Chapter 760

The white smog locomotive kept going away, accelerating after leaving Qingzhou station.

Seeing this, the common people follow the steam locomotive one after another. In the boring life of lack of entertainment, they don't want to miss this magical thing. At least they have another conversation after dinner. After the

locomotive's speed rises, Fiji's face is red. He said, "the old man should be holding his own mouth. Now, the steam locomotive can catch up with the horse at least. "

" what's more, not only can you run past horses, but also you don't need to rest like horses. The only thing you need is to set up water and coal supply stations along the way. " Princess Pingyang said with a smile.

This trial run was perfect. Everyone saw the process of raising the speed of the steam locomotive. In the process of raising the speed, the steam locomotive also pulled eight cars, which could hold a lot of goods in the future.

Pang Yukun was also very happy, but he was also worried about the money from the state treasury. He said: "emperor, the railway is a huge project that costs people and money. Now it costs more than 300000 silver to build the Qingzhou railway. If the six states are connected, it will cost at least ten million liang of silver. I'm afraid the government can't afford it."

Fiji and Pang Yukun jointly run the national treasury, which is clear. Apart from railway construction, the National Treasury's money is also used in many places, such as military expenditure, culture and education, official salaries, road construction in various states and counties, and workshops needed to be built for the reform. All these make the national treasury hard up.

Princess Pingyang frowned. She said, "the emperor is very happy. How can you mention this disappointment? There are always some ways. Now the merchants in Qingzhou make a lot of money. They have to give some money."

After a pause, Princess Pingyang said to Xiao Ming, "Your Majesty, you are too polite to these businessmen. In the past, none of these businessmen did not give filial piety to the imperial court every year. Now, they put all the money they earned into their pockets, and they also fight for profits with the imperial court. It's not decent."

In fact, like Princess Pingyang, many officials now have some opinions on businessmen. After all, the decrees of Qingzhou are biased towards businessmen in the past.

With a slight smile, Xiao Ming said, "aunt, that's not right. If the people are rich, the country will be rich, and if the businessmen are rich, the National Treasury will be sufficient. Now all the money in the national treasury comes from selling steam engines. It's all the money of businessmen. Moreover, I have told Li Kaiyuan that I want to regularize the industrial and commercial tax, and set up a special tax office and tax department. In the future, they will pay taxes on businessmen and the people Tax collection. "

Pang Yukun and Fijian immediately laughed when they heard the speech. They were about to mention it, but they didn't expect Xiao Ming to be ahead of them.

Princess Pingyang nodded with satisfaction. She said, "emperor Shengming, this tax is the most important thing in the country. Only when the tax is sufficient, can the imperial court afford to support officials, build cement roads and railways, and buy firearms for the army, so that the state of Dayu can defeat the surrounding Barbarians and maintain a peaceful and prosperous age. "

" what my aunt said is that I am going to restructure the tax next. "Xiao Ming pondered that a large part of the reason for the collapse of the contemporary Ming Dynasty was that the tax revenue could not be collected. In the end, the country could not even afford to support the army, resulting in the situation that the powerful were rich and the country was poor.

With this lesson, Xiao Ming naturally did not dare to follow the example of the Ming Dynasty and indulged the rich and businessmen too much. When the tax department was established, the businessmen who paid taxes could only get the guide to do business with their tax certificates.

Businessmen who evade taxes and leak water will not only lose the qualification of doing business, but also be punished.

A group of people are talking about looking for money to build the railway. At this time, a burst of exclamation suddenly sounded not far away.

Xiao Ming and others saw two westerners, an old man and a young man, coming towards them through the crowd, but they were stopped outside by the guards.

However, the older Westerners seem to be very reluctant to say anything to the guards.

"Zhao long, go and ask what's going on?" Xiao Ming said.

Zhao long left in response, and soon turned back and said, "emperor, these two barbarians say that they are businessmen from the west, and that they want to study in Qingzhou University."

"Joke, Qingzhou university is not where they can go." Fijian first said: "all of these barbarians around have learned the crafts of the state of Dayu, and then they bite back. They are really afraid of power but not benevolent. The emperor will never let them enter Qingzhou University."

"I think it's better to drive them out of the state of Dayu directly. They are so bold that they disturb Shengjia. Are they going to die?" Princess Pingyang has always been disgusted with the people of these foreign countries.

When she was in Chang'an, occasionally Persians came to Chang'an to do business. At that time, Princess Pingyang showed hostility to these people.

Xiao Ming looked at the two, and naturally Qingzhou university could not be opened to them. Otherwise, the things of Qingzhou university would not have been learned, and the technology blockade would have become empty talk.

What's more, the performance of these two people made him more firm in his own ideas, because at this time, the pursuit of science and technology in Europe has reached a fanatical level, and even science has become the belief of many people.

He was more convinced by their reckless intrusion.

After pondering for a while, he said, "it's not Europe to drive them out of Dayu. In Dayu, we should abide by the rules of Dayu. This is also a wake-up call for all Western businessmen in Qingzhou. "When he talks, Xiao Ming thinks whether he wants to get a visa. Before these people enter the state of Dayu, he asks them the purpose of coming to Dayu. If he finds that the motive is not pure, he will be directly out of the country.

After all, these Western blind people have brought a lot of harm to the Chongqing parliament, whether they are acting as spies or learning technology secretly.

At Xiao Ming's command, Zhao Long immediately asked the bodyguard to expel them from the state of Dayu. From today on, the technical blockade will be implemented step by step.

In the past, the train disappeared in the eyes of the public and continued to go north.

Xiao Ming wanted to go after him on horseback, but he finally gave up the idea. When the steam locomotive left the station, it proved its success.

Next, he is faced with the problem of extending the railway, which requires a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming was glad that he had set up Qingzhou chamber of Commerce. Now, in addition to taxing businessmen, he has to strengthen national trade behavior.

Qingzhou chamber of Commerce will definitely take the lead in Korea's business this time. The rest of the cake will be divided among businessmen.

It is very important to develop private trade, but silver is also very important to the imperial court. When commerce is just a seedling, he can only rely on state trade to bring sufficient silver to the Treasury.

Only with sufficient silver can he lay a solid foundation for the state of Dayu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!