Chapter 970

"Bang Bang..."

The dense gunfire rang out in XINJIAPO City, and the quiet night was wrapped by blood and fire.

Freon, who thought that the victory was in hand, soon got the general news of bad news. In three hours of fierce fighting, they lost half of their troops. The soldiers equipped with Downton guns only achieved excellent results at the beginning, and then fell into passivity.

"What the hell is going on? Why did the counterattack go smoothly in the beginning, but now it's losing Freon questioned his lieutenant, Groot.

"I'm sorry, governor, I I can't explain clearly that these soldiers of Dayu state don't shoot at us at all, but are using the line of scattered soldiers to deal with us. Their muskets seem to be able to shoot with any posture, and the soldiers don't load bullets from the front like us. They seem to load bullets from the back of the gun. " Groot was stunned, and now he's still a little confused.

Freon's lungs almost burst. "Are you making excuses for your incompetence? No army will use this kind of stupid tactics, and no muskets will be loaded from behind. This is the same reason that people eat with their mouths instead of their buttocks. "

"But But it is Groot's voice dropped.

Feileon was more and more angry. He pushed grute away and said, "now I'm going to meet these soldiers of Chongqing to see if they are as powerful as you said."

With a team of soldiers, freon soon arrived at the battle site.

Under the fierce attack of the soldiers of the state of Dayu, the red shirt soldiers kept retreating. Now they are not far from the governor's house.

"Governor, some of the soldiers can't hold on any longer. The firepower of the other side is too fierce. The firearms are more advanced than ours. Our tactics are useless to them at all. Moreover, they have a kind of weapon that will explode when they throw it over, which makes us lose a lot of soldiers." When an officer saw Ferrero coming, he reported immediately.

Freon's expression suddenly became dignified and looked into the light of the fire.

Because of the fighting, the city of XINJIAPO is full of fire now. In his view, the soldiers of the state of Chongqing are shuttling through the fire flexibly.

The shooting methods adopted by these soldiers are indeed different. It seems that they can shoot at any position, and the bullets are indeed loaded from the back of the gun.

"Now, governor, you should believe us." Gelut noticed Freon's shock and proved that he had made no mistake.

There was a sweat on his forehead. He admitted that this time he underestimated the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the state of Chongqing.

Brave as his soldiers are, it is a matter of fact that they have fallen behind in this battle.

"Order the whole army to retreat!" "If they go on, they will be destroyed," said freon, biting his teeth.

On command, the red shirt officers immediately ordered the soldiers to withdraw from the south gate to the harbor, where they had five warships to berth, which was enough for them to flee to India.

The evacuation of the red shirt army was soon discovered by Liu Chen, because the firepower on the opposite side was obviously weakening. Thinking of this, he immediately ordered the Marines to continue to expand their achievements.

"Yu Yongliang, take your people to pursue. These red haired ghosts must want to evacuate from the sea. They can't be satisfied." Liu Chen said in a high voice.

Yu Yongliang nodded, called his men and rushed to Nancheng. At the same time, Liu Chen let the trumpeter blow the charge.

The soldiers rushed to the South City in the loud charge. It was only an hour before they completely controlled the new Jiapo city.

At this time, Yue Yun sent people to order the warships in Johor Strait to cooperate with the Marines to encircle and suppress the remaining red shirts. He was a mercenary who was responsible for encircling and suppressing the British training in the city.

When they were on Mint Island, they saw Spanish mercenaries.

In fact, when they occupied the colonies, European countries often lacked military forces to confront the local aborigines for a long time. After all, their colonies spread all over the world and could only disperse their limited military power.

In this way, the local training of mercenaries became a means for them. When they attacked the Spanish royal city, they captured more than 8000 mercenaries, all of whom came from the local aborigines.

Similarly, in order to control India, the British trained a large number of mercenaries in India. It was because of the existence of these mercenaries that they were able to successfully defeat their Indian states.

In Singapore, there were many Indian mercenaries employed by the British. They were dark skinned and dressed in rustic uniforms, but they were poorly equipped.

Compared with the strict discipline of the British soldiers, these mercenaries were much looser. Under the attack of the Navy and land war, these mercenaries found that the British fled and soon chose to surrender.

About 2000 mercenaries dropped their muskets and chose to be captives.

At the same time that the city is calmed down, Liu Chen has arrived at the fort, and the soldiers led by Yu Yongliang before him have successfully captured the fort.

The British who were eager to escape did not care about the loss of the fort, but their negligence caused a fatal mistake.

The soldiers of Dayu who occupied the fort skillfully controlled their guns and fired at the British warships in the sea. Two warships that had not yet left the harbor were sunk by the shells.The three warships fled to the sea in a hurry.

"Win, win..." The soldiers let out loud cheers. At this time, there was a trace of fish belly white in the sky, and the dawn had come.

Liu Chen's tense face finally showed a smile. The task of the Marine Corps was completed. In one night, they finally conquered the new Jiapo City, including capturing the fort and harbor.

The warm sea breeze came, and Liu Chen, immersed in joy, looked down at the Strait in front of him.

On the other side of the harbour are islands that act as barriers to the passage from Malacca.

It has to be said that the eyes of the British are very accurate. The broad channel across from new Jiapo is indeed the only channel for merchant ships and warships to enter and leave.

It is only in this place that a large sum of money can be made by collecting berthing fees for the travelling merchant ships.

Just as he was thinking, Yu Yongliang came over and said, "there are still three boats that have escaped. What should we do?"

"Our warships are not furnishings." As soon as he spoke, ten hybrid warships came out from the south side of the Strait.

Three British warships are on their course.

"Boom boom..."

With steam power, ten warships quickly flanked the British warship who wanted to escape.

In the roar of gunfire, three British warships have become fireballs burning on the sea. British soldiers on the ship jump into the sea one after another. British soldiers are everywhere in the blue water.

"Hey, that's what happens to you. If you didn't support the merchant Council, we wouldn't have sacrificed so many soldiers." Liu Chen said fiercely.

Although he still won this time, he knew the price was not light. , the fastest update of the webnovel!