Chapter 509

The grass was stained with blood, and the smell of blood was diffused in the air.

The smell of blood seemed to awaken the barbarians' savagery and fury. They temporarily forgot the dead soldiers in front of them, and only had the fantasy of killing the people of Dayu in their mind.

"Flag head, do we have to endure all this time?" Asked a centurion.

Gu ertai said: "of course, we should be patient. Now Shanhaiguan is in the hands of the army of Dayu. Only when there is chaos in Dayu, can we destroy Dayu once and for all while King Liang borrows troops. At that time, our dead soldiers will take thousands of lives of Dayu to compensate. On that day, I will eat the king of Qi alive."

Here, gultai's eyes are full of tyranny.

Looking at the direction of the mountain customs with hatred, gultalma went towards the tribe. He thought that the cavalry of the mountain customs would attack their tribe again.

But from the current situation, it seems that this army is only to kill the scouts.

Since Beishan was defeated in the Jizhou war, the huyantuo tribe has been re used, and the Wushu bone has been more and more used in dataiji. It seems that Tian Khan's position must be his.

Because of this, he not only cleared the charge of Cangzhou war, but also sent 50000 elite cavalry under his command, in order to let him guard the grassland outside the Shanhaiguan Pass and prevent the army of the king of Qi from going deep into the grassland, posing a threat to Jinzhang.

The other barbarian generals looked in the direction of gurtai's departure, sighed deeply, and asked the other soldiers to bring back the body of the scouts. The barbarian cavalry went away like a torrent.

Outside the location of the ambush, the Scouts of Youzhou are observing the movements of the barbarians with binoculars.

In the past, after fighting with the barbarians, the barbarian cavalry would always yell at Shanhaiguan, but today these barbarian cavalry are somewhat abnormal.

Seeing this, the scouts turned and went to Shanhaiguan. They wanted to tell thunder the news.

Shanhaiguan, governor's office.

Thunder is writing war report. Soon, a scouting comes to report the unusual action of barbarians to thunder.

"It's strange when the barbarians changed their temperament." Lei Ming frowned, and then he wrote the news into the war report. The messenger rushed to Qingzhou.

Three days later, the battle report from Youzhou arrived in Qingzhou smoothly. Niu Zhen, who got the news, immediately sent the battle report to king Qi's residence.

At the same time, he and Pang Yukun went to the palace again to discuss the matter.

"Your Highness, this time thunder killed 300 barbarian scouts outside the pass. What's different is that the barbarians didn't come to the pass to provoke as they used to." Niu said.

These days, Xiao Ming has been busy with the government affairs of Qingzhou. After discussing this plan, the three people thought that the barbarians would go out of the pass to yell for revenge and lure Guan Ning's cavalry to fight. However, they were obviously wrong about this.

"It's really strange that the barbarians have learned to be turtles." Xiao Ming said suspiciously that although the barbarians were driven out of the pass by him, they are more arrogant outside the pass than inside the pass. They often send people to detain the pass and abuse the soldiers at the head of the city. This kind of provocation has been used since they lost Shanhai Pass.

Every time thunder comes out of Shanhaiguan, the barbarians will only get more and more annoyed, and sometimes they will even attack Shanhaiguan. It's really fun to play with thunder.

"Barbarians are savage and cruel in nature, but they are also very cunning. Maybe they just set traps to let Guan Ning's cavalry continue to go deep in order to eliminate Guan Ning's cavalry." Said Pang.

Niu Zhen said: "with the end of the general's understanding of the barbarians, they must be plotting something. The reason why the barbarians are so arrogant and reckless these years is that they think they can easily annex the state of Dayu. Now they have suffered losses in our hands many times. The barbarians are expected to use conspiracy as before. In those years, Shanhaiguan was broken by the barbarians from the inside."

Xiao Ming nodded, "in this case, we have to strengthen our prevention. Now our father is seriously ill, and the court may be in chaos at any time. What I fear most is that the barbarians will take the opportunity to enter."

Niu Zhen continued: "Your Highness, in this case, we need to speed up the advance of the fortress strategy. Next, we need to focus on equipping the Youzhou army to form a combat force."

Pang Yukun echoed and said: "yes, your highness, my highness suggested that your highness postpone the overseas development. Now the sea route is in our hands. We only need Yue Yun to maintain the route. We can't fight on two lines at this time. Otherwise, I'm afraid we can't cope with it at all. As the old saying goes, although the cloud country is big, it will die if it's belligerent. As soon as the war begins, the people will be in dire straits. Your Highness has worked hard for three years I'm afraid that the accumulation is about to collapse, so your highness must not be impulsive. Now, he should make a long-distance and close attack, and take the strategy of combining vertical and horizontal. His highness is very good at dealing with the Dutch affairs. If he can ease the war, he must ease the war, so as to provide time for the development of Qingzhou. "

Xiao Ming deeply thinks that now, as the head of the feudal state, he naturally understands this more and more. He dare not say that I can fight 100 each. It's his own death.

Even today, the United States relies on many allies rather than on its own.

After thinking about this, Xiao Ming said: "Pang Changshi's view is the same as Zhan Xingchang's. We have our own sense of propriety in our mind. From now on, we should act according to the plan and send this war report to the imperial court. If our father can spend more time, we will have more time to prepare."They looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

In the presence of Niu Zhen and Pang Yukun, Xiao Ming wrote a memorial in person. In the memorial, Xiao Ming deliberately exaggerated the battle between the barbarians outside Shanhai Pass and guanning's cavalry. Meanwhile, he asked empress Zhao and the prince to take good care of Xiao Wenxuan.

When the memorial is ready, Xiao Ming gives it to Pang Yukun, who sends the messenger to Chang'an.

Then the three discussed the current situation and went back to their respective places.

Seeing off Pang Yukun and Niu Zhen, Xiao Ming looks to the northwest, which is king Yong's territory. Now he is most worried about coal and iron, which are abundant in King Yong's fiefdoms.

If Dayu really falls into civil strife, his first thing is to guarantee the source of these two materials, otherwise it will seriously affect the development of Qingzhou. As for saltpeter, he is not too worried. According to Claire, although they are at war with Britain, their trade has not stopped, and they can get high-quality saltpeter from India.

As for sulfur, I'm afraid that in the case of Japan's shortage of resources, we have to sell it to him in exchange for other resources.

While he was meditating, a servant suddenly came to the main hall from the outside and said to him, "Your Highness, the craftsman of the equipment department has sent the clock to your highness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!