcomings. "

" yes, general. "

Qi Guangyi sighed. As soon as his voice fell, a burst of gunfire broke out. Then there was a scream from the barbarian camp. Qi Guangyi saw that it was more than a dozen old barbarians with bows and arrows ready to attack and kill them.

This scene makes Qi Guangyi fully understand Niu Zhen's words. The surrendered barbarians choose to kneel down. They have completely lost their dignity. These people will be obedient slaves, and the herdsmen in front of him will live with hatred. In decades, they will wave butcher's knives again with hatred.

More than a dozen old men were shot and killed, and the barbarians became restless in an instant. In an instant, they rushed to the soldiers of Dayu who shot.


Niu Yu ordered.

Under his command, the machine gun company that had already been prepared opened fire instantly, and the cross fire network covered the barbarians who had rushed over.

Qi Guangyi did not evade this time, but coldly watched what happened in front of him. The words of the barbarian children echoed in his ears again and again."If it's not my race, it will be different!" He read slowly, and his eyes became firm.

Looking at Qi Guangyi, Niu Zhen looks satisfied. He takes Luo Quan and Qi Guangyi back to the camp. This time, he annihilates the three tribes and the cavalry supported by the barbarians. They have fought a beautiful battle.

However, it is still a long way from the destruction of Jinzhang Khanate. Now Tianke Khan of Jinzhang Khanate is enjoying himself in Jinzhang. As long as Tianke Khan is still there, the threat of grassland will still exist.

"The excellent performance of the Lancers proves that it is necessary to establish the Lancers, but the small number is a drawback. Now that the three tribes have been destroyed, the supply line will be extended to the west, which is a trouble for the infantry. So I think the rest of the war only needs to be handed over to the Lancers. I will apply to the emperor to expand the Lancers to 30000, how? "Niu Zhen said to Qi Guangyi.

Qi Guangyi nodded and arrived at Jinzhang from Raozhou, stretching thousands of miles. Only the cavalry can move freely in such a vast area. Now the barbarians have suffered heavy losses, and the rest of the cavalry will not be the opponent of 30000 lance cavalry.

Luo Quan continued: "of course, we have a lot of things to do. We need to lead the army to clean up the grassland near Raozhou. By the way, we need to set up Raozhou Duhufu to take charge of the Qianli grassland to the west of Raozhou, so as to raise a large number of cattle and sheep for our country. We are going to specially graze in the grassland in the future. "

Qi Guangyi laughed and said," don't joke, two generals. Are you the same as the Construction Corps? "

Niu Zhen and Luo Quan looked at each other, he said: "originally, military garrison is also combat effectiveness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!