Chapter 901

"You are welcome to follow me to England, where the great Queen Victoria will meet you personally and give you noble titles and beautiful manors."

The salty sea breeze is blowing from the sea, Kerry's hair is flying in the wind, but his mouth is sweet as honey.

"Thank you, count Kerry." The three said in unison that the translator's words made them very clear what Kerry had said.

It's really a difficult decision for them to choose to betray. In fact, in Qingzhou University, they like the atmosphere of Qingzhou very much. All kinds of skills make every student full of passion.

But their parents and family members are in Cao Kun's hands, they have no choice, and Cao Kun also told them that as long as they cooperate, they can go to England and live like aristocrats with their families, and they don't have to worry about being assassinated.

"It's a long night and a long dream. Now the emperor of Dayu must be very angry that we stole his talent." Brazille looked lazily at Kerry. "What do you say? Count Kerry. "

"Oh, I'd like to stay in Fuzhou for a day. "Kerry's eyes are shining, so he won't believe the darn franceans. Once he enters the East Indian Federation, he will have no choice but to be manipulated by Brazil.

So, from the beginning, he did not intend to return the same way, but to return to India by another secret route, and then return to Britain from India.

Moreover, he believed that Cao Kun would support him on this issue, because he knew his background and knew that Cao Kun could not stick to the end.

At that time, escaping to England was his only choice, and he didn't dare to do anything for this way.

Brazile's eyes narrowed. Now it's Cao Kun's territory. He can't do anything extraordinary. After all, both sides are cooperative.

"Well, I hope I don't see you again. With a little snort, he took three people to the city.

Seeing this, Kerry breathed a sigh of relief and said to Cao Kun, "in any case, you have to ensure that these three people will arrive in the UK, which is very important to us. "

Cao Kun nodded. Xiao Ming's army was fierce. He wanted to fight for any force he could fight for. Although he said he had left a way for himself, he was willing to take the road of merchant Council.

Because every time he dreams back in the middle of the night, he dreams of becoming the supreme power of the state of Dayu.

"Don't worry, I will escort you back safely, and I hope the count can say a few good words for me in front of Queen Victoria." Cao Kun said.

Kerry grinned. "It's natural."

They agreed that Cao Kun would send soldiers to escort Kerry westward. Now they have occupied Dali, and they can reach British India from this direction.



After the good news from Korea, good news soon came from Lin'an. At the same time, along with the news came a large amount of gold, silver and other materials.

At Qingzhou station, looking at carriages of goods and materials, Xiao Ming and cabinet ministers have a thick smile on their faces.

These materials start from Lin'an wharf, directly arrive at Dengzhou wharf, and then are transported to Qingzhou by steam locomotive.

"Here are the accounts, Emperor. "Pang Yukun trembled and handed a pamphlet to Xiao Ming. The figures on it really shocked him.

Just a glance, Xiao Ming's heart suddenly accelerated, can only say that the wealth of Chu really let him eat enough, even pure gold and silver is equal to the tax he collected in four or five years.

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor. With such money, there will be sufficient funds for the construction of Dayu state." Ge Yiren is a very suitable flatterer.

Ge Yiren is now Xiao Ming's official, but he has changed his mind very quickly, and soon he has become a firm supporter of Xiao Ming.

When GE Yiren said this, other ministers echoed and complimented him.

This time, Xiao Ming was willing to accept it. After all, it was a great joy. In recent years, the industry of Dayu was mainly concentrated in Qingzhou Prefecture.

Now with silver, he can develop industry in other cities.

"No doubt, this is a great joy, but once we have so much money, we must not waste it. We should use every copper plate in the right place. In my opinion, this money is mainly used in coal mines, railways, cement roads between prefectures, counties and villages, Guandong industrial base, Songjiang trade port, industrial construction of large cities, agricultural production and bridge construction."

Now there are a lot of things to be done in Dayu state. Xiao Ming can only give a general description, and the cabinet needs to make a detailed list. The only regret for him is that there is no bridge on the Yangtze River.

After all, at the present industrial level, he could not build a river crossing bridge on the Yangtze River, and the problem brought to him was that the economic exchanges between the north and the South were constrained, because it would mean that the railway could not extend to the south in a short period of time, and Dayu was still blocked from the South and the north.

When Xiao Ming spoke, cabinet ministers wrote down his words one after another.

Zhan Xingchang said excitedly: "the emperor, this time we need to leave more funds for the army and the military industry. Without them, we would not have got so much wealth this time. Moreover, although the business tax has increased a lot over the years, many of the wealth has been captured by the army from the enemy. The emperor once said that it is through plunder that the western countries have today's strong strength We can follow suit and take the wealth back from the western countries. "Cabinet ministers nodded after hearing the words, and the war dividend made them no longer oppose the war with certainty.

Yang Chengye said: "in recent years, Koryo has made a lot of profits from plundering the coastal areas of Dayu, especially the Japanese, and the barbarians, who have taken more things. Now another tsarist Russia has occupied the northern territory of Dayu and gained wealth from the land of Dayu. We have to recover all these things. "

Xiao Ming nodded slightly, and now these officials have more and more clearly seen the facts of the world. According to contemporary words, the world today is just a true portrayal of Darwin's jungle law.

Even in modern times, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. A big country makes rules, and others play within the rules. At this time, a big country just plays the role of a bookmaker when gambling. He is responsible for how much other people bet, and only draws a percentage, which is also called shearing.

In his time, the European powers were making the rules of the game. The emergence of Dayu, a country not controlled by the rules of the game, would inevitably lead to the redistribution of world power.

In modern history, whenever the international power is redistributed, a world war will inevitably take place. The winner will make new rules, and the loser will be ruled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!