Chapter 992

Thousands of horses are galloping on the endless grassland, and the barbarian cavalry is pounding down from the hills like a black torrent.

However, Qi Guangyi saw this torrent as full of flaws. Just like before, the barbarians relied on their personal bravery and made no progress in the use of cavalry array.

"The next barbarian cavalry is ten miles away. It only takes 30 minutes for them to arrive. During this time, we will defeat this cavalry and retreat at the same time!"

Looking at the approaching barbarian cavalry, Qi Guangyi said coldly that he had always been well-known for his careful behavior in the army. For the first time, he was well prepared to fight with a lance cavalry. Otherwise, he would be guilty of bringing this newly established cavalry into the abyss.

So in order to find out the situation of the barbarian March, he sent a large number of hunting cavalry to investigate on the grassland, and soon he found out the dynamics of three cavalry with an interval of ten li.

After a little thought, Qi Guangyi understood the intention of the barbarians. In fact, in every war with the barbarians, they always sent elite cavalry to attack the rear of the barbarians.

Now the barbarians are obviously setting a trap for him. Although the barbarians now have a single telescope, their glass processing technology has been improving. The multiple of the telescope is not comparable to that of the original single telescope in Europe. In terms of detection, they are still weak.

"Yes, commander!"

After getting the order, the cavalry general checked the time of the pocket watch. Now the pocket watch is the standard equipment for every officer, so as to coordinate the operation.

"Kill "

in the roaring sound of horse's hooves, the earth seemed to tremble. The barbarian cavalry waved their machetes, and their faces were ferocious. Just as everyone in Dayu hated Jinzhang khanate, everyone in Jinzhang Khanate also hated Dayu people, because this war is not only a war about land, but also a war for the survival of two nations.

"Five hundred meters!"

"Three hundred and fifty meters!"

”First row fire! “


Qi Guangyi constantly calculated the distance of the barbarian cavalry. When the distance between the two sides reached 250 meters, he ordered to shoot.

He could have avoided this encounter, but this time he chose to fight. This confidence comes from his recognition of these days' training. The era of Chinese cavalry suppressing barbarian cavalry has come.

”Bang Bang... "

After Qi Guangyi's order was given, the cavalry in dense array raised their lance and finished shooting at a still moment.

At the sound of gunfire, the charging barbarian cavalry immediately turned upside down, and the formation was in chaos.

After firing in the first row, the soldiers in the front row immediately lay on their horses and took out their bullets to complete the loading action, while the barbarian cavalry were exposed to the eyes of the cavalry in the second row. They raised their lance and fired. Then they repeated the action of the soldiers in the first row and fired from the third row.

The three successive shots were completed in just three seconds, and more than 20000 bullets formed the barbarian cavalry from the front of the barrage charge.

Under such intensive shooting, the barbarian cavalry, who were facing the cavalry, fell like leaves in the wind. After three rounds of shooting, more than 800 barbarian cavalry fell on the road of attack.

But these fallen cavalry became the obstacle of the barbarian cavalry charging. Many barbarian cavalry tightened the reins to stop the horses to prevent them from hitting the fallen horses.

This slows down the speed of the barbarian attack.

Seizing this opportunity, the first line of cavalry quickly completed the loading and started the second round of shooting. Under the continuous fire, the loss of the barbarian cavalry was increasing.

On the hill, Zach and the bald man's face was very blue. They did not expect that there were guns that could be loaded on horses in Dayu. They watched their soldiers fall one by one, and Zach rode restlessly back and forth.

In the heart an extreme uneasiness is more and more intense.

”Head of flag, this big Chongqing cavalry did not encounter US unintentionally, but came prepared. "The bald man looked anxiously at the charging cavalry. He was a centurion, and now he was in the charging cavalry.

"It's too late to retreat now," Zach said, stiffly

The bald man looked down at the hill. Under the second round of shooting, they paid another 800 or 900 casualties. Now the soldiers have rushed into the 100 meters.

Turning the horse's head within this distance will certainly cause great confusion, and their losses will be even greater.

"Taru..." Looking at the charging team, the bald man closed his eyes.

When Zach and the bald man are worried, taruyang in the cavalry team has a sabre. His brother is the commander of the goshawk tribe and is respected.

Because of this, he did not want his centurion's status to be questioned, and was said to rely on his brother's prestige, so taru always rushed ahead in every battle.

However, this battle seemed different from any previous one. The bullets from the muzzle of the guns of the soldiers of the state of Dayu kept making the cavalry and horses around them fall down and rush from the mountain to the foot of the mountain. Two or three times, the bullets passed his cheek.


After six rounds of shooting, they were only 100 meters away from the cavalry of Dayu state.

At this time, they saw that the state of Dayu raised its gun again."Bang Bang..."

Taru's voice suddenly stopped, his eyes in the muzzle of the gun spray flame moment frame, a bullet hit him in the middle of the brow.

The horse carried the dead taru forward and continued to run for ten meters. Taru fell off the horse. When he died, taru's hand seized the reins, which made the horse fall down.

The cavalry behind did not have time to dodge, so they directly bumped into taru's horse, which was a mess. This kind of chaos also happened in other places, and the momentum of the whole barbarian cavalry charge was disrupted.

But this is not the thing that makes them despair. When they readjust their mount, they see many black sticks floating in the sky.

When the sticks fell among them, they immediately exploded, flames and shrapnel splashed, large numbers of cavalry fell down, and more horses lost control.

Qi Guangyi watched the chaotic barbarian cavalry coldly. Their horses had adapted to the explosion in training. Now the chaotic barbarian cavalry could not form an effective impact on them.

Seizing the opportunity, he called out, "kill! "

with his command, the sound of the charge horn resounded across the grassland. The Lancers carried their lance on their backs, drew out their sabres, and took advantage of the chaos of the barbarian cavalry, they drove their horses to the barbarian cavalry.


The Spearman who rushed to the front raised his Sabre to kill a barbarian cavalry whose horse was out of control. At this time, a barbarian cavalry on the left rushed to him. He took out a short barrel musket from the holster on the horse's back and shot the barbarian cavalry one meter away.

A Lancer's standard equipment includes two short barrel muskets and three grenades in addition to the horse Lance. It can be said that they are armed to the teeth.

In the face of such a way of fighting, the casualties of the barbarian cavalry increased rapidly. For a moment, the battlefield was filled with the sound of chopping sabres, the sound of guns and the explosion of grenades. , the fastest update of the webnovel!