Chapter 543

Li San recalled the information about Pengzhou in his mind.

Xiao Ming wanted to attack Pengzhou, so as a secret guard to collect intelligence, he had to explore Pengzhou first.

and since he became a secret guard, he has gradually come into contact with the eyes of other kings, but in general, he is very confident in his own establishment. After all, they have many classic books to learn.

In the past two years, they have learned from practice, established a set of mature internal organizations, and also cultivated some excellent secret guards.

"Your Highness, there are many mountains around Pengzhou. Pengzhou City is basically in the basin terrain that your highness often says. In my opinion, because of the mountains, it is difficult for this large-scale army to gather outside the city and pose a threat to the city. Moreover, there are two rivers, bianshui and Surabaya, which flow southward after they meet. Now these two rivers have become the natural moats of Pengzhou Physically speaking, there are mountains on both sides of Pengzhou and water on the north. "

Xiao Ming frowned at Wen Yan. What Li San said was that the geographical location of Xuzhou in his science and technology library was consistent.

In history, bianshui River and Sishui River have been invaded by the Yellow River for a long time. Because of the restriction of the surrounding mountains of Xuzhou, the river has been very stable. Bianshui River comes from the west, while Sishui river flows into Pengzhou City from Xiao Ming's fiefdom.

Now these two rivers are not only moats but also channels for Pengzhou City. The Grand Canal of Chongqing passing through Pengzhou City is through bianshui River and Sishui river. Now the merchant ships of Qingzhou chamber of Commerce have to pass through here.

In short, you can go to Qilu and Youzhou in the north along the Surabaya River, Jinling and Yangzhou in the south along the bianshui River, and even enter the Yangtze River to reach the fiefdoms of the king of Chu. From the west, you can reach the Guanzhong area such as Chang'an and Luoyang. Its location can be said to be the hub connecting the north and the south, the East and the West.

It is for this reason that Xiao Ming's first reaction after the king of Wei refused to form an alliance was to take Pengzhou City. After all, this place, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and also a transportation hub, is really disgusting in the hands of the king of Wei, because it means that he will always face the risk of the king of Wei poking chrysanthemums.

If he took this place, he would be tearing open the door of Wei land. From then on, Wei land was flat and let him gallop and easily turn defensive into offensive.

"Your Highness, in addition to the easy terrain and difficult to defend and attack, the folk customs of Pengzhou City are also extremely fierce. Pengzhou people are brave and good at fighting, and they are not inferior to the common people of Qi. In addition, there are 50000 elite soldiers stationed in Pengzhou City. These soldiers are all local people of Pengzhou, and most of the generals come here. With the private soldiers of these families, the strength of Pengzhou City is not a small number 。” Li Sanyue said that he was more worried.

The city of Pengzhou is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the army in the city is not a weak brigade.

"Since ancient times, Pengzhou has been a place for military strategists to fight for. The soldiers are strong and the king knows it. Because of this, it is even more necessary for the king to take Pengzhou. Otherwise, if the king of Zhao attacks with the barbarians, the king will suffer from both sides." Xiao Ming looks firm.

Li San nodded solemnly. When Xiao Ming said that, he felt that Pengzhou City was really important.

After a pause, he continued: "Your Highness, I also learned about the local rich families. The first family in Pengzhou City is the MI family. Now Mi Wenyi, the eldest son of the MI family, is the head of the Wei palace. In addition, the second family is the Lu family..."

Xiao Ming nodded as he listened. Li San had a good grasp of the news of Pengzhou City. Now he knows Pengzhou city very well.

"You will gather all the information into a book. In addition, I need a detailed topographic map of Pengzhou City." Xiao Ming pondered for a moment. As the saying goes, "know your enemy and know your friend, win every battle. Before the war comes, he must master the detailed information.".

But this is only part of the work, he said to Li San: "how do the local aristocrats think of the king?"

"As your highness thinks, the powerful people in Pengzhou are very hostile to your highness. They often say disrespectful words, which is also the concern of your highness. If your highness attacks Pengzhou City, I'm afraid these local people will fight to death."

Xiao Ming gave a wry smile. In order to eradicate the powerful families that had fettered Qingzhou, he was a little tough. Now his behavior in those years has become a vicious act in the eyes of these powerful families. However, even so, he still did not regret his decision at that time.

The state of Dayu has been numb for a long time under the rule of these famous families. If they can't eradicate these malignant tumors completely, they will continue to suck the blood of Dayu.

Thinking of this, he had a decision in his heart, so he said to Li San, "this is true for the rich. What about the common people?"

"The people praised his highness very much." Li San said with a smile that he was very proud of it.

"Then can the secret guards encourage the people to make trouble?" Xiao Ming asked.

When Li San came here, he knew that this was the key point for Xiao Ming to find him. He said, "it's very difficult to go back to your highness. The people have lived under the oppression of the haos for a long time, or the local people have become the vassal of the haos. They dare not act rashly when they are not sure that your highness can conquer Pengzhou City."

"Well, in that case, try again when Wang attacks Pengzhou City." Xiao Ming said that since Li San said so, he must have bought some people.

He didn't expect these people to decide the outcome of the war, but it would be nice to distract the Pengzhou army.Having detailed information, Xiao Ming asks Li San to go back.

Three days later, Li San returned again. At this time, he gave him a complete map of the terrain and army deployment of Pengzhou City, and he asked the craftsmen of the equipment department to make the sand table overnight.

The next day, he called together the generals who participated in the siege to observe the map of Pengzhou City and make a detailed attack plan. He didn't think of any mistakes in such an important war.

Like Xiao Ming, Niu Zhen and others frowned when they saw the map.

"Your Highness, it seems that Pengzhou City is a hard bone. We can only attack Pengzhou City from the front. Moreover, the land in front of Pengzhou City is too narrow for the soldiers' line formation." Niu said.

Luo Xin said directly: "Pengzhou City has neither artillery nor firearm team. It seems that the king of Wei regarded the equipment he bought as a treasure. In this case, we took the method of attacking the mountain customs. Mortar guns threw lime bombs and explosives broke the city."

"Rosin's right. Go straight to the gun." Lu Fei's spleen has not changed, direct and straightforward.

Niu Zhen snorted, and he said, "it's easy to say. There's a wide moat outside Pengzhou. You're talking about how to bury explosives."

Luo Xin didn't look at the sand table carefully just now. Then he saw it and began to giggle.

Niu Zhen then turned to Xiao Ming. His highness said, "the last general has a way. Please mobilize two or three warships to help." , the fastest update of the webnovel!