Chapter 949

The sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the imperial study.

After a while, Chen Qi's figure appeared. He went up to Xiao Ming, saluted and called "emperor".

"First it was song Changping, and now it's you, Chen Qi. You two always go to the three treasures hall. Let me guess, you must have made some progress in artillery. "

Chen Qi's face was a little tired, but his eyes were shining with excitement. He said:" emperor, it is true. After years of accumulation and research, the artillery factory has finally finished the first battle and successfully manufactured the first rifled breech gun. "

"Yes? Today is really a good day. First there are metal bullets, and now there are rifles. It's a double happiness. "

The smile on Xiao Ming's face became more and more intense.

As a matter of fact, Chen Qi has been doing research on rifled guns for a long time, but the development of guns is too fast, which makes Chen Qi constantly change the original design until the Han style rifles are finalized. Suddenly, all the problems he faced before can be solved immediately, and rifled rifled rifled guns also emerge as the times require.

Of course, Xiao Ming knew about Chen Qi's research, but he didn't care about him except for throwing some information to him. He didn't want to care about him before, knowing that the industrial base at that time was unable to produce qualified breech guns. Now all the conditions are obviously available, and naturally all the achievements will come naturally.

But to say the breech gun, in fact, this kind of gun appeared very early, in the contemporary Ming Dynasty soldiers used the Fran machine is a typical breech gun.

The structure of this kind of gun is divided into two parts, one is the gun barrel, the other is the rear mounted sub gun. It seems that a complete gun is cut into two sections. Every time the gun is fired, the soldiers will put the shells and ammunition in the sub gun, align the sub gun with the gun barrel, and ignite it.

In this way, each time the launch is completed, only the sub gun needs to be replaced.

According to historical records, this kind of gun is a kind of gun popular in Europe from the late 15th century to the early 16th century. The inspiration gun comes from the hawk gun. It can fire continuously and eject like a fire snake. It is also known as the rapid fire gun.

Now the metal bullet is just a natural extension of the Frankie afterloading gun.

In this era, the West also had this type of artillery. The Dutch had described this kind of artillery to him in detail and sold it to him, but he refused.

The reason is very simple. He doesn't like this kind of afterloading structure at all. Facts have proved that his decision is right, because within a few years, Qingzhou produced 19th century standard breech guns.

"Haha, emperor, this time, the junior officer didn't lag behind. Instead, he used all the previous technology accumulation, including rifling, breeching and firing. This kind of gun has greatly improved its range and accuracy compared with the previous field guns. "Chen Qi said excitedly.

Xiao Ming nodded his head with satisfaction. The rifling technology comes from the rifling technology of the firearm, and the fire tube comes from the fire drawing technology of the grenade. Only the design and manufacture of the bolt is a new technology.

It can be said that the evolution of artillery is a by-product of industrial development.

"In that case, I will take the general of the military and aircraft department to see your masterpiece. "As the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing. Now he is itching.

Moreover, the development of weapons in the 19th century basically laid the foundation for later generations, and the subsequent development was only partial improvement. Therefore, if Han style rifles and this kind of artillery were formally installed, it would mean that the army of Dayu state was truly modernized.

After that, they went out of the imperial study together. When they passed by the outer palace, he asked Qian Dafu to call Niu Zhen and Luo Quan.

The party went to the military workshop under the protection of the guard.

"Emperor, this is our metal bullet production line. "Song Changping is proud.

Xiao Mingshun looks at the factory that song Changping points to. At this time, the machinery in the factory gives out the roar of metal bombardment in the operation of workers. The workers are sending boxes of separated cartridge cases and bullets to the factory next door.

Some workers are assembling primer, propellant, warhead and cartridge case in this factory.

"Emperor, the production speed of this metal bullet is really much slower. It's like sheep poop." Niu GUI frowned. The conical bullet used in the former rifles was cast by casting method. The lead water was poured on the dense mould, which could be made in large quantities at one time.

Now, when comparing the two, he felt that there was a gap. "According to the statistics of our previous campaigns, after the appearance of the trench, it took an average of 2600 bullets to kill an enemy. This is because they are not familiar with our firearms. The emperor, if it is this kind of production speed, will think that it is not as good as using the previous paper shell bullets. "

LUO Quan nodded," yes, there are enough paper shell bullets. This kind of metal bullet is so troublesome to produce. It is estimated that the price is expensive, and it is more than enough to deal with Korea or Japan. "

Xiao Ming smiles when he hears the words. They are qualified generals for him. They praise weapons but ignore cost performance.

Considering the current situation, it is true that there is no urgent need to use such high cost bullets in Dayu. It is enough for Chinese rifles to use paper shell bullets.Just as the western countries had rifles for a long time, they still used muskets for a long time without mass production of equipment. They didn't wake up until they were beaten by rifles in the war.

For Xiao Ming, he naturally understood this truth, but the state of Chongqing has its own national conditions. The huge territory and the long border forced him to deploy a large number of troops.

Korea and Japan could not settle down completely for a while, so they had to garrison troops. In this way, the number of soldiers he could use for overseas colonization would be reduced, and he could not be unlimited violent soldiers, because he needed people to migrate to Kanto and even Siberia to consolidate the occupied land.

In the future, after driving away the Golden Horde on the grassland, controlling the grassland will also be a headache.

For all these reasons, he could only rely on the substitution of weapons to make up for the shortage of troops. It was with this advantage that Europe could control a large area of colonies with a small number of troops.

After explaining his idea to them, Xiao Ming continued: "now Europe is full of soldiers because of the rise of Dayu, and it will spare no effort to catch up with us in weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the generation gap. However, as you said, the production price of metal bullets and shells is high and the speed is slow, but we can completely hoard them until we have to Use it when you need it. "

Niu Zhen and Luo Quan looked at each other and nodded. Sometimes they couldn't keep up with the emperor's thinking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!