Chapter 965

"You are a smart man, but you are not smart enough. I am not stupid enough to send troops to Europe now. Your stupidity lies in the fact that Dayu parliament is easily eliminated like a native. "

sitting on the red lacquer wood chair of the official office, Xiao Ming looked dick in the eyes.

Dick was silent. He had to admit that the failure was due to the arrogance they had brought to foreign colonization in the past 100 years. Otherwise, they would not take this action at all.

Now it turns out that he is fighting an industrial power in Asia.

"Your Majesty, you are the wisest emperor I have ever seen in Asia. Indeed, I think both Britain and France will reconsider their relationship with Dayu this time. Dayu will be included in the list of civilized countries."

Dick flattered that in the two hundred years of European colonization, Europe had been adopting two foreign policies.

For the aboriginal tribes in Africa and South America, they divided them into primitive aborigines who had not yet entered the civilized society, because these aborigines had not yet formed a complete social structure. They lived mainly by hunting, and even ate the bodies of their enemies.

This kind of Aborigines were completely abandoned from civilization by them, and their policy in the process of colonization was massacre.

Because they need the land and resources of these aborigines, and these uncivilized aborigines are of no value to them. After all, many tribes do not have words and languages, and they do not accept modern civilization. They are barbaric and dangerous, and their goods can not make enough profits from these aborigines.

After colonizing India, they divided into a civilization level, which is a semi civilized society slightly higher than the primitive aborigines.

For those countries with basic social structure, written language and their own commodities, but lack of scientific development, their policy is to colonize and trade.

Because people in such countries have enough purchasing power, and their goods can be sold in these areas.

At the same time, these countries also have a certain ability to fight back, and they need to be cautious.

In the past, they divided Dayu into the second kind of countries just like India, and their goal was to make Dayu the second India.

But now it is obvious that Dayu should be included in the ranks of civilized countries on an equal footing with them.

Thinking of this, Dick explained it to Xiao Ming in detail, hoping that the emperor would be happy, because it was equal to glory for a country, because Europe finally looked up to this civilization.

At the end of Dick's explanation, not only Xiao Ming, Qian Dafu, xie Yuan and Ding Chang all burst into laughter.

Including translators, there is a trace of irony in their eyes.

"Mr Dick, you seem to be mistaken. In our eyes, you are the second-class country in Europe, which is the present Dayu country!"

Xie Yuan gave a thumbs up, confident and calm.

Xiao Ming shakes his head helplessly. He understands Dick's mood. In fact, just like modern times, it's hard for the west to change its long-standing concept in one time.

Today, in the 21st century, western countries still look down on his country with colored glasses, and their internal propaganda is smeared everywhere, so that many Westerners think that his country is still backward in the World War II.

So Dick was the same. Although he was dying, he unconsciously exposed his true thoughts.

"Arrogant Englishmen, one day, you will live in the shadow of Dayu and shiver." Xiao Ming's eyes narrowed, "now you'd better be honest."

Dick's body shook for a while. He knew that all his cleverness had been seen through, and now Dayu had no fear of them.

With a sigh in his heart, he had to describe the British affairs to Xiao Ming in detail.

While listening, Xiao Ming asked the translator to record it. This will be the first-hand information he got today.

An hour later, Dick said all he could. Xiao Ming asked Xie Yuan to put Dick and Wilson back in prison.

"Emperor, now more than 3000 prisoners of war are living and eating for nothing. What they are wasting is the money of the state of Dayu. I think it's better to send them to the mines to work as coolies." Xie Yuan looked at Wilson with dangerous eyes.

He won the war, but the Navy also suffered the biggest loss since its establishment.

"It's up to you to deal with them. I'll wait for them to send ransom to replace them." Xiao Ming said with great certainty.

According to the Dutch, there is always a rule in Europe that ransom is exchanged for captured generals. Wilson and Dick must have come from a big family and would be worth a lot of money.

Maybe he can open his mouth.

With Xiao Ming's instructions, xie Yuan is very happy. He asks the soldiers to take them down and orders them to "treat them well".

At this time, Xiao Ming took the information from the translator and frowned. In the story just now, Dick described in detail the development of Britain.

Generally speaking, steam engine technology is developing rapidly in the UK. Perhaps because of the stimulation of Chongqing, the queen of England has allocated a large sum of money to support the application of steam engine.It is said that the concentration of funds and talents led to the emergence of an improved second generation of steam engines. At the same time, under this promotion policy, nobles and capitalists quickly set up a number of steam engine factories.

In addition to vigorously developing the steam engine in the UK, the UK also exported the steam engine to the European continent to earn money to develop the local technology. Now the whole Europe has set off an upsurge of steam engine.

France is not alone in competing with Britain for profits in the steam engine market in the European market because of their cooperation and mutual competition.

"Emperor, Europe is a threat to us anyway. It's not a good thing that steam engine technology is flourishing in Europe now." Qian Dafu sighed, "in particular, these two traitors have made great strides in basic science in Europe. In addition, the culture and education of European countries are even higher than that of Dayu, so they can easily use these technologies to compete with us."

Xiao Ming nodded his head slightly. Qian Dafu was worried. He understood that, just as man Dynasty Wen Wu was worried.

However, he knows very well that the accumulation of technology in Europe can not catch up with the accumulation of scientific and technological crystals in any case.

What Britain has now is at most a high school level of science and technology, which at most enables it to develop its industrial capacity using steam engines to the level of World War I.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, this knowledge is not very important to Europe, because according to the current scientific level in Europe, we will have all of it after 30 years of natural development.

Among them, the most critical issue now is the changes brought about by the development of Chongqing. These changes are really on the table and can be seen at a glance.

For example, the UK can't get ready-made technology from the two people, but it has got an accurate research direction, so scientists will naturally work in this direction, because it is a direction that doesn't need textual research and wrangling.

In history, the slow development of science and technology was due to many detours, which were questioned by the opposition and delayed. Now Dayu has become a beacon of scientific and technological development.

Unconsciously leading the development of world science and technology. , the fastest update of the webnovel!