Chapter 985

The wind from the Thames blows, and bick's eyes are deep.

He said to Murphy, "I agree with you very much. Besides, should we also consider improving relations with France, which is a very difficult Eastern Empire to deal with on our own. "

" for hundreds of years, Europe has been fighting with each other. The fundamental reason is that Europeans are conceited to think that Europe is the center of the world and that European civilization is at the top of the world. We have no rival outside Europe. Obviously, the situation is different now. Murphy sighed: "I hope our envoys to Dayu can make progress this time, otherwise we will have trouble all over the world."

Nick nodded solemnly.

While they were talking, Cao's father and son had gone to their house by the river Thames in a carriage.

On the carriage, Cao Zhengtong looked worried. He asked, "father, do you think the British will improve the status of Dayu people in Britain?"

Cao Kun closed his eyes and was resting. He said slowly, "Victoria has no choice. If the British are still so arrogant, they will lose more. "

" I hope so, so that we can no longer be ridiculed by the British in Britain. " Cao Zhengtong said, biting his teeth.

Although they have been in England for a long time, their life here is not pleasant at all. The white supremacists here often trouble them for no reason. If Parliament did not send soldiers to protect them, they would have become slaves.

Because of this, they will take the opportunity to put forward the proposal to improve the status of the people of Dayu. In this way, they will have the same rights as the British in law.

"The next step is to ask the parliament for a piece of land to build a community for our Dayu people, so that we can gather Dayu people and rebuild our Parliament." Cao Kun said that his failure in the South made him unwilling.

And through this period of understanding, they found that there were still some slaves in Dayu in Britain, which were all sold by the British in Asia.

If he let these people out of slavery, the people of Dayu would appreciate him and join him.

Cao Zhengtong nodded slowly, which was an opportunity for them to live a good life in Britain even if they could not return to Dayu.

Because the British need them.


Paris, France.

It's going through the same waves as Britain. After the two remaining British warships returned to London, they soon got the news of the fiasco of the United Fleet.

For the newly established French Republic, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

After getting this news, many nobles in Paris gathered at the office of the consul and the public security officer of protecting the country.

He was the first military and political man in France.

"We shouldn't have agreed to form a joint fleet with the British at the beginning. Now only their fleet comes back. No one knows whether our fleet was annihilated by the British or by Dayu." The Duke of Adrian said in a high voice that he had never been liked by the British.

This island country outside the European continent has always been reluctant to see France strong.

"Yes, it's probably a British conspiracy."

"An investigation should be ordered immediately."


Cried the nobles.

Andre leaned back in his chair and rubbed his brows painfully. He approved the establishment of the United Fleet himself, and now his face was dimmed by his tragic failure.

It is a shame to anyone that France, the first power in the European continent, should suffer a heavy defeat in the East.

"Silence, silence! "Andre knocked on the table.

He looked up at many aristocrats, who were capitalists who took part in the overthrow of the feudal dynasty in France, and now the ruling class of the French Republic was also composed of them.

"There's no need for the British to cheat us on this. It's not good for them in Asia. The strength of Dayu is now obvious to all. The technology obtained from Dayu has proved this. Now the failure of the United Fleet just shows this problem. If we continue to fight with Britain, we will lose more overseas colonies. After all, we are strong with the British We have set up an agreement to divide Asia, but not with Da Yu country, and the great Yu state is so close to our Indochina. As the leader of overthrowing the French monarchy, Andre had enough command and courage.

He is also fearless in the face of aristocratic doubts, which is the origin of his nickname as a dictator.

"if it is not a British trap, then we are now facing worse situations. Now we must think of ways to keep Indochina." Said one of the nobles in horror.

Andre's brow is even tighter, which is what he worries about. Compared with Britain, their colony is too close to Dayu.

With the appearance of the United Fleet, they and Dayu are now in a state of war, and Dayu can take any action.And if he loses Indochina, his reputation will inevitably be damaged, which is very disadvantageous to his status.

"We need to send a diplomatic mission to the state of Dayu for reconciliation first." Andre said to the crowd, "at least we should avoid war before we have studied the technology of Dayu. What we need now is time. Once the steam engine is popularized in France, we will also have the ability to make excellent weapons. That time is the time to defeat Dayu."

The nobles nodded after hearing the words. They all met the technical talent from Dayu. In the past two years, with his help, French industry has made remarkable progress.

The emergence of various scientific theories has also shocked the French scientific community. Now scientists in Paris are turning these theories into reality day and night.

"This is the wisest choice now." Prince Adrian said: "a temporary concession will give us time to win. "

nodded his head, and he went on," but we must also think of the worst possibility. If the great Yu country refuses to negotiate peace, we will be unable to avoid fighting with them in Indochina. Therefore, while sending the mission, we should actively train Indochina aborigines to help us fight, and send the new guns to the front line to prevent the expansion of the great Yu country. "Andre," ”Said Andre.

He believes that the countries with colonies in Asia will be worried now, and Britain should also make a similar response to them.

After all, when it comes to practical interests overseas, Britain is much more than them.

Seeing that there was no objection, Andre said to the diplomat standing on the right, "from now on, you will choose your envoys and set out in a week." , the fastest update of the webnovel!