Chapter 936


Schroeder's heart beat with frustration as he watched the steam locomotive running. He was really stimulated in Dengzhou these two days.

Before he came to Dayu, he never paid attention to Dayu until the Dutch brought back the steam engine from Dayu and spread the prosperity of Dayu all over Europe.

And this made king Felix II of Prussia also moved, especially when he learned that France and Britain had stolen more advanced technology and produced more advanced firearms from Dayu, he could not sit still.

After all, Prussia is weaker than France. If they fall behind again in firearms, they will lose more voice in Europe, and the unification of the German Federation will be far away.

That's why the Prussian mission came. They believe that the great Chongqing country needs an ally in Europe now, and they will be more reliable than the Dutch.

"Please take your time. The news of your arrival has been sent to Qingzhou by the last steam locomotive. It is estimated that there will be a reply in the evening. If it goes well, you can arrive in Qingzhou tomorrow."

Schroeder's body side is Luo Xingyi, the current governor of Dengzhou. He was once the most effective receiver of Yang Chengye. After Yang Chengye entered the cabinet, Luo Xingyi was appointed the next governor of Dengzhou under the approval of the cabinet to take charge of the government affairs of Dengzhou.

"Thank you, Rosa. You are a good man." Schroeder looked grateful.

When they arrived in Dengzhou, they did not have a person who could speak the language of Dayu to communicate.

If it wasn't for the large number of translators in Dengzhou's Foreign Affairs Office, they would have failed this time.

Luo Xingyi stroked his beard and laughed. Having been in Dengzhou for a long time, he was familiar with the westerners who came to Dayu to do business, but it was the first time that he met a Prussian.

According to what he knows, Prussia is only a small country in Europe, and its status is similar to that of the Netherlands.

However, the navy of the Dutch is slightly higher than that of Prussia, and the army of Prussia is stronger. Therefore, unlike Britain and France, Prussia can expand its influence to Asia, and only has some small territory in America and Africa.

”It's a piece of cake. In this case, the emissary will visit slowly. I have something important to do, so I can't accompany you. Naturally, someone from the Foreign Affairs Office will accompany me. "

LUO Xingyi arched his hand. As the governor of Dengzhou, he was very busy.

Since the railway to Dengzhou, the development of Dengzhou is changing rapidly. Now a large number of businessmen choose to build factories in Dengzhou.

In this way, their goods can be transported to Korea, Japan, Sanshan Kingdom and Ryukyu by merchant ships for the first time.

The influx of a large number of businessmen is certainly a good thing, but it also brings many problems in the development of Dengzhou, which are considering his ability.

In addition, the strength of the state of Dayu makes him very confident now. He treats Westerners with an ordinary mind. The Foreign Affairs Office of these missions is in charge. He doesn't need to ask any more questions.

The reason why he came here this time is just a normal etiquette procedure.

Before arriving in Dayu, Schroeder still had a contradictory heart towards Dayu. After all, all Europeans now believe that Europe is the center of the world and that the world should be ruled by white people.

Even though there were constant wars in Europe, this idea was deeply rooted, but now everything in Dayu completely overturned his idea.

From disembarking, he paid attention to all kinds of new things along the way, such as warships smoking at sea, fishing boats using huge trawls, soldiers carrying advanced firearms, and various exquisite industrial products on the market.

Everything here has destroyed the image of Dayu, a golden but ignorant European country.

Seeing Luo Xingyi leave, Schroeder was still not satisfied. He took a deep look at the steam locomotive, and then asked the officials of the foreign affairs office to lead them to visit the factories and even the naval base in Dengzhou.

Schroeder spent an afternoon in constant shock. He was stunned by the popularity of steam engines and the use of various magical machines in Dayu.

They return to Dengzhou city with shock. In the evening, they get the news. Tomorrow, they can go to Qingzhou by steam locomotive.

"Prepare our gift to the emperor of Dayu. This time we will establish a long-term relationship with Dayu. Stupid Englishmen and Frenchmen, their misjudgment will be our chance." Schroeder is confident.

The next day, they would wake up the officials of the foreign affairs office early.

With his gift, Schroeder boarded the steam engine locomotive to Qingzhou under the guidance of officials.

Sitting in his seat, Schroeder nervously looked out of the window, surprised by the dense crowd coming from the platform into the steam locomotive.

Because he realized that the use of steam locomotives in Dayu seems to be a common thing.

With this in mind, the steam engine locomotive slowly moves forward after making a loud whistle. Schroeder no longer thinks about this, but looks out of the window with all his heart, and at the same time realizes the increasing speed of the steam engine locomotive.When the scenery in his eyes was a little out of date, Schroeder could not help but exclaim, "this is a magical country."

In the roar of the train, six hours seemed to flow very fast. They started in the morning and arrived at Qingzhou station in the afternoon.

Following the crowd to the platform, Schroeder's eyes instantly enlarged. Compared with Dengzhou, the prosperity of Qingzhou is different.

Especially when he saw someone galloping on a two wheeled iron frame in the street, he couldn't calm down any more. In his opinion, it was very strange.

However, the accompanying officials obviously did not want to explain any more and took them directly to the palace.

After a brief briefing, they were taken to a beautiful garden.

In the middle of the garden, a young man in bright yellow was waiting for them. Around him were some serious officials.

"Emperor, these are the messengers of Prussia. "The official of the Foreign Affairs Office bowed down and said.

Xiao Ming nodded. He asked directly, "you envoys, I don't know what you want to do when you come to Dayu?"

Schroeder is also a person who has seen the world. He often goes to and from various countries in Europe and is used to meeting people with high power.

He said: "Dear emperor of Dayu, we are envoys of Prussia in Europe. We are here to establish stable trade relations with Dayu. I hope that the emperor of Dayu will agree."

"Prussia? The Baltic coastal country? " Xiao asked, not sure about Prussia.

After all, contemporary historical records are useless. The development of this country in the world is different. , the fastest update of the webnovel!