Chapter 590

The bedroom is wrapped in the sweet smell of roasted sweet potato.

Xiao Ming and Fei yue'er eat one delicious. Of course, he didn't forget the princess. Just now, he had sent someone to send some roasted sweet potatoes to the princess.

"Your Highness, this sweet potato is so delicious and high-yield. It's really a blessing for the state of Chongqing." Fei Yue son chews slowly, the smile in the eye is more and more thick.

Xiao Ming nodded: "now that there are potatoes and sweet potatoes, the king of agriculture will be at ease."

For him, he mainly introduced these two kinds of high-yield crops. As for other cash crops, he was not in a hurry. After all, the people of Dayu now only pursue food and clothing, rather than seeking nutrition as modern people do.

Fei yue'er nodded, and then she said, "now your highness does not need to worry about agriculture, nor does he need to worry about the textile industry. After the steam engine entered the textile workshop, the production of cloth in the textile workshop increased greatly. Now the cotton from Chu is not enough."

While saying this, Fei yue'er takes a piece of blue cloth from the table to Xiao Ming.

"This is the cloth spun by the textile mill?" Xiao Ming spread the cloth on his hand and stroked it. Although the cloth was dyed, the surface of the cloth was very smooth, and each cotton thread was very close.

Holding the cloth, he tugged hard again, which showed that the cloth was very strong. Generally speaking, it was the most exquisite cloth Xiao Ming had ever seen in Dayu.

"It's not true. Only the textile machine and steam engine in the textile workshop can produce such cloth. Now my concubines are preparing to use these cloth to produce military uniforms for the army. But now the steam engine has greatly increased the output of the textile workshop. The cotton is not enough, and the price of cotton in Chu is higher because of this."

Speaking of this, Fei yue'er is a little unhappy, probably blaming the cotton merchants in Chu for taking the opportunity to raise the price.

Xiao Ming didn't think much of this. He said, "in fact, it's very simple. When the price of cotton goes up, the price of the cloth will go up. At that time, let our merchants sell it to Chu at a high price, and the profit will come back."

Fei yue'er immediately laughed when hearing the words, and she said: "Your Highness said yes, I'll let lvluo raise the price of cloth sold to Chu merchants."

Xiao Ming spent a short time with Fei yue'er because of the war in Wei. Now he seems to have endless words.

After finishing the sweet potato and cloth business, Fei yue'er suddenly asked with great interest: "Your Highness, when my concubine gave a lecture to the women's college yesterday, a female student talked about feudal system and constitutional monarchy."

"Who said that?" Smell speech, Xiao Ming's brow wrinkled up.

Seeing that Xiao Ming looked solemn, Fei yue'er didn't dare to hide it and said, "this female student is no other than Yang Shiman, the daughter of Yang Chengye, the governor of Dengzhou. Her concubine also asked her, but what she said was that the Dutch businessman told her about the binary constitutional monarchy and the parliamentary constitutional monarchy. "Yes."

"Dutch businessman." Xiao Ming nodded. "It's not surprising that Yang Chengye has a lot to do with the Dutch. It's hard to avoid learning something from the Dutch population."

Fei yue'er is his pillow, and Xiao Ming usually teaches her a lot of knowledge that the state of Dayu doesn't have, but he didn't tell Fei yue'er about the political system of these countries.

Now feiyuer asked, he explained: "the feudal system of the Dutch population refers to the current state system of Dayu state. This system is based on the hierarchical enfeoffment of the aristocratic ruling class, the possession of land and farmers and other wealth. As for the constitutional monarchy, it is the system of government in many western countries. Generally speaking, the constitutional monarchy is divided into binary system, constitutional monarchy and deliberative system It is a constitutional monarchy

Fei yue'er showed an interested look. After reading the books of Bowen college, she gradually became interested in other parts of the world.

After a sip of tea, he continued: "the essence of monarchy is to establish parliament to restrict the rights of the monarch, but the difference is that in the dual system of constitutional monarchy, the rights of the emperor are higher than that of the parliament, and the emperor of the parliamentary system of constitutional monarchy has the opportunity to lose part of his rights, or even become a decoration."

"What is this Council?" asked Fei yue'er.

"In short, it is the highest authority representing the interests of merchants, which has all the rights of the emperor." Xiao Ming explained.

Fei yue'er frowned and said, "it's really strange in western countries. Why can an organization representing the interests of businessmen rule a country? If so, doesn't this country become a tool for businessmen to collect money?"

Xiao Ming was a little surprised. He looked at Fei yue'er and asked, "do you think this kind of national system is not good?"

"Not good." Fei Yue son's answer is firm, "businessmen pursue profits, for the benefit of what they can do."

Xiao Ming said with a smile: "it's just that feudal autocracy has its own disadvantages. It's just that people who collect money have changed from businessmen to powerful people. There is no difference in essence."

Fei yue'er said: "Your Highness is also right, so a generation of bright monarchs can prosper the country, a generation of dim monarchs can subjugate the country, but your highness is not subject to the interference of western countries because of your destiny."

Xiao Ming sighed. For him, the real crisis is far from the internal strife of the state of Dayu, nor the covetous powers. The biggest crisis actually comes from the interior of Dayu.Now, in order to improve the level of civilization, he has made universal education in the feudal state, and the result is to open up the wisdom of the people. Once the wisdom of the people is opened up, the people and merchants will actively participate in state affairs.

At that time, there will be no glorious revolution in Britain or the French Revolution.

Just because of this, Fei yue'er's mention of this incident suddenly raised a haze in his heart, because maybe one day his enemy was the people who once supported him.

Because he would not allow the glorious revolution of Britain and the French Revolution to happen in Dayu, nor would he allow capital to control the country.

In his view, the system is not the decisive factor to determine the rise and fall of a country, because no matter what system is implemented by people, the final problem is bad in the hands of those who implement it. Just because of this, contemporary China has been advocating the rule of virtue since ancient times.

However, it is not appropriate for him to maintain the feudal autocracy, so he will follow the pace of the times and make some changes in the government of Dayu, but he will not follow the example of the West. For him, he is more inclined to combine China with the west, and take the middle way to govern the country.

However, it is too early to talk about the reform of the political system before the stability of Dayu state. Now he needs a stable environment to centralize power to end the current situation of feudalism. Otherwise, once there is civil strife, he will lose his arm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!