Chapter 845

"Emperor, I have to say that this kind of military can is a great invention for the army, because it will greatly reduce the pressure of logistics, and can support soldiers to fight far away, but the only disadvantage is that the glass bottle is very inconvenient to transport and easy to break."

Luo Quan in the general staff raised his doubts.

Xiao Ming is looking at the sand table terrain of the state of Dayu. He is quite helpless. In fact, he is not unaware of the disadvantages of glass cans. But at present, the fastest way to get canned food is to produce glass cans, because it is imminent to attack the state of Chu.

While producing glass cans, he didn't give up the idea of making metal cans. It was more complicated to build a production line of metal cans than that of glass cans.

That's why he chose to set up a glass canning workshop first. Even if the army stopped purchasing glass cans, the workshop could produce canned fruits and sell them to the people.

As for the process of iron can, it involves the manufacture of tinplate metal can, which includes two processes, one is tinplate, the other is tin can.

If we want to realize the combination of this process, we need the combination of chemical and mechanical. Because of this, the production of metal cans is probably more than half a year later than that of glass cans, and he can't wait so long.

Fortunately, this process is not too complicated. There are many ways of tin plating, among which the simplest one is immersion tin plating.

This method is to immerse the tin sheet into the solution containing tin salt, and deposit tin coating on the surface of the sheet according to the principle of chemical replacement. Tin is non-toxic, so it can be used to store food. After all, food will rust when it comes into direct contact with our iron. This tin plating process was invented in the early 19th century.

In addition to tin plating, it's also the process of tinning, which is much more complicated than tin plating. Lin Wentao was asked to produce a kind of rounding machine.

During the production of cans, the iron pieces will be cut out according to the size of the cans. The part of the can body will roll in the rounding machine, and it will be curled into cans when it comes out, and then the bottom and cover of the cans will be formed and sealed by curling.

"I know what you mean, but this is the quickest way at present. You should try to use it first. When the metal cans appear, you will be comfortable." Xiao Ming said.

He did not come to the general staff specially for the purpose of canning, but to make a combat plan against the state of Chu.

Luo Quan's eyes are full of expectations. He attaches great importance to this kind of canned food that can be easily carried. After many years of marching and fighting, he deeply understands what changes this kind of canned food will bring to the army.

"In that case, I'm at ease." Luo Quan stroked his beard and laughed.

Then he went to Xiao Ming and said, "emperor, I think there is something to do before attacking Chu."

"What's the matter?"

Luo Quan went to the map in the staff headquarters. He pointed to the barbarians in the north and the Japanese on the Korean Peninsula and said: "as far as I know, the king of Chu has been secretly communicating with the barbarians, and the Cao family has business contacts with the Japanese. If the army goes south, maybe the barbarians and the Japanese will take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. Therefore, I think that before attacking the Chu state, we must stabilize the border Qi Guangyi can't make waves, but what if the Japanese take the opportunity to come

Xiao Ming nodded, "if I attack the king of Chu, the two hungry wolves will not come up and bite, but if I attack the wolf first, the state of Chu will not dare to send troops, because it will be treason."

"Yes, that's what I think." Luo Quan said.

In fact, Xiao Ming had the idea to clean up the Japanese nation for a long time, but he had to fight one by one. Now that the barbarians have fallen, the Japanese nation has become a worry for the north.

After pondering for a while, he said: "I will give Yue Yun an instruction, asking him to block the sea area between the Japanese and Korea, cut off the connection between the Japanese army and the local people in Korea, and then let Ye Qingyun destroy it at one stroke. After all, without food and grass supply, they will be demoralized."

"It's a good time to use the Navy." Luo Quan was relieved.

Looking to the south of Korea, Xiao Ming said that he would not give Japan the chance to initiate war. In his time, the initiative of war was in his hands.

Xiao Ming, Luo Quan and a group of staff members discussed the specific combat plan. Then, in the name of Xiao Ming, the plan was sent from the staff headquarters to Dengzhou and haigucheng respectively. After the war in the North ended, they returned to their respective bases.

Three days later, the news arrived at the Dengzhou naval base. Under Xiao Ming's command, Yue Yun immediately assembled his fleet to prepare for the Japanese waters.

"That's great. We can finally let the Japanese Navy taste the power of our new type of shells. "Yue Yun is high spirited.

Since the navy fleet was fully equipped with new shells, he was ready to fight. The power of the shells made him very confident now, because they used them in the process of chasing pirates.

It only takes a few rounds to sink the pirate's warship. It's very powerful.

In his view, Japanese Navy and pirates are no different, they are no longer afraid of pirates' Wolf tactics, they are not afraid of Japanese wolf tactics.At the same time, Xiao Ming's orders also arrived at haigucheng camp.

After reading the order, ye Qingyun stretched his waist, he said: "gather eight thousand people, we have to work."

"Work?" The teachers looked at each other.

Ye Qingyun said: "the emperor asked us to take the initiative to start a war against the Japanese nation, to drive the Japanese pirates back to their native land and completely control Korea."

Hearing the speech, everyone was immediately happy. A division commander said, "commander, are these 8000 people enough?"

"If 8000 people can't even find trouble with the tattered firearms used by the Japanese, you and I can go home and plant sweet potatoes." Ye Qingyun scolded.

Another person asked, "how can we provoke? "

" what more reason is needed for provocation? Directly fight the Japanese pirates to death, and then occupy kumuqiao, which is the only way to South Korea nearby. "

The crowd nodded. Now the stone bridge across the river is occupied by Japanese pirates, who often invade the Korean territory through this bridge.

In haigucheng, they often heard Japanese pirates sneaking across the river to plunder.

Therefore, ye Qingyun has been holding back his anger for a long time, and now this edict officially gives him a chance to vent his anger.

Thinking of this, he roared: "what are you doing in a daze? Now bring your best soldiers and best weapons. This time we want the Japanese pirates to understand what kind of powerful country they have provoked."

A group of war maniacs burst into laughter, and they quickly transferred the elite of the army to seize the bridge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!