Chapter 868

Brandon looked at the Grand Palace in front of him with a look of wonder.

Yesterday's trip to Qingzhou made him feel a lot. The change of the state of Chongqing is rapid. Now Qingzhou City has completely changed for him.

"Mr. Brandon, please follow me." Qian Dafu appeared at the gate of the palace.

Brandon submitted his application to the Royal Palace yesterday through the negotiation group of the Netherlands in Chongqing, and he received a reply this morning.

"Thank you very much." Brandon saluted Qian Dafu and walked to the palace in awe.

Compared with his first visit, he has a mission this time, which will be related to the fate of Dutch sea routes.

After a while, they arrived in front of the imperial library. At this time, he saw Xiao Ming, the emperor of the state of Dayu. Compared with two years ago, the young emperor was more like an emperor. It seemed that there was an irresistible will in his actions.

"Brandon, see the emperor of great Yu."

Entering the imperial study, Brandon takes off his hat and salutes.

At this time, Xiao Ming was looking at the fold sent by the Secretary for agriculture. He looked up with a smile, "Brandon? I still remember you. You came to Qingzhou two years ago and bought a steam engine. "

" exactly. "Brandon was very cautious, and he said," if it wasn't for the distance between the two countries, I would be happy to come to Chongqing more often. "

" it's a pity. " Xiao Ming narrowed his eyes and said, "what's the purpose of your coming to Dayu this time?"

Brandon liked Xiao Ming's straightforward character, so as to avoid wasting too much words. He said: "Your Majesty, I have been appointed by the Dutch Parliament to come here again this time, hoping to reach more cooperation with Dayu at sea. I think your majesty should know that British and Portuguese merchant ships have been attacking our merchant ships all the time, so if you can't do something about it If there are two routes to provide protection, then our trade will be affected continuously. "

after hearing this, Xiao Ming gave a laugh and said," ambassador Brandon, the British and Portuguese attacked the merchant ships of Holland, not the merchant ships of Chongqing. You seem to have made a mistake. "

Brandon said that he really played a smart trick on this issue. In fact, the trade between the Netherlands and Chongqing is basically a surplus trade.

Every time, Dutch merchant ships bought things from Dayu and transported them back to Europe. Dayu never went to Europe to buy anything. Even if it did, it was a merchant in the South who was not controlled by the royal family in the north.

So, on the route from Asia to Europe, they are always suffering losses.

"Your Majesty is right, but your majesty, after all, we have signed a treaty, haven't we?" Brandon warned.

"Of course I remember, but it is very clear in the treaty that Dayu only guarantees the safety of Dutch merchant ships on Asian routes, isn't it?"

"That's true. That's why I come to Dayu this time. I hope your highness can cooperate with us in the Netherlands." Brandon's forehead began to sweat. The emperor of Chongqing was a difficult character to deal with.

Xiao Ming frowned. Although Britain had blocked him up behind his back, it was not clear that he was going to war with Dayu.

If he and the Dutch act rashly against the British navy, he will add another front after the barbarians, the Japanese and the Chu.

After all, the civil war may start at any time.

Most importantly, among European countries, he is not optimistic about Holland.

According to what he learned from other European business people, the Netherlands is now Europe's largest lender.

It can be said that the Netherlands is now a treasury guarded by the Navy.

But the problem is that when the Netherlands lends to every European country, it also means that it has to maintain good relations with European countries.

If he goes to war with Britain or France, it will mean that these European countries will immediately stop paying most of the interest on their loans, which will do great harm to the overall prosperity.

The worst problem is that no matter which European country the Netherlands is involved in, it will mean it is fighting with its own borrowers.

For this reason, the Dutch avoid all-round cooperation with any country, but follow the principle that debt is the absolute principle, and those borrowing countries are not polite to the Netherlands.

At the same time, they kept creating disputes with the Netherlands, which resulted in the Dutch getting involved in the war, supporting military spending and losing a lot of interest.

It is said that the Netherlands lost a lot of income during the French Revolution.

Moreover, the Dutch have a small territory, no resources and insufficient development potential. On land, they are easy to be hanged by France, Czarist Russia and Prussia. Therefore, it is not reliable to expect the Dutch to be their loyal allies in Europe.

However, although the Dutch declined in this period, he was still a big dog in Europe due to the accumulation of several centuries.

Otherwise, the Netherlands would not be called the world bank by the current Europe.

For all these reasons, Xiao Ming is only willing to develop economy and trade with the Netherlands, otherwise he will be betrayed by the Dutch.However, in addition to this reason, he denied that there was an exchange of interests in this matter, so he first suppressed Brandon.

Like European countries in urgent need of funds, Xiao Ming also wants to borrow some money from this big dog.

"It's a very risky act. It's under the control of the British Navy out of Malacca. I can't take this risk. What's more, such risk is not equal to the actual benefits." Xiao Ming continues to deny.

Brandon was a little worried. The declining Netherlands needed to cooperate with the eastern empire. He said: "Your Majesty, I know this request is too much, but it is also for the long-term prosperity of the trade between Chongqing and the Netherlands. In order to achieve cooperation, we can accept the reasonable request of Chongqing."

Xiao Ming's eyes twinkled. It seems that the Dutch know more about the rules between countries than he thought. He said: "there is only one benefit in the interaction between countries. It seems that you understand this truth. In this case, I will say that as far as I know, the Netherlands has provided huge loans for Britain, France and even Czarist Russia, which greatly promoted the development of these countries, such as the United Kingdom, France and Russia Today, the state of Chongqing is in need of a lot of waste, and it also needs a huge amount of capital support. Therefore, I want to borrow 10 million ducats from you. "

"Borrowing? Ten million ducats? " Brandon felt dizzy. Ducat is the current gold coin in circulation in the Netherlands. A Ducat weighs three grams. The ten million Ducat is basically equal to 600000 taels of gold. For the Netherlands, it is also a huge loan.

"Your Majesty, the amount of this loan is really large. The most important thing is that the Netherlands and Dayu are so far apart that it is a problem to guarantee the repayment of the loan. "Brandon is a congressman and a businessman. He's not stupid.

He doesn't want to sign such a large list without guarantee. , the fastest update of the webnovel!