Chapter 973

"My God, it's a miracle."

In front of the window of the Prussian embassy, when Qingzhou City was lit by the street lights, the Prussian ambassador to Qingzhou, possi, let out a exclamation.

A few months later, along the Qingzhou street, workers were busy with construction. These workers put up a pole with a glass cover on its head, buried the bottom into the ground, and then buried the rubber wrapped wire into the ground to connect the poles one by one.

Although I'm very interested in the ongoing construction, I can't get it from the workers or officials. What are these? Until now, they finally understand that this is the proof of electric lighting.

”It's incredible that the technological level of Dayu is not comparable to that of any other European country. The British and French fools have made stupid mistakes. It's suicidal to fight against such an industrial power in Asia. "

Beside Bossi stood a lady with golden hair. She was his wife Lilia. After the official operation of the Prussian embassy, he stayed here with her husband, and his two sons.

"So they suffered a terrible defeat in Dengzhou, which is really gratifying."

Bossi is holding a transparent glass wine cup, which is an industrial product produced in Qingzhou. Before he came to Dayu, he thought he would live a hard life, but the fact is that he is more comfortable now than in Prussia.

Feeling all kinds of conveniences brought by industry, he almost fell in love with this place.

Lilia raised her glass and touched it with her husband. The red wine in the glass was surging. She looked at the candle on the table with some resentment and said, "I wish we could have dinner under the light."

"Believe me, it won't be long. Now these things have been proved to be street lamps, which means that Qingzhou City is officially powered. Soon, the people here, including us, will enjoy the convenience of electricity. The only pity is that Dayu has always refused to give us the top technology of electricity, including steam locomotives. "Said Percy regretfully.

"I think we should be satisfied. At least the emperor has agreed to study abroad. In another two months," the Foreign Affairs Department of Dayu officially informed us of the fact of occupying Malacca. Now the throat of Asia route is in Dayu's hands, and their action is fast and fruitless. "A voice came from behind rod.

He is the second-class minister parson of the Dutch embassy. According to the embassy rules given by Dayu, the embassy personnel are divided into three levels, namely ambassador, first-class minister and second-class minister. Each level of embassy personnel is responsible for foreign affairs of different levels.

"Xiao Ming and I got to know each other seven years ago. I know the emperor's character very well. He is always a man who can say and do. Unfortunately, the Spanish fool has been a burden to the British and French, and lost all his interests in Asia. "Rod said sarcastically.

Parson showed a mocking look. "They suffered for themselves, but rod, don't you worry about the future relationship between us and Dayu? Don't forget that we have more colonies in Asia than the Spaniards. Will a lion let others take the meat from his mouth?"

"Of course not. From the time Xiao Ming asked the garrison to cover up the city, we knew that he was not a loser, but there was one thing that the emperor would endure because of his interests. This is what we need. For example, now they are in urgent need of rubber, and now only we can provide it to them."

After a pause, rod frowned and said, "it's just that we in Holland are too weak to fight against Britain and France in Europe, no matter in population or land. What I'm really worried about is that the Dutch Parliament will eventually be forced to turn to Britain or France."

There was a flash of panic in Parson's eyes. "It's a disaster for us."

"Indeed, we had to choose between subjugation and the loss of the colony." Rod's eyes twinkled, "so you'd better enjoy the friendly relationship between Holland and Dayu."

His voice has just dropped.

All of a sudden, the general cheers came from the Royal City Avenue. After the initial shock, the people in Qingzhou City finally understood what the emperor had surprised them tonight.

"Long live the emperor! Long live the emperor

Long live


At the same time, dense fireworks rose from the palace, burst in the air and ignited the night sky.

The whole Qingzhou City suddenly fell into a sea of joy.

"I've been talking about electricity all this time, but I didn't expect it to be true. Hey, look, the lamp in the glass cover is not really using oil. "

among the many streets, Huangcheng Avenue is the busiest. After cheering, people gathered around the street lamps to point out and marvel at the magic of electricity.

"I don't know when we can use electricity." A common people is looking forward to Tao.

"The electricity is all connected into the city, and it will soon be done." Another common man replied, "if the light is so bright at home, it will be easy for my Dalao to read at night."

Others laughed at the speech. This is the opinion of most of them. The changes in the past decade have made them gradually agree with the principle of rejuvenating the country through science and education.At the same time, the rise of beginners, middle schools, higher education and universities makes the poor children really find a rising channel, and the implementation of free education makes them not have to worry about the cost. , the fastest update of the webnovel!