Chapter 959

Wilson looked solemnly at the Dengzhou military harbor in front of him.

At this time, three warships from different countries are communicating with each other through the exchange of flags. Under Wilson's order, the first 20 warships went out into the naval Bay.

Through observation, they found that there were only eight Dayu warships in the vast Bay, and there seemed to be no Dayu warship he had just seen at sea in the harbor.

"We sent our soldiers to search for landing sites on both sides of the military port, captured their fort and shipyard, and the remaining warships went to Dengzhou wharf to attack their merchant ships to attract attention. "

Wilson calmly ordered that in order to achieve this goal, he carefully collected all the information and kept the nearby terrain in mind.

"Eight ships? Wilson, we're probably in their trap. " Dick said anxiously that according to the information they got, the navy of Dayu had at least 96 warships, but now there are only eight in front of them.

In his opinion, other warships must set up an encirclement for them again.

Wilson raised his eyebrows and said, "don't worry. I'll reconfirm before attacking. Look, the man I'm talking about is coming. "

as he spoke, he looked out to the sea not far away. A ship without a flag was coming towards them. Soon, the ship arrived in front of the fleet.

A man dressed as a warrior boarded Wilson's warship.

”Long time no see, Murano Chunming. "Wilson smiles. He knows this man. He and Kerry went to Nagasaki three years ago and met this Japanese pirate leader.

"General Wilson. "Murano Chunming looks a little embarrassed, and his Samurai clothes are also a little ragged. The only constant thing is the dangerous look in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Murano Chunming's information, Wilson would not cooperate with him. In their eyes, both the people of Dayu and the Japanese were inferior.

"To make a long story short, I need information about the current military port, where their warships have gone." Wilson asked directly.

When formulating this plan, Murano Chunming participated in it, but they were only responsible for collecting intelligence.

"Most of their warships have gone south. If I guess right, they must have gone to attack the Spaniards." Murano Chunming looks indifferent, as if it has nothing to do with himself.

"Spaniards. "Wilson looked at the Spanish fleet in the other direction and asked," are you sure? "

" the attack on Spain is uncertain, but the move south is certain. " Murano Chunming definitely nodded.

Dick burst into laughter. "God is on our side. It seems that we can successfully destroy their shipyard this time, which has made Dayu unable to breathe for a long time. "

Wilson was not so happy. He was a little worried that it was very unusual for Dayu to go south. Just like Dayu came out, now they are also coming out.

They can destroy the military port of Dengzhou, and they can capture Malacca and control the routes of Australia. In this way, the advantage of attacking Dengzhou can not offset the advantage of Dayu in capturing Malacca.

Because once Malacca is controlled, their shortest route from Europe to Asia will be cut off.

"I hope they didn't think of Malacca." Wilson thought in his heart, and then he asked the soldiers to pay the cost of Murano Chunming's intelligence gathering this time.

After receiving the reward from the British, Murano Chunming looked at the military port of Dengzhou with hatred. He said, "I hope you can destroy the state of Dayu, so that we Japanese can escape the rule of Dayu. "

in the first Ryukyu war, he lost to Dayu completely. Now he still remembers the humiliation of that day. Now shinchang Yamada surrendered to Dayu, but many domestic warriors who opposed him did not agree with the letter of surrender, and he is one of them.

As long as there is any chance to trip Dayu, he is willing to attack.

"It's a difficult task, and I'm afraid it can't be done by one country alone. I hope Mr. Muye won't give up." "We British will always be your allies," Wilson said

Murano Chunming was moved. He bowed to Wilson, "please."

With a smile on his lips, Wilson decided to end the battle as soon as possible. He said, "I'm sorry, here's our attack time. I can't accompany Mr. Muye any more."

"Never mind, I'll be on my boat waiting for your victory." Murano Chunming looks excited, and then off the warship, back to his ship, the outside of the fleet watching the battle.

After he got the news that the main force of the warships of the great Chongqing state was going south, Wilson had no more scruples. He ordered the warships to sail into the Bay and annihilate all the warships in the military harbor.

In the military harbor, xie Yuan has been watching this huge joint fleet. For the first time in ten years, they have experienced such a large-scale naval battle.

"Son of a bitch, come on, Grandpa will take you to the sea to feed the fish." Looking at the warship slowly entering the military port, Xie yuanhen says that while arranging the coastal defense, he has dispatched the Marine Corps stationed in the military port into the battlefield.At the same time, he sent hunting cavalry to Dengzhou camp for help. As an important trade port of Dayu, Dengzhou was naturally the key defense city of the army.

Therefore, there are 9000 Army soldiers in Dengzhou camp all year round.

When Xie Yuan cursed, twenty warships entered the military harbor. To his surprise, the remaining warships did not follow him, but swam to both sides of the harbor.

Seeing this scene, xie Yuan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He said to Ding Chang, "no, they must be ready to take our fort by detour and let the Marines send people to keep an eye on them."

"Yes." Ding Chang came out.

He raised his telescope and continued to stare at the warships entering the military port. Xie Yuan found that these warships really stopped outside their range, obviously waiting for their soldiers to attack the fort.

In this way, they can take the opportunity to attack the military port.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at a low mountain in the North outside the military port. This low mountain extends to the sea and is a natural barrier. Levi and his 12 steam warships are on standby: "Levi, it's up to you whether you can defend the military port this time."

Having said that, he let people light the beacon.

As the black smoke rose, levy soon noticed, and he ordered the semaphore on the mast to give the order.

The warships he led this time are all hybrid warships, and these warships use the latest three expansion steam engine as the source of power, which can be said to be powerful.

In Levi's view, the combat effectiveness of these new warships must be higher than the sail warships that can move only by virtue of the wind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!