Chapter 883


DIYing coldly looked at the list of students' reports. Since the order of jinlingcheng came back, the cabinet immediately asked the security office to strengthen the supervision of students.

"Commander, what tricks do you think the merchant Council can play? It's a bit whimsical for them to take people away from our eyes. " Said one of the guards.

DIYing snorted softly. He said, "no matter what their ability is, they can't escape from our guard's eyes. Anyway, since it's the emperor's order, we must pay attention to it. Otherwise, no one can take the responsibility for the mistake."

"Yes, commander!" A group of guards said solemnly.

After giving instructions to a group of security guards, DIYing left alone and turned a corner. He walked to a breakfast stand. Every morning, after inspecting the security guards, he would come here to eat a bowl of hot bean curd.

"Commander Di came later today, but according to the old rules, I reserved a bowl for him." As soon as she sat down, the owner of bean brain stall narrowed her eyes and began to laugh.

Because time is too late, at this time on the bean brain stand only Di Ying one person, looked around, di Ying to bean cerebral palsy host said: "thank you."

While speaking, the owner of bean cerebral palsy came over with a bowl of hot bean brain and put it down.

After taking a sip of bean curd, di Ying seems to have unintentionally said, "it's said that people should go when tea is cold. When bean curd is cold, it's time for people to go."

Bean cerebral palsy master smell speech suddenly body a suffocate, his eyes twinkled for a while, softly said: "thank you."

She didn't speak. She just lowered her head and ate bean curd. But at this time, her hand was shaking slightly, because he knew that once you walked out of this road, you would never turn back.

The hand holding the spoon became harder and harder, and deen's breath became shorter. He vaguely remembered the picture of the master of bean cerebral palsy showing 500000 Golden Dragon banknotes in front of him three months ago.

At the beginning, he just wanted to arrest the man for trial, but his words made him give up.

"General Di, you went out of your life and death for Xiao Ming, made great contributions to the war, and went to Bashu alone, but in the end you won the battle. Is the command of this security post willing for you? Now, Lu Fei, Qi Guangyi and Luo Xin are not the leading generals. What about you? You're just a scapegoat. "

”It's you who are sorry for me. "It sounded like a magic spell in Dean's ear, and he began to murmur to himself.

Since he became the commander, he has not been happy every day. He is a soldier and should go to lead the army to fight, instead of staying in Qingzhou City and catching thieves every day.

He thought that he could accept the punishment from the court, but his psychological defense was completely destroyed by the arrival of this man.

Don't know how to finish eating bean curd, DIYing slowly stood up, he looked at the bean curd stall shopkeeper who had disappeared in the stream of people.

This man is the hidden line buried by the king of Chu in Qingzhou City. He has lived in Qingzhou City for six years. If he didn't show up on his own initiative, no one would know his true identity.

Just now, he was revealing to the manager of dounao stall that everything was ready. He had designed a route for him to escape.

With a sigh, she turned and walked back. She didn't go far, only to see Wang Xuan coming towards him.

There was a cold sweat behind her back. He put his hand on the waist knife, and all kinds of thoughts filled her head.

"Commander Di, what a coincidence." Wang Xuan's dusty appearance, see Di Ying, he took the initiative to say hello.

DIYing still did not dare to relax his vigilance. He said, "Wang Tongling, are you just back? "

" yes, I'm going to come back for a few days' rest this time, and then I'll go to the south to help Li San. " Wang Xuan looked relaxed. Now the war in the north is basically over, and the work of intelligence collection is less.

Now the focus of the security work is in the south.

When she nodded, she felt something bad in her heart. She said, "what happened to the war in the south? Needless to say, Lu Fei will make great contributions again. "

Wang xuanren, who was as good as Jing, immediately heard the sour smell from di Ying's mouth. He said, "Di commander must be envious."

"There is nothing to envy. It's better to be relaxed in Qingzhou than to lose your head at any time on the battlefield." Diane had an air of indifference.

"Ah, that's a pity. As far as I know, it seems that the emperor wants to use Di's commander?" Wang Xuan said with a smile.

DIYing's body was frozen. He couldn't believe it and said, "don't lie to me, Wang Tongling. I'm only guilty now. How can I enter the army again. "

" what else can I say? In recent years, your performance in Qingzhou is in the eyes of the emperor. So much credit can offset your first mistake. Besides, you can't be blamed for that incident. The emperor once told me that it was for the common people's anger to deal with you in this way, so I'm impatient. I'm sorry for you in this matter. "

After a pause, Wang Xuan said, "it's just that the emperor is the emperor after all. It's hard to catch up with a word, so now the opportunity has come, I'm ready to let you return to your original position. ""No way, no way," he murmured. "

Wang Xuan patted DIYing on the shoulder," believe it or not, I'm going home to sleep. "

Then she left Diane alone in the street.

Her eyes wandered aimlessly, and her face was in a trance. She didn't know how long she had been standing. Her face suddenly became firm.

He immediately rushed to the guard house and said to all the guards, "everyone follow me. The detailed work of the king of Chu is in the city. Today, he is going to lead the students to flee to the south. "

the guards were so surprised that they immediately put on plate armour and left the guard house one after another to seal up the four gates of Qingzhou City.

At the same time, di Ying sent the same message to Wang Xuan.

At this time, Wang Xuangang just returned home, and when he learned the news, he realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately asked the secret guard to take action.

"Diane, you almost made a big mistake."

Wang Xuan looks at di Ying, who is the oldest group of generals in Qingzhou army. They grew up together. Now that Di Li is connected with foreign enemies, it makes him face down.

Di Ying explained all her problems, and he sighed, "I've always had a grudge in my heart these years, so I'm easily bewitched. I'm sorry for the emperor. When it's over, let the emperor deal with it."

Wang Xuan shook his head. Instead of saying anything, he followed the guard station to Qingzhou University. Now they still have a chance to stop it.

DIYing also keeps up with him. He is very wrong about this. Now the only chance to make up is to seize the manager of dounao stall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!