Chapter 909

Tulip palace, London.

This is the palace where Queen Victoria lives and works. Prime Minister Murphy arrived early in the morning.

”Miss Millie, please tell the queen that the guest from Dayu has arrived, and now the councillors are waiting for her. "When the palace housekeeper appeared, Murphy couldn't wait to say, because in his opinion, it was very important.

Before Millie could speak, a graceful woman in full dress came out of the room. She was Queen Victoria, who succeeded to the throne at the age of 16.

"Viscount Murphy, I haven't forgotten this important thing. Let's go and see how the scientific level of Dayu is? "

with pure golden hair, white face like winter snow, red lips like fire, Murphy can't help but be distracted every time she sees her.

"Yes, your majesty." Murphy looks back, he has a family now, otherwise he has no doubt that he will submit to the beautiful queen's skirt, just like many young nobles in London now.

The white domed carriage belonging to the queen has stopped in front of the castle gate. Murphy gets on his horse and follows the queen to the house of Lords on Benjamin street, where the British royal family, nobles and MPs are waiting for them.

"Viscount Murphy, are all the French scholars really dead?" Entering London's clean bluestone streets, Victoria remembered the news she had just received.

Britain is too far away from the state of Dayu. When she learned about this, more than half a year has passed.

"I'm not sure. It's hard to believe what the French say. After all, we don't have a good relationship at all." Murphy frowned.

After the French Revolution, French capital merchants ruled the country. They used the steam engine technology stolen from England. French industry developed rapidly and their national strength became stronger day by day.

For Britain, this is definitely not good news. Therefore, friction between the two countries is constant. During this period, France's intervention in the North American war has brought the two countries into a freezing point. If it was not for their common interests in Asia, they would not choose cooperation.

"So it's really bad news that the scholar of Dayu state may be alive." Vidomia raised her chin and looked at the black plumes of smoke outside London, which were produced by the factories using steam engines.

After seven or eight years of concealment, the steam engine is no longer a secret to Europe. In particular, the Dutch bought the reciprocating steam engine from Dayu, which made their hard-working and secret technology cheap.

So in order to earn the surplus value of the steam engine, the parliament decided to sell the steam engine to other European countries. Anyway, sooner or later, they will get it from Dayu. Instead of doing so, they should earn it by themselves.

Under the threat from the state of Dayu, those who originally opposed the use of steam engines also shut up, because for the first time, Europe has met a real enemy in the world. This country is already using steam engines to build an industrial country.

So how can the noble Anglo Saxons lose to the aborigines in Asia? They have a more solid industrial foundation, more talents and a more open academic atmosphere.

So in this atmosphere, the use of steam engines is unimpeded. Factories with black plumes appear in every city in Britain, and their industrial products are increasing day by day.

But the only regret is that they find that this is not enough, because what the Dutch saw and heard in Dayu is really amazing to them.

When passing by the Thames, Murphy looked into the busy streets. Today's Britain is as energetic as the sun at the beginning of the day. Everyone in Britain will be confident in the future until they are defeated in Asia.

"This is indeed a very helpless thing, but at least we have a living scholar." Murphy laughs.

As they talked, they reached the house of Lords.

At this time, the British royal family, nobles and members of parliament have fallen behind. In the middle of the house of Lords, there are two people from Dayu. At this time, a dozen famous British scientists are gathered around them to ask what they want.

"Your Majesty, it's a wonderful day."

An older, gray haired nobleman, the Duke of Paston, now the foreign secretary, rose.

"It's a good day indeed. "Victoria smiles. She took her place. After years of fighting with the Conservatives, she now holds real power in Britain through the Liberal Party.

The Duke of Paston is her uncle. He occupies an important position in the Liberal Party. She has always attached great importance to him.

"Your Majesty, a month ago, we found out the shells and rifles of the state of Dayu. We have to say that their design is amazing. Just a change in the shape of the bullets makes the muskets more powerful, and the shells are even more exquisite."

After Paston, a middle-aged man stood up. He was from the British Association for the advancement of science, and they were responsible for cracking the technology from Dayu.

"Baron Cordia, I think bullets are one problem, but rifling is another." Murphy shrugs. Cordia has a high position in British academia. This versatile scientist has designed a series of machines."Of course, it was very difficult before, but with the steam engine, rifling is no longer a problem. I think we should replace the old flint gun. "Said Cordia.

"We can't be left behind by France and Holland. It's said that Holland has bought a large number of muskets from Dayu. What makes us most ashamed and angry is that the warships of Dayu arrived in Europe in the name of escort, and then returned to Europe. Shouldn't the sea be the backyard of our Royal Navy?" Victoria looked serious.

He looked at Cordia, "I'm afraid we have lagged behind Dayu in science and technology, but now we still have a chance to catch up. It all depends on you, for the benefit of the British Empire."

"For the benefit of the Empire." They all said in unison.

Now they are facing a very obvious problem, that is, an eastern power is rising, and the most fatal thing is that they have the ability to sail to Europe.

Victoria nodded slightly. She looked at the two traitors in front of her and said, "as long as you can teach us the technology, I am willing to give you titles, castles and manors in the name of the British queen. The more changes you bring to Britain, the more you will get."

"Thank you, your majesty." One high and one low students appreciate that, for their own interests, they betrayed their country, saw the prosperity and strength of Britain, and their sense of shame gradually left them. Now they are eager to integrate into this new country.

For them, the price of betrayal is enough. , the fastest update of the webnovel!